TNA Impact, PPV's discussion

Breaking Exclusive: TNA Makes Major Creative Team Change
According to several TNA sources, Vince Russo is no longer a part of the TNA creative team, and former WWE creative team member Dave Lagana is now the new head of TNA creative. The previous head of creative had been Bruce Prichard, who as far as we have been told is still working with TNA.Dave Lagana had formerly been working with TNA on the new Ring Ka King promotion in India. More on this developing story as it becomes available.
In regard to rumors that began making their way around the Internet today, here is the deal:
Dave Lagana is not replacing Vince Russo on the TNA Creative Team. Lagana is at tonight's Against All Odds PPV and is "helping out", according to one top placed source in the company. Lagana was hired by the company last year specifically to work on Ring Ka King and other potential new series, not the Impact brand. He is at the PPV helping to produce backstage segments.Vince Russo is not at the PPV and while there are some in the company that believe he is gone, nothing has been announced to the TNA roster or staff. Sources I spoke to either declined to comment or weren't aware of what Russo's situation was. "Nothing has been said officially to anyone," according to one person who was in today's production meetings.Russo was not the head of Creative. Bruce Prichard had and still has that title. That said, the title being moved to Prichard was something of a cosmetic change anyway with the feeling that fans would give the Impact series a fresh chance. In recent months, the team of Russo and Matt Conway had been writing scripts for Impact. The scripts then went to Bruce Prichard for tinkering and then Eric Bischoff would put his own feedback in during production meetings at the Impact Wrestling tapings and PPVs. While it's often presented as if Bischoff is involved in the day to day of creative, the reality is that as "Executive Producer", he never sees the scripts until the day of the tapings and is often asking questions about where characters and stories stand and are going. Prichard is more involved in the actual process but until recently, the scripts were Conway and Russo.So, ignoring rumors, that is where everything stands.
Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash will be handling the commentary at the TNA PPV tonight. No word yet as to why Taz won't be doing the PPV.
Jesse Sorensen was taken to the hospital for testing since he was knocked out in the opening match at tonight's Against All Odds and the company didn't want to take any chances.TNA President Dixie Carter announced on Twitter that Jesse Sorensen suffered a neck injury in the opener of tonight's PPV. Sorensen was undergoing testing the last we had heard.They announced that Taz was missing the show due to a "loss in his family." Obviously, everyone here at wishes Taz and his family nothing but the best and we are deeply sorry for their loss.
New York Giants Star Appearing On Impact, Why Taz Missed PPV
– After a deal fell through for Jason Pierre-Paul of the Super Bowl champions New York Giants to appear on this Thursday's episode of Impact Wrestling, TNA Wrestling has secured another player for the event.TNA Wrestling president Dixie Carter announced this afternoon on Twitter, "New York Giants star running back and Super Bowl champion Brandon Jacobs will appear on Thursday's IMPACT."
– Jeremy Borash filled in for Taz on commentary at Sunday's Against All Odds pay-per-view. Taz stated on Twitter that his wife's brother passed away on Saturday.He wrote, "My wifes brother passed on Sat' night, great man. I wouldve NEVER had a career if it wasn't for him. Gave me the $ to go to wrestling school when I had nothing. RIP Joe."
10-Knockout Battle Royal Announced For Thursday's Impact
Don't miss Thursday's TNA IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast on SpikeTV at 9/8c – featuring the aftermath of the "Against All Odds" Pay-Per-View event! If you can't watch it on Thursday night, make sure to set your DVR to record it so you don't miss any of the Total Nonstop Action!
- At Sunday's Pay-Per-View event, Bobby Roode beat the odds and retained the World Heavyweight Championship against Jeff Hardy, James Storm and Bully Ray. Now, the road begins to March's "Victory Road" for the World Champ. The question is, what does GM "The Icon" Sting have to say about how Roode won on Sunday – and what does he has planned for Roode at Victory Road?
- On Sunday at "Against All Odds", Gail Kim successfully defended the Knockouts Title against Tara! On Thursday's IMPACT on SpikeTV, a new #1 Contender will be determined in a 10-Knockout Battle Royal! The winner of the Battle Royal will get the next shot at the Knockouts gold. The participants are: Sarita, Rosita, Brooke Tessmacher, Winter, Tara, ODB, Mickie James, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne and Angelina Love!
- Plus, what was the fallout from the Bischoff family feud at Against All Odds? Did Garett (with Hulk Hogan in his corner) overcome the assault from Gunner and his own father, Eric Bischoff? Tune in Thursday night!All this and much more on Thursday's broadcast as the road to the March "Victory Road" Pay-Per-View event begins!
Gail's "Sister" Training To Wrestle
– TNA Wrestling official Earl Hebner's daughter Katie Hebner has plans to enter the squared circle. She announced on her Twitter account that she begun wrestling training in January and has her sights set on being a TNA Knockout.She tweeted Gail Kim's husband Robert Irvine when asked if she's the referee's daughter, "Yes im his daughter and a knockout in training dad said that you are truly a great guy!"Hebner portrayed the role of Gail Kim's sister in 2008.
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Daniels On Sports Entertainment vs. Wrestling, TNA's London Shows
Christopher Daniels appeared on Busted Open with Doug Mortman and Dave LaGreca, which airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Sirius 92 and XM 207. Highlights from his interview are as follows:Wrestling in London: "When you get in front of a crowd that is pumped to see you, you can't help but step up your game a notch. And for the last couple years when we've been going over to the UK, the London crowd has been one of the loudest crowds we've ever been in front of. We decided to make a gamble and put the television taping in London, and as you can see from the last two weeks of television, I think it's paid off. I think it's going to bring new eyes to the product, the fact that we're taking it different places. And as often that we can tape outside of Orlando, I think it's better for the product that makes us look bigger and bigger, and it's just gonna widen that spotlight on us."

Going from London back to the Impact Zone for a PPV: "It's great to get out and tape our shows in different areas, but at the same time, we recognize the loyal fans that have been in Orlando ever since we started. We're just looking to do what's best for the company overall. And sometimes that means going and taping Impact! outside of Orlando. And at the same time, people have come to grow to love the Impact! show from the Impact Zone in Orlando. We're also taking steps to save money in that respect as far as taping as much in Orlando as we can, but also branching out to bigger arenas in different places."

The lineage of Ring of Honor: "The thing about Ring of Honor is that it was always populated with talent that was hungry for opportunity, that was hungry for a chance to show what they could do on a national level. And guys that loved wrestling from the very beginning. All of us who came up through Ring of Honor, the one thing that we had in common was the love of the business. When you get guys like that in a locker room, you can?t help but have great matches and that is what got the spotlight on that company in the beginning. And once the spotlight is on, once the fans are paying attention, you can't help but for the other companies to start paying attention to the talent that's there."

Companies balancing 'pure wrestling' with sports entertainment: "Well I think it fluctuates from week to week. I feel like each television show (whether we're talking about WWE or Impact! Wrestling or Ring of Honor), they're looking to walk that balance between pure in-ring sports and the character development, the things that make an Austin Aries stand out from an Alex Shelley, or a Christopher Daniels that stands out from an A.J. Styles, or a CM Punk standing out from Dolph Ziggler. You've gotta be involved with these characters to ultimately care about how they do whether they win or lose inside for the wrestling ring. And it's just a fine line. I mean, some weeks you?re going to get in-ring promos that seem to last a longer time than usual, and sometimes you're going to get 20-minute matches on the television show. It just depends on that weekend and what the show and the people that are putting the show together, what they feel like is going to be the thing that draws the viewer in and makes them go, 'I've gotta watch next week.'"
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COMPLETE TNA AGAINST ALL ODDS PPV COVERAGE COMPLETE TNA AGAINST ALL ODDS PPV COVERAGE | TNA News: Taz misses Against All Odds due to a death in the family, thanks followers
TNA color commentator Taz was unable to work at the Against All Odds pay-per-view on Sunday. It was announced during the show that he was unable to appear due to a loss in the family. "I appreciate all of you expressing your condolences to me," Taz wrote on Twitter. "Very much appreciated." Follow Taz online at
Powell's POV: We also offer our condolences to Taz and his family. He was replaced on commentary by Jeremy Borash, who did a good job of filling in, presumably on fairly short notice. There's no word yet as to whether Taz will appear at the Impact Wrestling tapings this week.
TNA News: Taz comments on the death of his brother in-law
TNA star Taz posted another update on his Twitter page regarding his absence from the Against All Odds pay-per-view. "My wife's brother passed on Saturday night," Taz wrote. "Great man. I would've never had a career if it wasn't for him. Gave me the (money) to go to wrestling school when I had nothing. RIP Joe." Follow Taz online at's POV: Once again, we offer Taz and his family our condolences. Obviously, he made the right call in skipping the pay-per-view to grieve and be with his family. WHAT HAPPENED AFTER TNA PPV WENT OFF THE AIR, FIRST MATCH CONFIRMED FOR IMPACT TAPING, NEXT PPV AND MORE TNA NEWS
No additional updates on Jesse Sorensen yet.
After the Against All Odds PPV went off the air, Sting tried to explain what happened to Jeff Hardy and James Storm.
TNA will be taping Impact Wrestling on Monday and Tuesday in Orlando. Announced for tomorrow's taping is a 10 Knockout Battle Royal to name Gail Kim's next challenger for the Knockouts title.
TNA issued the following on their Victory Road PPV:On Sunday, March 18, Direct Auto Insurance presents "Victory Road" live on Pay-Per-View and online around the world at! The epic event takes place from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. The event will feature Sting, Bobby Roode, "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy, Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, "Cowboy" James Storm, the lovely Knockouts, the high-flying X Division superstars and many more! TNA PPV events air on Time Warner Cable, Comcast, Charter Cable, Cablevision, AT&T U-Verse, Verizon FIOS, DIRECTV, Dish Network, Viewer's Choice and more.Get info on the Pay-Per-View VIP Weekend at - Watch IMPACT WRESTLING every Thursday night at 9/8c on SpikeTV for news on Victory Road
TNA will be taping Impact Wrestling today and tomorrow at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. Despite rumors making the rounds the last 24 hours, Dave Lagana did not write the scripts for these episodes. One highly placed TNA source noted that Lagana will be handling some backstage production of vignettes (as he did last night) and was also asked to provide feedback when necessary. Thus far, Lagana is not part of the company's creative process or team. In regard to Vince Russo's status with the company, nothing new was stated but several pointed out that Russo had a contract with TNA, so anyone expecting that he is gone and free and clear should not assume anything. Nothing has been officially stated to the roster and no comment has been made privately among TNA staff.
Exclusive News On The Russo-Prichard TNA Power Struggle
EXCLUSIVE: Key TNA Insider Discusses Prichard-Russo Tension
Despite TNA officials' claims to the contrary, there is a very real power struggle going on behind the scenes at TNA Impact Wrestling, and the bad blood dates back many years.When Vince Russo ascended to the top of the WWE creative power structure in the Attitude Era, he did it at the expense of Bruce Prichard and Pat Patterson, who were WWE Chairman Vince McMahon's closest confidantes at the time.

Even Jim Ross, who was head of talent relations, found himself out in the cold when it came to creative pitches to McMahon, who used Russo to "fill in the blanks" (according to a well placed source who was in WWE at the time) as McMahon took total control of his product and went forward with the Stone Cold Era.

Now, Bruce Prichard seems to be in position to, as a key insider in TNA points out, "deliver one hell of a receipt to Russo," as no one is alllowed to pitch directly to TNA President Dixie Carter anymore, everyone must go through Prichard.

"Russo is on the chopping block, no matter what anyone else says," our key insider told us exclusively, "and Prichard is the one swinging the axe!"
TNA Issues Official Statement on Jesse Sorensen's Condition
TNA President Dixie Carter has issued the following statement via Twitter:Jesse Sorensen has sustained a C1 vertebrae fracture with spinal cord edema. He is slowly regaining feeling and movement in his arms and legs. He wants to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Once we speak to the neurosurgeon, we will pass on more details.
Big World Title Match on This Week's Impact?
- While it hasn't been officially announced by TNA yet, the following video preview for Thursday's episode of Impact Wrestling suggests that World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode will defend his title against Jeff Hardy. This week's show tapes tonight in Orlando.
The New York Giants' Brandon Jacobs is already backstage at the Impact taping. Scheduled for the taping is the fallout of Sting counting the fall on Jeff Hardy last night, a 10 Knockout Battle Royal to determine Gail Kim's next challenger and Jacobs' schedule appearance opposite Kurt Angle.Not that this should surprise anyone, but to make it clear, Vince Russo is not at TV.Since we had some readers ask after we ran the photos of the WWE toy line today, Jakks Pacific did not display anything from the TNA line at the Toy Fair this year. I wouldn't look too much into it as they didn't have any UFC material displayed either.TNA is running a 25% off sale for Valentine's Day. They are also partnering with SpikeTV's Inkmaster reality series by showing off performers' tattoos on Twitter. After TV this week, TNA will run house shows on 2/17 in Huntington, West Virginia, 2/18 in Beckley, West Virginia and 2/19 in Glenville, West Virginia. Obviously, we are seeking live reports from any of the upcoming TNA TV tapings and live events you might attend.The promotion has released a new Christopher Daniels shirt as well as a James Storm shirt for women noting, "Real women drink beer." SoCal Val interviewed Tara and Crimson yesterday before Against All Odds:
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*SPOILERS* TNA Impact Tapings Results For Thursday *SPOILERS* TNA Impact Tapings Results For Thursday *Spoilers* Partial Results For Next Thursday's Impact *Spoilers* Partial Results For Next Thursday's Impact Pictures Of Brandon Jacobs At TNA Impact Pictures Of Brandon Jacobs At TNA Impact Brandon Jacobs & Sting Comments On Jacobs-TNA Brandon Jacobs & Sting Comment On Jacobs-TNA TNA News: Spike TV president throws a party for TNA talent
Spike TV president Kevin Kay was at the TNA Impact Wrestling taping on Monday. He threw a party for talent and staff after the show.Powell's POV: "Thank you, Kevin Kay, for making it all happen!" Sting wrote on Monday night. One can only assume that the party was a nice morale booster for the company along with the news of Jesse Sorensen's improvement.
TNA News: Jesse Sorensen improving, doctors expect a full recovery
Injured TNA wrestler Jesse Sorensen showed significant improvement on Monday after fracturing his C1 vertebrae at Sunday's Against All Odds pay-per-view. He is said to be getting the feeling back in his legs slowly but surely, and doctors now expect a full recovery.Powell's POV: Dixie Carter flew Sorensen's mother to Florida to be with him. Spirits are said to be high. Obviously, the expectation of a full recovery is the best possible news that we could have hoped for.
Former TNA reality star changes name
Former TNA personality Jonny Fairplay has legally changed his name. He was born Jon Dalton, but recently changed his name legally. Fairplay noted on Twitter that his daughter is named Piper Fairplay and he wanted to legally have the same last name. Follow him on Twitter at's POV: Well, at least he won't have to change his Twitter name. Fairplay has also worked for Ring of Honor, Dragon Gate USA, and several indy promotions. The mother of his daughter is former WWE Tough Enough contestant Michelle Deighton. Fairplay and Deighton announced that they were getting divorced last year.
Dixie Carter Announces Vince Russo Is Gone From TNA
TNA President Dixie Carter just announced the following on Facebook and Twitter, confirming our weekend report that Vince Russo is in fact leaving the company:"TNA and Vince Russo have mutually parted ways as of this week. The separation is amicable and professional. We are glad for the opportunity to have worked together and wish each other nothing but good luck and success in the future."Check out our exclusive report from the weekend regarding the backstage power struggle in TNA and details on what turned out to be Russo's final days with the company.
Exclusive News On The Russo-Prichard TNA Power Struggle TNA CREATIVE UPDATE
As mentioned in the PWInsider.con Elite section, TNA sources are indicating that Vince Russo was released from his position as a lead writer for the company's creative team. The decision was not much of a surprise as much of the direction in recent months had been directed by Bruce Prichard and Eric Bischoff with Russo and Matt Conway writing the actual scripts of the shows, which were then filtered through the aforementioned and tweaked the day of production.Dixie Carter's statement via Twitter was issued in a way that reads like a corporate statement indicating the two sides have agreed not to speak ill of the other. Sources indicate that Carter's statement was the first anyone within TNA beyond the most inner circle was officially aware of Russo's status. Dave Lagana, who was hired by the company for Ring Ka King, was at this week's round of TV helping with production and offering feedback and some creative input. Going forward, it is expected he will be working with Matt Conway on scripts but it is not seen as a replacement of Russo's position as much as someone who was working for the company taking on some additional responsibilities. The rumors that Lagana replaced Russo as the "head" writer seem to come from Lagana's position with the company being listed as "Creative Director" online. That job title has actually been his title since he went to work for TNA in November 2011.The Russo departure will leave the company without one of Dixie Carter's top confidantes and in a way, top scapegoat, as there was certainly a segment of fans prepared to blame Russo for anything that was booked that they didn't like from a logical standpoint.
About damn time russo is gone maybe tna will get better we can hope :D :)
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*SPOILERS* TNA Impact Tapings Results For Thursday *SPOILERS* TNA Impact Tapings Results For Thursday *Spoilers* Complete Results For Next Week's Impact *Spoilers* Complete Results For Next Week's Impact TNA News: Dave Lagana's new job title indicates that he has replaced Vince Russo
TNA appears to have promoted Dave Lagana to the position of "Director of Creative Writing at TNA Wrestling." Lagana is currently using that job title on his personal social networking accounts. Bruce Prichard remains the head of creative with the title of Senior Vice President of Programming and Talent Relations.Shore's Slant: As noted earlier, Vince Russo has departed from TNA and it appears this new title for Lagana indicates he is the new writer for the show.
Hogan vs. Dixie: The Final Conflict Hogan vs. Dixie: The Final Conflict | WrestleZone What Will Happen To Make HHH Accept The Match, Russo Fired What Will Happen To Make HHH Accept The Match, Russo Fired | WrestleZone Eric Bischoff Welcomes a New Name to the TNA Team
- Eric Bischoff officially welcomed Dave Lagana to TNA on his Facebook and Twitter accounts last night. Bischoff wrote:"Welcome David Lagana! Had the opportunity to work with David in WWE and learned to respect his knowledge of story structure and detail."As noted before, Vince Russo and TNA have parted ways. While first word was that Lagana was stepping up into a backstage producer role, Bischoff's welcome sounds like Lagana may have a creative team role after all.
Angle Posts Bad Update on Sorensen, Party Thrown for TNA Crews
- reports that Spike TV president Kevin Kay was at the Impact Wrestling taping in Orlando on Monday and threw a party for the TNA wrestlers and crew after the show.
- Kurt Angle wrote the following on Twitter about Jesse Sorensen. Angle says Sorensen is facing a 1 year recovery:"I Visited Jesse Sorenson.He Is Moving His Arms and Legs.Drs' say 1 Year recovery. I Say 4 Months.Jesse Is a Hero and Fighter. "I'll Be Back""
Former Tough Enough contestant David Puder, who almost broke Kurt Angle's arm on Smackdown, talks his WWE contract and the possibility of going to TNA
World Wrestling Insanity interview with Daniel Puder
Host: James Guttman
Interview available at via ClubWWI.

Daniel Puder is known by combat fans for his time in MMA and pro wrestling. Now, years removed from the ring, Dan is embarking on a new journey to help victims of bullying (both the bullies and the bullied). Raising awareness through his Kickstart program (My Life My Power - An Easy 1.2.3 for the Future of our Youth by Daniel Puder — Kickstarter), Puder is making a positive difference for young kids today.

The program is a big part of his life and, as James Guttman points out, hits close to home. Not only was Puder bullied as child but his instant locker room heat upon winning the Tough Enough challenge was something that people might not be able to handle. They talk about the mix of heat and respect that the new Million Dollar Man brought with him upon being named the winner. But James mentions how Puder didn't walk away with a cool million. The contract structure was one where he had to be with WWE for four years in order to make it all. JG brings up the way wrestling works and how your time with a company is ultimately out of your hands. Did Puder realize that WWE was going to try to find a way out of the long term deal before he won the event? For many fans, it seemed like an inevitability once time began to pass. As Daniel tells members, it wasn't something he expected or something he planned for.

"I was planning on being there for a long time. I wanted to. But when you lose respect for somebody else based on how they treat you - when you start a job with me and I say I'll pay you 100 grand a year, then after a year I go, 'You know what? You've already bought a house. You have your girlfriend, your wife, whatever. Oh, you already moved out here. I'm gonna pay you 50 grand a year or 30 grand a year.' You'd be like, 'Dude. My expenses, my travel, everything else, my investments I set up.' It's interesting to see that perspective. Some people are like, 'Oh. You should have just stayed after they offered you the average deal.' But it was more than just the money. It was the respect level."

James actually agrees with Daniel's point and reminds listeners that it was the WWE that put the contract offer on the table. He mentions how they often take a stance of "We're going to give you all this money" then when you ask for it they tell you that you're being selfish. Puder agrees.

"Exactly. Exactly. It's not much money for them at the end of the day. They're doing great internationally. They're doing pretty good. Internationally especially, they're killing it. It is what it is. I've seen crazier contracts. Whatshisname? The powerlifter. (Mark) Henry. He got a ten year guarantee at 250 a year I think it was. It's insane."

Of course, the question of TNA has to come up. Much like every other former WWE star, Dan gets asked about the company a lot. So James asks too. Has he been approached by Impact Wrestling? As interview continues, Puder responds with a comment that knocks Guttman for a loop.

"They have. Angle's scared of me. So he doesn't want me there."

Things get quiet for a second and then Daniel chuckles.

"No. I'm just joking. We were going to do something and I'm definitely interested. The thing is with my schedule now and what I'm doing - the deal they were going to offer me was their normal deal. OK. Cool. But I don't need the money. I don't need them. I get on TMZ more than they do. I get on national TV a lot. And once I build this (Kickstart) program, them, WWE, and everybody else are going to beg me because my program is already going to start rolling out soon for three million kids. If I'm in front of 3 million kids every week with my weekly PSAs and people get to see my face when I'm in front of ten million, then I'm going to be doubling what WWE is doing. So I'm going to be bigger than WWE through my charity. So there's stuff like that where now they're going to have to - if they want me to do something with them - they're going to have to do something. (WWE) is going to have to step up to the plate and say, 'We shouldn't have treated you like that. Here's a million bucks for your charity and we want to get on board.'"

But, as the Kickstarter points out, it's not a guarantee that they board will even approve it. It's about keeping the charity associated with companies he feels are positive.

"I would be interested, but it really comes down to how they treat people and how they treat me. Because I'm not partnering with anyone in the future unless they're a good reputable company."
While Taz was not at this week's Impact Wrestling tapings due to the passing of his brother-in-law, he and Mike Tenay voiced over the episodes earlier today in Nashville.
On behalf of everyone associated with the site, we again send our condolences to Taz and his family on their recent loss.
Will Russo (Vince's son), who had been working on the production side of TNA, quit the company Sunday via telephone after it was clear his father was leaving the promotion
SpikeTV President Kevin Kay threw a party for TNA on Monday after the Impact taping. For those concerned about the long term relationship between the two sides, this sort of alleviated those fears. TNA's current deal with the network is believed to expire this Fall.
Tara Compares Vince McMahon & Dixie Carter, TNA and WWE
- TNA Knockout Tara recently spoke with Here are a few highlights:

Q: You've been with TNA since 2009, what are the major differences you've noticed between TNA and WWE?

Oh my gosh! the first thing that I realised straight away was that the 'Knockouts' were such a main part of the show. When I first arrived we were doing four segments with the girls on one episode. It was nice because we got to showcase not just being boobs and butt, we got to go out there and showcase our talent, what we train to do is wrestle, kick-butt and not just having five minute matches.

We were having 12 minute matches, cage matches, the full works. It was amazing and the girls were all shapes and sizes we had the likes of Awesome Kong and ODB and it was just exciting to be a part of.

Q: Having worked for both Vince McMahon and Dixie Carter how would you compare your two bosses with their similarities and differences?

I rarely got to talk to Vince McMahon, I would always say hello if I walked passed him in the corridor but he was always really busy, and I can imagine he has a lot going on in his life.

On the other hand Dixie is always around backstage, we can approach her and she has a lot of meetings with us girls and tells us what an important role we have on the show, so that's nice.

I respect Vince, he created a palace and I have learnt a lot from both Vince and Dixie
Sting Posts Cryptic Tweet, Taylor Wilde Getting Married
– Sting posted a cryptic message on Twitter Friday reading, "I'm done."The message was retweeted by the official Twitter feed of Impact Wrestling.
– Former TNA Women's Knockout Champion Taylor Wilde, 26, stated on Twitter that she is getting married today.
Knockout Injured at House Show Event in Beckley, West Virginia
- TNA Knockout Tara reportedly suffered a knee injury at last night's TNA live event in Beckley, West Virginia.Tara was wrestling Gail Kim for the TNA Knockouts Title but had to be helped to the back by security and paramedics.She wrote the following on Twitter after the show:"I'm so happy right now even with a bum knee. WPF for Life"
The Colors Network has posted the 2/19 Ring Ka King episode online.Ring Ka King [Episode 08] 720p - 19th February 2012 Video Watch Online HD - Full Episode You can watch it below:
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Brian Kendrick Removed From TNA Roster Brian Kendrick has been removed from TNA Wrestling's roster page on This would indicate that he has parted ways with the company.Kendrick's second TNA run culminated with him capturing the X Division Championship from Abyss last July at Destination X. After dropping the title to Austin Aries at No Surrender, he failed in his attempt to regain the belt at Bound for Glory. He had only competed in one televised match since then.
Gail Kim Talks About Raw Divas' Battle Royal, Being a Wrestler, More
Gail Kim was recently interviewed by Schema Magazine. When asked about when she knew she wanted to be a professional wrestler, she responded:"I knew when I was 23. I knew when I was so hooked on watching wrestling and I saw the likes of Trish Stratus, Victoria, Molly, Jazz etc. What they now call the golden era of women's wrestling. I watched them and thought, 'Hey! I can do that! I also thought, there are no Asian women. I can be that person.'"When asked why she thought she wasn't featured enough in WWE, which led to her eliminating herself in a Divas' battle royal, she responded:"I've talked about this many times up to this point, which I don't mind but I think the fans and myself have moved on from this topic. To clarify, that was not the reason why, there were many reasons why including some disrespectful situations and the way women were treated; so I decided to move on. I did, and I'm happier than ever and I will never know reasons why so I choose not to worry about that anymore. I can only look forward and try to do positive things from now on. Impact Wrestling has been home for me and it's just been a confidence building, pro female wrestling environment. I feel like I don't have to limit myself anymore."
After Impact went off the air, TNA X-Division champ Austin Aries wrote the following on his Twitter account: "I guess "I'm done" is code for "I'm booking myself in another PPV main event". Yet the X-Division champ can't sniff a main event... #Shocker
The "I'm done" reference was quoting something Sting wrote on Twitter a few days ago after the angle where Bobby Roode laid him out.So, either this was a way for Aries to smartly get himself some attention or it's a storyline point that will come into play when TNA tapes TV next week. We shall see.
In a pretty classy move, TNA President Dixie Carter congratulated Ring of Honor on hitting their ten year anniversary yesterday via Twitter. Carter actually attended a ROH show in MA a few years back.
Speaking of Twitter, Austin Aries wrote the following tonight: "Apparently this straw over-stirred the drink..." I'm guessing that was in reference to the pulled comment he made about not being able to "sniff the main event" the night before, but who knows.

The 3/18 Victory Road PPV will be headlined by Sting vs. Bobby Rode.

TNA will be taping Impact from 2/26-2/29 next week in Orlando, Florida so all the storylines leading into Lockdown should be pretty much set by then.

Since I was returning from vacation, I didn't get a chance to do a complete TNA weekend preview, but here is the lineup for the house show tomorrow in Charlottesville, Virginia:

*TNA Champion Bobby Roode vs Jeff Hardy
*James Storm vs Bully Ray
*AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels (with Kazarian)
*TNA Knockouts Champion Gail Kim & Angelina Love vs Velvet Sky & Mickie James
*Matt Morgan & Crimson vs TNA Tag Team Champions Samoa Joe & Magnus
*TNA X Division Champion Austin Aries vs Alex Shelley
*TNA Television Champion Robbie E & Robbie T vs. Eric Young & ODB
The company is REALLY loading up the live event house shows of late, which is only a plus for the paying customer.Here is the video of the Jesse Sorensen piece that aired on Impact last night:
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Backstage News on Post-Russo TNA, TNA AAO PPV Buys
- Early trends for the TNA Against All Odds pay-per-view have the show doing around 7,000 buys.
- While Vince Russo had his supporters among the TNA wrestlers, it's said there was no great depression over his departure but nobody was celebrating either. The feeling is that it's business as usual when it comes to creative even though Russo has left.

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