HBO Game of Thrones (Open Discussion with Spoilers)

'Game of Thrones' New Director Teases Season 6, Why He's Treating Show Like 'Lost'
Mind-boggling.That's the way Jack Bender – one of five newly announced directors who'll be responsible for two episodes each in the coming sixth season of "Game of Thrones" – describes the next batch of episodes on deck for HBO's hit drama.Bender himself will direct episodes 5 and 6 next season. And before he leaves for Belfast in a few weeks to start shooting, a commitment that will take him through the rest of the year, Bender gave BGR a small taste of what it's like to be attached to and have a hand in shaping one of the buzziest, most obsessed-over shows of the modern era.Naturally, he's not coughing up any secrets of what's coming down the pike in Westeros — Bender, after all, is a seasoned director whose past experience has included working on everything from "Under the Dome" to "The Sopranos" to "Lost," a show that had a similarly cultish fandom around it.
Did 'Game Of Thrones' Showrunners Confirm That Major Jon Snow Theory?
Kit Harington may not be the best at keeping secrets, as his uncut hair at Wimbledon revealed over the weekend. But we expected a lot more secrecy from "Game of Thrones" showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff.Spoiler alert for the "Game of Thrones" Season 5 finale.As it turns out, the two writers practically confirmed a major Jon Snow fan theory months ago, and we all missed it. As fans of the show know, Harington's Jon Snow was killed off in the "GoT" Season 5 finale. While this could mean Jon is simply dead, fans have speculated numerous ways the former Lord Commander of the Night's Watch could eventually return. One of those theories is that Jon will warg into his direwolf Ghost, or that he possibly already warged in the final moments of the episode. While this is just a theory, Weiss and Benioff have already discussed it in public.Earlier this year, Weiss, Benioff, Harington and John Bradley (Samwell Tarly) discussed the series during a roundtable at the Oxford Union. When a fan asked what other character Harington and Bradley would want to play on the series, Harington said, "I'd like to be a warg. I'd like to put myself into a wolf." Yes, Harington actually said those words before we ever saw Jon Snow get stabbed.
10 Mistakes You Never Noticed On 'Game Of Thrones'....This post is dark and full of "GoT" errors.
Hey, mistakes happen. But on "Game of Thrones," it's an epidemic. For instance, when your mom says don't climb on the castle, just don't do it, Bran. And also, Robb. What are you thinking? Going to your boy's place for a wedding right after you broke a marriage vow to his family is the worst idea ever. In fact, everyone should probably just avoid going to weddings altogether. Send cash, y'all. It's not hard.While "GoT' characters can't help but make bad choices, the show's production is usually pretty spot-on. Still, some goofs do slip in. Here are 10 mistakes you might've missed on "Game of Thrones":(Some spoilers below)
'Game Of Thrones' Dropping Major Filming Location For Season 6 May Reveal Secrets.....Season 6 is coming, but not to Croatia.
At this point, we all know about as much as Jon Snow when it comes to Season 6 of "Game of Thrones." Season 5 basically caught up with author George R.R. Martin's novels, so much of the upcoming season is unknown. Now, HBO might be offering a major hint.In a recent statement, HBO has confirmed that Season 6 won't be headed back to Croatia.We can confirm that based on story and location needs, "Game of Thrones" will not be shooting in Croatia for season 6. The question of whether the production will return to Croatia in the future will be decided once additional seasons are officially set by HBO. At that time, the production, along with HBO, will assess their location needs based on the scripts and storylines. HBO remains grateful to the HAVC and the Croatian crew for all of their continued support. According to Watchers on the Wall, Croatia has been "essential" to the show since Season 2. Dubrovnik's Old Town served as a filming location for King's Landing, and the village of Klis has been featured as Meereen.
This New 'Game Of Thrones' Theory On Jon Snow Changes Everything...Sit down, because shock is coming.
"Game of Thrones" fans, we thought we had George R.R. Martin figured out, but now it turns out we know even less than Jon Snow.The theory about Jon Snow's parentage is the most popular one out there. At this point, everyone pretty much accepts and expects R+L=J to happen, meaning Snow's parents are actually Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. The show even hinted at it in Season 5. But now, thanks to one new theory, everything we thought we knew is about to change:
'Game Of Thrones' Reportedly Casts Major Villain For Season 6...Spoilers are coming...
If you think Season 6 is going to be crazy, Euron to something, "Game of Thrones" fans. HBO has reportedly cast Danish actor Pilou Asbæk as Theon's uncle Euron Greyjoy, according to dedicated fan site Watcher's on the Wall, and reported by a number of different outlets. It's also being reported that the Kingsmoot will be coming to the new season, and may have already been filmed. This is a ceremony the ironborn, aka Greyjoy's people, use to choose their kings.So what does this all mean?
'Harry Potter' Actor Freddie Stroma Is Joining 'Game Of Thrones'...A Quidditch star is coming.
"Game of Thrones" seems to have more "Harry Potter" actors than there are students in all of Hogwarts, so why not add just one more.Actor Freddie Stroma has officially been cast as Samwell Tarly's brother, Dickon, according to Entertainment Weekly. Stroma is known for his work in "UnREAL," "Pitch Perfect" and, of course, his role as Cormac McLaggen in the "Harry Potter" movies. You might remember McLaggen as the dude who tries to win the starting Keeper job from Ron in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." McLaggen was kind of a jerk in the movie, and Stroma's "Game of Thrones" character might not be much different.Dickon is part of the reason Sam winds up on the Wall in the first place. Their dad Randyll Tarly wanted Dickon, who's considered more physically gifted, to be his heir, so Sam was basically given a choice between death or the Wall.
Game of Thrones Is Filming Scenes From The Winds of Winter Right Now!
(Note: the following section below the quotation block contains spoilers for The Winds of Winter. If you want to avoid spoilers from the novel, skip to the Ash vs Evil Dead section below.)Entertainment Weekly has confirmed that Freddie Stroma (UnREAL) has been cast as Dickon Tarly, Samwell's younger brother and heir to House Tarly, after Sam's father Randall forced him to choose between death of joining the Watch. Confirming the Night's Watchman's former family will play a role in the next season of the show is also the reveal that the Castell de Santa Florentina in Canet de Mar, Spain, will serve as the show's version of Horn Hill, the seat of the Tarly family. [Watchers on the Wall]Finn Jones teases Loras' arc and a suitably "shocking" finale in season six:
Game of Thrones snags another great Brit: Richard E. Grant
Game of Thrones appears to have cast yet another icon of British acting: Richard E. Grant. A change to Grant's agency CV spotted by GoT fansite Watchers on the Wall has added the fantasy show to his list of television appearances, although there's no indication about which character he might play. Grant is perhaps best known for his role as Withnail in the 1987 film Withnail & I, where he played an acerbic, alcoholic, out-of-work actor. More recent roles include Doctor Who villain The Great Intelligence, world-weary Jasper in Girls, and art historian Simon Bricker in Downton Abbey.HBO has yet to confirm Grant's casting, but the British actor, known for his talent with aristocratic and roguish characters, would certainly be a fine fit for the series. The question is, who would he be? Suggestions we've seen so far include Randyll Tarly (Samwell Tarly's father and one of Westeros' best commanders) and Izembaro (the leader of a traveling troupe of actors who briefly mentors Arya Stark). We can't say for sure, but we reckon he'd also make a good drinking partner for Tyrion or Cersei:
Game of Thrones Casts Babadook Star Essie Davis to Play Queen Cersei . . . Kinda [Updated]
Update (5:18 P.M.): Since this post originally went up, we have uncovered Richard E. Grant's mysterious Season 6 role and how it relates to Davis's. That info has been added to the post below.Another day another bit of Game of Thrones casting news! This time, the news involves Australian actress Essie Davis star of the 2014 horror film The Babadook. In that film, Davis played the mother of an unruly son who was forced to come to terms with her demons. Definitely sounds like a certain Westerosi queen we all love to hate. Davis will, in fact, be playing a version of Cersei Lannister. For more on her role, photos of her in costume, and an explanation of how she's connected to Richard E. Grant, check out the info below the spoiler warning.Davis has taken the part of "Leading Actress," a role that was described in the casting call as being "in her early 40s, she's an elegant actress with a traveling theatre company. Fun, charismatic, rum-drinking actress in the troupe." The troupe of actors who will appear in Season 6 are playing out a book plot described in a released chapter from the upcoming "A Song of Ice and Fire" novel, The Winds of Winter. The troupe will put on a show called "The Bloody Hand" about the events that have happened at King's Landing over the past few seasons. You can see this fan-captured video footage of some of the players, including Davis, in action. That's right, Game of Thrones is about to get meta. Here's a better look of Davis in costume.
Pic: Further proof Jon Snow is alive and will be in Game of Thrones for next season
At this stage, there's very little to suggest that Jon Snow is NOT going to be in Game of Thrones' sixth season.There's been far too many sightings, on-set photos and who knows what else to convince otherwise. Case in point, in fact, is that Kit Harrington has been sighted yet again in Belfast by fans of the TV show.Harrington was spotted in a flat-cap hat chatting to fellow castmates Iwan Rheon - who plays Ramsay Bolton - and one or two others we can't quite make out from this grainy photo.It's understood that Harrington was shooting at Titanic Studios in Belfast where a massive battle scene was being filmed that Jon Snow played a part in. What makes this all the more exciting is that we genuinely have no idea what's going on.
Kit Harington Might Have Just Revealed The True Fate Of Jon Snow....Lucky for us, he's not very good at keeping secrets.
After what seems like an entire dark, cold winter's worth of speculation surrounding Jon Snow's fate on "Game of Thrones," Kit Harington may have just revealed what happens to his beloved character with a single sentence.But before we tell you what he said, be warned ...While promoting his new film "Testament of Youth," the actor gave an interview to Belgian magazine Humo in which he talks about his love-hate relationship with the HBO show. A Reddit user named name the_narc_died shared the story two days ago and provided a translation of some key quotes. The Huffington Post confirmed Harington's quotes through translation.
This epic 'Game of Thrones' fan theory about time travel is surprisingly plausible
Spoilers: Nothing too serious, but there a quite a few Bran Stark spoilers that you might want to steer clear of if you're not up-to-date with the books or the TV show.LONDON — It's likely to be another 10 or so years before George R.R. Martin actually finishes As Song of Ice and Fire, and in the meantime all that we're left with to plug the horrendous gaps between the books and TV series are our precious, precious fan theories.There have been plenty of theories about Jon Snow's family and a lot of discussion surrounding his character's fate , but it's time to brush everyone's favourite member of the Night's Watch to one side for the time being and focus on one of Ned's other sons, Bran.
Game Of Thrones Season 6 Premiere Date: When Will The Show Actually Come Back?
Much hay has been made about Game of Thrones season 6 and the accompanying spoilers, most of them involving rampant Jon Snow speculation, in a display of some of the very worst of what the Internet hype machine can do. A much more relevant issue, however, has been surprisingly neglected: The actual Game of Thrones season 6 premiere date, which remains a mystery. Sure, it'll be in the spring—it always is. But WHEN? The people, they want to know! Game of Thrones has bounced around a little bit since it first premiered. Season 1 debuted on April 17, 2011, a very long time ago indeed. Season 2 started on April 1 and ended on June 3, the earliest ending, since it started early and aired the Battle of Blackwater on Memorial Day—a mistake the show wouldn't soon repeat, owing to low ratings over the holiday weekend. The third season started on March 31, but skipped Memorial Day, as did season 4, which started on April 6. Game of Thrones season 5 switched things up: It started on April 12, the latest premiere date since the first season, but did not skip Memorial Day. However, the show aired its seventh episode on that date, rather than the climactic eighth or ninth episodes (the Memorial Day episode got the lowest ratings of the season by a big margin). The show ended late, on June 14, since it started so late.So how about Game of Thrones season 6? First off, ratings aren't wildly important to HBO, at least not compared to other networks. The question about the premiere date revolves around whether HBO decides to air a Memorial Day episode again. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they didn't: "The Gift," this year's episode, was not only the lowest rated episode of the season, but the lowest of the last two years, and the first time the show dipped under six million viewers in two years. Not a good metric, when HBO can just as easily bounce the show around earlier in the schedule.So I bet HBO will go back to the old model: Premiering Game of Thrones very early in April—perhaps April 2 or April 9?—and skipping a Memorial Day episode, ending a week later instead. It makes sense, especially since Easter is early in 2016 (March 27), so HBO could dodge a Sunday when many people aren't watching television. The timing of Game of Thrones has never revolved around production and post-production schedules, as far as we know: It has been at HBO's whim and judgment, and it will continue to be. But I bet the network wants those ratings, for bragging rights if for no other reason. So I think we'll get an early start again for Game of Thrones season 6. What do you think? Does that argument hold water?
New 'Games Of Thrones' Photos Add To The Theories About Jon Snow's Fate
Thanks to a Season 5 cliffhanger, "Game of Thrones" fans have been anxiously awaiting for any signs that Jon Snow is alive. Warning: The next paragraph contains spoilers.According to new photos from Daily Mail, it appears that Kit Harington, who plays Jon Snow, has been spotted on set in Belfast. With his back turned to the camera, Harington is dressed in full Snow garb -- man bun and all. To see all of the photos, head over to Daily Mail to view them. And for more awesome "Game of Thrones" Jon Snow news, check out our latest theories.Also on HuffPost:
Just when we thought we had figured it out (it being the true fate of Jon Snow on Game of Thrones), Kit Harrington's costar, Maisie Williams, has tried to completely kill any last hope that his character might still be alive. "I think you're in denial about it for a long time when you see the death of a big character but I can't help but think it makes for such a great storyline!" the 18-year-old told Christian O'Connell on his Absolute Radio morning show. "All the time people are asking me if Jon Snow is alive and the answer is no! He's dead! I promise." Oh is that true, Arya Stark? So then tell us: What was Kit doing running around Belfast dressed in medieval garb last week? Why did he say GoT "will remain a part of my life for a while?" And why is Emilia Clarke so "optimistic" about his possible return? We're in dire need of an answer—and preferably one we'd like to hear.
'Game of Thrones' just cast another Red Priestess — 4 theories on what that means
"Game of Thrones" doesn't return until 2016, but casting is already well under to fill the ranks for next season. To that end Deadline has announced the casting of Melanie Liburd as the Red Priestess. Melisandre is no longer alone. But just where does this new follower of R'hllor fit into the narrative?We've got a couple of options.
Game of Thrones Season 6 Is Probably Starting Later Than You Think Next Year
HBO announced its February premieres today, kicking off Sunday nights with the two-hour premiere of Vinyl on February 14, followed by Girls and Togetherness a week later. Just like with Show Me a Hero, it's likely Vinyl's two-hour premiere will count as the first two episodes of the ten-episode show, meaning all three shows would finish out their seasons together on ... April 24. What does this have to do with Game of Thrones? As HBO only programs two hours of shows on Sunday nights, it means that the sixth season of Game of Thrones likely wouldn't return until May 1 at the earliest. So far, Thrones' premiere dates have ranged from late March to mid-April, with last season beginning on April 12. Technically, that means this off-season is the longest you will have to wait in between GOT seasons (though, of course, it's still not as long as the people of Westeros have to wait between seasons). The struggle. Also, while we're speculating on premiere dates, the domino effect could continue through the year, meaning that a potential third season of True Detective is probably a nonstarter for the summer. That makes sense, considering how much time Nic Pizzolatto might need to recover from the last season.
Emilia Clarke Teases 'Game of Thrones' Season 6: Even More Conflict, Daenerys' Return to 'Muscly Men'
Filming for season six of "Game of Thrones" is currently underway, but luckily its white-haired queen spent Wednesday with TheWrap dishing about what to expect from the HBO series' next stanza.Clarke was a guest speaker at TheWrap's 7th Annual Power Women Breakfast at Ocean Prime in Beverly Hills, where she was pressed for scoops on the fantasy epic and the fate of her character Daenerys Targaryen."Anything that you don't expect to happen is happening," Clarke said. When we last left Daenerys, she had escaped death on the back of one of her beloved dragons — only to be stranded with him days later and confronted by a band of hostile strangers."We left on a bit of a cliffhanger," Clarke said, admitting the men were actually Dothraki, a race of warriors who accepted Daenerys as their first lady when she wed Kahl Drogo (Jason Momoa) in season one."They're the Qoy Qoyi," she said in native Dothraki tongue. "Blood of my blood, all that. It's back to Kahl Drogo-ness of it all."

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