HBO Game of Thrones (Open Discussion with Spoilers)

First 'Game of Thrones' Season 5 teaser all about Arya
With Season 5 still several months away, the "Game of Thrones" hype machine has started with the first official teaser trailer from Westeros.
The hype machine for Season 5 of HBO's "Game of Thrones" has kicked into gear, and a new teaser trailer has hit the airwaves that has us thinking of ravens.The teaser, which was tweeted out by the "Game of Thrones" account on Tuesday, is just 10 seconds long and focuses completely on Arya Stark.In the clip, a narrator says: "I see a darkness in you" while we're treated to several quick glimpses Arya displaying her swordplay skills to take down baddies and would-be thieves. The video includes references to The Sight and the Three Eyed Raven, which is likely huge foreshadowing of events to come, since we're not yet caught up on Arya's storyline from the books. (Warning: major spoilers if you go down that rabbit hole.)
First 'Game of Thrones' Season 5 teaser all about Arya
With Season 5 still several months away, the "Game of Thrones" hype machine has started with the first official teaser trailer from Westeros.
I haven't read the books, but according to people who have, this season the show is starting to diverge from the established storylines in the novels. I'm not sure what to think about that, but it seems that this season hasn't "wowed" me like the first four seasons did.
Cersei just put those religious fanatics in charge,wait until you see how that comes back to bite her in the @**,I'm very sure that the showrunners haven't deviated THAT MUCH from the books in this case. That's ALL I'm going to say about that. The showrunners are really deviating from the books or speeding things up. I just read that Game of Thrones final season will be season 7,so the show runners have to take serious liberties versus the books. Anyway,that was a cheap shot,Melisandre. "You know nothing,Jon Snow."
Game of Thrones Hints at the Apocalpyse
Spencer Kornhaber and Christopher Orr discuss the latest episode of Game of Thrones. (Amy Sullivan is away this week.)Orr: Happy Mother-of-Dragons' Day, Daenerys! To honor the occasion we got you this lovely dragon's egg, tulip, and iris arrangement. Oh, and also, the corpse of Ser Barristan Selmy, destroyer of the Blackfyre Pretenders, rescuer of King Aerys II, and hero of the Greyjoy Rebellion.I confess that I was more than a little sad to see Barristan the Bold go, especially after it seemed that Grey Worm might have saved him at the end of last week's episode. In the George R. R. Martin novels, he's still alive, and a moderately important figure. But showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss warned us they would be charting their own course this season, not least when it came to fatalities.I like Grey Worm fine, but given the many, many storylines already in play, I could really live without his non-canonical romance with Daenerys's interpreter, Missandei. The latter seems to have incorporated elements of a handmaiden character with whom Daenerys occasionally had sex in the books; who'd have imagined that Benioff and Weiss would have punted on this opportunity to sex things up in favor of a relationship with a eunuch?
My predictions for the season finale: Jon Snow will get stabbed by his fellow crows,leaving us guessing if he survives or not,Sansa escapes to Castle Black,Cersei does the naked "Walk of Shame,maybe with her head shaved(?),Arya kills that dude & then ends up going blind,& my darkhorse prediction,the Sand Snakes disfigure Jaime's niece/daughter Myrcella. One thing guaranteed not to happen,the appearance of Lady Stoneheart,it ain't going to happen.
I think Jon is going to get stabbed, but only by the kid (can't remember his name). I don't think Sansa is going to make it to Castle Black, but she will set out for it. I don't know if they are going to address the assault on Winterfell or not, but I hope so. I literally could not care less what happens in Dorne as they have messed up that story line so much.
'Game Of Thrones' Finale: Director On Season Five's Shocking End & Season Six Impact
SPOILER ALERT: This story contains details of tonight's Game Of Thrones Season 5 finale.The blockbuster HBO series has never shy about depicting death, sex, betrayal and blood but this season may have reached new highs in all those categories. Despite the leaking of the first four episodes online before the April 12 season debut, Game Of Thrones also hit a new series high this year with 7.99 million viewers watching the premiere.
I'm still not buying it. In some form or fashion Jon is coming back. Maybe just as a wolf, but I'm not sure I believe that even. It makes all of the speculation about his parentage a moot point which seems almost unfair.
Or he may not be back next season but return for the following. I also do not buy him being gone for good.
Not having read the books, Bran's absence from Season 5 was a bit of a surprise. I thought this episode might have been all about him, but I was extremely wrong.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Jon Snow (ironically named) comes back as a White Walker and destroys what's left of the Night's Watch.
I expect that will be next season. The problem was that they advanced Bran's storyline last season to the point that it ended in the books (almost, there is a tiny bit more, but nothing that couldn't be covered in about 5 mins). I expect there will be a ton about him in next season.
This one's late, but after Sunday's finale I think a little levity is needed...
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My wife and I watched all 10 episodes over two days, I find it such a better show when you can watch them all at once for the first time vs. one episode a week.

Anyone else that saves them up till the season is done and then watch?
My wife and I watched all 10 episodes over two days, I find it such a better show when you can watch them all at once for the first time vs. one episode a week.

Anyone else that saves them up till the season is done and then watch?

I did the same, watched them all last weekend to be caught up for the finale.
Game of Thrones season 6 predictions, from Dany's invasion to the fall of the Wall
Every week throughout Game of Thrones' fifth season, a handful of Vox's writers have gathered to discuss the latest episode. We'll conclude our discussions for 2015 today. You can check out our recap of the season finale, as well the archive of our entire discussion to date.Jen, this season has definitely stirred some intense debate. But, in the words of Petyr Baelish, "The past is the past. The future is all that's worth discussing." So I'm going to close this year's chat with some speculation on what we might see next time around. And for the first time, book readers like me will be just as in the dark as everyone else.
I watched via the HBO Now app on my AppleTV and one thing that irks me is the "recap" and "coming attractions". I find that the recap is just as good as a spoiler since they are usually reminding us of something that will come up in the episode. And I really don't need the coming attractions to get me to watch the next episode, so that would be good to skip as well (which I usually did).

Is that how it was on Broadcast HBO?
I watched via the HBO Now app on my AppleTV and one thing that irks me is the "recap" and "coming attractions". I find that the recap is just as good as a spoiler since they are usually reminding us of something that will come up in the episode. And I really don't need the coming attractions to get me to watch the next episode, so that would be good to skip as well (which I usually did).

Is that how it was on Broadcast HBO?

It was that way on HBO GO, so assume it was the same on broadcast HBO.
Yes, it was like that on HBO as well. I somewhat agree, but I sometimes find them helpful. I really like what they did with the season finale one - making us think that Benjen may actually come back.

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