TNA Impact, PPV's discussion

TNA News: X Division departure
Former TNA X Division Champion Brian Kendrick is no longer with the company, according to Mike Johnson of Kendrick's bio was removed from the company website recently, and he is now taking indy dates.Powell's POV: Kendrick is a talented performer, but I never sensed that the fans connected with his Wizard of Odd character in TNA. I assume he'll have no trouble getting bookings with Ring of Honor or Dragon Gate USA if he wants to work for one of those promotions.
Jeff Hardy is believed to be suffering from food poisoning. The plan is to tape all of his segments tomorrow when he's feeling better. VIDEO: BRIAN KENDRICK'S FIRST WORDS REGARDING HIS TNA RELEASE TOP STAR PULLED FROM TNA TAPINGS DUE TO ILLNESS, ANNOUNCING UPDATE
Jeff Hardy isn't working the TNA tapings tonight as originally scheduled as he's taken ill. No word as to what the illness is at this time. Hopefully, he'll be back on his feet soon. Taz and Mike Tenay are not doing live commentary tonight as the plan is to handle it in post production. Given how many weeks in advance they are filming, that's actually the best idea to keep everything sounding topical and current.
TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers for March 1st, 2012 TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers for March 1st, 2012 | WWE News, TNA News, WWE Divas Photos, TNA Knockouts Photos - WNZ 3/8 TNA IMPACT SPOILERS 3/8 TNA IMPACT SPOILERS | TNA TAPING IMPACT TONIGHT, HARDY UPDATE
TNA will be taping another episode of Impact Wrestling tonight at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. The plan is to tape whatever footage they needed involving Jeff Hardy today. The early word is he's feeling well enough to appear and work after a bout of food poisoning.
TNA Spoiler Notes: Title Change, Wrestler Returns to TV and More
- Below are some spoiler notes from Tuesday night's TNA Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando, to air on March 8th:ODB and Eric Young beat Madison Rayne and Gail Kim to become the new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions. After the match, Young asked ODB to marry him and she said yes.Mr. Anderson made his return to Impact, siding with AJ Styles in the feud against Daniels and Kazarian.Matt Morgan and Crimson beat Rob Terry and Robbie E. to become the new #1 contenders to the TNA Tag Team Titles
Knockout Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction, Rosita Praises Sarita
– TNA Wrestling ring announcer Christy Hemme stated on Twitter that she suffered a wardrobe malfunction at Tuesday's Impact Wrestling taping in Orlando, Florida."Dear front row at IMPACT, I publicly apologize for my wardrobe malfunction," she wrote. "My battery pack was too heavy for the string that held it on!"
– Sarita celebrated her ten-year anniversary in professional wrestling last Wednesday—she competed in her first match on February 22, 2002 in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada. Mexican America mate Rosita went on Twitter to show her appreciation for her tag team partner and friend.She writes, "Special shout to my cuz, big sister & one of my best friends in the whole world, Sarah Stock aka SARITA in celebrating her 10th year in the wrestling business. She is BY FAR one of the strongest people I have ever known and she will continue to kick ass."Rosita continued, "Love you Cuzzo!!! You will never know how much I appreciate you!!"
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Dixie Carter posted the following on Twitter earlier today:
"@TNASorenson met w/doctors this wk & is out for up to a yr. We're blessed he will be back at all. He's staying positive. No comment on Zima."
As noted yesterday in the PWInsider Elite section, Vince Russo and I were scheduled to sit down Monday for an audio interview.
This morning, Russo emailed to inform me that he had decided against doing the interview as he was not looking to discuss anything but his TNA departure.

Instead, Russo issued this statement:

Despite the continuing rumors, speculation, and hearsay surrounding my departure from TNA Wrestling, in an effort to set the record straight, I was not fired, terminated, released, or let go from the company--it was my decision to walk away, and from there the separation was mutual, amicable and professional.

It simply makes good business sense that where someone of my talent and ability was not going to be used to their capability or capacity, that a parting of the ways was inevitable.

In closing, I'd like to thank my fellow writer and friend, Matt Conway, for giving me purpose, my friend and brother, Jeff Jarrett, for hiring me, Dixie Carter and the entire Carter family, for keeping me employed, but, more importantly, every man and woman in the locker room for giving me the opportunity, and ability, to work in the professional wrestling business for the past twenty years. Without their blood, sweat and tears . . . I would have not been able to support my family and make a living. My greatest loss by far is leaving them behind.

And truly, from the bottom of my heart, I wish TNA all the best in their future endeavors.

PS: I couldn't help myself with that last line, but I truly DO wish TNA all the success in the world!


Jeff Jarrett Lands Movie Role
TNA Impact Wrestling star Jeff Jarrett has posted the following on Twitter:"Just got the call, I got a part in the movie 'Spring Breakers' starring James Franco, Vanessa Hudgens, and Selena Gomez. Very excited and blessed to have this opportunity...and the kids are super pumped."
Chris Masters Interested In Joining TNA
– Former WWE Superstar Chris Masters is interested in joining TNA Wrestling.He tweeted Thursday, "Getting ready to watch some Impact. They have a lot of guys I'd love to work. 2012 MTI Masters2Impact."
– Dodge City Daily Globe conducted an interview with Christopher Daniels promoting Saturday's Impact Wrestling World Tour event at United Wireless Arena in Dodge City, Kansas. The veteran standout discusses his wrestling career and reveals he's paying a steep physical price for it."I wake up in pain pretty much everyday," he says. "In my right leg, my ACL is gone, I have a broken bone in my neck, there's one ligament left in my shoulder, these are all injuries that I accumulated and they're never going to get better. It's not like they're going to miraculously grow back."
The updated lineup for the 3/18 TNA Victory Road PPV:

*TNA champ Bobby Roode vs. Sting.

*TNA Tag Team champions Samoa Joe & Crimson vs. Matt Morgan & Crimson,

*TNA X-Division champion Austin Aries vs. Zema Ion.

*TNA Knockouts champion Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne.

*Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy.

*James Storm vs. Bully Ray.

*AJ Styles & Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian.
TNA Impact Wrestling rating: The lowest rating of 2012
Thursday's TNA Impact Wrestling television show drew a 1.0 rating (0.993 actual rating), which was down from the 1.19 rating the show drew last week. Impact averaged 1.3 million viewers, down from 1.58 million last week.Powell's POV: Ouch! This was the lowest rating of 2012. The first hour of the show produced a 1.02 rating, while hour two dropped to a 0.965 rating. We'll have more details momentarily via the quarter-hour ratings.
Anderson Returning To Impact Next Week, Update On Jarretts
– Mr. Anderson, who has not appeared on TNA Wrestling programming since November, will return on next Thursday's episode of Impact Wrestling."To everyone who has asking about my vacation for the past few months: I'm back next week," he wrote Friday on Twitter.The former Mr. Kennedy took two months off for personal reasons but hasn't been used since a house show tour in January due to creative's directive to not showcase wrestlers on television without a storyline.
– Karen Jarrett will accompany Jeff Jarrett when the 11-time world champion appears for AAA's annual Rey de Reyes tournament on March 18 in Guadalajara, Mexico. There are currently no plans for either Jarrett to return to TNA Wrestling programming. Karen, however, may return if Jeff does.
– The February 24 Impact Wrestling live event in Upper Marlboro, Maryland drew 1,200 attendees while the February 26 show in Charlottesville, Virginia drew 800.
Moore Taking A Break From Wrestling
– Shannon Moore stated Saturday on Twitter that he had decided to take a break from wrestling in order to spend time with his family and focus on outside endeavors."Before someone gets it and twist it. I've decided to step away from wrestling for awhile," he wrote. "I'm putting effort into my own business. Thanks for your support in the ring but for now I am chill'n at home opening my second tat shop and enjoying my family."He continues, "Or am I working you…. Who know the wrestling secret talk… Lol…. love you guys peace!!!"Moore's TNA ring time has been drastically reduced since partner Jesse Neal opted to part ways with the organization in December.
There's talk of some other talent departing TNA soon, although we haven't locked in and confirmed any names right now.

UNA Mobile Transformation LLC filed a lawsuit against TNA on 3/1 in the United States District Court of Delaware, alleging that the company had violated their patent and trademark on how advertisements are delivered via TNA videos. Based on my understanding after reading the filing, UNA is stating that they created and patented how the advs are displayed and delivered and TNA, specifically in a recent video on Sting on the Euroean tour, violated that. They are demanding a jury trial. TNA has yet to respond to the charges, obviously. UNA has filed four other similar lawsuits since 2012 kicked off.

I had the chance over the weekend to see the touring production "Nuclear Cowboyz", a BMX stunt show produced by Feld Entertainment. As it turned out, the show was written by TNA writer and former WWE/ROH Producer Dave Lagana. As someone who has no understanding of that realm at all, I was pretty impressed by the production aspect of the show and the sheer insanity of the riders, who are doing insanely dangerous flips and stunts, sometimes in unison in mid-air with no netting underneath them. The precision needed to pull this stuff off was pretty mind-blowing. What was amazing to me is that this show was pretty much a WWE version of monster truck shows, with a pretty easy storyline (in the future, two warring groups of bikers have to unite to defeat a cyborg army), lots of pyro and highspots and of course, tons of merchandise to move. It was a pretty slick and fun two hour spectacle. The actual "story" was told through narration so that had to have been an interesting process to put it together based around the flips and highspots. They actually did a stunt with two riders on fire doing flips, which is probably the closest we'll ever see to a "Ghost Rider" theatrical experience.

The company has released a "social media" t-shirt, where you can write in your Twitter handle on the back in marker. That's pretty unique.

TNA is now offering Impact Wrestling episodes online via Amazon streaming for $1.99 episode. Currently only the 2012 episodes are available.
James Storm Attempting To Cross Over, MVP Takes Shot At TNA
– TNA Wrestling filmed a music video on Friday for James Storm's entrance theme "Longnecks & Rednecks" with country music artists Montgomery Gentry and Cowboy Troy. Company officials plan to push Storm's song to country music radio stations in order to build awareness for the TNA star.
– On Twitter, former WWE Superstar MVP used an analogy to compare WWE to a Lamborghini and New Japan Pro Wrestling to a Corvette. When asked where TNA Wrestling would fit in the analogy, he said Toyota MR2 (an automobile no longer in production). MVP noted in a later tweet that the possibility of him joining TNA is "highly unlikely."
TNA Rants from Masters, New Talent Policy for TNA, Angle on the Future and More
- The CW network has picked up a new unscripted show called Catalina that will air this summer and is produced by Eric Bischoff and Jason Hervey. The show is about a hotel in Miami "where a young staff gets as wild as the guests."
- As noted before, former WWE star Chris Masters is interested in joining TNA. Masters changed his Twitter handle to @Chrismasters310 and is asking fans for help. Here are some of his recent tweets, one mentioning Vince McMahon:"My fellow Wrestling community,If U feel like the art of wrestling has been lost.To all those who care about story telling.I'm ur man#MTI2012? "Vince said in buisiness you got to be willing to step on toes.U got it VMac.I'm not just gonna step,I'm gonna Squash# MTI Masters2Impact2012? "I just wanna say 1 thing.I'm no U Warrior!I appreciate WWE.I'm known worldwide because of them.No bitterness!Its campaign time,#MTI 2012? "I'm just saying let's take it to where wrestling still matters.This is a grassroits campaign so if you support me spread the word #MTI 2012? "And I know there's some who would say #MTI would make no Impact.But your still thinking of 2006 CM.Check out something more current.#IWC4MTI"
- Kurt Angle wrote the following on Twitter about the state of TNA: "I'm Excited to Have Bruce Prichard and Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan Running Impact Wrestling. They Are the Best. Awesome Shows Coming!"
- TNA reportedly has a new policy on how they use talent on TV. The new policy is that if creative doesn't have a program going on for a talent, then they will not use that talent on TV at all. This is why Rob Van Dam, Mr. Anderson and others have been off TV for long periods at a time.
Slammiversary Going On The Road, More Talent Leaving TNA?
– TNA Wrestling's annual Slammiversary pay-per-view event will be held outside Orlando, Florida on June 10, 2012. Company president Dixie Carter wrote Monday on Twitter, "I am very, VERY excited about what market we will be in for the Slammiversary pay-per-view on 6/10 to celebrate our 10th anniversary!"
– There is talk within TNA Wrestling that some talent will be parting ways with the organization in the near future. No names have been confirmed.
– Shannon Moore stated over the weekend on Twitter that he is taking a hiatus from professional wrestling in order to focus on his tattoo business and spend time with his family. He clarified that he is not retiring. "I'm not retired just taking a break. Wrestling is fun to me. When it's not….I walk away.I set myself up to be able to do so for a reason," Moore wrote.
– Episodes of Impact Wrestling are available online via streaming for $1.99 episode. Only the 2012 episodes are currently available.
Bad News – There's a Hulk Hogan Sextape Going Around
- TMZ reports that a sex tape featuring Hulk Hogan is being shopped around to a major adult film studio. TMZ says they have seen part of the grainy footage that shows Hogan getting undressed while a naked, unidentified brunette lays on the bed. The woman is reportedly not Hulk's ex-wife Linda or his current wife Jennifer McDaniel.According to TMZ, the clip they saw shows Hogan taking his shirt off and bragging to the girl about how he's started to work out again. TMZ says the best part is Hogan's thong-shaped tan line.Vivid Entertainment's Steve Hirsch says he was approached with the tape very recently by a third party. No word yet if Hirsch or anyone else has offered to buy the sextape.
Hulk Hogan's attorney, David Houston, issued the following statement to
"Terry Bollea is appalled at the unauthorized release of a secretly filmed video. [Hulk] neither approved of the filming nor the release of the same. It is clearly an outrageous invasion of privacy and breach of trust if it is genuine. We will take all necessary steps to enforce both civil and criminal liability."The TMZ story also claims that Hogan was not aware he was being filmed.
TOP PORN DISTRIBUTOR WANTS THE HULKSTER'S TAPE...AND BLESSING has published a letter that Vivid Video's Steve Hirsch has sent to Hulk Hogan and his attorney, David Houston, seeking to open the lines of communication to legally acquire and distribute the purported Hogan video that TMZ reported was being shipped around.Hogan claimed yesterday that he didn't know who he was with on the tape, citing it was during a time in his life where he was "a little crazy" following his break-up with ex-wife Linda Hogan. Hogan's attorney has claimed that even filming the video in Florida would be a felony and they want the person responsible prosecuted and the tape prevented.Hirsch, however, wants the chance to change Hogan's mind, which given how openly religious Hogan has become in the public eye, might be quite the longshot. But, it would also be a hell of a payday for Hogan.You can read the PDF of the letter to Hogan at this link. Note from Mike: Damn it - see what you started, Chyna?
You know you were waiting for this one. Ultimate Warrior wrote the following on his Twitter account: "HH sex tape? Don't need more boring proof Terry is impotent with tiny, shriveled-up balls. And finding out he's lesbian is 2 much 4 even me."
Greg DeMarco sent this item. ... Eric Bischoff joined the VOC Wrestling Nation Radio Program on 1360 WNJC Philadelphia this past Wednesday 3/7/12. The full broadcast can be heard at other topics, he discussed:On working with his son on TV: "It's a challenge and I have mixed emotions about it. At the end of the day, he's doing what he wanted to do…I have a certain point of view about the wrestling business and the current state of it, and the opportunities that exist in the business today versus what has existed in the past. I tried to dissuade him from getting involved, but he's doing what he wanted to do. Regardless of how I feel about it, he's sticking to his dream and that's an admirable quality."
On working in the business now versus in WCW: "I live for the day today and I don't spend a lot of time dwelling in the past. There is a big difference between what I do today for TNA versus what I did for Turner Broadcasting. I don't have to deal with talent issues. That is a stressful job, even when talent is on their best behavior. It's stressful having the futures and the welfare of that many people in your hands. Wrestling is a tough business to break into, and knowing that you're in control of them being able to feed their families…I don't like that."
On The Ultimate Warrior's run in WCW: "There was a certain level of expectation and it fell flat. We thought we had a decent way to use him…I'll never forget this, it's like scar tissue, it never goes away. On his first Nitro, he was supposed to cut a 5 or 6 minute promo, and when he got near the TWENTY-FIVE minute mark, I wanted to dig out my eyes. It was the most painful, excruciating, non-seneschal, disconnected interview I've ever heard in my life…it was horrifying, and went downhill from there."
On his role with TNA Booking: "Bruce Pritchard is head of creative, and I oversee things and make sure that the Network gets what is asked for. I wanted to develop a long term plan for booking, and Vince Russo liked running things on a short term planning basis. Right now, we are very much on track with the creative direction that we laid out in October. I work very closely with the team and Dixie on the day of TV, but I'm not involved in management on a day to day basis."
On Vince Russo's Departure: "I don't know why Vince and TNA parted ways, and I wasn't involved in it. I haven't spoken to him since, aside from an email wishing him success in the future. I haven't talked to anyone in TNA about it either. He and I had philosophical differences on how to create primetime television, but I don't think it's unfair or unprofessional to acknowledge that. I enjoyed the challenge of working with him."
On whether or not Ric Flair should appear at the WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony this year: "I'm not a decision maker, and whatever they decide, I'm going to support. But in my personal opinion, I think they should allow Ric to go to the Hall of Fame. Ric Flair is a very special individual…he is 63 years old...he's not perfect, but there is not anyone in this business that deserves the respect and honor of taking center stage in the biggest event in our universe more than he does."Melina also joined the show to talk about upcoming appearances and future plans, and Joey Styles was announced as next week's guest. The VOC Wrestling Nation can be heard every Wednesday from 5PM – 7PM ET on 1360 WNJC Philadelphia and WORLDWIDE at Enter the VOC Nation. The videocast from inside the studio can be seen every Thursday at 8PM at Go Fight Live TV by visiting GFL - GoFightLive - Home Page. The full podcast can be downloaded here, and may be rebroadcast with attribution to VOC Nation and Enter the VOC Nation.
TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers for March 15th, 2012 TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers for March 15th, 2012 | WWE News, TNA News, WWE Divas Photos, TNA Knockouts Photos - WNZ Dixie Carter Comments on HOF Induction, TNA Returning to California, Christy Hemme on Radio Show
- Christy Hemme recently spoke with "Monsters In The Morning" on 104.1 FM Orlando / XM 165, you can check out a portion of her appearance below: Dixie Carter Comments on HOF Induction, TNA Returning to California, Christy Hemme on Radio Show | WWE News, TNA News, WWE Divas Photos, TNA Knockouts Photos - WNZ
- TNA returns to the Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, California on May 4th, 2012.
- WSU inducted TNA President Dixie Carter in its annual Hall of Fame prior to the company's 5th Anniversary Show last Saturday. Carter issued the following statement to Diva-Dirt: "I am very proud of TNA's Knockout division. I support any time women's wrestling can be done in a competitive, professional manner. Thank you for this honor."
Top TNA Tag Team Reuniting Soon
- There is no date set yet for Chris Sabin's return to action. He had knee surgery and is not ready to come back yet as his return has been delayed several times.The plan is to reunite Sabin with Alex Shelley as The Motor City Machine Guns. Officials are hoping Sabin will be back in one or two months.
New TNA Storyline Begins, Title Change on Impact, Wrestlers Working TNA Events
- OVW Heavyweight Champion Johnny Spade is working this weekend's TNA live events. TNA developmental talent and reality star Jessie Godderz is also on the road with the crew this weekend.
- Eric Young and ODB became the new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions on last night's episode of Impact Wrestling, defeating Gail Kim and Madison Rayne. After the match, Young and ODB got engaged.
- Abyss was trending worldwide on Twitter last night after TNA began a storyline where his "brother" is out searching for him. The storyline sees Mr. Joseph Park, who is just an unmasked Abyss, looking for his brother.
Photo and Video: New Look for Abyss as His "Brother" on Impact
"It seems Abyss has a brother – and Mr. Joseph Park seems to be on a hunt to find out the whereabouts of his brother at the IMPACT WRESTLING Zone. Watch IMPACT WRESTLING every Thursday night at 9/8c on SpikeTV"
Abyss Has A Brother? It seems Abyss has a brother - and Mr. Joseph Park seems to be on a hunt to find out the whereabouts of his brother at the IMPACT WRESTLING Zone. Watch IMPACT WRESTLING every Thursday night at 9/8c on SpikeTV picture at this link
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Video: Hulk Hogan Does His Best Lady Gaga Impression
Check out this truly bizarre video of Hulk Hogandressed up as Lady Gaga singing her hit song, "Born This Way." re: @HulkHogan I Challenge you to show us your best Gaga!

Treat everyone equally. Respect everyone on this planet.

Hulk Hogan responded via video to his fans' challenges on Twitter. #ChallengeHulk

You challenged Hulk on Twitter, now he challenges YOU to get fit and be healthy! Health and humor from the Hulkster. Go ahead Brother! subscribe, drop a note, shoot your thoughts.
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