The ad thing is true of all the ad channels so other than comparing to hbo it kind of cancels out. But to compare in reverse HBO would probably be a lot cheaper per sub if it was in basic.
I am all for ala carte, I went through the channel list today and counted 5 channels I like enough to pay $2 a month for. Two of them are discovery channels in the 180 package. The other 3 are in AT60. None of them are worth the price of at60 let alone at180.
The current situation is anticompetitive, most of the basic channels including espn are worthless to me yet I still have to buy them no matter what provider I choose. The only choice I have is to vote with my wallet and not buy any of them. I am very thankfull that Dish offers the HD channels without requiring a basic package. I started out with USSB, and later with the more expensive directv until they no longer allowed HBO/Sho subs without total choice. If Dish ever follows I will probably go OTA only.
It's not even so much the actual price, its the principal. I have to buy a lot of stuff I don't want to get what I do want no matter the provider. The $2 price is based on the outdoor channel ala carte price.
To bring it back to ESPN they are kind of like Wal-Mart they have the power to get what they want, no provider will ever stand up to them, ESPN would probably rather go dark on an entire system forever then cave in to ala carte. Its kind of like how Wal-Mart and McDonald's will close a store if it tries to unionize since in the long run it will cost them more.