NCAA Football 2014 season

I should have said won't, there is another school already working on one (Wake maybe). Odd that UM is not.
We have had that discussion on other sports forums. Like I mentioned before, unless they want to build the indoor facility off campus, they likely will never have one.
There really is zero room for growth on that locked in spot of land they have unless they did away with current practice fields. As you can see below.
Here ya go.
Ah, just boot some folks out of their homes. Football is priority.
Haha, thats the right kind of thinking!

Could you imagine the price on those homes right around in that area? you would have more in the land as it would cost to construct the stadium itself (or more obviously if it were just a practice facility)
Todd is right about the room. Being Coral Gables it may be hard to boot folks from their homes unless they're willing to do so at a VERY hefty price....
Just got my Tally RV parking assignment for Fri-Sun. Come 0800 Friday morning, I am off the grid LOL.

I figure when I retire.... IF..I retire I may get a nice RV and drive from game to game home and away. I really don't think I'll make it to retirement age though the way things are looking with the economy and my family doesn't have a good history of making it beyond 65.
I was gonna be doing the 2 day hotel deal, but my aunt and uncle have a nice 26ft 2003 holiday rambler with like 35k miles on it. They never use it anymore because they are now retired and on a fixed income. He is more than glad to let me use it, the only stipulation is I bring him along! We also park it in dwtn Mobile for all 3 weeks of Mardi Gras. Makes for a nice home base.

I'm glad I get to do it this way, we show up in Tally at noon on Fridays, park the RV, and do not move until sometime Sunday. Spots are 2 blocks from Doak and have power service.
Miami's facilities might not be the best. But they do have one thing going for them, their backyard might have more talent than anywhere in the country.

Is talent everything? No, but it sure helps.

The thing is I want them to suck forever, I just don't see it happening.

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It does, but they will continue to lose recruits and the guys they do get are subject to poor coaching. They are in the lost decade like FSU was and itll keep getting worse until they do something. I do not think you will ever see 90's Miami again though, things have changed in football.

Ok sitting and standing is a big issue for all stadiums not just Ohio State. Two years ago I was in a different section due to the season tickets getting reassigned which was stupid but ok... well we didn't get our 4 anywhere near where we were but we sucked it up for that one year till we asked to have better ones. The ones we have now are even better than I've always had before the switch. Now back to the story, at those poor seats we had some students or at least I assume were students down a row in front of us and a few other older fans (I'm not that old mind you) but they kept standing while the offense was on the field during just basic plays nothing special to make you stand and cheer. The other guys basically asked them nicely to sit down but they got all huffy and started back talking... my uncle whom was with me told them they needed to sit or he would go get someone to help them sit. Well that really didn't go over well and the kids sat but kept on mouthing off during the rest of the game. They didn't sit there again the rest of the season so I'm assuming they purchased the tickets from the real owners for that game.

Now the seats we are in currently have students all around however for the most part they sit at various offensive times and seem to respect those around them. You will still have those even not students that feel they are doing the team a favor by standing during the whole game and as long as those behind them are ok with it I see no problem with it but I can certainly see it causing a problem.
I get some people are rude, but that seems extreme. Im afraid you lead one day to no standing rules. Now standing all game when you have older or disabled people behind you, or just someone that can't stand the whole game, is a douche move.
I get some people are rude, but that seems extreme. Im afraid you lead one day to no standing rules. Now standing all game when you have older or disabled people behind you, or just someone that can't stand the whole game, is a douche move.

It happens a lot, and the common courtesy we all should show towards others is almost long gone. Just look at the airlines and their fights with those passengers getting into mid air fights over just leaning a seat back a little..nobody knows how to be nice anymore. I watched a cop 4 rows down from me Saturday argue with a guy that was clearly in the wrong seat. The was just trying to sit next to his friend because there were 2-3 empty seats between him and the few guys on the end. The issue was the guy on the end owned those 2-3 empty seats and didn't want nobody sitting in them so he could spread out. These seats were likely just empty cause the tickets were used to get into box seats up top which is common in the section I'm in. So the cop made the guy move after I heard him yell at him over plays that this other guy purchased the seats and has the tickets to show for them. I kinda laughed at that...
Thats probably why it is best most college stadiums still do not sell booze.

Well ya know I've been to stadiums that sold beer and those that aren't and they are the same.. people will get wasted before going in if that is their intent but if you sell it they can raise more $ and maybe in doing so they can lower the costs of the regular drinks. A bottle of water cost me $4 saturday.... just sad considering how it was a must have when it was 90degree's in the shade at the start of the game.

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