I just realized that Bama currently has the longest streak for consecutive weeks ranked in the AP poll. RTR!
Oh and....SEC! SEC! SEC!

Oh and....SEC! SEC! SEC!
Must-see games this weekend:
3:30PM Arkansas-Alabama CBS
3:30PM Oklahoma State-Texas A&M ABC
8:00PM LSU-West Virginia ABC
8:00PM Missouri-Oklahoma FX
10:15PM USC-Arizona State ESPN
I wonder if Bebee resigning as commish of the Big 12 will save it if they were to bring in some big name, like maybe C.M. Newton.
Gameday is in WestVA this weekend..I wonder where they are going next weekend? Rumors are they are waiting to see if Clemson beats FSU this weekend to jump high in the rankings ahead of playing VT so they could just drive down the road for a nice ranked on ranked game.
The Kansas City Star
COLUMBIA | The fractured Big 12 Conference attempted to join hands and unify Thursday night, but Missouri's grip may not be as tight.
Not only did MU chancellor Brady Deaton and athletic director Mike Alden decline to confirm the university's commitment in the long or short term to the Big 12, the Tigers' interest in the Southeastern Conference is very much alive.
"We either stick in the Big 12 because everything came about the way it needs to, the right way, with all the differences being settled in Missouri's favor," a university administrator who asked not to be identified told The Star on Thursday night. "But what are the odds of that happening?
"The other option is to join another conference and I believe that is something that we're very open to."
What OU did last night may very well destroy the conference they were "trying" to save. Cutting off the spokesperson of the Big 12 just shows exactly why the conference cannot survive. One year or six.
I put that in quotes, because I feel OU wants no part in keeping the Big 12 together still. They were embarrassed and forced into a situation by Texas. They put out lofty demands and only got one, Beebe ousted.
If you look at this whole thing from an Austin perspective, its quite brilliant how everyone was manipulated.
Let's start from the beginning. Nebraska knew what was going on the whole time, tried to play along and see if they could work it to their advantage, once they realized they could not, they bolted to the B1G.
The Husker-Longhorn relationship in the conference was always tenuous at best. There was no athletic rivalry per se, but definitely an administrative one. Nebraska saw the SWC4 as people to beat up on every year to keep its dominance, but quickly into negotiations in 1995 realized Texas was going to get its way.
That built up hostility (partial qualifiers, office in Dallas, et al) over the remaining years until it reached a climax last year and Nebraska couldn't take it anymore and left. Colorado, well, not sure why they did what they did, they haven't been relevant in athletics in years, but probably were smart enough to see the writing on the wall.
Then came the Big12-2 agreement. This was all planned. Texas knew that their main opposition was Nebraska and was afraid the old Big 8 schools would listen to them, with the Huskers out of the way, it was free reign.
To ensure the conference lower tier schools would fall in line, they threatened a move to the Pac12. This enraged A&M, who started looking East. It forced ISU, KU, KSU and Baylor to do whatever Texas wanted, but OU was fine with going to the Pac 12.
Well, Texas couldn't have A&M bolting, all their plans would be out the window. They convinced A&M to stay promising lopsided Tier I revenue in their favor and discussed tier 3 rights and being able to sell that yourself. No mention of their true intentions, just waving famous Beebe bucks at A&M and OU.
So they all shook hands smiled, popped the cork and considered the conference saved. Texas' evil genius plan was going swimmingly. It was now time to discuss and ink the deal with ESPN. That is where Texas overplayed its hand. Not necessarily a big deal when ESPN was floating the chips.
Through FOIA requests A&M got the LHN contract and saw what the Huskers and Buffs knew last year. Texas is out to win it, at all aspects. I won't go into details but some of you should really read that contract. ESPN petty much set themselves up nicely that they control Texas' T3 and some T2 content without regard to conference or other school affiliation. They even set it up nicely if Texas leaves the Big 12 or goes independent, which may be ESPN's final goal. Really quite brilliant.
So, A&M seeing this, wants no part of it, goes to the SEC and starts discussions. The interwebs, being what they are, had twitter blowing up. A&M's cards were now showing, as they went all in and Texas had to call.
Now their evil plan is seeing some kinks. They assume A&M would just do as told. The PAC 12 was never really a serious option for them, it was just to make A&M and the Low 4 fall in line. As long as they were in line so would be OU, OSU and Mizzou. Now A&M is leaving, WTH?
Texas checks its blueprints for domination and sees that this really doesn't cause them to deviate too much off course. Bye Aggies, nice knowing you. They get everyone to agree to let A&M go forgetting what they had to do last year to keep OU OSU and Mizzou in line, that was keep A&M in place.
September 2nd rolls around, everyone signs the pretty paper, then OU gets antsy and opens their big mouths. They want to go PAC12. Great. So Texas' fake flirtations with them last year were still caught up in OU's head. Didn't the okies realize the Pac12 move was a farce? Time to go into damage control mode.
Texas calls up Baylor, whispers what Ken Starr loves to hear, litigation. Ken Starr backs out of the previous agreement and states they will sue the SEC. Dodds sits back Mr. Burns style, excellent, this buys them time.
Texas then pretends to shop around as well. ACC? Nope, B1G, nope, SEC, don't even try, who will take me and my network, well PAC12 might if we change it. OK good. Now we can mess up the Sooner's plans. Texas then proceeded to play Larry Scott like a fiddle. Dangled the Texas markets in front of him. The AAU membership, top 50 academic institution...
Right when things look good, PAC 12 thinks Texas will compromise with ESPN and the LHN and everything approaches the final hour, Dodds pulls his last ace. Refuses to concede anything on the LHN, pissing off the PAC12 member schools so much they refuse to expand AT ALL.
Now OU looks foolish. They have to stay in the Big 12 or go SEC. B1G won't take them, ACC already made their moves. OU is scared of the SEC, so Texas knows it has them by the balls. OU demands all kinds of concessions from Texas, but only gets one, Beebe fired. He served his purpose anyhow.
Now the plan is almost complete. The Big 12 is all in Texas' back pocket. They took a gamble with the SEC being afraid of Baylor and it paid off. Time to put the finishing touches on the evil empire, what? What's this? Why did OU cut off Mizzou? What were the tigers saying?
There may still be one more kink to the plan...
Texas A&M will be that sibling that marries up and then spends all his time with his wife's family. And who can blame Texas A&M for that? The Big 12 is the type of family where the reunions end with someone waving a knife and screaming "I'll cut all of you!" as the police pull into the driveway. In the SEC, they spend their family reunions in Destin, Fla., counting money by the Gulf of Mexico and then watching their wives spend the windfall at the outlet mall across the street from the hotel.
An SI piece on the Big 12.
Big 12 conference tries to come together after near breakup - Andy Staples - SI.com
The conference is going to form some kind of special committee to negotiate the details of The Longhorn network with Texas. The schools conference reps will all need to receive the authority to sign over their television money to the conference for the next six years. The problem is that the moment that money is signed over, Texas has *zero* incentive to negotiate with this committee. Texas and ESPN will spend these six years pushing for conference games, high school content, and bullying (extorting) providers to carry the LHN. I can't believe that OU is letting themselves get pushed around like this. I am sooooooo happy to be out of this dysfunctional mess.
Oh, and Mizzou is still trying to get an SEC invite. They wouldn't be a bad addition, but I can't imagine that the SEC would be willing to face more threats of litigation from Ken Starr.
Mizzou doesn't commit to Big 12, SEC still an option
Mizzou doesn't commit to Big 12, SEC still an option - KansasCity.com
No way the Razerbacks are leaving the SEC. Why would anyone leave that gravytrain for the unstable Big 12?I've had that thought too. I've had this Big 12 in my mind.
The Baylor parasites will have to start feeding off of someone else's conference.
It will never happen though. Dodds wants independent money (LHN) plus conference money.
I say they will most likely cover the Alabama/Florida game (currently #3 vs #15) Or the Texas AM/Arkansas game (currently #8 vs #14).
Those numbers will most likely change this week, but you will still have two ranked teams in both games, and potentially much higher than Va tech/Clemson, not that the rankings determine the location, I just think either of those would be far more appealing.
My guess, assuming Bama wins this weekend, they will be in Gainesville.