2022-2023 NCAA Football Thread

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2025 CFP Locations & Dates

Dec 28, 2024Orange BowlSemifinal game
Dec 28, 2024Cotton BowlSemifinal game
Jan 6, 2025TBD (TBD)CFP Championship Game

2026 CFP Locations & Dates

Dec 27, 2025Fiesta BowlSemifinal game
Dec 27, 2025Peach BowlSemifinal game
Jan 5, 2026TBD (TBD)CFP Championship Game
I see ... they can manage the Semi's on a Saturday, but can't make the Championship game on a Weekend ....
Way to Go Guys ... :mad:
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Yeah that sucks. I get that the NFL playoffs kill it being on Sat & Sun (no one would watch unless their team was in it), but they could have done it on Friday.

Here's an idea, move the Championship game out to the week before the Super Bowl when there are no games.

Am curious what days they'll be doing the semi-finals, didn't see that in the article.
That would at the moment be like a 3 week wait, people complained big time when teams played thier last game 1st week of December, then didn't play till in Jan that its too long ...
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Just noticed that they picked MLK Day for the Championship games (Jan 20, 2025 in Atlanta & Jan 19, 2026 in Miami).
I've seen an awful lot of DUD NFL playoff games ... teams with losing records or Poor records ect.
Come to think of it, why would I be concerned about the day of the week the Championship games are on anymore ... I'm RETIRED ... i forgot ... actually, semi retired.
Unfortunately, my Semi Retired job keeps me working during most important games.
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The NFL blows away everything else, including college football. They are trying to wedge in these idiot playoffs into an already full schedule.

But understand what ESPN is doing here. They are making college football into AAA football. Well did ya watch a lot of AAA baseball or hockey last year? Who won? What is the name of five players on that team, or its coach? Name the teams in the Pacific Coast League. What are the Cleveland Monsters?

It won't work. College football is about pageantry and tradition. Who wins between Indiana and Purdue matters, no matter the records, and so on across the country. A lot of teams can walk off the field as winners and make their fans happy. "We won the Gator Bowl!" "We won the Big 10!!" Etc. Now, LSU @ Auburn in October is no more important in CFB than Baltimore @ Cincinnati is the next day in the NFL. Both can still make the playoffs. And in said playoffs, one team will win, and everyone else is a POS. And, unless you are a fan of one of about 15 teams, your team will N E V E R contend.

The season should end on New Year's Day, with the major bowls, followed by USA Today proclaiming who is "national champion".
The NFL blows away everything else, including college football.
Yep, there's a reason why the NFL was banned from broadcasting games on Friday and Saturdays in Sept, Oct, and Nov as part of the Sports Broadcast Act (that exempted the NFL from anti-trust laws in pooling the leagues broadcast rights), because their broadcasts would decimate high school & college attendance (as well as college broadcast ratings).
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Well, probably. Tony Kornheiser always says that in the TV business "the answer to all of your questions is money." But I don't get it, the average income in Mexico is about half that of the USA.
The NFL blows away everything else, including college football. They are trying to wedge in these idiot playoffs into an already full schedule.

But understand what ESPN is doing here. They are making college football into AAA football.
I'd say the attendance to games in the SEC and Big-10 are a tad higher than AAA games.
Well did ya watch a lot of AAA baseball or hockey last year? Who won? What is the name of five players on that team, or its coach? Name the teams in the Pacific Coast League. What are the Cleveland Monsters?
The Cleveland Monsters are the AHL minor league hockey team in Cleveland. They raised the Calder Cup (one of the oldest trophies in US sports) right after the Cavs went down 3-1 to the Warriors in what was looking to be James coming up short to bring Cleveland the title.
It won't work. College football is about pageantry and tradition.
You misspelled tailgating.
Who wins between Indiana and Purdue matters, no matter the records, and so on across the country.
No... who wins Purdue v Indiana only matters to Purdue and Indiana. Who wins the national championship has mattered for decades in this country. College Football was unique in college sports for having the absolutely most stupid way of determining who the champion is... effectively a Caucus.
A lot of teams can walk off the field as winners and make their fans happy. "We won the Gator Bowl!" "We won the Big 10!!" Etc. Now, LSU @ Auburn in October is no more important in CFB than Baltimore @ Cincinnati is the next day in the NFL. Both can still make the playoffs. And in said playoffs, one team will win, and everyone else is a POS.
OMG! An undisputed champion... oh the horror! Just making the playoff would make a team's year... having the playoff being available also makes mid-card games mean more. A college makes the NCAA Basketball Tourney, and that is a huge deal, just to make it. Winning a game for mid-majors is never forgotten. So this will become a thing for College Football.
And, unless you are a fan of one of about 15 teams, your team will N E V E R contend.

The season should end on New Year's Day, with the major bowls, followed by USA Today proclaiming who is "national champion".
Yeah, that isn't a good thing. I'm sorry you don't like change, but this needs to happen. Or at least, some form of it. It'll finally get SEC and B10 fans to stop bickering!
I'd say the attendance to games in the SEC and Big-10 are a tad higher than AAA games.
Exactly. College football (and basketball) have found a way to sell a lower level of the sport to the masses. And now ESPN, the focus of evil in the sports world, is blowing it all up.
No... who wins Purdue v Indiana only matters to Purdue and Indiana.
Yep. One of the great things about college football. Unlike the NFL or any other professional sport, there are 1000s of things that are important to individual fanbases. But, nah, one grinding crushing playoff (which neither Indiana nor Purdue will EVER play in) and one champion, and everybody else is a POS.
Who wins the national championship has mattered for decades in this country.
Yep. Accomplished without a playoff. And ESPN wants to blow that up.
OMG! An undisputed champion... oh the horror!
Unless you are a fan of one of the, at best, 15 teams that might win it, yep.
Just making the playoff would make a team's year...
Not in the SEC.
A college makes the NCAA Basketball Tourney, and that is a huge deal, just to make it. Winning a game for mid-majors is never forgotten. So this will become a thing for College Football.
Not really. The system has ONE spot of a "group of five" team. Where they will lose, every year, by a large margin. And, since there are over 70 such teams, the rest will all be POS, as will all but the top 3 or 4 teams in each "major" conference. They will NEVER make the playoffs, and the bowls, and the regular season rivalries, now mean NOTHING.
It'll finally get SEC and B10 fans to stop bickering!
As the SEC will win this deal, nine years out of ten, it will probably just reinforce how superior it is. But "bickering" is a major part of college football. Arguing about rivalries, who deserved to go to the Liberty Bowl, which conference is best, so on. But, nah, one grinding playoff which 7/8th of the Division will never play in, one champion, everybody else is a POS.
Well, probably. Tony Kornheiser always says that in the TV business "the answer to all of your questions is money." But I don't get it, the average income in Mexico is about half that of the USA.
The money isn't from the people buying tickets, but instead from the stadium promoters.
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