To be fair, I think you were the first to bring up VT and their loss in the discussion after Boise beat Georgia.
maybe.... every once in a while I do happen to throw up in my mouth by accident too.
To be fair, I think you were the first to bring up VT and their loss in the discussion after Boise beat Georgia.
Actually it was. My post about VT were in direct response to you.maybe....
My posts about Georgia were just to say my dawgs were outplayed and outclassed by a better team (the quarterbacks excuses of looking ahead are in direct contrast to all the team interviews and talks of the last few months. No one looks ahead of a top 10 team). Unfortunately excuses are becoming common between the hedges (first it was Willie, then Bobo, sorry but it needs to go to the top).
If it weren't for their easy schedule this year, it would be a long season. At best we'll finish 9-3, more likely it'll be 7-5 (Auburn & GT are tossups).
It is a national FSN game, so it should be on whatever channel your RSN is. For me it is FSN SW on 416 SD and 444 HDALT with DISH.
Don't blame them. The Big XII is dying a slow death. By being proactive in seeking the Pac 12, OU is trying to ensure they stay in a premeire conference.Well, it looks like OU is putting their ducks in a row to move to the Pac 12, and OK State will go wherever OU goes.
Don't blame them. The Big XII is dying a slow death. By being proactive in seeking the Pac 12, OU is trying to ensure they stay in a premeire conference.
The question mark is Texas. Will they stay, or go with them, or go independent.
The SEC will likely say no. I don't think they want the Longhorns (definitely don't want the Longhorn Network). I have a feeling they only want to expand by 2 at most, with A&M being one, and someone else in a new market (I'm guess they're already thinking Missouri in order to add St. Louis).if Texas will go with them or petition to join the sec ?
Well you know Mark Cuban had to chime in like everyone else, regarding the Big 12
So What Should Big 12 Schools Do ? Say No to Super Conferences « blog maverick
Umm, didn't someone have to ASK him for his opinion ?
As these questions were pondered over the weekend, the same one kept popping up. How did we get into this mess?
History will point to Texas. The school's over-reaching influence when the Big 12 started formed the genesis of Nebraska's departure 15 years later.
The Longhorn Network was something other schools envied but could live with — even Texas A&M — until ESPN started yapping about high school content and sought a second game to broadcast when the league had agreed to one. The Aggies had enough. They had an option, and the school has decided moving along is worth the risk of ending one of the college game's best rivalries.
No other major power, not Florida, Ohio State, Michigan, anybody, acts on its arrogance as destructively as Texas.
I overheard this exchange Saturday.
"How many conferences is Texas going to destroy?"
Answer: "Every one it joins."
The SEC has already had their 3rd best team left out a few times in the past (when their record/ranking would say otherwise), Big Ten has been stung likewise, as has the Pac10. Growing by a couple teams won't change that. As it is, the SEC is very happy with their bowl tie-ins/$$$.Q. Right now only the top 2 teams get in the BCS, is that going to change when these Super Conferences become a reality ?
If not, why would a very good team want to consider going to a SC and potentially be left out as they are the 3rd best team, particularly in the sec.
The SEC has already had their 3rd best team left out a few times in the past (when their record/ranking would say otherwise), Big Ten has been stung likewise, as has the Pac10. Growing by a couple teams won't change that. As it is, the SEC is very happy with their bowl tie-ins/$$$.