With that being said, Penn State beat Ohio State at Ohio State which is a ranked team, they beat Oregon State which beat #1 USC.
Nobody was saying anything about USC when they were winning tournaments, Pac 10 might be the worse conference beside the ACC and Big East.
Don't think for one minute I'm saying the Big Ten has just as hard of a schedule as the SEC or Big 12, but all Penn State can do is play with what is given to them. Until the NCAA makes every conference even like basketball, every conference has a tournament, then there is nothing teams that don't have tournaments can do about it.
IMO the reason they don't have playoffs is because the BCS will lose to much money. If they can have a tournament for Basketball, thy can have a playoff system for football. Until then the reporters and coaches who don't even watch all the games and some computer nerds gets to decide who wins the championship. Let the players decide who wins by playing games.
Well said. :up