I came home yesterday to find my Mac Folding on one set of cores, but the other set were in something InCrease called "Zombie". I shut down folding on the machine and started back up, but then I got something that I haven't seen before: The Grey Screen of "Oh, Sh!t!" It told me my Mac had entered an unstable state and everything was stopped to protect the machine. "Please press Reset or hold the Power button until it shuts down."
So, it looks like Apple needs a new ad, one where the Mac stops, turns grey, then starts over while PC looks on with a smug, "See, Mr. All High-n-Mighty? Not so fun, is it?"
After I got everything folding again, I saw that I had a Quicktime Update and some other Apple Updates to apply. I shut things down in an orderly fashion, applied the updates, and restarted, but then I saw that just one set of core started. This time, it was the "running two sets of SMP Cores seems to confuse the client.cfg file" problem as I had to re-run the Console program with the -configonly flag to restore my MachineID. I hate it when that happens...
I uploaded a WU earlier this morning, but that's it until tomorrow morning. I had the Mac running at pretty close to 50% apart to even out the uploading, but now it's more like 29%.
Edit: Oh, I forgot about the HP. It just uploaded a WU.