Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

just waiting to add my told ya so when we surpass the 1000 marker:)
Won't be long now... Sometime Friday, I believe.

I guess that I should have never underestimated the power of a bunch of SatelliteGuys!
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Well for some of my machines, I had to enable large WU's to get them to get new work, others finally got new WU's sometime yesterday, Lost about 10 hours of time per machine due to no work, but at least they are all back and working now.

It's interesting to see the frame completion timing difference with the large WUs. Minutes instead of seconds.
yeah, completion time is still pretty much the same for the large WU compared to the normal ones for me. The ones I am getting are 250 frames each. Each frame is about 10-15 minutes depending on the machine.
If you Google around for "Folding Home PPD" you'll get some hints on how best to set up your Folding machines. People talking about the biggest bang for your Folding buck, people debating the most points-per-Watt, etc. Using the Linux cores seems to be the most effective means to generate points, although the Playstation 3 does fairly well at 6000 ppw (points per week) for $600 (10 ppw/$). My Mac Pro does a little over 15000 ppw and cost $2,200 for a ppw/$ of 6.9. So, three PS3s is a more cost-effective way than the dual-core Mac Pro to generate points. A 3.0 GHz Quad Core Mac Pro has shown real-world Folding numbers of close to 4,200 ppd which yields 7.4ppw/$, still not as good as the PS3.

Now that Core 2 Quads are on the market, I'm sure those will drive down the price of Folding Farms. Putting together some pieces-parts, you should be able to assemble a Core 2 Quad QX6700 for under $1,300 that should match my Mac Pro's SMP numbers. That works out to over 11ppw/$.

Woo-hoo! It looks like the team is up to 57 members strong! However, it looks like we have two "markd" members in addition to the two "Foxbat" members looking at the F@H Team Stats page. Markd, I hope you haven't gotten discouraged in the project; it looks like your last WU was finished 4/23.

I am also encouraged to see our daily production is trending upwards again (see graph). I'm a little worried about the affect that the Stanford Servers might cause in the production numbers. Hopefully, that hit everyone equally so teams aren't penalized just because they were looking for work and couldn't get any.


  • production_hour.php.png
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Well, I converted my multi-console version machine over to a SMP client today. It's a 4 processor poweredge server with 4 Xeon's in it and 2gig ram. I am curious how well the SMP client works.
I'd look at your CPU usage. You may be able to run two instances of the SMP if the Xeons are Hyper-threaded.
I came home yesterday to find my Mac Folding on one set of cores, but the other set were in something InCrease called "Zombie". I shut down folding on the machine and started back up, but then I got something that I haven't seen before: The Grey Screen of "Oh, Sh!t!" It told me my Mac had entered an unstable state and everything was stopped to protect the machine. "Please press Reset or hold the Power button until it shuts down."

So, it looks like Apple needs a new ad, one where the Mac stops, turns grey, then starts over while PC looks on with a smug, "See, Mr. All High-n-Mighty? Not so fun, is it?"

After I got everything folding again, I saw that I had a Quicktime Update and some other Apple Updates to apply. I shut things down in an orderly fashion, applied the updates, and restarted, but then I saw that just one set of core started. This time, it was the "running two sets of SMP Cores seems to confuse the client.cfg file" problem as I had to re-run the Console program with the -configonly flag to restore my MachineID. I hate it when that happens...

I uploaded a WU earlier this morning, but that's it until tomorrow morning. I had the Mac running at pretty close to 50% apart to even out the uploading, but now it's more like 29%.
Edit: Oh, I forgot about the HP. It just uploaded a WU.
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Yesterday my wife calls and says that her machine was completely messed up; taking forever to do stuff. I had installed F@H on it when she was gone last week. When I got home I checked, and it was using 95% of system resources, and the CPU was running at 100% of CPU. I changed the setting to a lower threshold for F@H but ultimately just turned it off. :(

I can't have her unable to do her work. Too bad; that machine runs 15 hours a day, I thought I could put it to good use, but it does need to be very reliable for her business.
That sucks. I have the client on a few machines that get regular user use. They have not experienced anything like that.
However, it looks like we have two "markd" members in addition to the two "Foxbat" members looking at the F@H Team Stats page. Markd, I hope you haven't gotten discouraged in the project; it looks like your last WU was finished 4/23.

I'm still folding but under markdu. Finally finished one this morning. There was a another markd on the system so I changed my name. I now have three computers folding. 2 PCs at work, 1 iMac-Intel at home. They're not folding 24/7. I've been folding at work while I'm there. And at home through the night but not during the day. Now that I see I'm not overheating any of the computers. I'll probably leave one at work and my iMac running for 24/7.

My iMac Duo 2 Core running the InCrease setup seems to be running circles around the 3ghz and 2ghz PCs at work. But the iMac is processing 4 cores at the same time.