SatelliteGuys HAS MOVED again!

Ok caching is enabled, but things will be a little slower which the cache is built. Also the search index is being rebuilt so search may not function properly.

If you are back let me know you are. here and things are working. I feel like I am talking to myself. :D
Working well here.
Ok everything is set... still need to do MySQL and PHP tuning but need a few days of data collection for the software to make recommendations.

I have closed the test site, and tomorrow will remove it complete. At the moment it has a message up letting them know there'll site is now online on the new server.

If you know of anyone who can't get on have them try pinging The return address should be If their are getting a different number then their ISP's DNS has not properly updated yet. Suggest to these folks to use an alternate DNS server such as, or

Welcome home guys!
About halfway done rebuilding the search index.

On the old server doing this would take about 70% of the resources. Looking at the top stats its using about 39%.

Very happy so far.

Almost a week working every free minute on this move, I was SO READY to throw in the towel and just stay on the old server (which wasn't bad). but I glad I stepped back and took another look and took my time to get all the issues fixed for the easy move tonight. It would have been faster if I didnt use the same cache settings on the test site and this site... that messed me up, but I quickly figured it out. :D
Ok have all the mail server stuff updated. Mail is flowing nicely in my tests. :)

I am always worried when moving servers that we get an IP that someone has used before and got blacklisted for spamming... this one looks clean. :D

I think I am almost done for the night. BTW the Search Index rebuild is done.
NOPE! I can't edit a former post. Get an error message. Sometimes.


This seeems to be on posts perhaps before your latest fixes.

Creating a New Thread - “Similar threads” is Collapsed

Google Maps
