Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Things seem stable again on the Mac. It just turned in another full WU (with another due in a couple of hours), and my notebook got one done last night, too. We took a big hit in the points yesterday (see attached graph), but hopefully we'll make up for it today. We're less than 10 places away from 1,500, so sometime before noon we should break through!

And the top 1,000? The prediction is for sometime around May 5th. I think I was saying by the end of the year in an earlier post...


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I just kicked off another CPU on the new box.


Cool, how many is that now?

I just started my 10th cpu. I have so many machines laying around and semi-old laptops from collegues that I decided to fire em up. Most are in partial states of completeness but with the linux client and linux Live CD's, I can make them usefull for this project by using NAS box and seperate share for each linux client to keep it's data.

To date totals
Windows (XP, 2003) machines: 6
Linux: 4
linux breakdown
2 on overclockix
1 on knoppix
1 on mandrake move

Also been playing with a linux distro live cd called Puppy. Kinda cheesy, but it might work
Edit: check, that I have 11 now I believe if I am counting right, I forgot the PS3
One MacMini (PPC)
One Windows (2.3Ghz x86)
2 FreeBSD (1 on my 3.0Ghz Xeon HT box in Dallas, 1 on my 1.86 Ghz Xeon 5120 box here).
SatinKzo, that's cool that you have so many boxes available for this. My wife tries to enforce a one-to-one ratio between household members and computers (same with TVs). My old 1.1 GHz Athlon I gave to my Brother-in-Law and when I got the Mac, I sent back my old DEC Alpha XL 5/300 workstation, otherwise I would have some more boxes to fold with. My son's Dimension folds when it's on, but I don't know that it has been on long enough to submit the work unit it has. My Mac does the lion's share of the folding in this house.

to increase the stability of my Mac, I got rid of the installed version of the FAH client and installed the InCrease monitor to control them. It does a nice job of presenting info about the status of the folding processes and gives you that all-important estimated time of completion.
Got a question, why am I doing same WU's multiple times? Now I've got two PC's going, but my newest WU is p3038 which I've already done on my computer once--first WU I did:

Contributions by team and project:
User tonyp56Team SatelliteGuys.US Score 931 (certificate) User Rank 309517 WU8 (certificate) P30381 P30403 P30411 P33033

And I've done p3040 twice on my computer (once on wifes). P3303 done on my computer once, wifes computer did it twice.

Anyways, just wondering, why same WU's are getting done on my computer more than once. Seems like such a waste. If I've already done it, shouldn't it be done?

Now, I know that they were having problems with it not downloading new WU's, but as you can tell I'm doing different ones, just seems to keep going back to ones I've already completed.

Unless, the PXXXX means nothing, and even though they have the same number, they are different parts of a bigger whole. I don't know, anyone?

Additionally, is there a way to stop WU in progress that I've already done and force to change to different one?

LER, how's the FreeBSD client working? I always liked FreeBSD, heck I like debian too, but for work reasons and day to day use, I have to use Windows.

I have heard and read some good things on the Fedora release from Redhat, but I don't have any spare machines that I would want to run it on.

Tony, I have gotten the some thing a few times on my systems. It's not a big deal, they mention it in the FAQ somewhere.
LER, how's the FreeBSD client working? I always liked FreeBSD, heck I like debian too, but for work reasons and day to day use, I have to use Windows.
It's actually the Linux client, running with the Linux-o-Lator emulation.

Works great. They do have a -freeBSD switch to force it to brandelf the core executables.

I set up a rcNG script for it so it starts automagically for me on re-boot.

Tony, if you look in the log file (FAHLog.TXT in your folding directory) you may see something like:
[18:02:12] Preparing to commence simulation
[18:02:12] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[18:02:12] - Not checking prior termination.
[18:02:13] - Expanded 282733 -> 1508541 (decompressed 533.5 percent)
[18:02:13] Project: 3043 (Run 3, Clone 25, Gen 8)
The last line here identifies the differences in the Work Units that are assigned. I don't know how many runs there are, or how many clones, but I've seen a Generation number as high as 83 in my logs. So, I wouldn't worry about seeing the same Project # on multiple machines.
Additionally, is there a way to stop WU in progress that I've already done and force to change to different one?
As far as I know, the assignment of Project WU depends on the client you're running. If you canceled the WU you are working on there is a very good chance you'd end up with another sequence of the same protein. Besides, you'd probably lose all the work your computer did.
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Here's what the FAQ's say.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I just finished a WU and now I got another for the same protein. Is there something wrong? No, most likely everything is fine. We're studying the dynamics of a few proteins, so you're likely to get the same protein to work on multiple times. Each WU gives us additional information about the dynamics of that protein, so it is important to us. Indeed, if we did only 1 WU per protein, we would not learn very much."[/FONT]
Congrats, gbjbany, on becoming the SatelliteGuys.US Team #2 points contributor!

Also, we're up to 50 active Folding Members!
Ok, I understand. Just wanting to make sure that I'm not doing the same thing over and over, seems that would be a waste. According to FAQ they need multiple WU for each proteins so that they can learn more.

Ok, thanks everyone
We broke through 300,000 points today! Also, we're closing in on 1,000 Work Units submitted! Pretty impressive results for a team that isn't quite a month old!
:up :up :up
Very cool news.

I just realized that 1 of my machines had the wrong team number in it. GRRRR....
Luckily it's a new one an only submitted 1 WU before I corrected it.
Last Friday I had to shut down 3 machines in the server room because the A/C was malfunctioning. I'll be back in the office tomorrow for a few minutes so I'll turn them back on.
Wow! Looks like the Team had a good day. Over 19,000 points so far! EOC has us breaking into the Top 1,000 teams in less than 2 weeks, a little over a month after Scott invited us to fold for SatelliteGuys.US.

Great Job! :up
Got to love that. :)

When I went away last week my PS3 stopped processing due to a breif power outtage at home. But now that I am back it is cranking again! As are a few more of my other machines. :)
People may have had problems submitting WUs on Wednesday. Here's what they posted over at the Folding Forum:
Folding@Home Forum said:
Stanford IT find network issue

Posted on Wed Apr 25, 2007 19:45 by Vijay Pande
News Stanford IT has sent this to me just now. We'll keep you updated. It's almost 5pm pacific time, so it may be a rough night.
We are currently experiencing a network outage that is affecting a number of buildings and services on campus. Engineers are working on the problem, there is no estimate for repair at this time.

itss-service-alerts@lists is an internal list to notify ITSS staff about service outages and updates. The Incident Report form is available on the web at <>.
Also, coming into our sights is the Echostar.International Team. We should pass them in a day or so. Heh-heh-heh...