Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

FYI, new PS3 client v1.1. Just exit out and start it up again to load the new version. It will keep the current WU in progress.

New version has globe control. Left stick turns the earth, right stick zooms.

We passed the Echostar.International team! Not by much, but that's two satellite teams we've passed, now. :up
Also, we're up to 53 members on the SatelliteGuys.US team now! Welcome to the new Folders!

I've managed to get my Mac settled down by using the InCrease application to manage the two cores I'm running. They have also settled into a roughly 50-50% schedule so I'm finishing a WU (worth 1440 points) every 16 hours or so.
newsjunkie said:
Came home tonight to find that the power had gone off briefly sometime around 9am, so I lost another day......guess it's time to spring for a UPS.
With the return of Spring to the area, I'm thinking a UPS might not be such a bad idea for the Mac. We use APC at work, but are there cheaper/more affordable units for home use?
well be in top 1000 in no time
Well, I think Stone is to be commended on his optimism: The two Folding@Home Statistics Sites have SatelliteGuys.US breaking into the Top 1,000 in one weeks time. The current 1,000th place team has 478,200 points, about 102,000 points in front of us. My two systems should be able to generate another 16,000 points towards that goal, and I see that Gbjbany, jgantert, SamPatterson, SatinKzo, and newsjunkie are all kicking in close to 10,000 points per week. That's about 60% of what we need to be in elite company!:cool:

More good news, we're up to 53 members!

Scott, what's happened to SatelliteGuy? You used to have beaucoup points being generated and you've fallen off to about half of your level before. Tell you kids that too much PS3 will rot their brains ;) and get it folding again! :D


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Not that it will add much, but I just added the folding app to my wife's CPU. She's gone for the weekend, so it will get a good jump on its first WU this weekend.
Every little bit helps. I have 1 machine that has not uploaded a WU yet and it's been a week.

Hey, does anyone know why the CPU tallys for each person do not update?
Example, I show 8 in 50 days, 7 in the past week. Problem is I have had 9 cpus upload at least 1 WU already. I went back and checked the config files and they are all correct.
Let me add that the WU's and the points are totaling correctly, just not the CPU totals. Not a big deal, but I was curious.
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I believe that each machine gets a unique machine data ID and each instance on that machine gets a unique ID as well. I notice that I have "7" CPUs even though I have two physical computers involved. It's because I've been screwing around with the Macintosh OS X client so much. It took me a couple of weeks to get a stable version of the SMP running with two instances. Every time I made a change in my configuration, Standford assigned a new machine ID. So they think I have six active CPUs when the reality is closer to four (two on the Mac and two on my HP notebook).

Rocky, I hope everyone realizes that I'm not some fanatic folder who thinks of nothing but this. The points and everything are cool, but if you look at Work Units (protein simulations) completed, my 45 WUs are less than half of what some others like Scott and jgantert have completed.

Sure, I get my statistical geek
on when looking at the numbers, but I hope it doesn't discourage others from contributing to this noble cause...
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I wanted to mention something that I noticed with my HP notebook that I have folding: It just completed a WU that was worth 574 points. This is a 3.0 GHz P4 w/HT running Windows XP Professional. I wonder if the reason some people are not seeing the big production numbers is due to the client or configuration?

I chose the Windows console version (on the Folding download page identified as "Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista "No nonsense" text-only console (with built-in Windows-service-install option)") and configured it as a service that starts every time the machine boots up. Also, the answers you give during configuration are important, especially the one about WUs > 5 MB and allowing Advance WUs to be tried.

If you decide to try the console version and are currently running the GUI / Windows version, you'll probably want to avoid runnig the GUI at the same time according to the FAQ for the Windows Console version.
I have a couple P4 HT machines and some xeon's working away. I have had no problems with the GUI version running for 1 instance and 1 or more console/service versions running. Been good for 2 weeks. Not saying I won't run into problems, but so far so good.

I feel as long as you configure them properly (different directories, with -local options etc) you should be ok, but that is just my experience on my machines.
I got 6 or 7 more WU's coming in 11-12 hours. Oddly, almost all my little crunchers are almost sycronized right now. I belileve another 4 WU's 6 hours after those.
We're past 405,000 points now and over 1,230 work units.:up:up:up

My Mac finished up a WU around 13:30 EDT with other one predicted for 06:30 tomorrow. My HP looks to be about 6 hours away from another WU. We're just folding away towards 1,000th place and 500,000 points.
I have 6 systems now that cannot get a new work packet. Anyone else? 3 of them are on a different ISP, so it is not ISP related.

Edit: nevermind, from what I am gathering is apparently there is no work for 7 of my machines reading the log files. Oh well, I was cranking along nicely, but my little folding army is taking a pause I guess.
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I tried that and I get

[15:17:39] + Attempting to get work packet
[15:17:39] - Connecting to assignment server
[15:17:41] - Successful: assigned to (
[15:17:41] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[15:17:41] Loaded queue successfully.
[15:19:23] + Closed connections

But status stays at "attempting to get new work packet"

Oh well, it looks like one of my machines was able to get a new WU now, so who knows, maybe they really didn't have any new work for me.


Looks like some of the servers are having problems based on F@H forum discussions.
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SatelliteGuys has been folding a little over a month since Scott first called on us to join the cause. In that month, we've made some impressive contributions to the Folding @ Home program. The team has grown from just Scott to 55 members. We have completed over 1,290 protein simulations (WUs). We have some 140 CPUs cranking away in the background while we surf SatelliteGuys.US, and some of us are using our Sony Playstation 3s as well to fold proteins.

When Scott created the SatelliteGuys.US Folding Team, there were 55,235 teams that had signed on before us. Since then, another 14,669 teams have signed up to fold. Out of the 25,572 active teams, we are ranked 2,568th in terms of Work Units completed, and 1,094th in terms of points awarded.

I think thanks and congratulations are are in order for everyone who is contributing to this project! Well done, everyone! Instead of a trophy, though, you'll have to be satisfied with these certificates from Standford:


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