Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

We passed the ½ million point mark! Just a few days from cracking 900 as well...

The Team has been on a tear in the last 24 hours; Thursday was our most productive day with 26,008 points generated! :up:up:up:up:up
Your wife's Dual Core, is it yours or her work's PC? I ask because if you're running into password issues (Vista?) then maybe you could download the OverKloptix (sp?) that is basically a bootable Linux OS on a CD-ROM with the current Linux Folding Clients on it. Some storage space (thumb drive, perhaps?) or a folder on the disk and you could boot into that whenever you wanted to fold.

No, it is owned by us. Oh, BTW it is a dual core, not a dual core duo--dont' really know if that matters. Anyways, it has windows XP Media Center 2005 on it. The password I'm talking about is the administrator password that you use to log onto computer. Her computer only has one user and no password, nothing on computer worth stealing so no real need for it. Anyways, SMP won't install because it requires me to give it a password, the password that you log on with, and it will not accept blank. Anyways, not a big deal, but if I go in and add password to user account, she'll just complain, because now it won't just boot up, she'll have to enter her password when it has to be restarted (which is about once every two or three weeks). Don't want to give her another excuse to complain to me :).

My computer, good old Celeron D325 2.53Ghz processor, with 512MB of ram, LOL. I wish I had about $500 to upgrade :). But I don't so I'm stuck with this one WU every two days puter. I could upgrade processor to P4 Dual Core processor upto 3.6Ghz, but would have to be Socket 478--don't have socket 775 MB. Of course upgrade memory too!

Yeah, I was an Apple tech, and got to spend a lot of time with Macs (Pre G3 days up to when G5 first came out). The only things scaring me away from them, 1) more expensive, 2) can only really get fixed through Apple--I know e-bay is there, but somethings you have to get through Apple, can't just go to local computer store--3) can't use my current software, and have to worry about Mac compatablity with future software. Honestly, only thing now that one gains is software, because Apples are using Intel chips now, no more RISC processors, which honestly gave Apples the processing edge over Intel based PC's. More or less now, all an Apple is, a Intel PC with Unix/Linux OS, of course, with Apple's own touches of course.

I downloaded Linux Live CD Overclockix, just haven't had time to mess with it yet. I'll give it a try.

Thanks for the answer, glad to know your secret, LOL.
Tony, you can have an Administrator password and a default user account with no password with Windows XP. But I think you should try the Console/Service version of the Windows FAH client. It will start when the PC boots and run as System, no password needed.

Friday was a bad Folding Day: My Mac did submit a unit around noon my time, and there was another one that should have finished up around 22:00. I checked about 8:30pm and noticed that the one core was at 3% instead of 97% like it should have been. Well, I tell myself, maybe the unit finished early and got uploaded for partial credit?

Nope, no such luck. 89% into the simulation, one of the work files has a checksum error, the whole WU gets deleted, and a new one is downloaded. Mother Pussbucket! I blew away the queue.dat, FAH_Core.exe, and the Work folder and started things up again. So, close to 30 hours of Folding lost. :(

Fortunately, my HP just completed and uploaded another WU. It looks to be a sparse weekend, points-wise.
Well, my experiment with the SMP client on a 4 processor xeon box ended today with nothing to show for it.

In 4 days, I have had to restart the process 3 times, today everything got corrupted and lost all the work.

I'm back to running multiple console's now instead.
Anyways, it has windows XP Media Center 2005 on it. The password I'm talking about is the administrator password that you use to log onto computer. Her computer only has one user and no password, nothing on computer worth stealing so no real need for it. Anyways, SMP won't install because it requires me to give it a password, the password that you log on with, and it will not accept blank. Anyways, not a big deal, but if I go in and add password to user account, she'll just complain, because now it won't just boot up, she'll have to enter her password when it has to be restarted (which is about once every two or three weeks). Don't want to give her another excuse to complain to me :).
Tony You dont need to have to enter the password
See this link on how to have a password but not need to enter it at boot up.
Direct Bootup Without Typing Password
1. At a command prompt, type "control userpasswords2" and press Enter to open the Windows 2000-style User Accounts
2. On the Users tab, clear the Users Must Enter A User Name And Password To Use This Computer check box and then
click OK.
3. In the Automatically Log On dialog box that appears, type the user name and password for the account you want to be
logged on each time you start your computer.​
My son's Dell is configured to Fold in the background now. It's just a 2.8 GHz P4, but with the 3.0 GHz HP completing WUs every two days or so, I guess every 2.5 would be livable. I don't know if its having 512 MB will make a difference in the size of assignments or not. Plus, I have to get everyone to leave it powered up all the time...

Our next milestones: 900th place in two days; 600,000 points in about 4 days; 800th place in less than a week; 750,000 points in twelve days. One million points is still over three weeks away. I should add that all these predictions are based on our current production levels. If we get more team members, these time frames will be reduced.

Now it's time to check iin on the Team Summit Get Together!
Well this sucks. I tried to install it and all it does when I run the install file is blink really fast and exit out.

Will it work on XP x64?

EDIT: I downloaded it again and it installed fine. Go figure....
Anyone else having problems uploading results this weekend?

I have stuff sitting in the queue's at home and at work. It seems to be multiple servers too.
Well, I check the status page earlier and it showed now problems,but now they are showing as down, so that explains it. Oh well, just means a point jump when everything finally uploads.
I had Yet Another Core Zombie (hmmm, I just got an idea for a new mixed drink!) today. the WU that finished at 10 this morning was sitting there waiting for something that never happened. So, I followed the "How to Fix" instructions from the Folding Forum and got the WU uploaded. As long as I can keep the MAc up, I should be back on track now. My two instances are approximately 50% apart for a nice even points production. I just hope it sticks.
Boy, if you want to see something scary, check out "Team PSM": They have been around since the first of April, but nothing much to talk about. In the last week, they went from 10 members to 206! I have no idea what they did to bump their ranks like that :confused: and why can't we get more SatelliteGuys Folding.

The reason I mention them is they are on target to pass us up in a matter of days. They are generating over 70,000 points per day now. Amazing what 306 CPUs will do for a team...


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Ok, server status is ok, but yet I cannot since May 3rd upload any work to or .100 I see some related posts on their forums, but nothing recent.

Anyone else having this problem? My clients are gonna need fiber they are getting so backed up with WU now.
I don't know if this is related to my not being able to upload after completion, but I just zombied one more time. I've been idle on one client since 2am, so I "lost" 6 hours or so. I hope the other client is Folding fine. Should find out tonight some time...
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I posted over at the stanford forums too, see what they say. No one else is reporting it that I can see. Server status is ok, but maybe a bit busy, but I would think that I should be able to upload by now since May 3rd
Fortunately, the Mac finished another WU tonight and did everything right this time. I noticed the one it started on (P2036) is a 1,536 point WU. I'm curious to see how long it takes to finish it since it doesn't have as many steps as the usual P3036/P3043 WUs. Also, the HP finished up a unit just before I left work, so it had to wait until I got home. Only 287 points for 2.5 days work, but points are points.

I saw over on the Folding News site that Stanford is adding more servers and upgrading their Folding servers LAN to 10Gb. Hopefully it will be done in the next two weeks and the lack of servers to handle uploads or new assignments should be a thing of the past.
Finally got some of my work to upload last night. I like the news on the upgrades coming for F@H just for the frustration factor of trying to figure out what is wrong on my end.

I stared the SMP client up on my new system today, we'll see how it does.

Athlon 64 X2 5400
4 gig DDR2 800
System is unused for most of the day.

The only thing I don't like is the 5400 chip has less L2 cache then the other couple processors in the family near it. Not that I am complaining about a free system. :)