Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

I'm suprised I'm still holding onto 3rd with my wimpy computers. I think its only the PS3 thats saving me! (Also have AMD XP 2500+, Semperon 2600, P4 2.8Ghz, P4 2Ghz Centrino).

I'm suprised I'm still holding onto 3rd with my wimpy computers. I think its only the PS3 thats saving me! (Also have AMD XP 2500+, Semperon 2600, P4 2.8Ghz, P4 2Ghz Centrino).


I'm coming for ya! :) Nothing like a little friendly competition.
Hey! ExtremeOverclocking is now tracking our User Statistics! It must have been our breaking through 800th place (now at 795th). Kewl...
My Mac has been trying to Fold a WU that blows up at 79% every time. I'm on my third go at it which I doubt will be any better. It chews up 25 hours each time. I guess we'll find out tomorrow morning if it worked this time...
My Mac has been trying to Fold a WU that blows up at 79% every time. I'm on my third go at it which I doubt will be any better. It chews up 25 hours each time. I guess we'll find out tomorrow morning if it worked this time...
Okay, this is getting old... True to form, after it got to 79%, *BOOM*! FAH deleted the WU and downloaded a new copy of the FAHCore_a1.exe, but it received the same P3043, Run:8, Clone:25, Gen:19 Work Unit that has failed to complete three times now. I'd hope that Stanford's servers would have given me something different after four days.

Thanks to the other instance of FAH, though, I'm still generating usable science. Ah, the joys of beta...
Should have my new X1950 card tonight, gonna try the GPU client out.

Got the card installed and GPU client running. Cranking out 1% of unit about every 7min 20 sec
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Should have my new X1950 card tonight, gonna try the GPU client out.

Got the card installed and GPU client running. Cranking out 1% of unit about every 7min 20 sec
Cool. What's the CPU load like? This might be the way to make my son's 2.8 GHz box more productive.
CPU load is 50% (100% for 1 core) and anywhere from 20-50%(40-100% of 2nd core). The overall response on the system is much better than 2 console cores running. Not that it was bad at all before, but it is noticeable to me anyways.
Btw, this card is a 512 meg DDR3 memory running at 1400mhz. Core is stock at 580mhz, I have it OC'd to 650mhz now with no voltage increase or any special cooling. I am gonna try a few more MHZ each day till it is too hot or becomes unstable.

I am using ATI Tray tools now to OC the card a bit to see how it runs. OCing didn't do much to over all performance, about 7min per % now with a 80mhz bump in speed on the core. Left memory alone as the F@H forums say it really is not much performance increase compared to heat generated with memory OCing.

Btw, GPU is running at 61 max celsius (at least I assume celsius, but system is not specific on temp units). Also the change from 2 console to 1 GPU 1 console lowered my CPU temp almost 10 degrees and overall system temp is down 7 degrees (obviously the card is adding some heat)
GPU Workunit is:
I was hoping Stanford would add a Macintosh / Linux version of the GPU client, but I guess it's one of those numbers thing.

Does your X1950 card go headless or did you connect a monitor to it? I'm curious if it produces any output when it's Folding.

Welcome to CaeBoy, slacker9876, & Kwestjones, the newest members of the SatelliteGuys.US Folding Team! Our team is now up to 67 "real" members and has broken through 2,000 Work Units (2,089 at this time)! Also, we're closing in on 750K points and we're currently 740th in the points standings.
I am using the card as my main vid card and have a monitor connected. It does have a graphical portion, but the client will pause if you open the gui on it and restart when you minimize it back down.

I did notice one thing so far with the client. yes it's beta so it can be unstable, but it seems to close whenever you use a remote control application on it. To be safe in case other things cause it to abend, I just ended up scheduling a script to check every 10 minutes if the client was running and if it is not running, then it starts it. So far only 1 time has it had to restart it.
It's quiet. It's too quiet...

SatinKzo, I see Stanford reports you as having 12 active CPUs! No wonder you're gaining on me. Another two months and you'll be SatelliteGuys.US's #1 Folder!

My Mac keeps on getting these WU time bombs that blow up sometime after many hours of crunching. (Beta blows.) It will be interesting to see how the V6 clients and cores behave when they get released. It will also be interesting to see how the points assigned for beta testing get adjusted for the normal client mix.

I haven't done one of the Extreme Overclocking sig images for a while (plus, now they're tracking our team members,) so here's my User Sig from EOC:

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Hey, I was wondering where they got those numbers from myself. Let me count them up

1. PS3
2.1 Athlon 64 X2 GPU (X1950 512meg DDR3, OC'd slightly to 650mhz)
2.2 Athlon 64 X2 CPU (GPU uses other core so I don't run F@H on it)
4. My work at home PC GX280 HT disabled (Seems to crank faster with HT off)
5. Wife GX270
6 Old Latitude C610 laptop
7 Another old Latitude C610 laptop running Mandriva Live linux for folding only
That sums up my home systems, now for work units
8. Latitude D610 laptop
9. Another GX270 that is idle most of the day (programming devel box)
10, 11, 12. Dell Poweredge Dual XEON server running 3 console installs. I use it as my SQL and programming devel system so I need some CPU time free. :) SMP Client kept crapping out on this one due to othe work I do with it.

I'm tempted to fire up the my old devel server with linux, it's nothing fancy anymore (HP NetServer LH 3r Dual PII 450 3 gig ram) , but it might do a WU a week.

I think we need another member drive, I see there are some teams that are on the radar as a threat now. :(
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I thinking about building a new computer. Undecided if I should go with the AMD X2 6000+ or a Core 2 Duo (E6600). Any ideas? Both are very simular in price, maybe $30 difference max (E6600 being slightly higher than the 6000+).

Also, I could get the X1950GT. Any idea which FAH client I would run with a 2 core and 1 GPU box?

I'm still undecided if the ATI card is worth it or not. I run Linux, and nVidia seems to be have better Linux drivers than ATI.

I thinking about building a new computer. Undecided if I should go with the AMD X2 6000+ or a Core 2 Duo (E6600). Any ideas? Both are very simular in price, maybe $30 difference max (E6600 being slightly higher than the 6000+).

Also, I could get the X1950GT. Any idea which FAH client I would run with a 2 core and 1 GPU box?

I'm still undecided if the ATI card is worth it or not. I run Linux, and nVidia seems to be have better Linux drivers than ATI.


I am going through this also. I wanted to build a system two weeks ago but have the same problems. I am leaning towards Nvidia because of better drivers.

I Just got home and checked on my SMP Program and at 93% it told me that I missed the deadline. If the stupid thing would quit locking up(and making me restart it) I wouldn't miss any deadlines. This is the third in a row so I'm uninstalling the SMP and going with the Gui interface. At least I'll get a few points with the GUI while I havn't gotten any in the past week with the SMP.


I Just got home and checked on my SMP Program and at 93% it told me that I missed the deadline. If the stupid thing would quit locking up(and making me restart it) I wouldn't miss any deadlines. This is the third in a row so I'm uninstalling the SMP and going with the Gui interface. At least I'll get a few points with the GUI while I havn't gotten any in the past week with the SMP.

I did the same on mine. One of my boxes is randomly turning itself off so it might be overheating. I might have to remove the client from this box :(.
I might have found something related to memory management on the Mac SMP client. I've had a number of WUs that would croak at the same point in the run, destroying the WU and restarting the same WU over and over until Stanford gave me a new one. The last time this happened, I tried stopping the FAH5 process just before the failure point and restarted Folding. To my surprise, it made it through the stopping point!

I've posted some of my findings up on the Folding Forum, so I'm hopeful someone reads it and says, "Hmmm, I know where to check on that..."

There was another thread about a possible new version of the SMP beta before V6 comes out. I hope those of us who have had problems running the SMP beta should see smoother operation.



You know, I see other people with images in their sigs, but I haven't figured out how to get the ExtremeOC FaH sig to show up.
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