2008 NFL Playoff Thread

Anders, you're going to be eating your words in three hours.

I GUARANTEE the Cardinals will upset the Panthers. You can put it in solid-stone.

Arizona WINS.

there is fear in those eyes :devil:
Hey, Anders- I TOLD YOU SO!

I told you that 8-0 home record can be MEANINGLESS come playoff time!

i don't think many were choosing the panthers because of their home record.

that said, delhomme is practically giving this game away. If they loose i'm not going to make excuses on their behalf on why they lost that's for sure.
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. I seriously don't think I could be more emabarassed if the Panthers lost to Detroit. Arizona has exactly ONE guy who can hurt you and the Panthers refuse to cover him! And Delhomme has turned into David Carr. We're f***ed.
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. I seriously don't think I could be more emabarassed if the Panthers lost to Detroit. Arizona has exactly ONE guy who can hurt you and the Panthers refuse to cover him! And Delhomme has turned into David Carr. We're f***ed.

I'm not going to gloat, since you are a friend of mine and I hold no grudge against you, but given all the barbs and criticisms that Arizona was getting over this playoff matchup, this feels great.

You know what, anders?

I may call off the avatar bet.

I feel pretty bad for you, and I don't want to see you suffer with a Cardinals avatar.
I'm not going to gloat, since you are a friend of mine and I hold no grudge against you, but given all the barbs and criticisms that Arizona was getting over this playoff matchup, this feels great.

You know what, anders?

I may call off the avatar bet.

I feel pretty bad for you, and I don't want to see you suffer with a Cardinals avatar.

that's mighty good of you. I apologize to you for getting on your case on the cardinals. you were right about the cardinals about being better than what most of us thought. I was wrong period! I'm not ready to put them in the superbowl though.
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. I seriously don't think I could be more emabarassed if the Panthers lost to Detroit. Arizona has exactly ONE guy who can hurt you and the Panthers refuse to cover him! And Delhomme has turned into David Carr. We're f***ed.

I have no freakin idea what delhomme is looking at out there. all I know is that they seem confused by what the cardinals are throwing at them :confused:
BTW, just for the record, I am NOT declaring this game over.

In January 2003, the Giants and Browns both blew big leads on the same Wild-Card Sunday.

Also, the Pats/Colts AFC Title game a few years ago, and Game 5 of the Red Sox/Rays ALCS.

What Are the Mets Thinking?

Any of your teams have special food-related promotions?

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