2008 NFL Playoff Thread

OK but the avatars only stay until the 18th.

One thing you left out. The last time the Panthers went 8-0 at home was 1996. That year they beat the Cowboys at home in the playoffs.

And the most important stat is the Cardinals stellar 0-5 record this year in the east.
Anders, here are the avatars for the Cardinals/Panthers bet.

If Carolina wins, I'll put up this avatar until January 25th:


If Arizona wins, Anders has to put up this avatar until the 25th:


One more thing:

Given how 99.99% of the planet doesn't like Arizona's chances to win, I propose this:

If the Cardinals win, Sandra must put up a picture of what she looks like.

Oh, and one more thing:

For all I hear about Carolina's 8-0 home record, let me give you some reminders of how a great home record can be meaningless come playoff time:

1995 Chiefs

1996 Broncos

1997 Chiefs

1998 Vikings

2003 Rams

2003 Chiefs

2004 Steelers

2005 Colts

2006 Chargers

8-0 home records can be MEANINGLESS come playoff time!

Geez Sandra, throw this poor boy a bone already! He's practically begging!
Tennessee's killing themselves with penalties and turnovers. They held the ball for almost the entire 2nd Qtr and got no points.
I'm impressed with the way the Titans are moving the ball on the Ravens. The Ravens offense has not done a whole lot.
I'm impressed with the way the Titans are moving the ball on the Ravens. The Ravens offense has not done a whole lot.
They haven't had a chance. I think Tennessee may regret not scoring in the 2nd Qtr. Sort of like what happened to Oklahoma in the NC.
IMO, whoever wins might not have much left for next week.
Maybe, but the Steelers and Chargers are playing on fumes too. LT is done. Roethlesberger and Willie Parker have been hurt all year. The first game between those two was a phyisical war like this game.
I know this sounds lik sour grapes, but given what happened on that delay-of-game that never was, I might consider this a tainted win for the Ravens.

Not because of the lack of offense and turnovers, but on that one play where the play clock ran out and nothing was called.

Plain and simple- the Ravens are the luckiest team on the face of the Earth.

What Are the Mets Thinking?

Any of your teams have special food-related promotions?

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