The worst customer service I have ever experienced.

Please reply by conversation.
If it's about dish you should see if they are a BBB member.Bell is not and ignores most complaints about any of thier services.
What is your complaint? I've seen your other posts and there isn't anything the BBB is going to do about it.
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What is your complaint? I've seen your other posts and there isn't any the BBB is going to do about it.

It is simple. They have not updated their current rate card, which states that the TurboHD packaged contain all the HD channels of the like metal group.

Sure, the rate card is out of date, but they have not updated it, and I would argue that there is an implication in the rate card where they are stating they they would offer the channels when available.

And the BBB can pressure them to do so. I am not asking for a refund or an apology or anything too drastic. All I am asking for is for them to honor what they promised (and yes, when I subscribed to TurboHD I was verbally promised that I would receive the channels, as were many others).

Listen, if you don't have a complaint, don't file one. This thread is for those subscribers, like me, that do. You know who you are. Please don't clutter the thread with posts like "I don't have a complaint so I won't file one".
The same packages were/are available to everyone. I'm sorry that someone told you something too good to be true - but you should check out the truthfulness from another source if that is what happened. They are trying to offer you a package that meets your programming requirement.

I don't think it's going to get you anywhere to file, but go ahead.

What is the change you want after being told incorrect info, to be treated different than everyone else in their programming/pricing? I don't understand.

Dish is fine with me - but if someone offered me all the HD channels from here to eternity at $40/month - I would laugh and tell them to go get a real job. (This is an example of 'too good to be true')
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:confused: What HD channel(s) on the card are you not getting that corresponds to your programming package?

For instance - if you have TurboBronze - according to that card - you'd get 24 HD channels only.
The same packages were/are available to everyone. I'm sorry that someone told you something too good to be true - but you should check out the truthfulness from another source if that is what happened. They are trying to offer you a package that meets your programming requirement.

I don't think it's going to get you anywhere to file, but go ahead.

What is the change you want after being told incorrect info, to be treated different than everyone else in their programming/pricing? I don't understand.

Dish is fine with me - but if someone offered me all the HD channels from here to eternity at $40/month - I would laugh and tell them to go get a real job.

Listen, TurboHD subscribers are getting HOSED. If you would take a moment, you would realize that. We pay the highest per channel price for our subscription than all the other packages BY FAR. We endured the highest rate increase BY FAR, compared to all the other packages.

Who said anything about all the HD channels from here to eternity? And who said anything about $40/mo? I pay $50/mo plus fee's and additional programming (sports packages). All I am asking for is what the rate card offers: The get all the HD channels offered in the subsequent metal package. That's it. How many channels is that, 50 out of the over 200 they offer in the package?

Yeah, I'm totally out of my mind. </sarcasm>
:confused: What HD channel(s) on the card are you not getting that corresponds to your programming package?

For instance - if you have TurboBronze - according to that card - you'd get 24 HD channels only.

If you load up the card you'll see an area where it states there are new Viacom HD channels coming soon. Nowhere does it say when they arrive they will not be included in the TurboHD subscriptions. In fact, when I subscribed a few months ago I specifically asked that question. I was told:

They will be included.
Listen, TurboHD subscribers are getting HOSED. If you would take a moment, you would realize that. We pay the highest per channel price for our subscription than all the other packages BY FAR. We endured the highest rate increase BY FAR, compared to all the other packages.

Who said anything about all the HD channels from here to eternity? And who said anything about $40/mo? I pay $50/mo plus fee's and additional programming (sports packages). All I am asking for is what the rate card offers: The get all the HD channels offered in the subsequent metal package. That's it. How many channels is that, 50 out of the over 200 they offer in the package?
I agree they are getting a more expensive deal - but switch out if you don't like it. I already realize that, and that's not my point. Settle down.

Your chat indicated that you were promised all the HD's added in the future. And my $40 example was an 'if' statement. Please read it again after settling down.

I'm just trying to get you to see things like everyone else is and be realistic.
It is simple. They have not updated their current rate card, which states that the TurboHD packaged contain all the HD channels of the like metal group.

Sure, the rate card is out of date, but they have not updated it, and I would argue that there is an implication in the rate card where they are stating they they would offer the channels when available.

And the BBB can pressure them to do so. I am not asking for a refund or an apology or anything too drastic. All I am asking for is for them to honor what they promised (and yes, when I subscribed to TurboHD I was verbally promised that I would receive the channels, as were many others).

Listen, if you don't have a complaint, don't file one. This thread is for those subscribers, like me, that do. You know who you are. Please don't clutter the thread with posts like "I don't have a complaint so I won't file one".

I just downloaded that PDF file and what channels do you not get that are listed on it? If that is your only proof....then you have none. It doesn't say plus all newly added HD channels, just what is shown in the ad.
the turbo bronze pack gets 24, Silver 33, Gold 38. According to the line-up you linked to. If you subscribe to one of these packs and are not getting the number of channels listed than yes you are getting hosed. If they are giving you the right number of channels than your not getting hosed. If you want more channels than switch packages.I mean it would cause the world to spin out of control and go off its axis but you may have to watch a channel in SD. But have noticed a lot of programming on HD channels are in SD anyway.
If you load up the card you'll see an area where it states there are new Viacom HD channels coming soon. Nowhere does it say when they arrive they will not be included in the TurboHD subscriptions. In fact, when I subscribed a few months ago I specifically asked that question. I was told:

They will be included.
The card says to check back and see what package they would be added to, not that they would be guaranteed to be added to a particular package. So I think you are ignoring that, it's plain to me.
I just downloaded that PDF file and what channels do you not get that are listed on it? If that is your only proof....then you have none. It doesn't say plus all newly added HD channels, just what is shown in the ad.

Put these two phrases together:

Go to DISH Network to get updates on when these
channels will be available and in which packages they'll be available.

TurboHD Bronze includes only the HD channels in Classic Bronze 100 package, as indicated by HD.
» TurboHD Silver includes only the HD channels in Classic Silver 200 and Classic Bronze 100 packages,
as indicated by HD.
» TurboHD Gold includes only the HD channels in Classic Gold 250, Classic Silver 200 and Classic Bronze
100 packages as indicated by HD.

Now, I consider myself a smart, prudent person. When those two phrases are included on the same flyer, right next to each other, one would think that the phrase "and in which packages they'll be available" would mean those channels would be spread out over the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum packages.

If your mind automatically leads you to think that phrase means that they will be left out of the TurboHD packages that include ALL the HD in the classic metal packages... Well, I can only assume you are one of the reasons we had to suffer through 8 years of GW Bush.
I am stuck in contract. If I were not I would switch. That would be better than filing a complaint, but in my situation, I feel it is the best recourse.
Maybe they will let you break the contract since someone at E* told you incorrect info. Did you ask yet?

Or politely ask if they'd be willing to keep you as a customer if they switch you to the ClassicHD package at a reduced price. Then you wouldn't have to feel so bad for paying the higher $/channel and the higher rate increase if you switch - plus you'd get those Viacoms you are asking for.

Someone else had success with that after getting transferred to the retention CSR. But I doubt they would listen if it's a rude talk.

Good luck.
Put these two phrases together:

Go to DISH Network to get updates on when these
channels will be available and in which packages they'll be available.

TurboHD Bronze includes only the HD channels in Classic Bronze 100 package, as indicated by HD.
» TurboHD Silver includes only the HD channels in Classic Silver 200 and Classic Bronze 100 packages,
as indicated by HD.
» TurboHD Gold includes only the HD channels in Classic Gold 250, Classic Silver 200 and Classic Bronze
100 packages as indicated by HD.

Now, I consider myself a smart, prudent person. When those two phrases are included on the same flyer, right next to each other, one would think that the phrase "and in which packages they'll be available" would mean those channels would be spread out over the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum packages.

If your mind automatically leads you to think that phrase means that they will be left out of the TurboHD packages that include ALL the HD in the classic metal packages... Well, I can only assume you are one of the reasons we had to suffer through 8 years of GW Bush.
They changed how they distribute the channels after this flyer was published. The viacoms were added to packages on that flyer - just not ALL of them to the Turbo's.

To the letter of the flyer, there is nothing inaccurate to me. One could assume they were going to go about it a different way - but then that's why they pay someone $ to word those things to keep them out of trouble.

They did go into the Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat. packages - just not the same between Turbo and Classic.

It's like you are trying to get something for free that technically isn't said there. Was the promise verbally from the CSR the same wording as that flyer? If so, you haven't been lied to. You just took it a different way then it was said.
Maybe they will let you break the contract since someone at E* told you incorrect info. Did you ask yet?

Or politely ask if they'd be willing to keep you as a customer if they switch you to the ClassicHD package at a reduced price. Then you wouldn't have to feel so bad for paying the higher $/channel and the higher rate increase if you switch - plus you'd get those Viacoms you are asking for.

Someone else had success with that after getting transferred to the retention CSR. But I doubt they would listen if it's a rude talk.

Good luck.

I'll give that a go, but I doubt it'll work considering I am under contract. They have me by the balls. Either I pay to get out of the contract and they lose me, or they keep me for another year and a half and then lose me. Either way it's kind of a win for them and a loss for me, provided I am an unhappy customer the entire time.

The crappy thing about it is that I don't WANT to switch. I love the ViP722 DVR! I just want to get what I was promised.

I understand life is full of disappointments. I might have to just let them run over me, but I won't let them do it easily.
Please reply by conversation.

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