The worst customer service I have ever experienced.

Please reply by conversation.
Price change??

Programming and pricing are subject to change.

Do you have a contract that says otherwise?
I signed up with Dish in 2001 for 19.95 a month.
I had a 2 year contract or commitment or what ever you want to call it.
These contracts are a 2 way deal. You agreed to be a customer for 2 years in return for a set dollar price per month.
I agree that they can shuffle the channels, but I disagree about the price.
The package I had increased in price after about a year but my bill did not go up and I contend that was because of the contract.
These contracts can't be so one sided as some contend they are.
Think about where a station might go out of business and they could no longer furnish it. Neither the customer or Dish has any control over this.
The can add another station or do nothing. I think they usually add another station to the lineup for that package.
Dish does have control over raising a price while a customer is under contract and my thoughts are that this would reopen the contract to renegotiation and you could agree to the increase or cancel the contract with no penalty.
I signed up with Dish in 2001 for 19.95 a month.
I had a 2 year contract or commitment or what ever you want to call it.
These contracts are a 2 way deal. You agreed to be a customer for 2 years in return for a set dollar price per month.
I agree that they can shuffle the channels, but I disagree about the price.
The package I had increased in price after about a year but my bill did not go up and I contend that was because of the contract.
These contracts can't be so one sided as some contend they are.
Think about where a station might go out of business and they could no longer furnish it. Neither the customer or Dish has any control over this.
The can add another station or do nothing. I think they usually add another station to the lineup for that package.
Dish does have control over raising a price while a customer is under contract and my thoughts are that this would reopen the contract to renegotiation and you could agree to the increase or cancel the contract with no penalty.

I am in month six of a two year contract, and my rate was increased by $10.00 a month.

Sorry, you're wrong. They won't let me cancel. I tried.
You agreed to be a customer for 2 years in return for a set dollar price per month.

No you didn't. Or, at least, I didn't. I agreed to be a customer for 2 years in return for free installation, and not paying an upgrade fee for a 722, and three months of HBO and Starz free, and my first DishMover free, and three months of PlatinumHD free... and $50 off my first bill... and maybe some other incentives I can't recall off the top of my head right now.
Okay everyone,

I've decided that, although a lot of you think filing a complaint with the BBB won't do me any good, as apparently I don't have a leg to stand on, I am going to go forward and and do EVERYTHING I can do give it back to Dish.

I feel they wronged me. I am going to wrong them right back. I don't know how successful I'll be, but if you'd like to help, I'd love to hear from you.

I've started a blog called Cancel Dish Network. You can find it at CANCEL DISH NETWORK

It has the obvious goal of getting as many people to cancel their subscription and move to alternative services. I'm going to dedicate myself to running it for as long as I am under my contract with them.

I've started by telling my story, from start to finish. I'd love to tell yours. Feel free to post it here or email it to me and I'll post it on your behalf.

The site is simple, and I'll be working to add functionality and make it prettier in the future, but considering someone gave me this idea just a few hours ago, I'm pretty happy with it.

Thanks to all of you who support me and this cause.
Dear Claytonboen,

We don't care. Tell the BBB their check is in the mail.


DISH Network

*my post likely does represent the views and opinions of DISH Network, because this is about as likely to be read by them, as your complaint is by someone that cares.

$0.25 :D
Okay everyone,

I've decided that, although a lot of you think filing a complaint with the BBB won't do me any good, as apparently I don't have a leg to stand on, I am going to go forward and and do EVERYTHING I can do give it back to Dish.

I feel they wronged me. I am going to wrong them right back. I don't know how successful I'll be, but if you'd like to help, I'd love to hear from you.

I've started a blog called Cancel Dish Network. You can find it at CANCEL DISH NETWORK

It has the obvious goal of getting as many people to cancel their subscription and move to alternative services. I'm going to dedicate myself to running it for as long as I am under my contract with them.

I've started by telling my story, from start to finish. I'd love to tell yours. Feel free to post it here or email it to me and I'll post it on your behalf.

The site is simple, and I'll be working to add functionality and make it prettier in the future, but considering someone gave me this idea just a few hours ago, I'm pretty happy with it.

Thanks to all of you who support me and this cause.

good luck with that. I hope you don't mind if I don't bother going to visit you little blog, as I am fine with my dish set up and what I am receiving, so you probably wouldn't like what I would want you to post on your little blog. But again, good luck with that.
Dear Claytonboen,

We don't care. Tell the BBB their check is in the mail.


DISH Network

*my most likely does represent the views and opinions of DISH Network, because this is about as likely to be read by them, as your complaint is by someone that cares.

$0.25 :D

lol, ain't it the truth though? But that is why I started the site... If I can put just a few people over the edge and get them to either cancel their account or not sign up at all, then I'll feel good.
good luck with that. I hope you don't mind if I don't bother going to visit you little blog, as I am fine with my dish set up and what I am receiving, so you probably wouldn't like what I would want you to post on your little blog. But again, good luck with that.

Oh, don't worry. I don't mind if you don't go to my little blog at all! In fact, it isn't even meant for someone like you. I'm glad you're fine with your little dish set up. And good luck getting back to your little life! ;)
lol, ain't it the truth though? But that is why I started the site... If I can put just a few people over the edge and get them to either cancel their account or not sign up at all, then I'll feel good.

Not trying to discourage you, just to say since it is your blog, be sure to keep it factual, if some people decides to use your blog to defame E* without facts to back them up, you can be responsible, just keep a good eye on it.

If you come here to slam E*, then Scott is responsible for any wrong doing:)
I had no idea what this was about till now. The OP is so wrong, it is funny, but hey, more power to him to follow his plan.
There have been some questionable things/policies by Dish over the many years I have been a Subscriber, this is not one of them.
I went to your site.


The EXACT same thing happened to me. From a 5hitty install, to being overcharged for THREE months until it finally got ironed out, and worst of all being lied to by the American CSR about future HD. I was actully told I'd have FOXNEWS HD by Jan 1.

Only thing you left out for me was the hours I had to spend on the phone to get it all straightened out.

Not to mention a $7 price hike after just 4 months.

Oh yeah, and never getting my $50 referral bonus for talking a co-worker into it.

Then factor in Echo killed all the support for "older" slingboxes and starting charging $30 for support.

I am 32. This is BY FAR the worst compnay I have EVER had to deal with.

Oh yeah, don't forget about Charlie avoiding my question during the last chat. In fact, he recommended I UPGRADE my package!!!

I have done nothing but SMEAR Dish and Sling at every chance I have had with friends and co-workers. I love the fact they are losing people left and right!!!
...I have done nothing but SMEAR Dish and Sling at every chance I have had with friends and co-workers. I love the fact they are losing people left and right!!!

That is perfectly fine, but if you start your own blog to smear a company, need to make sure you are on a solid ground. Don't enourage OP by telling him it is fine because you have done so in front of your co-workers. It is not the same thing.
Are we discussing channels that do not exist? If they have been added, do a checkswitch and programming download and see if they are there. Any channels not currently available may come up. Be sure to check in All Chan list. As far as promises and promos-good luck.Sales people are getting pretty outrageous with their claims-as in all businesses nowdays. Remember what the first dish guy, Ano Nymous said: "Caveat emptor."- Buyer beware. Legally, 'As they become available" is vague enough to drive a truck through. Channels may be available, but not to everyone.
That is perfectly fine, but if you start your own blog to smear a company, need to make sure you are on a solid ground. Don't enourage OP by telling him it is fine because you have done so in front of your co-workers. It is not the same thing.

I am the OP of this thread, as well as the creator of the blog. Doing what I have done is fine and perfectly legal. All I have done is told my story from start to finish and presented it as an example as to why Dish is a horrible company to deal with, thereby encouraging people to either cancel their account or not subscribing in the first place.

The goal of the blog isn't to "smear" the company. The word smear implies you are going to present lies.

My site is the same as protesters standing outside a KFC holding up signs that they are murderers. Some people will agree, some won't. But in the end, some won't walk into that KFC and spend their money, so those protesters accomplished their goal, no matter how small the impact may have been.

Again, if you have had a bad experience with Dish and want to share it, send it over to me and I'll post it on the site CANCEL DISH NETWORK

Please reply by conversation.

Negotiating with Dish, Large Savings

Installation Planning
