The worst customer service I have ever experienced.

Please reply by conversation.
He is letting you 'fight back', he's merely reminding you of something we all seem to forget that is right there in small print.

Clayton - the whole world isn't fighting against you. Settle down.

How is it that I can read his post and see the assistance he's trying to offer, but when you read it - he becomes your adversary?

There is no assistance being offered in the post. The poster that directed me to the FCC, that's assistance. Telling me I am wrong, Dish is in the right, screwed or not, and there is nothing I can do about it, is not assistance or advice.

Maybe I should have a cooler head about all this, and in a few days, I might. But right now I am steamed. I feel like I just bought a Mercedes and when I went to pick it up they gave me a Toyota Yaris.

So, I am going to fight back. I'm going to hit them where it feels like they hit me, in the pocketbook.

I am going to start a website, -- You can tell from the title what it's going to be all about.
There is no assistance being offered in the post. The poster that directed me to the FCC, that's assistance. Telling me I am wrong, Dish is in the right, screwed or not, and there is nothing I can do about it, is not assistance or advice.

Maybe I should have a cooler head about all this, and in a few days, I might. But right now I am steamed. I feel like I just bought a Mercedes and when I went to pick it up they gave me a Toyota Yaris.
I thought he was reminding you of Dish Network's policy that is usually found in the small print what we tend to forget. Actually I'm sure of it. And that reminder would normally assist (help) the reader get back to the reality of the contract.

You should have a cooler head - and that's why I'm trying to post to you that we're in the same boat and didn't get out expectations too high on a false promise - so we didn't get as upset.

You're looking good in that Yaris, Clayton. ;)
I know but most do not want another antenna and they are real old? lol
I'm just so excited about the one I built myself for practically free and works so well - that I would be willing to tell my old neighbors all about it as the Dish Network van arrives to each home in my neighborhood. :D

I might as well start making more of them and giving them away as Christmas presents.

[ame=""]YouTube - Coat Hanger HDTV Antenna![/ame]
I'm just so excited about the one I built myself for practically free and works so well - that I would be willing to tell my old neighbors all about it as the Dish Network van arrives to each home in my neighborhood. :D

I might as well start making more of them and giving them away as Christmas presents.

YouTube - Coat Hanger HDTV Antenna!

On a lighter note, I have made the exact same Antenna. It works FAR BETTER than the $80.00 I bought a few weeks before.

That one went back to the store.
Where is the rip off? E* is offereing him the same package and pricing that is available to anyone else.
For rip-off, I was referring to the general price increase for Turbo subs. This especially gets me, because as a Gold subscriber, I paid a $10 increase, but saw just as many new channels as the Bronze sub who only paid a $5 increase, I believe.Where did my extra $5 go? Perhaps to subsidize everyone else's HD? Who knows...
There is no assistance being offered in the post. The poster that directed me to the FCC, that's assistance. Telling me I am wrong, Dish is in the right, screwed or not, and there is nothing I can do about it, is not assistance or advice.

Maybe I should have a cooler head about all this, and in a few days, I might. But right now I am steamed. I feel like I just bought a Mercedes and when I went to pick it up they gave me a Toyota Yaris.

So, I am going to fight back. I'm going to hit them where it feels like they hit me, in the pocketbook.

I am going to start a website, -- You can tell from the title what it's going to be all about.
Good luck with building a site (if you actually are), but watch out for trademarks and defaming and what not; tread carefully, because dish will have no second thoughts about burying you in lawsuits.
While I'm presently a satisfied Turbo Bronze customer, I am curious how dish might respond to this BBB complaint. Clayton, please keep us posted on the status and outcome of your complaint... even if you get told to pound sand.
There is no assistance being offered in the post. The poster that directed me to the FCC, that's assistance. ...

I second that, filing with BBB is fine, but don't expect a resolution from filing with BBB. Filing with the FCC may be a long shot too, but can get you a better result.

What is the price difference between the Turbo pack and its comparable classic pack?
I second that, filing with BBB is fine, but don't expect a resolution from filing with BBB. Filing with the FCC may be a long shot too, but can get you a better result.

What is the price difference between the Turbo pack and its comparable classic pack?

I'll keep you all informed. I've already filed the BBB complaint and will file the FCC complaint soon.

To answer your question, the price is about $20.00. See, the package prices are about the same, but locals and the DVR fee are included in the TurboHD package. So you have to pay an extra fee for locals, and extra DVR fee, and an extra $10.00 for the HD channels. It's just about $20.00 more for the channels they don't give us.
Some companies take BBB complaints very seriously. I've resolved issues with a number of companies with the assistance of the BBB.

Only because those companies decided to work out a settlement with you, not so much that BBB was involved.

However, BBB is a good place to file a complaint for record keeping, but BBB is neutral, they don't go about helping you, against the business.
I'll keep you all informed. I've already filed the BBB complaint and will file the FCC complaint soon.

To answer your question, the price is about $20.00. See, the package prices are about the same, but locals and the DVR fee are included in the TurboHD package. So you have to pay an extra fee for locals, and extra DVR fee, and an extra $10.00 for the HD channels. It's just about $20.00 more for the channels they don't give us.

I see your point, but do not expect a change just for you. There is no legal basis for you to get the additional HDs for $20 less.

As I said on another thread, content owners always tied their SD channels to their HD channels, and you pay their SD ones, get their HD versions "for free."

I have always thought the Turbo packs might be too much ahead of the curve and too early for primetime.
Just pick the package that has the channels you want. I was on Turbo for a while too but wanted other channels so I switched.
Only because those companies decided to work out a settlement with you, not so much that BBB was involved.

However, BBB is a good place to file a complaint for record keeping, but BBB is neutral, they don't go about helping you, against the business.

Those business decided to work out a settlement with me *because* the BBB was involved. It's not like I didn't attempt to reach the same settlement prior to involving the BBB. Some companies take their BBB ranking seriously and will make efforts to resolve all complaints. It's a handy way to get the company to focus on your issue rather than continuing the fall through the cracks in various customer service and billing departments.

I'm well aware that the BBB is neutral. It just so happens that in the cases I mentioned I happened to be in the right. :) No, the BBB isn't about helping me against a business... it's about helping two parties resolve an issue. And, if both parties are interested in working with the BBB, they can be very effective at that.
I second that, filing with BBB is fine, but don't expect a resolution from filing with BBB. Filing with the FCC may be a long shot too, but can get you a better result.

What is the price difference between the Turbo pack and its comparable classic pack?

Believe it or not....If you have TurboHD Silver and you "downgrade" to Classic Bronze + HD you get MORE HD chanels and save $2.00 a month.
...I'm well aware that the BBB is neutral. It just so happens that in the cases I mentioned I happened to be in the right. :) No, the BBB isn't about helping me against a business... it's about helping two parties resolve an issue. And, if both parties are interested in working with the BBB, they can be very effective at that.

Of course, but it was because those companies decided to work with you, BBB was a good channel to keep things on the record, and many companies take that mere fact seriously.

But they would not have agreed with you if you were not clearly in the right in the first place.

Here the OP is not clearly in the right, as explained by many others, there was no promise that the new HDs would be added to the Turbo packs. The reason I say the BBB route may not work is also because E* may not be allowed to distribute those new HDs without also selling their SD versions first, as I explained earlier what the traditional carriage agreements are like.
Here the OP is not clearly in the right

And I'm in no way trying to make the argument that he is. The fact that it is in question is why I'm interested in the response he'll get from the BBB and/or dish. If dish randomly charged him $100 he didn't owe, I wouldn't be nearly as interested as due to my past experiences with the BBB and companies of the caliber of dish, I'd be fairly certain I knew the outcome.
Please reply by conversation.

Negotiating with Dish, Large Savings

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