The worst customer service I have ever experienced.

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Can a CSR even transfer you to a higher up in chat? From reading the conversation it seems like someone may have stepped in halfway through the chat to answer the OP. The tone of the responses changes.

Within Chat you can be transferred. I do not know the OP..don't be conclusive about things..learning is a good thing.
Within Chat you can be transferred. I do not know the OP..don't be conclusive about things..learning is a good thing.

I wasn't being conclusive, hence the question mark. And then I gave my impression of the tone of the chat. It seems to me that there are two different reps answering in that chat. I never claimed that my theory was right. Just my take on it.

I think we can all agree that what is being done to Turbo customers is hands down unfair.
I worked retail for 10 years at a company known for it's service. I would have politely moved you up the food chain and then laughed at you with my co-workers (something this CSP might be doing right now).

You sounded childish. Always remember, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
I think I heard somewhere that this was tested, and the bees were more attracted to the vinegar actually; just saying...
I've never had any luck getting anything out of online chat. I've found the telephone CSRs to be much more flexible. Maybe it's too easy for folks to fish for stuff online so they just keep a hard line...
I hope that somewhere Betty S is posting to a board about "The Most Unpleasant A-Hole I had the Misfortune of Having to Chat With Today."

She didn't cause your problem, yet you take it out on her like she did. It seems like your idea of a "solution that would make you happy" would have been for Betty to create a custom TurboClayton package with all the channels at your current price... which she can't do... and you are upset with her for not making it happen?? Unbelievable.
I don't think I acted like a jerk, I asked for a solution, they offered none. Is it a jerk to expect customer service from a CSR?

Yes, You did act like a jerk. You acted like many people do when they dont get the answers they a child.

The CSR did give you a solution and that was to change your package to one that included the channels you were looking for. $62.99 for the Classic Silver 200 and the HD. I dont know what sports package you had or what else you had on there. You should have asked. At least you would have gotten the channels you were looking for.

The Price change that you noticed was due to the broadcasters increasing their prices. Dish tries to get the lowest price. So far, they have done a good job of it. There is never a price increase when they add new channels. So right there, you were not listening either.

The CSR did their job in assisting you, but you were just too childish to understand what they were telling you. As a former employee, I saw this alot.
Claytonbeon, are you sure you aren't Jay Cutler? Because you sure came off as sounding like him from the last month in that chat. Time to take your pacifier and go to bed! :rolleyes:
Well, the problem is the caller wanted his solution to be offered, not "a solution." My brother is like that, and if they are not offered what they think should, there is no other solution in the world nor any pleasing him.

You should have taken this to the Executive Offices. They have authority, but they if they say no, they can explain why much better.
Yes, You did act like a jerk. You acted like many people do when they dont get the answers they a child.

The CSR did give you a solution and that was to change your package to one that included the channels you were looking for. $62.99 for the Classic Silver 200 and the HD. I dont know what sports package you had or what else you had on there. You should have asked. At least you would have gotten the channels you were looking for.

The Price change that you noticed was due to the broadcasters increasing their prices. Dish tries to get the lowest price. So far, they have done a good job of it. There is never a price increase when they add new channels. So right there, you were not listening either.

The CSR did their job in assisting you, but you were just too childish to understand what they were telling you. As a former employee, I saw this alot.

If you read the whole thing you would have noticed that I responded to their offer. They gave me the price, then told me my monthly bill would be vastly higher than that price. When I asked why that was, they didn't answer me, they moved on.

I don't think most of you are reading the entire chat. Sure, I got frustrated and took it out on the CSR, but they did not listen to me. I asked, pleaded, and begged for them to offer me a solution, which I am sorry, they did not.

Had they taken the time to talk with me about my problem, they would have found I was willing to pay up to $15.00 per month more for all the channels, something the next CSR did.

I got a jank CSR, end of story. If I was a jerk, it was due to their poor customer service setting off my temper. Jerk or no jerk, if you argue that I was offered good customer service at any point, even before I started acting like a jerk, you are way off base.

Read the whole thing, then put yourself in my place, then judge. There are times in this world when being a jerk is okay.
In defense of the OP, the Dish CSR was not telling the truth when it came to price increases: the claim that all HD customers got a $10 per month increase across the board -that absolutely is not true.

I'm a HD Absolute customer. I have received many of the same channel additions as TurboHD customers. Yet my subscription over the last year has gone up in price less than $2. Not $10 or more like what other HD-only customers are experiencing.

The fact of the matter is TurboHD customers are very much indeed getting ripped off. I don't mind missing 3 of the 6 new Viacom HD channels (as well as Fox News HD, etc.) because I know I have a grandfathered package that costs a LOT less than what TurboHD customers are paying for pretty much the same damned thing. I'm not complaining. However, I believe any TurboHD customer has a 100% justified right to be chewing E* ass big time.

TurboHD customers are getting shafted. It isn't fair. No one should be telling any TurboHD customer to just be happy and that pay TV doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of life. What a crock! That existential bull crap doesn't justify a class of E* customers being ripped off. Save the "circle of life" dreck for "Earth Day!"
Yes, I was confused on how the CSR presented the price of the new package. The CSR mis-represented the price change that took place 2/1/09.

Either way, you could have gotten more done and gotten more precise answers had you been a bit nicer. That CSR not doing it for you? Then close the stupid chat and move on to another CSR. Dont get mad as that only makes things worse.

Poor customer service initiated by a poor customer. Sorry, thats just the way I see it.
Charlie might be dumb, but he is not stupid. He did not invent bait and switch, nor did he invent the concept of different price levels for packages. This is common practice, as well as offering promotions for premium services, etc. and then jacking up the price after 3-12 months and hoping the customer doesn't notice. Have you ever wondered why companies like automatic billing?

Perhaps the OP has never purchased a car that was advertised at $19,999 and ended up being $29,999 after all the options, tax, license, etc. are added on. In this world you get what you pay for--no more and no less.
First level CSRs anywhere are powerless, you need to talk to retentions. Retentions will either figure out something acceptable to you or they can close your account. If you're under contract you don't have any bargaining power unless you are upset enough to pay ETF.
Yes, I was confused on how the CSR presented the price of the new package. The CSR mis-represented the price change that took place 2/1/09.

Either way, you could have gotten more done and gotten more precise answers had you been a bit nicer. That CSR not doing it for you? Then close the stupid chat and move on to another CSR. Dont get mad as that only makes things worse.

Poor customer service initiated by a poor customer. Sorry, thats just the way I see it.

You couldn't have said that any better. . . I worked in Customer Service and I now work in Retail...if you are a customer and acting like a complete fool....then you get no help! Making an ass of yourself normally won't get you any assistance. Only makes you look like a big ass...and I wish people would realize this. but their they are every day someone has to be the ass of the day and act like they are more important than anything else. It's sick what this society has come to.

As for your chat sir. I don't disagree with you about the packages. They should be included and when I was selling Dish we were told that the Turbo HD subscribers were going to get all the new HD channels so they flubbed up there. but the way you handle this chat sounded to me like you were just trying to pick a fight.

You said in an earlier post you were not being a jerk then in a latter post you said sometimes being a jerk is ok...Well that is like how your chat was. you were being a jerk to get wha tyou want and when you didnt get became a bigger jerk.

Good luck to you with this.....I hope you get what you want in the end!.
Every hd channel should be included in the Turbo HD package especially the gold package. Of course minus hbo/starz/showtime. I subscribe to the 250 so I don't really care what happens to the turbo packages but looking at it from the outside they are ripping you guys off.
First level CSRs anywhere are powerless, you need to talk to retentions. Retentions will either figure out something acceptable to you or they can close your account. If you're under contract you don't have any bargaining power unless you are upset enough to pay ETF.

Obviously, you have to call. You have to jump through the hoops set up by Dish.

Call them and talk to the CSR who answers the phone. Go through the whole story again, calmly. Then when they give you the same answers you got in the chat, ask to speak to someone who can cancel your account. That is the retention center.

Tell them the story again. If you're still not happy, tell them you will call them back after you set up an appointment with Direct TV. If they tell you at that point they are sorry you are leaving, then you have the decision to make.

If you keep your cool and handle it without losing your temper, you might get something close to what you want. If not, I don't think you'll get what you want from anybody.
Obviously, you have to call. You have to jump through the hoops set up by Dish.

Call them and talk to the CSR who answers the phone. Go through the whole story again, calmly. Then when they give you the same answers you got in the chat, ask to speak to someone who can cancel your account. That is the retention center.

Tell them the story again. If you're still not happy, tell them you will call them back after you set up an appointment with Direct TV. If they tell you at that point they are sorry you are leaving, then you have the decision to make.

If you keep your cool and handle it without losing your temper, you might get something close to what you want. If not, I don't think you'll get what you want from anybody.
The problem for me is that the thing I want is the addition of the missing HD channels. And unfortunately, no CSR has that power; not even if there was such thing as a Chief Retention Officer; the best I could do is $10 off and maybe a free install if I re-up my contract...
Sadly, I agree. I've been trying to get a RSN added to my zip code for a while now. Geographicly I should get it, but getting my towns zip coded added to Dish's system is impossible. They act like I am trying to get free porn or something.

You have to be rude or you don't get anywhere. Dish Network==Aholes!
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