The worst customer service I have ever experienced.

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I agree, rude.

I'd like to see you people show EXACTLY where Dish said TurboHD customers would get all new HD. Granted, it wasn't an unreasonable assumption, but they never directly stated that.

Bottom line: if you want the channels, go to a classic pack. That's what I did.

Here are the Turbo packages defined as all HD from the corresponding Classic package that JFaber99 has been posting from E*'s site:

This is where Turbo subs got the idea that Turbo packages would include the corresponding HD from the Classic packages. We aren't stupid like some of you seem to think. I can only speak for myself, but paying $15 - $18 more for the Classic package plus HD for 3 or 4 channels is a pretty high cost per channel. I'll pass on that.

It's a waste of time complaining to CSRs. They lack power to do much. The ones in Asia don't even know what's going on. They respond from cue sheets which is why posted chats sound so much alike.
Specifically, the attached, clipped from the above referenced PDF. Nowhere does it say TurboHD contains "selected" or "some of" the channels from the corresponding package.

I can see why you guys are so p1$$ed about this. By reading their own literature I cannot come to any other conclusion than that a TurboHD subscriber should be getting every HD channel available in the corresponding "Classic + HD" package. If I were a TurboHD subscriber I would be calling and emailing every day until they turn on all the channels I should be getting. Keep holding their feet to the fire.


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Specifically, the attached, clipped from the above referenced PDF. Nowhere does it say TurboHD contains "selected" or "some of" the channels from the corresponding package.

I can see why you guys are so p1$$ed about this. By reading their own literature I cannot come to any other conclusion than that a TurboHD subscriber should be getting every HD channel available in the corresponding "Classic + HD" package. If I were a TurboHD subscriber I would be calling and emailing every day until they turn on all the channels I should be getting. Keep holding their feet to the fire.

Draw yourself a Venn diagram. All it says is it includes channels from the corresponding package, not ALL channels from the corresponding package. In other words, TurboHD Bronze will contain only channels in Classic Bronze, but not Classic Silver. Semantics, true, but I don't think that is the smoking gun you are looking for.

Also, you note that is an old lineup. It does not list Fox News or the Viacoms as being in HD.

Bottom line is Dish can do whatever they want. It's not like DirecTV or anyone else has a competing HD only package.
don't know what you're talking about... my bill didn't jump $10 in Feb:

dishHD Absolute With Locals = 34.99

with taxes & DVR fee it's just at $50

yes i'm glad some of the channels made it, (don't really care about MTV or BET) but of the 2 BET makes it, seriously wtf i'm in the majority... i'd rather have MTV?
i'd rather have fox news HD
Draw yourself a Venn diagram. All it says is it includes channels from the corresponding package, not ALL channels from the corresponding package. In other words, TurboHD Bronze will contain only channels in Classic Bronze, but not Classic Silver. Semantics, true, but I don't think that is the smoking gun you are looking for.

Also, you note that is an old lineup. It does not list Fox News or the Viacoms as being in HD.

Bottom line is Dish can do whatever they want. It's not like DirecTV or anyone else has a competing HD only package.
"TurboHD Bronze includes only the HD channels in Classic Bronze 100 package" - so this is a semantics question as to whether "the" means "all the" or "a subset of the" or "those existing as of the date of this brochure" - I guess weasels are not an endangered species, the ones that don't work in Washington have plenty to keep them busy designing the Dish Network programming packages.

Sure it's an old lineup, but still the latest available information direct from their own website. Actually it does list the Viacoms as coming in HD "soon" with no indication that any of them will be excluded from the corresponding TurboHD package.

Your last point has always been true. Dish can do whatever they want. But it seems they could do a lot better in the "say what you mean and mean what you say" department. It would seem that what they should "want" to do is attract and keep subs who know what they are buying and know why it's a good value, not lose subs by confusing and frustrating them.
Very obviously, Dish Network really needs to do away with its stupid practice of offering extra HD channels only to those who subscribe to SD channel packages. That is ironic past the point of being mentally retarded.

If anything, I'm hoping DirecTV will offer a countering HD-only service to give the folks at E* a very rude kick in the butt with how they are treating their own customers. The HD crowd is the most sophisticated group of customers E* has. Yes. The ones going HD are indeed more sophisticated than the crowd dragging their feet holding onto the SD only thing. Why should the SD only folks get a better selection of HD channels than the ones willing to settle for a far more limited selection for HD only? The way I see it the HD only people are saving E* money on royalties or whatever it is they pay networks. The HD folks, particularly the TurboHD customers, are paying a hefty premium for HD content while getting a lot fewer channels. At the very least those customers, particularly those subscribing to Turbo HD Gold with the Platinum add-on, should have EVERY non-premium HD channel available to E* with absolutely NO exceptions. Any other result is 100% WRONG.
+1 Bobby H.
I'm an Absolute sub, and would switch to a Turbo package immediately if they would give me an incentive to do so. THEY HAVEN'T. I don't like watching SD, and refuse to switch to a classic pack just to get the few extra HD channels that I want.
Why should the SD only folks get a better selection of HD channels than the ones willing to settle for a far more limited selection for HD only?

I'm pretty sure the SD only folks are only getting SD.

I would not say that people with SD packs are less sophisticated,as you seem to imply. Many just have a few SD channels that are not yet available in HD.

I also would not say that HD only subs are paying a "premium." They are getting a discount for not getting some SD.
...Yes. The ones going HD are indeed more sophisticated than the crowd dragging their feet holding onto the SD only thing...

and I would say that people who have moved from Oklahoma are more sophisticated than those who have decided to stay in the middle of a tornado mecha...
Seriously, I have read some idiotic statements on this board, but wow! :rolleyes:
So you have to top it with an even more stupid statement? Bringing Oklahoma into it as a near personal attack is pretty tacky.

And, yes, the HD crowd is indeed more technologically sophisticated -at least in terms of their home theater use. On average they are much more up to speed on the technology and have a far greater demand for HD programming than customers who think SD is good enough for them.

SD channels are useless to me. They look terrible blown up on my 52" HDTV set. Why would I want to pay for 200+ channels of SD eye-garbage just to get Fox News in HD? It doesn't make any sense at all. I don't watch the SD versions of channels in HD Absolute. They're only there in case I hook up a 2nd TV up to my ViP722, and I have no plans to do that (especially if the output will only be SD).
I don't watch the SD versions of channels in HD Absolute. They're only there in case I hook up a 2nd TV up to my ViP722, and I have no plans to do that (especially if the output will only be SD).
I don't either - and I have my TV2 connected. I just watch the HD channel on the SD TV2 and it looks much better. Plus you can resize it usually.

--> Slamminc11 - it's 'mecca', not 'mecha'
What DISH Network should do is to remove Paladia and HD Theater along with HD Network from Turbo Bronze, Silver & Gold Paks and place them in the HD PLatinum Pak. Then add FOX News, VH-1, MTV, BETHD to Turbo Paks. This would increase the value of Platinum.
What DISH Network should do is to remove Paladia and HD Theater along with HD Network from Turbo Bronze, Silver & Gold Paks and place them in the HD PLatinum Pak. Then add FOX News, VH-1, MTV, BETHD to Turbo Paks. This would increase the value of Platinum.

That would be tricky with the contracts that probably guarantee the placement of the former channels in basic packs.
Jeez, come off a lot worse in that conversation than that poor CSR. I understand the frustration of the Turbo subs, but in the end, you get what you pay for. If you want the channels, you're going to have to pony up.

No use acting like a jerk to some $8/hr CSR.

Are you sure it was an actual person? Those responses sound like they could have been generated by an average bot.
Why does this need a new thread, especially when I had to look up your other thread to know what you were talking about?
Your filing a complaint with the BBB because you cannot get certain channels with your turbo HD pack. Why not just switch packages that is why there are many different packages so if one does not have what you want go to another one. It sounds like you would rather whine and throw a hissy fit than take 20 minutes and switch your packages. Its customers that complain all the time taht make a long day even longer for techs. Thats just my $.02
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Why does this need a new thread, especially when I had to look up your other thread to know what you were talking about?

You are obviously not my target audience with this thread. I don't expect anyone to need to look up my past threads. If you have a complaint, and you're already on this board, you know it.

This thread is just pure motivation, plain and simple. If we want things to change we need to get together and do something.

This is a place to start. Round one, if you will.
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