Zack Snyder will direct a 'Justice League' movie to follow 'Batman vs. Superman'

Is a New Animated Justice League Series On the Way?
Justice League Batman Superman Wonder Woman Aquaman Is a New Animated Justice League Series On the Way?In the early 2000s, legendary creators Bruce Timm and Paul Dini's popular animated series Batman Beyond was put on hold to make room for their newest project: Justice League. The series featured the main roster of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter and, due to the series' popularity, these heroes became the default team for many young fans.After two seasons, the show was changed to Justice League Unlimited. The new series included the core team, but also introduced a wide range of additional heroes to their ranks. From Elongated Man to B'Wana Beast, no hero was too strange or obscure for the series. Unfortunately, the series came to an end in 2006 and though there have been some great DC animated series since (Young Justice in particular), there has yet to be a series that can match Justice League's success.
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Six "Batman v Superman" Images Released, Including a New Look at the Batmobile
"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is a little more than six months away, and on Friday DC Comics released six images from the upcoming Warner Bros. film. Some were seen back in July in scans from Empire magazine -- including the very angry expression on the face of Henry Cavill's Superman -- but these are clear, high-quality versions of the shots; along with a new look at the film's Batmobile.
See Wonder Woman and the Batmobile in new Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice pics
Meet the new Batmobile, kind of the same as the old Batmobile.DC Comics released six new photos — which originally ran in the U.K.'s Empire magazine — of next March's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice on Friday. They reaffirm that Batman's wheels of choice bear the influence of Christopher Nolan's Bat-tumbler — The Dark Knight trilogy filmmaker's militaristic take on the iconic vehicle.The new photoset boasts an additional look at a barely seen character: Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. She's not suited up in her traditional star-spangled costume. Rather, she's in dressy civilian attire.Take a peek at the new photos below.
Tom Hardy Wants To Returns As Bane To Take Out Batman And Superman
Tom Hardy very nearly ended up taking on a key role in the DC Extended Universe as Rick Flag in Suicide Squad, but scheduling issues meant he was forced to pass on starring in the David Ayer helmed movie.Of course, the actor is no stranger to comic book movies, after taking on the role of Bane in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises, and when the Legend star was asked if he has any interest in returning to this world, he revealed his desire to actually reprise the role of the villain who broke the Bat.Specifically, Hardy would like to do so in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Here's what he had to say when asked if he would return as Bane. "Of course! I'm Bane! Somebody asked me, 'Who would I want to win out in a fight between Superman and Batman?' And I would like to hold the pair of them under the water until the bubbles stop."Interestingly, the actor seems in the dark about those recent reports that his Mad Max: Fury Road director George Miller will direct the Man of Steel sequel, as he asks the interviewer whether there's any truth to them (for now, they remain just a rumour).While it would be great to see Hardy star in another comic book movie, he does have a pretty busy schedule and is currently developing a big screen adaptation of Vertigo's 100 Bullets, so time will tell if he returns to the world of superheroes.
Here's what Wonder Woman will look like in the new 'Batman vs. Superman' movie
We are all kinds of excited about the upcoming Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Not only will it pit two of our favorite superheroes against one another (can't we all get along?), but it'll feature, for the first time ever on the big screen, Wonder Woman. High-fives all around, everyone.Gal Gadot is suiting up as Wonder Woman (alter ego Diana Prince) and while we've seen plenty of pictures of her in action — and in the Batman vs. Superman trailer — we've yet to see her in normal, every day life. Certainly she doesn't go out rocking her armor to run to the bank, right? So what does she look like as a regular civilian?DC Comics has released a whole bunch of new images from the movie. We're got a picture of Angry Superman (Henry Cavill), and pensive-looking Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck). But let's be honest, the most important picture is the one of Wonder Woman, and she looks amazing. Like we'd expect anything less.It's only one image of her, but from it, we can tell a lot. Like, the fact that she's going to wear white after Labor Day, because she's a woman who makes her own rules. She's also wearing a pretty big gold necklace around her neck, and it feels like a Wonder Woman staple. No, it's not the gold crown that we normally see her wear, or even the gold cuffs that deflect bullets. But she can't wear those to the bank. The necklace, though, is a nice nod her normal gold in everyday life.
Batman V Superman: Jason Momoa Responds to Aquaman Mockery
Although Warner Bros. and DC Comics' movie universe began with 2013's Man of Steel, next year's release of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will officially launch the DC Extended Universe on screens. The film's major conflict will arise from the tension between Henry Cavill's Superman and Ben Affleck's Batman, but other DC heroes are set to make their debut, like Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman and Jason Momoa's Aquaman.Momoa was confirmed to play Aquaman last fall and Batman V Superman director Zack Snyder debuted the character's design early this year, though his role in next year's DC tentpole film has yet to be revealed. While at the Fan Expo Canada 2015 in Toronto this weekend, the actor teased some aspects of his turn as Aquaman and responded to jokes about the character, but stayed quiet about the major details.As filmed by ScreenRelish (h/t to CBM), Momoa took questions at Fan Expo Canada about how he will fit into the DCCU, saying generally that it will be "amazing." Responding to the question of whether Aquaman will be a "chill" superhero in contrast to the serious characters of Batman and Superman, Momoa said, "I can't see me busting out a bunch of jokes. I mean, I don't think it'll be like that."
Jason Momoa Promises Aquaman Will Be No Joke After Batman v Superman
Aquaman is famously a bit of a joke in the comic book world. His key ability is to telepathically talk to and control sea life, so, it's not hard to see why he's something of an easy target.Jason Momoa, who will be the first man to portray the character on the big screen, has suggested people wait to see him in action before cracking any more jokes about the The King of the Seven Seas.At Fan Expo Canada Momoa said: "It's cute and funny. People make fun of him. There's a bunch of jokes about him, but I'm like, 'Just wait. Let's just wait a little bit, and then you can make jokes.'"Momoa will portray the character for the first time in next year's 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' in a small role scarcely bigger than a cameo. He will then feature in 'Justice League: Part One' before a solo movie in 2018.Momoa was officially revealed to be portraying character in October 2014 before 'Dawn of Justice' director Zack Snyder revealed the image above in February 2015.Later that month Momoa told Entertainment Weekly: "The whole mythology of Aquaman is pretty amazing. There's so many things to tell, and there's a whole backstory that's just amazing.
Warner Bros. Wants More Batman In Batman V Superman?
It looks as though Ben Affleck's Batman has really gone down a treat with Warner Bros… as it's rumoured that they want more of the Dark Knight in 'Batman V Superman'.According to Umberto Gonzalez at Heroic Hollywood, the studio was so impressed with Ben Affleck's performance that they're keen to shift the balance in Batman's favour."The latest hot rumor I am hearing is that Warners is requesting more Batman be put into the movie and less Superman," he revealed. "Supposedly, Ben Affleck's Batman is so good that he is blowing Henry Cavill's Superman right off the screen."Of course, this comes just weeks after the studios rumoured internal presentation of 'Batman V Superman' – the one that apparently ended with a standing ovation from all the studio bods who saw the film.And it's apparently all down to Ben Affleck.
Zack Snyder Says Batman and Superman Are Not Like 'Flavor of the Week Ant-Man'
Batman and Superman aren't typical superheroes to Zack Snyder. Aside from being the "most mythological of our superheroes," the "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" director thinks they transcend the superhero movie genre.Snyder took a shot at the Marvel Universe in an interview with The Daily Beast. While addressing Steven Spielberg's comments that "there will be a time when the superhero movie goes the way of the Western," the filmmaker said DC heroes are a dime a dozen."I feel like he's right. But I feel like Batman and Superman are transcendent of superhero movies in a way, because they're Batman and Superman," Snyder said while promoting Doritos' final Super Bowl filmmaking contest. "They're not just, like, the flavor of the week Ant-Man — not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next Blank-Man?"He also discussed whether "Batman v Superman" will feature more screen time with Batman than Superman.
Zack Snyder Talks Batman V Superman Rumors, DC Movies, and More
Zack Snyder's Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is the first time live-action versions of Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill) will share the big screen. The two DC heroes are known for being close friends and they have an extensive history of working together in the comics and other forms of media, but Snyder's movie will place the duo at odds with each other – just like Frank Miller did in the highly praised The Dark Knight Returns comic book.Following the events in Man of Steel (in which Superman saved the planet, but General Zod's invasion caused mass destruction in Metropolis), BvS will have Batman viewing Superman – this new hero who's Godlike – as a threat. Batman V Superman's SDCC 2015 trailer revealed more about the conflict, but many questions about the dynamic between Batman and Superman remain. Now, Snyder has elaborated about the character motivations and commented on the rumor that Warner Bros' wants to see more of Batman, and less of Superman, in BvS.While talking to The Daily Beast, Snyder explained that Batman will obviously receive a fair amount of attention – his name is in the title, after all – but that's because they're presenting a whole new cinematic version of the incredibly popular hero; one which draws blatant parallels to Millers' work:
Batman Will Feature More Than Superman in Dawn of Justice
This article, Batman Will Feature More Than Superman in Dawn of Justice, originally appeared on GameSpot.It might be more than six months from release, but anticipation for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice continues to grow. The second film in the DC Extended Universe--following 2013's Man of Steel--will see the two iconic superheroes meet, and inevitably rumours have been flying about what the film will contain.In an interview with the Daily Beast, director Zack Snyder--who also helmed Man of Steel--has spoken about his approach to the film and addressed some of the gossip doing the rounds. In particular, the suggestion that his new film will feature Ben Affleck's Batman much more heavily than Henry Cavill's Superman was confirmed by the director."It's a different Batman than the Batman that was in the Chris Nolan movies, so we have a little bit more explaining to do--and you just had a whole Superman movie," he said."But I think only in that way, because you need to understand where Batman is with everything. And that's more toward the beginning, but it evens back out as it goes on."It's great fun, but it also has an eye toward the future--it's going toward Justice League. Early on, once we decided that we were going to put Batman in the movie, then I was like, 'OK, good! Because you know what that means? It means the floodgates can open!'"In an interview earlier this week with Yahoo Movies, Snyder also addressed comments that Steven Spielberg had made that the lifespan of the superhero movie genre was finite and would eventually go "the way of the western."
What Did Christopher Nolan Get Wrong in His Batman Films?
This question originally appeared on Quora, the best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and access insider knowledge. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus.Answer by Mark Hughes, screenwriter, film critic at Forbes:As someone who loved Christopher Nolan's Batman films (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises) and considers them to still be the best superhero films of all time (I personally rank them in the Nos. 1, 2, and 3 spots on my list of the greatest superhero movies), there isn't much about the films that I dislike. However, that doesn't mean there aren't things in the films that I feel were ultimately either less ideal characterizations or depictions or that might not have worked quite as well as some other choice could have possibly worked instead. But I really want to stress that as of today, these films are "my" Batman; they are the closest thing I've ever seen to my ideal perfect approach to bringing Batman to life in live-action cinema, and Batman Begins is probably the single best Batman story ever told in any medium, as far as I'm concerned.
Zack Snyder Calls 'Ant-Man' the "Flavor of the Week"
Zack Snyder is a bit talkative these days, but not just about Batman v Superman and the upcoming DC properties it seems, since the director had a little something to say about Marvel's Ant-Man. While answering a question regarding Steven Spielberg's comments about the superhero genre, Snyder said the following: "I feel like Batman and Superman are transcendent of superhero movies in a way, because they're Batman and Superman. They're not just, like, the flavor of the week Ant-Man—not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next Blank-Man?"
'Batman v Superman': Zack Snyder on DCCU Mythology; Michael Shannon Continues Talking Zod
It's only a matter of short time before we get to see Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice next year and finally getting us going into what will be the DC cinematic universe. As we wait to get to see that universe advance, Snyder recently shared some thoughts about what's to come. Among some other things, the director commented about the worries of Batman v Superman having too many heroes, "I try and stay central. There's something really fun about bringing the other characters in, but it's really about staying central to the real core mythology is what I think the audience enjoys most."Elsewhere, Michael Shannon continues to talk, or try to talk, about his appearance as Zod in Batman v Superman. During an interview with Larry King, Shannon stated once again that his appearance in the film will be ghostly, "It's the same thing like in the first one with Jor-El – Russell Crowe's character – is kind of like a ghost. So I guess I'm a ghost. Kind of."
Josh Brolin Is 'Really Curious' About Ben Affleck's Batman
Before Ben Affleck was cast as Bruce Wayne/Batman in 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Josh Brolin was heavily linked to the titular role.Of course, Affleck ultimately won out, which originally provoked the internet to respond uproariously. However this tirade has since died down, and now, thanks to the debut trailers for the film, there's a healthy amount of intrigue about Affleck's performance.And one of the people most eager to see what Affleck produces as the Caped Crusader is Josh Brolin himself. Who, rather than being jealous that the Oscar-winner is playing the character, is instead "really curious."Speaking to MTV at the Toronto International Film Festival, where he's currently promoting 'Sicario', Brolin was adamant that there's no bad blood between himself and Affleck."I don't have that thing, I wish I did," when Brolin was asked about being jealous of the actors who beat him to parts. "It would just be more interesting and more competitive, damn him. As much as you guys want to be p***** off, be p***** off, it's all good. Start a f****** riot."Then when he was specifically asked about Ben Affleck as The Dark Knight, Brolin simply insisted, "I'm really curious what he does. Beyond curious."If Ben Affleck had decided not to don the iconic mask and cape then Josh Brolin would have been a worthy actor to have taken the role. Any film that he has been apart of has been immeasurably improved by his presence, with 'Inherent Vice', 'No Country For Old Men', 'Milk', and now the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where he'll appear as Thanos, all the better for his casting.But, Affleck it is. And from the first trailers for 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' it looks as though Affleck should prove the original naysayers wrong with his performance.We'll see if that's the case when 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' is finally released on March 25, 2016.
How Jeremy Irons' Alfred Will Be Different From Michael Caine's
While we have seen many different actors take on the role of Batman over the years, we have actually only seen two big screen Alfred Pennyworths. The first was Michael Gough, who played Bruce Wayne's butler in both the Tim Burton movies and the Joel Schumacher entries; and the second was Michael Caine, who played the part throughout Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy. Because of this, Jeremy Irons actually has a surprising amount of freedom with his interpretation of the same part in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - and judging from his recent comments, he's taking full advantage of that fact.
Irons has been up at the Toronto International Film Festival this past week celebrating the world premiere of the new thriller High Rise, and it was while speaking with The Toronto Sun that the actor explained how we can expect his version of Alfred Pennyworth to be different from those we've seen before. He painted the picture of the butler who is much more pro-active than other versions, and can take action when needed. He explained,
'Man of Steel 2' Plot Rumors: Supergirl And Bizarro Joining Superman In Next Movie?
New details about the Man of Steel sequel's plot have surfaced, possibly revealing another DC superhero joining the movie universe.Heroic Hollywood reports Kara Zor-El, Brainiac, and Bizzaro might join the Man of Steel sequel. Kara Zor-El a.k.a. Supergirl has a codex Brainiac once believed only Superman had. Check out what Heroic Hollywood had to say about the Man of Steel sequel below:The prequel comic told Kara's story as she nears completion of her training. She intended to become a member of Krypton's 'Explorers Guild'; citizens tasked with searching the cosmos for suitable planets, and triggering terraforming projects to make them inhabitable to Kryptonians.The idea has always been the sequel will introduce Supergirl and will focus on her as much as on Superman himself. In fact, this is what supposedly got George Miller's attention in the first place. He is attracted to strong female protagonists as shown in Mad Max: Fury Road by its co-star Charlize Theron as Furiosa.Of course, Warner Bros. has yet to confirm the Supergirl rumors. Director George Miller is allegedly up to direct the Man of Steel sequel, but Warner bros. hasn't confirmed the rumors. Heroic Hollywood also reports the rumors claiming Man of Steel was placed on "permanent hold" are false. The rumors came from Den of Geek's report back in August claiming the production for the Man of Steel sequel wasn't getting very far."One source said that what Miller directs will depend on what story most interests him, his take on it, and everyone's availability," Den of Geek reports. "While this doesn't rule out the possibility of Miller taking on Man of Steel 2, another source has said that, as far as they understand it, the sequel is on 'permanent hold.' Now, at this stage, it's not clear what this means exactly. Have plans for a solo Superman film been abandoned, or is it just in a holding pattern while writers flesh out their story ideas?"
3 Major Superman Characters Who May Appear In Man Of Steel 2
There's been a lot of talk lately about what Warner Bros' plans are for Superman. Although the Kryptonian will play key roles in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and, presumably, the following two Justice League films, there hasn't been any word on whether he'll get to star in another solo adventure again, a.k.a. Man of Steel 2. There have been conflicting reports about whether the movie is actually happening or whether it's been indefinitely delayed, but now we may have details on what this story might have to offer from a supposed pitch that Zack Snyder and Daid Goyer gave to Warner Bros for the Man of Steel follow-up.While the status of the sequel still seems to be up in the air, Heroic Hollywood is claiming to have the scoop on three characters who are said to be appearing in Man of Steel 2, and even claims to know what their roles will be. Keep in mind that these plot details are unconfirmed, so treat them as rumors for now.
Batman V Superman: Irons Talks Alfred, Eisenberg Talks Luthor
While promoting his new film, High-Rise, at the 2015 TIFF, Irons spoke with the Toronto Sun regarding his take on Bruce Wayne's loyal butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Irons comes into the role with some big shoes to fill. Most recently, the character was portrayed by Michael Caine in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy (following Michael Gough's time playing the role in Batman movies of the 1980s and '90s), but one of this seems to phase Irons: "[Zack] Snyder…wanted to create a completely different Alfred. So I felt I didn't have to carry any baggage from previous ones. It's sort of a reincarnation if you'd like. I had a feeling I was creating my own Alfred, more of a man who can actually do anything if he has to."New directions are the bread and butter of the DC Extended Universe, which kicked off with Man of Steel in 2013. Previous onscreen iterations of the Alfred character have been somewhat tame, but in Batman comics Alfred has been known to get his hands dirty when the situation calls for it. Sean Pertwee's Alfred – on the Gotham TV series – is more of a military man, but his military experience wasn't even that essential to Caine's more active Alfred (save for when he knocked out one Ra's al-Ghul's henchmen in Batman Begins).The short of it: going by what Iron said, Batman V Superman could be the first time Alfred is a proper man of action, on the big screen.Eisenberg, meanwhile, went a bit deeper in his interview with The Observer, getting right to the heart of his take on Superman villain Lex Luthor in Batman V Superman. Like Alfred, Luthor is a character who has been portrayed by multiple lauded actors in the past (Gene Hackman, Kevin Spacey), but the reputable history of those before him doesn't seem to bother Eisenberg: "In a lot of ways Luthor is more of a stretch than any character you would do in an independent movie, which is normally the place you stretch. So in that way it was not at all compromised. If anything it was the best, most advantageous role I've ever been given."Eisenberg went on to discuss the tone and themes of Batman V Superman, offering additional praise for the serious and thoughtful approach taken by the film's Oscar-winning screenwriter, Chris Terrio (Argo):"Now people expect the tone to be more realistic just because we live in a world where the average audience member has a sense of psychological motivations. How can one man—Superman—have so much power? These are the kind of things that we talk about when we think about authoritarian states…they're addressing geopolitics in this movie and not in a way that's pretentious or esoteric. Terrio cleverly ties in these really exciting superhero elements with these really sophisticated, philosophical themes in a much smarter, different way."Man of Steel, of course, explored the more human aspects of Superman, which Snyder recently hinted would be furthered by BvS. However, Superman's presence on our planet has never really be explored as a potential negative in film before. While we all know and love the character as a champion for truth, justice, and the American way, there can be no denying that Kal-El could be seen as a threat to both peace and humanity. Given the wanton destruction seen in Man of Steel's climactic battle, it's no wonder why many, Batman included, would view Superman in a poor light.It's an interesting angle to take, and it only furthers recent questions regarding who, exactly, we're supposed to be rooting for. No matter who walks away the clear victor after the smoke clears, the hope is that it's the moviegoing public that ultimately wins.Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice opens on March 25th, 2016; Suicide Squad on August 5th, 2016; Wonder Woman on June 23rd, 2017; Justice League on November 17th, 2017; The Flash on March 23rd, 2018; Aquaman on July 27th, 2018; Shazam on April 5th, 2019; Justice League 2 on June 14th, 2019; Cyborg on April 3rd, 2020; Green Lantern Corps on June 19th, 2020. Untitled Batman and Superman solo films will be coming at dates TBD.
Jesse Eisenberg Makes Batman v Superman Sound A Lot Smarter Than We Expected
On the surface, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is going be an action-packed, visually stimulating cinematic romp. Bringing the Caped Crusader and the Man of Steel together for the first time in live action, those two will not only be slugging it out with each other, but dealing with other massive threats. However, according to Jesse Eisenberg, who plays main antagonist Lex Luthor, the 2016 blockbuster will have plenty of intellectual material for moviegoers to chew on.During an interview with Observer, Eisenberg commented on how the comic book movie genre has evolved since the days of the Christopher Reeve Superman films, which is why Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is focusing on important things like "geopolitcs" and power corrupting. As Eisenberg put it:

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