Zack Snyder will direct a 'Justice League' movie to follow 'Batman vs. Superman'

Sebastian Stan Defends Marvel, Fires Back At Zack Snyder
The Marvel vs. DC rivalry can be a heated affair between comic book fans, but when people officially connected with one company takes a stab at their competitor, it can get particularly ugly. Last week, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder made a comment about Marvel's most recent release, Ant-Man, being the "flavor of the month." Understandably, this riled up many Marvel fans, including Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. the Winter Soldier, himself, Sebastian Stan, who decided to drop a burn of his own.Stan commented how he had read Snyder's comments and took issue with him unnecessarily targeting Marvel. The actor subsequently told Collider that his upcoming film, Captain America: Civil War, is simply trying to be a unique product rather than one-up a previous film. Stan said:
How Batman Would Beat The Entire Avengers In A Fight, According To Max Landis
Batman may not have any powers, but he's established himself as a force to be reckoned with in the DC universe. With a brilliant mind, amazing fighting skills and gadgets aplenty, he's demonstrated many times that he can hold his own against not just supervillains, but occasionally his fellow Justice League teammates. While fans will continue to debate exactly how Batman would really fare in fights against powerful DC heroes (especially Superman), there's one fight that most people probably haven't pictured the Caped Crusader in: going up against Marvel's Avengers. Well, screenwriter Max Landis has been thinking about it, and he has it all worked out how Batman would win.The Chronicle scribe went on Twitter Thursday to explain how he believes Batman would be able to take down all of Earth's Mightiest Heroes in a metropolitan setting. Starting off, Batman would immediately use a knockout dart on Bruce Banner before he could turn into The Hulk. Iron Man's suit would then be hacked, followed by The Vision being taken out with an EMP (electromagnetic pulse). Thor would be taken out by getting "Batwing'd into a building and then glued down with polymer." After quickly KO'ing Black Widow and Hawkeye, Batman's last opponent would be Captain America, who Landis does admit would be a challenge, but Batman would defeat him in the end. He later added that Batman fighting these characters one-on-one would be a fairer fight since "he wouldn't be able to use the city against them as effectively." Check out Landis' whole scenario below:Landis' conclusion is interesting, but extremely exaggerated. Look, no one's arguing that Batman is a talented crimefighter, but in this scenario, it isn't Batman fighting the Avengers. It's Bat-God! Landis admitted that Batman is best used as a "domineering and intense force of nature" while the Avengers are better when they're vulnerable, and this outlook makes the fight look way more one-sided than it actually would be. As cunning as Batman is, it's hard to believe he could accomplish all of this while under fire as a non-powered human.Landis also underestimates how useful Black Widow and Hawkeye are in combat. Are they at Batman's skill level? That's debatable, but it's doubtful they would instantly get taken out. Also keep in mind Tony Stark is just as smart (if arguably smarter) than Bruce Wayne while Steve Rogers is a brilliant strategist. Together, the two of them would be able to come up with a specific plan to subdue Gotham's City defender with the aid of their teammates.
Take a Closer Look at the Batmobile from "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"
A new video released by Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood gives viewers the closest look we've seen of the Batmobile from the upcoming "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" yet.Released to promote a contest in which two lucky winners will receive the "ultimate Studio Tour experience," which includes a chance to actually sit inside the Batmobile, the video gives a close-up, quick-shot view of the Batmobile before showing the famous Bat-ride in full display.With this much clearer look, the Batmobile actually looks more like a fusion between the Tumbler from the Christopher Nolan films and the classic Batmobile designs from the comics and Tim Burton films.
Max Landis' Man Of Steel 2 Pitch Would Have Tom Hanks As Lex Luthor, Sounds Awesome
There were quite a few people that weren't too fond of 'Man Of Steel'. They believed that it featured too much destruction, was joyless, while they also insisted that it deviated from the established characterisation of the icon.Zack Snyder will have a chance to rectify these perceived wrongs with 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice', but what would happen if someone else was in charge of the follow-up blockbuster? Well, if that person was Max Landis, we now have our answer.Landis, who is the son of legendary filmmaker John Landis and has scribed the likes of 'Chronicle' and 'American Ultra' as well as the upcoming 'Victor Frankenstein', spoke to Screen Junkies about what he'd have put into 'Man Of Steel 2', and it actually sounds like most of his ideas are already in 'Batman V Superman.'However, there's one huge casting choice that's different, because if Max Landis had his way then he'd have cast Tom Hanks as Lex Luthor. And I think we can all agree that would have been a very, very wise decision.
Everyone is going crazy about this wild idea for a 'Man of Steel' sequel
Screenwriter Max Landis is a big Superman fan. The "Chronicle" screenwriter has been a fan since he was a kid. He also worked on 2011 short, "The Death and Return of Superman" and in November is putting out a the seven-issue Superman comic, "American Alien."So it's little surprise he has an idea for a "Man of Steel" sequel.While speaking with Screen Junkies, he gave his take on what he'd like to see in a Superman sequel directed by none other than James Cameron.It's not too bad. The internet thinks so, too. Everyone from EW to The Playlist has written about it. What's Landis' idea? Check it out:In the wake of destruction of over half of Metropolis at the end of "Man of Steel," Superman is a universally reviled figure. Clark Kent, a small town boy who had never even been in a fight before he was attacked by a military man, forced to decimate a city he loves, has terrible PTSD, and has given up being Superman. He gets the shakes every night. He's trying to date Lois Lane, but the fact that he has a secret, that she is doing a huge piece on, is being very reviled about the idea that Superman was ultimately a negative thing. The destruction is 9/11. It's ten 9/11s.Clark moves home. He is miserable, but he has to do one more assignment before he leaves his job at The Daily Planet. And we get to really see this guy. He's living in New York post-9/11 basically. Everyone on the street has graffiti saying … "Superman sucks." Everyone also doesn't understand, because it's the age of the internet, that Superman and Zod are even necessarily two different people. Keep in mind that the first time the world saw that Superman suit was him destroying the city. So, for all they know, they were just two random aliens, and that haunts Clark every night because he thinks of himself as a man and as an American and as a good guy, and that tortures him.He has to do one more thing.
Zack Snyder: 'Batman v Superman is Man Of Steel 2'
Wondering about a Man of Steel sequel? Zack Snyder suggests its Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice...One of the regular frustrations that's being voiced already about next summer's Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice is that it shortchanges Superman in the DC movie universe.The project started out as a follow-up to Zack Snyder's Man Of Steel, but since its evolved into Batman v Superman, Snyder has admitted that it's weighted slightly more towards the former than the latter. Furthermore, while there's no shortage of talk about further standalone Batman movies, things are much quieter on the Superman front.Snyder has addressed this to some degree in an interview with Canoe, saying, "I think in a way Batman v Superman is Man Of Steel 2. Justice League is kind of the transcendent knights-of-the-round-table story. It'd be interesting to think about what a standalone Superman movie might be."Whatever it is, if indeed it happens, Snyder is unlikely to be making it. Once he's finally done with Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice, he's got a pair of Justice League movies to make.
Zack Snyder Says Batman v Superman Is A Sequel, Get The Details
It's unclear what fate awaits Man of Steel 2. Some say it's in development, some say it's indefinitely postponed, and others say David Goyer passed a Brainiac pitch for the sequel along to Warner Bros. According to recent statements from Man of Steel's Zack Snyder, however, there might not be any need for one, as it's already coming to theaters next recently had the opportunity to interview Snyder, and it was during their conversation that the filmmaker said that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice pretty much is Man of Steel 2. He said,I think in a way Batman v Superman is Man of Steel 2. Justice League is kind of the transcendent, knights-of-the-round-table of the story. It'd be interesting to think about what a standalone Superman movie might be.While it seems like a Man of Steel sequel isn't a priority from the studio, based on these statements, this development comes shortly after reports that suggest Mad Max: Fury Road writer/director George Miller might still get a crack at bringing it to life. As mentioned earlier, word on the street is that Brainiac will be the villain, while the alleged story treatment will also see Bizarro and the feature film introduction of Supergirl, a.k.a. Kara Zor-El (who's about to appear on the small screen on the Melissa Benoist-starring CBS show).
'Batman V Superman' Should Be Marketed As 'Man Of Steel 2,' Not A 'Justice League' Prelude
Zack Snyder has been making the interview rounds to promote the "Crash the Super Bowl" Doritos contest in which he is participating and has been dropping random tidbits about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I'm not going to dissect every word, but there was a tidbit in an interview with Canoe yesterday that caught my eye. When asked about the status of a second Man of Steel movie, rumors regarding which have been bouncing around the Internet for a few weeks ("George Miller will direct!" "It would've starred Supergirl and Brainiac!" "Etc., Etc!."), Synder exclaimed "I think in a way Batman v Superman is Man of Steel 2." Now others, including Henry Cavill, have been on record in the past saying that Dawn of Justice is less of a Superman sequel and more of its own separate thing. But, even with rumors concerning Ben Affleck's Batman taking over the movie floating around, there is genuine value in continuing to pump the notion that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is indeed a Man of Steel sequel with a bunch of added value elements as opposed to something akin to a Justice League backdoor pilot.I wrote a few months back that it was in Walt Disney DIS -0.98% interest to sell the upcoming Captain America: Civil War not as a glorified Avengers 2.5 or an Iron Man 4, but rather as a straight-up Captain America 3. The reason for that was simple. The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Iron Man 3 all made over $1 billion worldwide while Captain America: The Winter Soldier made a "mere" $714 million worldwide last year. If the media and the pundit class treats the upcoming Marvel sequel as a glorified Avengers movie, that will increase the film's box office expectations, perhaps to a level that the film cannot quite reach. It would be great if the film played like an Avengers chapter. But it is just as likely that the film, which stars Steve Rogers and features appearances by Tony Stark and pretty much every major Marvel character along with first-time appearances by Spider-Man and Black Panther, will merely play like a third Captain America film and thus perform just a bit better than The Winter Soldier.
While speaking to Canoe, "BvS" director Zack Snyder discussed the oft-talked about yet not-greenlit "Man of Steel 2," saying that the sequel to the 2014 film is actually right around the corner."I think in a way 'Batman v Superman' is 'Man of Steel 2,'" said Snyder. "'Justice League' is kind of the transcendent, knights-of-the-round-table of the story. It'd be interesting to think about what a standalone Superman movie might be."
Marvel vs. DC: Sebastian Stan fires back at Zack Snyder.....The neverending battle continues.
A couple weeks ago, Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder spoke to The Daily Beast. "I feel like Batman and Superman are transcendent of superhero movies in a way, because they're Batman and Superman," he explained coherently. "They're not just, like, the flavor of the week Ant-Man — not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next Blank-Man?"This was widely interpreted as a direct assault on Marvel Studios, the beloved superhero dream factory and chief rival for Snyder's impending DC Cinematic Universe.Now, Marvel has launched a counter-attack… from an unexpected source. Sebastian Stan, who plays plucky sidekick Bucky turned immortal killing machine the Winter Soldier in the Captain America films, was caught on camera being dangerously interesting. In an interview with Collider, the once and future Carter Baizen talked mostly about the upcoming Capquel Civil War… until things take a turn around the 5:45 mark.
Aquaman Is "Meaner and Upset" in Warners' DC Movies, Says Jason Momoa
For decades, Aquaman has been the go-to superhero to make fun of (he does, after all, talk to fish, among other aquatic life forms). But when Jason Momoa debuts as this member of Warner Bros.' cinematic DC universe, things might change. To hear Momoa describe the character, it's no more Mr. Nice Underseas King.Momoa brought up the topic of Aquaman's new temperament when he was asked during a recent interview whether the character on screen would wear a costume similar to his classic comic book look. Momoa hedged his bets, while leaking information about the superhero's motivations in the film."Well, there might be some bit of orange and green," said the actor, referring to the colors of the classic Aquaman costume. "A bit of respect for prior work, but I think he is meaner now and upset — look at what has been done to our oceans. That's his world that has been polluted."The idea of an Atlantean ruler out for revenge against humanity sounds more like Marvel's Sub-Mariner than DC's Aquaman, but such a repositioning does fit in with the darker world of Man of Steel, where Superman has to kill to save the day, and judging from trailers for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batman is even angrier than in previous movies.Momoa was also asked about whether, as rumored, Aquaman would show up in Batman v Superman ahead of his solo film, but the actor played coy, replying "Well, we will see. I really can't say much on that right now."Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, starring Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck and, possibly maybe Jason Momoa, will be released March 25, 2016.
Jason Momoa Reveals A Surprising, Fan Pleasing Detail About His Aquaman Costume
Other than Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, Aquaman is the only member of the Justice League to so far be officially revealed by Warner Bros. His appearance has divided fans though, with some understanding the need for a contemporary take on the widely ridiculed character's classic costume, and others wishing he looked a little less Game of Thrones and instead shared more similarities with his comic book counterpart.We will, of course, get a good look at Aqauman when he makes his presence felt in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice next year, but Jason Momoa has now revealed some surprising details about his costume, which were missed in that moodily lit first image.Talking at The Joshua Tree International Film Fest, Momoa confirmed that the suit Aquaman will be wearing in the DC Extended Universe is definitely going to pay homage to the source material, and even dropped some hints about the character's motivations. "Well, there might be some bit of orange and green. A bit of respect to prior work, but I think he is meaner now and upset – look at what has been done to our oceans. That's his world that has been polluted." Of course, there's nothing to say that Aquaman's costume in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will be his final look, especially as he may update his outfit after spending time on the surface world. Either way, it's good to know that the costume is going to feature at least some green and orange, while his relationship with his fellow heroes should be very interesting (especially if he blames them for damaging the oceans).
Jesse Eisenberg: Batman V Superman Discusses 'Important' And 'Sophisticated' Themes
Team Warner Bros./DC are trying very hard to remind audiences just how different their cinematic universe is going to be to Marvel's. Seriously. It's like really grown up and everything.While doing the rounds to promote his book of short stories, 'Bream Gives Me Hiccups', Jesse Eisenberg was asked once again about 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice', in which he'll play the villainous Lex Luthor. And the actor insisted that it's a very mature superhero flick."I'll tell you that the man who wrote the movie, Chris Terrio, is absolutely phenomenal," Eisenberg explained to We Got This Covered. "He also wrote 'Argo'. He's such a brilliant guy, so well read. He's very interested in sophisticated topics and discussions."Eisenberg, who was Academy Award nominated for his performance in 'The Social Network', then went on to explain how that will impact the superhero hybrid."So in 'Batman V Superman', even though it's a superhero movie, people who don't necessarily see films in that genre, like this crowd, will probably enjoy it. It discusses some very sophisticated and important themes," he continued.I, personally, am all for Jesse Eisenberg bigging up 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' as a complex, intense, and much different superhero film. But I'm a tad worried that by doing this those involved in blockbuster could be ostracising a mainstream audience.
Big Plans Reported For Next Batman v Superman Trailer
Warner Bros may have big plans in place for the next 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' trailer, according to a new report.Apparently their plans involve two major television series in the United States, despite neither series being in the same continuity as the big screen DC comics Universe (DCU).Heroic Hollywood reports that two teasers focusing on the film's two lead characters will air on Monday 26 October. One focusing on Superman airing during the premiere of 'Supergirl' on CBS, while another focusing on Batman airs during Fox's 'Gotham'.The plan being that both teasers - apparently a minute long each - will build anticipation ahead of the release of the next full trailer for the anticipated clash of superhero icons.
Robbie Amell Has A Pretty Good Idea For A Batman Movie
The future of Batman movies remains a mystery. Sure, The Dark Knight will be showing up in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and probably both Justice League features, but right now there are no plans on the books to give the beloved protector of Gotham City a new solo film. As a result, fans are left to speculate about the cinematic future of the superhero, and while most have their own pet theories, Flash and Arrow's Robbie Amell has dreams of a Batman Beyond feature. This past weekend, Amell was a guest at Salt Lake Comic Con, and it was while on a panel that he discussed his dreams of someday seeing a live-action adaptation of the hit animated series that ran from 1999 to 2001. Discussing his hopes to one day see the project made, and potentially be a part of it, the actor said,
The 'Batman V Superman' Trailer Rumor I Hope Is True
I wrote last week about how rumors regarding an X-Men: Apocalypse trailer debuting with The Martian ended up being de-facto advertising for The Martian, as rumors of a would-be X-Men trailer resulted in copious blog posts concerning the trailer which in turn discussed the upcoming Ridley Scott movie as well. That's the way of the world now of course. If you're a big star or a filmmaker with any connection to a comic book series or geek-friendly franchise, that will become the central point of discussion in the run-up to the release of your next movie. Just look at all the coverage Ridley Scott himself got for announcing that Prometheus would be getting a whole bunch-o-sequels and that those sequels would be more explicitly connected to the Alien franchise? With the trailers for upcoming geek movies becoming arguably bigger than the films themselves in terms of media coverage, even the Stratego-like placement of said trailers has become news and/or items of interest. So when a rumor drops about the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice marketing campaign dropping three new spots in just under a month, the net effect is that three separate projects get a free advertising boost.
'Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice': Michael Shannon Continues To Deny His Role; Two New Trailers In October
Michael Shannon said that he sometimes makes things up, when he was asked to talk about his "flippers" comment on "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice." Meanwhile, a new report suggested that two new trailer of the movie will be released in October.In a previous interview to Vulture, Shannon had said that he once found himself in an awkward situation on the production set of the movie, when he couldn't open the door because he had wax flippers on his fingers as part of the costume and director Zack Snyder was looking for him. The actor's comments on the costume immediately caught the attention of the fans, as his character was not expected to play a major role in the forthcoming movie after the events of "Man of Steel."Talking about his "flippers" comment, the actor told ScreenRant recently that sometimes he makes things up because he doesn't have a lot to say about the movie after being repeatedly asked to comment on it. Shannon said that Warner Bros. is "really happy" about him taking this approach rather than revealing details about the movie.When pressed to comment about his role in "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice," Shannon joked that his character will be running for the office of the President. The actor later explained that his role in the movie is "better left unsaid" and added that he doesn't want to "spoil" the movie for everyone.Two trailers of the movie and a number of promo images and behind-the-scenes pictures have been released so far by the producers to build the excitement for the movie. Two new teaser trailers of the movie will be released on Oct. 26, HeroicHollywood reported, adding that the CBS TV Series "Supergirl" premieres on this day and the first of the two new "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailers that airs during the TV series will focus only on Clark Kent (Henry Cavill).
Batman Is About To Drop A Big Announcement, What Could It Be?
Right now is a good time to be Batman. A new interpretation of the Caped Crusader will be introduced next year in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, his presence in comics and other media projects seems to grow with each year, and fans celebrated Batman Day this past weekend. Well, Batman isn't done leaving a mark on 2015, as it's just been revealed that fans can expect some major news regarding the Dark Knight at New York City Con.While appearing on USA Today's Fan Theory podcast, Michael Uslan, who has been a producer on every Batman film since 1989, revealed that there will be a big Batman announcement at NYCC in two weeks. This announcement will be made October 10 at 1:30 p.m. EST, and while Uslan didn't elaborate on which panel this will take place, that time coincides with the Batman: The Bat Universe panel happening on the Empire Stage in the Javits Convention Center. That panel will feature many writers and artists who have worked on Batman stories, and DC Comics specifically noted that there will be "breaking Batman news."With Uslan's connections to the Batman movies, it's likely that this announcement is about something that will happen on the big screen. Considering that a lot of information has been revealed about Bruce Wayne's role in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, we doubt that anything particularly shocking will be revealed on that front, especially with the film only six months away. Instead, maybe this will be the official announcement of Warner Bros. adding more Batman films to their DC cinematic slate. During San Diego Comic Con, it was reported that Ben Affleck will direct and co-write a Batman solo movie tentatively set for 2018, and last month we heard that after seeing an early version, Warner Bros. executives were apparently so pleased with Affleck's performance that they want the character to be featured more.
Batman V Superman Officially Rated PG-13, But You May Be Surprised Why
Well, we never expected anything different, but Warner Bros/DC's long-awaited 'Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice' has received its official rating from US classifiers the MPAA - and, lo and behold, it's a PG-13.The equivalent of Britain's 12A certificate, the PG-13 has long been the most commercially viable rating for blockbuster movies. In the current listing of the all-time biggest box office hits, 8 of the top 10 are rated PG-13.It was obvious, then, that 'Batman V Superman' would aim for that same rating - though the reasons given for the MPAA's decision may not be quite what we expected.According to the new MPAA ratings updates published at Box Office Mojo, 'Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice' has been rated PG-13 for "intense sequences of violence and action throughout, and some sensuality."Obviously the violence and action is no surprise - but quite what is meant by 'sensuality' is a rather different matter. It would seem to imply that things are going to get a bit sexy, but it's that bit ambiguous enough to leave us guessing.The main question, of course, is just who we might see getting 'sensual.' Could things hot up between Henry Cavill's Superman and Amy Adams' Lois Lane? Or, as some rumours have suggested, might there be something between Ben Affleck's Batman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman?
8 Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Rumors We Hope Come True
While Marvel and DC fans continue to bicker over which will be better, there's no denying that both Captain America: Civil War and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice are 2016's most highly anticipated releases. While the former will see the Avengers divided, the latter is all about establishing the DC Extended Universe and assembling the Justice League. Oh, and Batman and Superman kicking each other's butts as well.With any big movie comes a lot of rumours, and Batman V Superman is no exception to that. It honestly feels like we've heard a new rumour about the film nearly each and every single week since it was first announced. Seriously, the rumor mill on this one never seems to end.Here, though, we've rounded up the eight biggest Batman V Superman rumours from the past year or so, focusing specifically on the ones we're most hoping end up coming true. If Zack Snyder delivers on even half of these, there's every chance that the Dawn of Justice will overshadow a certain Civil War. From surprise cameos to plot twists, we're really hoping that all of these rumors make it into the final cut.So, what are you waiting for? Read on for the 8 rumors that we're hoping come true once Snyder's superhero showdown hits theatres next year

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