Zack Snyder will direct a 'Justice League' movie to follow 'Batman vs. Superman'

Batman v Superman: Jesse Eisenberg Actually Playing Lex Luthor Jr
Here's a turn up for the books. Jesse Eisenberg won't be portraying the Lex Luthor we all know and love in next year's 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'.In fact, Eisenberg will playing Alexander Joseph Luthor Jr, son of Lex Luthor Snr, who has taken over his father's company and turned it into a tech giant.The unexpected news comes from a fictionalised profile of the character on Fortune, which says that Lex Luthor Snr was "indomitable", "vicious" and more than a little curious about "strange meteorite crystals"."Dad named the company after himself ten years before I made my unexpected entrance into his life. But investors seemed to respond to the idea of an adoring father building a legacy for his precious son. He used that to his advantage. It was a good shtick and, whatever else he was, he was a good businessman," says Eisenberg's character.Lex Snr passed away "unexpectedly" in 2000, leaving his son to take the reins. "The achievements of LexCorp's founder pale in comparison to the astonishing accomplishments of the younger Luthor, who was the youngest ever to be named Fortune's Businessperson of the Year and included on the magazine's list of the World's 50 Greatest Leaders," reads the article.It could be that Eisenberg's Luthor is the real incarnation of the character, but it also undoubtedly opens up the possibility of Lex Snr being the real deal and showing up further down the line as Warner Bros DC Comics Cinematic Universe continues to evolve and expand.
Meet the Man Behind the Mad Scientist in Surprise 'Batman v. Superman' Tease
Fortune??magazine might not top a list of places you'd expect to publish teases for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and yet that's where a fictional profile of the movie's villain,??Lex Luthor — sorry, "Alexander Joseph Luthor Jr." — has appeared with little fanfare.The profile, written as a straightforward piece about Luthor as a businessman, doesn't offer much in terms of spoilers for the plot of next March's superhero showdown, but it does offer a lot of hints about items that would appear to have particular significance at some point in the future. For example, mention is made of Luthor's "world-famous collection of meteorite crystals," which sounds like a pointer toward??Kryptonite if we've ever heard one.The article also puts Luthor at odds with Batman's alter ego, pointing out that "the success of [Luthor's] young company comes from Luthor's willingness to go where Wayne fears to tread. Wayne Enterprises has shied away from military contracts in the last decade," with Luthor quoted as saying, "Statistically speaking, it's a near certainty that another world-changing crisis is hurtling towards us like a speeding bullet." (For those not immersed in DC mythology, that last line isn't just a nod toward Superman's being "faster than a speeding bullet"; mention of a "world-changing crisis" brings to mind famous DC comic book series such as Crisis on Infinite Earths and Final Crisis.)
Justice League Dark movie to be produced by Scott Rudin for Warner Bros.
Former Sony executive producer Scott Rudin has reportedly found his next project.The man whose name became synonymous with the studio's hacking scandal last year has allegedly signed onto Warner Bros.' rumored Justice League Dark film, Dark Universe, according to The Tracking Board.The film was originally supposed to be helmed by Guillermo del Toro, but according to the site, Rudin has started meeting with other directors while working on updating the script. The Pacific Rim director will stay attached to the project, however, as a producer alongside Rudin.There isn't much known about the project, but del Toro has released some clues as to what the film may encompass.According to del Toro, DC characters like Constantine and Swamp Thing will make an appearance, while the movie will follow a newly formed collective of questionable heroes as they try to stop ancient mythical creatures from destroying the world.Much like Guardians of the Galaxy's placement in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dark Universe will coexist within the same realm as the Justice League, but there are no plans for the two teams to ever crossover with one another.
In an interview with DC All Access, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" costume designer Michael Wilkinson revealed hidden details in Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman's outfits."We made sure we did our homework and looked into the histories of all these characters," he shared, adding it took a year to develop the costumes.For instance, he pointed out the Kryptonian script hidden in Superman's costume. "Zack [Snyder] actually loved the idea that there was some Kryptonian script embedded in the suit," he explained. He gave me this fantastic quote he wanted us to translate into Kryptonian and incorporate it into the suit. It sort of deals with the nature of power and responsibility."
Batman v Superman Costume Designer Reveals Hidden Details.....If you want to be a super hero, you have to look the part. Fortunately, when it comes to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, our three heroes are in good hands! In this exclusive DC All Access clip, Batman v Superman costume designer Michael Wilkinson shares insights and secrets about Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman's distinctive new costumes. Plus, Dan DiDio discusses working with Frank Miller again on Dark Knight III: The Master Race!.....
Here's a new viral video for Lexcorp's "LexOS", debuting at NYCC this weekend
Costume designer Michael Wilkson discusses outfitting Batman in a new video for DC All Access, which features some new concept art:For Batman, it was really important for Zack that we created a whole new Batman. And he said, 'The most important thing for our Batman is that he comes across a real hulking, big guy.' He's super-pumped up. He's going to be even bigger than Superman's silhouette. So his strength is not through armor and gadgets and things, it is that he is a tower of muscle. Zack Snyder is a huge fan of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and we looked a lot at that silhouette.
Lex/OS Announcement NYCC......
This new photo of Ben Affleck in 'Batman v Superman' is the best look of the actor as the Dark Knight yet
Most of the shots and videos so far of Ben Affleck as Batman in next year's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" haven't given us a very clear look of the actor as the Caped Crusader.Until now.Still photographer Clay Enos snapped this picture of Affleck in costume on the set and posted on his Instagram.It's the first clear look we have so far of Affleck in full garb:You asked for it…But the clothes don't always make the man.We will know for certain if Affleck is the real deal when "Batman v Superman" opens in theaters March 25.
Batman V Superman Video Reveals Hidden Details In The Superhero Suits
With so much time to fill until Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice reaches theaters, Warner Bros. has chosen to focus on the costumes worn by the DC Trinity in the anticipated blockbuster. The suits have been on display at various conventions over the course of this year, and they are back on display at New York Comic-Con. Only, this time, costume designer Michael Wilkinson is sharing some of the secrets that he has woven into these super suits. Give this clip a watch: Batman v Superman Costume Designer Reveals Hidden Details;;; If you want to be a super hero, you have to look the part. Fortunately, when it comes to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, our three heroes are in good hands! In this exclusive DC All Access clip, Batman v Superman costume designer Michael Wilkinson shares insights and secrets about Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman's distinctive new costumes. Plus, Dan DiDio discusses working with Frank Miller again on Dark Knight III: The Master Race!
DC Entertainment got the 1:1, revealing that it took a year just to design each of the costumes before a single frame of footage was even shot, meaning that Michael Wilkinson and his team could obsess over every square inch during the process to make sure they looked spectacular. When it comes to Superman's new suit for Batman v Superman, Wilkinson says that they worked hard to replicate alien fibers in the suit that aren't from this world. He said that there are subtle changes to the belt, and to the insignia on Superman's chest. He also revealed that there are pieces of Kryptonian script hidden in the design of the suit. Wilkinson explains:
The 'Batman' Movies Could Have Their First R-Rated Feature
San Diego Comic Con had some big reveals. One of them was that the comic Batman: The Killing Joke will be animated next in the DC Universe. Mark Hamill, 'Joker' voice actor legend, will return to voice the character. But the story of this particular comic is dark, and it begs the question: how dark can this one go on the big screen?Apparently, as dark as they want. The Killing Joke has been approved for an R-rating. It doesn't have to have one, but that means that producer James Tucker can get as depraved as he wants, if depraved is what he wants to get.This would be the first R-rated Batman film and likely the most intense to this point. Nolan's Batman was pretty raw, even without the R-rating, so it's not so likely that this movie will take the edgy route. But it's a shocker that DC and Warner Bros. are giving the go-ahead to get dirty and dark, and it's exciting to see if this will be a trend in giving creatives more freedom.
Watch the New Batman v Superman Viral Lexcorp Video...."Let's build a better tomorrow. Today."
It's not a trailer as such, but Warner has released a new video to promote next year's release of their superhero face-off Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It's a fake viral clip that showcases LexCorp's new Operating System LexOS. Jesse Eisenberg will play the villainous billionaire Lex Luthor in the movie, which also stars Ben Affleck as Batman, and following 2013's Man of Steel, sees Henry Cavill return to the role of Superman.Speaking to MTV in July, Eisenberg explained why his portrayal of Luthor would differ from the pervious screen versions, in particular Gene Hackman in the 1978 movie Superman."There's an emotional core to the character," he said. "It's not a silly villainous character. It is an entirely different thing. Also, the tone of that [Superman] movie is so different. Like, that movie wouldn't be made now."The way we expect movies to be now is to have some kind of--I mean, it's probably for the best--there's some kind of psychological accuracy. That the person is coming from a place probably diagnosable in some way."Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will open on March 25, 2016. It is directed by Zack Snyder, and also stars Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, with support from Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Jeremy Irons, and Laurence Fishburne.Check it out below:
Our closest look yet at Batman's new suit could reveal something intense about the next movie
Seriously, we just saw this thing in person and it's INTENSE.The folks behind the upcoming and much-hyped "Batman v. Superman" showed off mannequins of the characters and their costumes at New York Comic Con this year.As I started walking toward the exhibit on a far end of the conference hall, I didn't expect to be surprised by much. We've seen the trailers after all and we know what these characters will look like.We've even seen the intense, armored bat suit that Batman is going to wear for his battles with Superman. But when I saw it up close and personal at Comic Con, I was blown away at the lengths designers have gone to make this armor as tank-like as possible.
Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Viral Marketing Continues On LexCorp Website
With the countdown to Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice well underway, Warner Bros. continues to excite fans with viral marketing. Having done this before with some of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight movies, it's no surprise that they've decided to do the same with the movie that intends to be what many would call the true launch of the DC Extended Universe.An important aspect of viral marketing is making fans feel like they are taking part in the world of the film being hyped, and so, WB has chosen to portray LexCorp as an actual entity, and it's made for some entertaining moments and reveals. For one, there was the faux interview with Fortune that revealed that Jesse Eisenberg is, in fact, playing Lex Luthor Jr. in the upcoming blockbuster. This undeservedly caused quite a stir as many fanboys did not realize that pre-New 52 Luthor was technically Lex Luthor Jr.Around that same time, was launched along with a Twitter account. Then, LexCorp decided to provide free Wi-Fi last weekend at New York Comic-Con, which was a smart move for three reasons:
How Batman V Superman Will Bring Zod Back, According To Michael Shannon
The sight of Michael Shannon's body in the longer Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer that Warner Bros. brought to San Diego Comic-Con likely caught audiences off guard. After all, Superman (Henry Cavill) disposed of his Kryptonian enemy, General Zod, in a controversial move that concluded Zack Snyder's Man of Steel. And in recent weeks, Shannon has gone on the record to say that he would be in the film (possibly wearing flippers), and then that he wouldn't be in the film – even though he's definitely in the trailer. Confused yet?I was lucky enough to speak with Michael Shannon about his mesmerizing performance as real estate mogul Rick Carver in the provocative 99 Homes. But at the end of our lively discussion, we dipped a toe into Batman v Superman talk. We are about to dive into SPOILERS for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Stop reading if you do not want to know what I'm about to tell you!Wondering if Zack Snyder only asked Shannon to come back and play a corpse in next year's superhero sequel, I asked Shannon if he'd at least get a few lines. He confirmed:
Michael Shannon Says Zod Will Be 'A Ghost' In Batman v Superman
Michael Shannon has been constantly sticking his foot in his mouth regarding his role in 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' but we may finally have an idea of what to expect.The actor has revealed that his character, General Zod, will return, having torn it up with Supes in 'Man Of Steel', as a ghost-like figure similar to Russel Crowe's Super-Daddy Jor-El."Yeah, I say some stuff [in the movie], but not a whole lot! I mean, I am dead," he told Cinema Blend with a laugh. "I'm just like a ghost. It's kind of like Russell Crowe in the first one. Jor-El. For some reason, these Kryptonian spirits, they linger."Even once you crack my neck, you can't shut me up."Reports had circulated that the film would depict Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor tinkering with the corpse of Zod, accidentally creating the villain known as Doomsday.After appearing in the 'Batman v Superman' trailer the speculation ramped up, and people started to ask Shannon questions. This led to joke answers suggesting he had flipper hands in the movie.Shannon description of Zod's appearance as "like a ghost" obviously doesn't mean he literally will be. Jor El's character appears ghost-like but is kind of like a consciousness on a hard drive. This could be how Zod appears too, or in a vision of some kind - taunting Superman for killing him.
Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice's Rumoured Budget Is Huge
It costs quite a pretty penny to throw together a Hollywood blockbuster.'Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides' is believed to have cost $410 million, while it was recently alleged that Marvel are prepared to spend $1 billion on the upcoming 'Avengers: Infinity War' films.It was previously believed that 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice's' budget came in at around $200 million. But a source for Latino Review has now insisted that it was much higher.In fact, you can double it. And then add $10 million more. That's right, the speculated budget for 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice' is believed to be $410 million.If this rumour proves to be true then this means that 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice' could be the most expensive movie ever shot. This honour currently belongs to 'Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides'.Meanwhile, Zack Snyder is going to have to reign in the costs a little bit when he directs the two 'Justice League' movies, with Latino Review insisting that the budget for both of these films will be $500 million in total.'Justice League' is being shot in London over a 16-month period before they're released in 2017 and 2019, respectively.But despite its escalated budget, the powers that be over at Warner Bros. will still be pretty confident that 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice' will be worth the money. We'll see if that's actually the case when the superhero hybrid hits cinemas on March 25, 2016.
Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice Was Altered After Jesse Eisenberg Was Cast
By the sound of things there was originally a much different plan for Lex Luthor in 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice', all of which had to be altered once Jesse Eisenberg was cast.During recent discussions the cast and crew had with Total Film, via Batman News, about the impending blockbuster, it was revealed that Jesse Eisenberg had actually met with Zack Snyder about starring in a different role than Luthor.Clearly, during this chat, Eisenberg was able to prove to Snyder that he possessed the qualities to portray Luthor, despite being just 32-years-old.Before this point Snyder and his motely crew had been looking at older actors for Luthor, with Joaquin Phoenix heavily touted for the part just before Eisenberg's presence was confirmed.Because of Snyder's decision, Oscar winning writer Chris Terrio, who has scribed 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice', was forced back into action, and he altered the film to suit Eisenberg and his blasted youth.He did this by incorporating elements of one of Eisenberg's most famous roles into his incarnation of Snyder. Just like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who Eisenberg portrayed so magnificently in 'The Social Network', Luthor is now a young billionaire.The fact that Zack Snyder saw the potential in Jesse Eisenberg to portray the foe didn't mean that the actor was comfortable doing so. In fact, Eisenberg admitted that he found the entire experience rather weird, especially since he had to spend time being so mean to Ben Affleck."It's strange acting with people like Ben Affleck, having to condescend to someone like him," Eisenberg remarked. "Off set, you're thinking in reverential terms, and then on set I condescend him, really quite nasty …"
New Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Stills
General audiences and fans alike may be gearing up for what is sure to be one of the biggest openings of all time with Star Wars: The Force Awakens in just under two months, but coming only a few months after that is another monumental theatrical event in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Not only will it be the first time the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel meet on the big screen, but it will also introduce the first cinematic versions of Aquaman (Jason Momoa) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher), not to mention a new Lex Luthor (Jessie Eisenberg).In spite of all the new characters joining in on the fun for Batman v Superman, it seems the focus of the film will still very much be on the conflict between the two titular heroes. As it was discussed earlier this week, Bruce Wayne has a bit of a grudge against Superman because of the collateral damage caused by his battle with Zod. Eventually, however, the two will be forced to come together to fight "a new threat" that puts "mankind in greater danger than it's ever known before," as the official synopsis states.Until that danger arises, audiences can look forward to seeing the Caped Crusader and the Blue Boy Scout duke it out on screen. That battle, which will be largely influenced by the climax of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, makes up just a portion of the new stills released in the last issue of Total Film (via CBM). The latest batch of images also feature new glimpses at Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), the Batmobile, and a clearer look at the DC trinity.
Batman V Superman: Zack Snyder Explains Batman's Advantage Over Superman
With just over five months until its release, Warner Bros. is already building excitement for the upcoming Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. A number of high resolution stills from the film were recently released, along with a brief description of the opening scene of the movie. With every new bit of information released, it's easy to see why Batman V Superman is rumored to be the most expensive film production of all time.Of course, the film is almost guaranteed to make back that budget, thanks largely to the promised fight between two of DC's most iconic characters. The confrontation has been explored several times across different mediums, often playing out as a clash of ideologies rather than a straight forward fist fight. A fight between a super-powered alien and a human being seems like an easy call, but Batman has proven time and again it's not all about sheer power. As such, the biggest question going into BVS is how can Batman fight Superman – especially in Zack Snyder's grounded DC Universe?Speaking with Total Film (via the director of Batman V Superman laid out the reason that he thinks Batman can trump Superman in a fight. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with Kryptonite, nor the high-tech armor seen in the trailer."The advantage that Batman has is the goodness of Superman, the compliance to fair play that Superman has… Batman knows how to exploit Superman."Exploiting Superman seems to be a key component of the upcoming film, as the official trailer shows Superman kneeling before Lex Luthor at one point. It's clear that there's an ideological debate at the center of the conflict, but the idea of Batman exploiting Superman could make them uneasy bedfellows in their inevitable team-up.
Mark Ruffalo Talks Thor: Ragnarok Role And Hulk Hopes
Mark Ruffalo has been talking for the first time about The Hulk's upcoming return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 'Thor: Ragnarok'.Reports that the character would join the Norse God's third adventure surfaced recently, and his latest comments confirm he has a part to play.Asked about his role in the film by Huffington Post, Ruffalo was giving nothing away: "I play Dr. Bruce Banner, and occasionally I turn into a big green, mean monster."True that. He went to talk about the potential for the character, saying: "I am excited to keep coming back to this role. I see a lot of space for it to grow."I feel like there's a lot of cool stuff to explore still, especially the relationship between Banner and Hulk. Hopefully, we'll see the two of them in a scene together. That would be cool!"Such a scene could be a non-literal dream sequence, but in the comics Hulk and Banner have been separated before - so there is a precedent. However, in the comics that process left Hulk a mindless beast who subsequently went on a rampage, but since when do scientific experiments go well in comics?
Zack Snyder on building towards Justice League with Batman v Superman, suggests a new trailer is coming soon
A couple of days ago we brought you some comments from Zack Snyder about March's hugely-anticipated Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice [see here], and now the director has been talking to 411 Mania about expanding the DC Extended Universe and building towards Justice League with the upcoming ensemble."I want to — we're working toward Justice League, and I really want to create the — part of the thing I really want to create is the possibility of a world where they could exist together," states Snyder. "I think up to this point, it's been difficult to suggest a world where Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman and others could exist in the same universe. That was one of the things I really wanted to try and get at. Not to mention, the amazing opportunity to bring those characters and have those characters tell an important story, their own story, within the confines of a film."Meanwhile, asked when we might get another glimpse of Batman v Superman following July's Comic-Con trailer, Snyder responded that: "I think we've got to have a new trailer soon."Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is set for release on March 25th 2016 and sees Zack Snyder directing a cast that includes returning Man of Steel stars Henry Cavill (Superman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), Harry Lennix (General Swanwick) and Christina Wren (Carrie Farris) alongside Ben Affleck (Argo) as Batman, Gal Gadot (Fast & Furious 6) as Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones) as Aquaman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jesse Eisenberg (Now You See Me) as Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons (The Borgias) as Alfred Pennyworth and Jena Malone (Sucker Punch), Holly Hunter (The Piano), Tao Okamoto (The Wolverine) as Mercy Graves and Callan Mulvey (300: Rise of an Empire) and Scoot McNairy (Argo) in as-yet-unrevealed roles.
Could This Totally Insane Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Theory Be True?
Prepare yourself for arguably the most bonkers fan theory regarding next year's 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice', as internet conspirators dream up a highly unlikely idea over who our main characters actually are.The following contains possible (?) spoilers and DC universe threads...Total Spoilers have a huge essay (it's thousands of words long) for members based on a bold theory about Ben Affleck's Batman and Bruce Wayne, Jared Leto's Joker, a featured baddie, and an appearance from Christian Bale, of all people.Firstly, 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' will supposedly take place after Chris Nolan's 'The Dark Knight Rises'.Ben Affleck will not be playing Bruce Wayne - we know, it sounds insane. He's actually Slade Wilson (aka Deathstroke), and will assume the role of Bats.The Joker (played by Jared Leto) is a former Robin driven mad over the years (which is in line with the DC comicbook universe). What's more, he's John Blake from 'The Dark Knight Rises', a role portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

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