Zack Snyder will direct a 'Justice League' movie to follow 'Batman vs. Superman'

Batman v Superman: Bruce Wayne's Very Personal Reason for Targeting the Man of Steel
Man of Steel director Zack Snyder has spoken out about his film's very controversial ending, noting that its consequences will be a major factor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."I was surprised because that's the thesis of Superman for me, that you can't just have superheroes knock around and have there be no consequences," Snyder told EW when asked about the movie's destruction-heavy conclusion.According to Snyder, the consequences of that ending will be a key piece of the story in Dawn of Justice, and will serve as part of Batman's motivation to take down the Man of Steel.Batman actor Ben Affleck echoed the director's sentiment, saying: "One of the things I liked was Zack's idea of showing accountability and the consequences of violence and seeing that there are real people in those buildings. And in fact, one of those buildings was Bruce Wayne's building so he knew people who died in that Black Zero event."Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is slated to hit theaters on March 25, 2016. For more on the upcoming DC Comics film, check out this new batch of images, featuring not only the Caped Crusader and Man of Steel, but also Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman.
Henry Cavill Teases 'Justice' Plot
Fans hoping "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" will include major Henry Cavill screen time may be a bit disappointed.According to the British actor, who currently plays Superman in the DC films, the upcoming Zack Snyder-helmed movie will focus more on Ben Affleck's Caped Crusader."As far as the individual character is concerned, this is not a Superman sequel," Henry said, according to EW. "It's more of an introduction to Batman, an opening to 'Justice League,' and an expansion of the world that was created in 'Man of Steel.'"But not to worry – Henry said Superman's story is far from over."There's plenty of time for individual Superman sequels," he said. "He's a tough character to tell. People like the darker vigilante. I think it speaks to the human psyche more easily rather than the god-like being that we can't really understand."Adding, "Once we have a more expansive universe we can delve more into the character of Superman and hopefully tell more stories."Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" will hit theaters on March 25, 2016.
The Long-Term Plan For Superman, According To Henry Cavill As we stand less than a year away from what could be the definitive comic book showdown with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Superman himself, Henry Cavill, wants you to know that the face-off/team-up epic is NOT a sequel to Man of Steel. In fact, he reveals that the long-term vision for the Kryptonian could depend on how Warner Bros. readies the rollout of its cinematic universe.In an interview with EW, Cavill discusses why the success of his dynamically destructive debut in the 2013 Superman relaunch has yet to even yield plans for a proper solo sequel. It seems that the road-map for the DC cinematic universe that Man of Steel launched will first shift attention to establishing other heroes in the lineup, such as Ben Affleck's Batman, Ezra Miller's The Flash, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman, and Jason Momoa's Aquaman. According to Cavill:
BATMAN V SUPERMAN: Hi-Res Images Revealed
Here are new hi-res images from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, released by Warner Bros. For those who have already seen the lower resolution images from the upcoming Zack Snyder joint, this is all old news, but there's plenty of detail to be gleaned for those who are getting their first glimpse. First of all, there's Jesse Eisenberg's hair, and his gothic office, which could have doubled as a set from Hannibal. And then, of course, there's that image of Henry Cavill's Superman getting touched by face-painted onlookers as if he were the Lord himself, touching on one of Snyder's most favored themes, namely belief and religion. Beyond that, it's mostly steely Batman (Ben Affleck) imagery, with the notable exception of the image of Affleck's Bruce Wayne sidling up to Gal Gadot's Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, which teases a possible romantic subplot that might give some spice to what will surely be a whole lot of brooding and brawling.Check out the hi-res images below:
A Ben Affleck 'Batman' Is DC's 'Get Out Of Jail Free' Card
It's difficult to act too surprised about last night's biggest "news" drop when said news has been reported in one form or another (rumor, innuendo, etc.) for around two years. But nonetheless, Deadline apparently blew the lid off what was supposed to be one of the big reveals at Warner Bros, /Time Warner TWX +1.49% Inc.'s Saturday presentation at the SDCC. To wit, yes Ben Affleck will be starring in and directing a stand-alone Batman film that will fit into the DC Comics movie world (or whatever they end up calling it) after the release and onscreen events of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the two Justice League films. So at the very earliest we shouldn't expect this thing in theaters until after the June 14th, 2019 release of Justice League Part II. If I may speculate, there isn't another DC Comics film after the Super Friends save the world until Cyborg on April 3rd, 2020, so the later chunk of 2019 is available give-or-take the Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them films.
Here's the Wiz-Bang Advice Christian Bale Gave Ben Affleck About Playing Batman
Ever since Ben Affleck was cast in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, fans have been wondering how he'll measure up to the previous Dark Knight, Christian Bale. During Warner Bros.' Comic-Con panel, Affleck admitted that he had the same concern — and revealed the off-color advice that Bale gave him for playing Batman. "If I thought too hard about the actors who played the part before, I couldn't take the job," the actor told the Comic-Con crowd. "George Clooney did great, Christian Bale…"However, director Zack Snyder convinced Affleck that he had a totally new vision for Bruce Wayne: "He's at the end of his rope. He's older; he's burned out." And, Snyder told Affleck, "you're perfect for it."Months after the casting news had been announced, Affleck came face-to-face with retired Batman Bale — in, of all places, a Halloween costume store, where Affleck was buying a Batman outfit for his son."I was in the aisle and there was this 'Oy', and I turn around and it's Christian Bale. He's the sweetest guy," said Affleck. "There he and I were standing in the Batman aisle of the costume store. I said, 'Look, man, you're the best. You got any tips?'"Parroting Bale's British accent, Affleck revealed his priceless advice: "Make sure you can piss in that suit.'"The best part of the story? Bale was also in the costume shop to buy his son a Batman suit. "He doesn't just hang out [in the Batman aisle]," Affleck was sure to clarify.
The new 'Batman v Superman' trailer gives us our first good look at the new Wonder Woman
Warner Bros. stunned fans Saturday at Comic-Con with a new trailer for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."The over three-minute video has a lot to unpack. Batman and Superman aside, one of the most exciting parts of the trailer didn't have anything to do with either caped hero.Instead, we finally got our first good look at Gal Gadot ("Fast and Furious" franchise) as Wonder Woman.Fans have been clamoring for a big female superhero on screen and Wonder Woman is certainly the most recognizable (sorry Black Widow and Scarlet Witch).How does she look?Great.
'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' Actress Gal Gadot On Trying Wonder Woman Costume For The First Time
Gal Gadot will be seen as Wonder Woman in the much-anticipated "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice." In a recent interview with People, the actress recalled her experience of wearing the costume for the first time."The first time I tried the costume was an out-of-body experience," she said. "It was bigger than life. There I was becoming her. It was mind-blowing."Gadot added that her character is an "international icon" and is quite popular in her home country, Israel. Her version of Wonder Woman differs, however, from the one played by Lynda Carter in the popular 1970s TV series."Lynda Carter's character is phenomenal. It's big shoes to get into, but now we're trying to have the past inform the present and have a new take on Wonder Woman and who she is," she said.In the film, Gadot will be seen in glamorous looks as Diana Prince and will wear a blue and red costume as Wonder Woman. Her costume consists of wedge gladiator sandals, cuff bracelets, neutral-colored tiara and the Wonder Woman logo at the waist. In the recently released trailer, she fights with a sword and a shield.
Is Zack Snyder's Son Playing Robin In Batman v Superman Flashback?
Now here's an interesting one. The latest rumours surrounding Warner Bros' superhero epic 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' have suggested we'll see a young Robin in action.Not just that, but the young Robin will supposedly be played by none other than director Zack Snyder's son Eli.This wouldn't be the first instance of Snyder indulging in a little nepotism. He has cast Eli in his films before, as the younger versions of heroes Leonidas and Rorschach in '300' and 'Watchmen' respectively.When he's not filming comic book adaptations with his father, Eli is a successful high school quarterback for Maranatha High Varsity Football. Standing at "6'0" and 174 pounds" he's certainly built like a superhero.The news comes from Umberto Gonzalez of Heroic Hollywood, whose previous report about a Robin outfit being in Ben Affleck's Batcave was proved correct by the film's Comic Con trailer.In the trailer there is a Robin suit on display, defaced by Jared Leto's Joker. According to the new report, we will see what happened in a flashback sequence.
New Batman v Superman Image Revealed....Who would win in a fight?
A new image of the titular heroes in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been released.The cover feature in the magazine takes a deeper look at director Zack Snyder, the stars, and the development of the blockbuster film."There is just this gravitas to Batman," Snyder said. "He is operatic.""In this movie, everyone has split into different directions as to how they feel about this alien," Superman star Henry Cavill said. "Some people love him, some hate him. Other people fear him. Is he a tyrant?"
Three Broody New Batman v Superman Images Released
Empire Magazine has unleashed three epic new photos from 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' online ahead of the release of the September issue on Thursday.First up is this menacing shot of Henry Cavill's Man of Steel, which Empire says shows Superman "inside the burnt-out ruins of Wayne Manor".

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Talking of Waynes, here's master Bruce (Ben Affleck) in heavy Bat armour, suited up for a showdown with Superman. Batman has designed the industrial looking get up to "level the playfield" when exchanging blows with Supes.


Rounding out the trio of images is this rather more brightly-hued one of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. As you can see, the Lex Luthor of 'BvS' is more Mark Zuckerberg than evil genius, and is suitably more coiffed than we're used to seeing the chrome-domed super-villain.

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Never fear though, Empire confirms that Luthor's hair - or lack thereof - will "get its own arc in this franchise". 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' coming to cinemas in March, 2016
5 Ways Batman Has Already Defeated Superman
In the world of comics there are few names that carry as much weight and meaning behind them than Superman and Batman. Both are considered cultural phenomena in their own right while simultaneously acting as foils to each other. The differences in strengths, methods, and principles are so clashing that it often leads to disagreement between the two; sometimes even straight up altercation. Though it may seem that Superman would obviously have the upper hand in these moments, one should never underestimate the resourcefulness of The World's Greatest Detective. Time and time again Batman has proven not only formidable, but even superior, to the Man of Steel. How has Batman, a man with no inherent super powers, managed to defeat the Man of Steel over and over again?
New Batman v Superman Photo of Ben Affleck's Dark Knight
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice's official photographer Clay Enos has posted a new photo of Ben Affleck as Batman in the upcoming Zack Snyder-directed superhero epic.The photo, seen below, was posted to Enos' Instagram and shows the Dark Knight next to the Bat-Signal as he awaits the Man of Steel's arrival.
Zack Snyder Talks Christopher Nolan's Batman Legacy & Building The DC Universe From The Ground Up
There's still about eight months to go until "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" hits theaters, but given how heartily Warner Bros. has thrown the movie into the press machine already, you might think it was coming out in just a couple of weeks. Perhaps part of the reason the promotion has started this early is to get everyone used to Ben Affleck now wearing the cape and cowl, and give Zack Snyder an opportunity to move out of what he admits is a very long shadow cast by Christopher Nolan's trilogy of Dark Knight movies. And in fact, he's a bit relieved not to be shouldering the weight of delivering a solo movie about the character.
Zack Snyder Says Batman Has A "Crisis Of Conscience" In 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Plus New Pics
With many still wrapping their heads around Ben Affleck taking on the role of the Dark Knight in "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice," the actor also thought that, at least age wise, he was over the hill to be playing the iconic superhero...until he learned what the approach would be."Initially I thought, 'I'm older, it doesn't seem like the right sort of fit for me,'" he told Empire (print edition; via Comic Book Movie). "Then Zack [Snyder] pitched me his concept for this older, more broken, kind of f**ked up Batman. It was something we haven't seen. We have seen that Batman is willing to cross the line to protect people. That vigilantism has been a part of his character all along, and we are tapping into that mentality when faced by something as potentially deadly as Superman."
Batman V Superman's Callan Mulvey To Play Classic Villain?
It looks as though rumour and speculation about Callan Mulvey's role in 'Batman V Superman' continues… as suggestions resurface that he'll be playing KGBeast.According to Umberto Gonzalez of Heroic Hollywood, the 40-year-old New Zealand-born actor will be suiting up as the classic Russian villain."Callan Mulvey is indeed rumored to be playing Luthor's Russian right hand man Anatoli Knyazev aka the KGBeast based on what I'm hearing from sources," he said. But this isn't the first time we've seen Mulvey linked to the role.The rumour first surfaced thanks to Devin Faraci of Birth Moves Death (formerly Badass Digest)… and even gave us a hint of what we might expect."One of Luthor's agents has a name, and that name is Anatoli Knyazev," he revealed. "Hardcore fans will recognize that as the name of the KGBeast, a Batman villain introduced in 1988's classic Ten Nights of the Beast storyline. In that story the Beast, an enhanced agent of the KGB, came to the US to kill ten targets, and he did it with extreme measures, including poisoning an entire 200 person dinner party to get one guy. He battled Batman to a standstill, and at one point when entangled in the Batrope the KGBeast cut off his own hand to escape."

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