Batman v Superman: Bruce Wayne's Very Personal Reason for Targeting the Man of Steel
Man of Steel director Zack Snyder has spoken out about his film's very controversial ending, noting that its consequences will be a major factor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."I was surprised because that's the thesis of Superman for me, that you can't just have superheroes knock around and have there be no consequences," Snyder told EW when asked about the movie's destruction-heavy conclusion.According to Snyder, the consequences of that ending will be a key piece of the story in Dawn of Justice, and will serve as part of Batman's motivation to take down the Man of Steel.Batman actor Ben Affleck echoed the director's sentiment, saying: "One of the things I liked was Zack's idea of showing accountability and the consequences of violence and seeing that there are real people in those buildings. And in fact, one of those buildings was Bruce Wayne's building so he knew people who died in that Black Zero event."Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is slated to hit theaters on March 25, 2016. For more on the upcoming DC Comics film, check out this new batch of images, featuring not only the Caped Crusader and Man of Steel, but also Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman.