Video Game Deals

Actually now you can get DA:O for $14.99 along with a bunch of other games on sale during Gamefly's sale.!/store/preplayedsale?cid=sn0815RD

You meant DA:I but thanks for pointing this sale out. There are some pretty nice prices. Personally I think Dragon Age: Inquisition is a no brainer at that price if you like RPGs and Bioware's Mass Effect/KOTOR style games. I'm thinking of buying it just so I can play the DLC.

Other great prices are
Bloodborne - $19.99
Evolve $9.99
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor $12.99
Battlefield Hardline - $14.99
Far Cry 4 - $14.99

It's definitely worth taking a look at. I'll probably grab Bloodborne even though I know I will probably never be able to finish it.

Edit: I grabbed both Bloodborne and Dragon Age. I really wanted to shift over to PC when I purchased DA but there is no way I was going to give up my 70+ hour save. It is a bummer that the DLC gets delayed so long on PS4 but the first one is available now and I probably won't get back to it for a while anyways.
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Only on Xbox One. The selection of PS4 games in this sale is much less extensive and interesting ... at least for me.
EDIT: or maybe games like DA:I already sold out for PS4.

Yeah, you were a bit too slow on this. I know DA:I was available on PS4 at that price earlier because I purchased it. I just took another quick look at the link since reading your post and I can tell you that the PS4 game list was about 3 times bigger than it is now when I looked earlier.

In other news, you can grab a 1TB Xbox One with The Master Chief Collection, Assassin's Creed Unity, and 12 months of Xbox Live Gold for $399 from the Microsoft store.
PSN sale on Square-Enix games. The main attraction is the PS1 classics. But of course, no PS4 games, because as we all know it's REALLY hard to emulate 20 year old hardware that they built by themselves on their PS4.!/en-us/square-enix-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-SQUAREENIXSALE

I still don't get why they can't at least give you free access to the digital games you own that are available on PS Now. They could also allow you to stream if you had the PS3 disc in your PS4. I get that the PS3's crazy cell processor is basically impossible to emulate even high end gaming PCs right now but they need to do something.

Streaming obviously wouldn't be as good as real emulation but it would be better than nothing. When neither console had emulation it was easier for them to ignore this stuff. Now that Xbox One has backwards compatibility it seems extra slimy that they are basically telling us we have to rent games we already own if we want to stream them to the PS4.

As for PS1 games, I'm sure they could emulate that if they wanted to. They might think that PS1 emulation would not be widely used enough to justify the cost of doing it though. That or they still think they can charge their ridiculous prices to steam them instead. dead redemption

Red Dead Redemption and the Undead Nightmare expansion are both 75% off for Gold members. This is a game I have always meant to play but never really did.

Now the question is whether I should spend the $10 to get the base game and Undead Nightmare without knowing for sure whether it will ever be made available for backwards compatibility. If they don't add it, I do not have a 360 to play it on.

Keep in mind that Red Dead Redemption has been right near the top of the backwards compatibility voting ever since Microsoft added the page. The only game with more votes is Black Ops 2. I think it will likely happen since it's in such high demand. Still, no matter how many votes a game receives it can't be added to the list without the publisher saying it's okay.
I posted this in the PS4 owners thread because people were talking about trying to get into the beta but I figured it should go here too so Xbox One owners can see it. Amazon Prime users can pre-order Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 for $49.99.

You won't see the price drop until you get to the checkout page but they do mention the fact that prime members get a better price on the main store page.

Amazon product ASIN B00VU4J13W
I'm thinking about doing this since I know I will have Black Ops 3 on day one to play with my old college buddies and this saves $10. I really prefer to get a digital copy of most games though, especially if it's something like COD where I will be jumping into multiplayer once or twice a week for the next 8-12 months.

Edit: They also have Prime member pre-order deals like this for Fallout 4, Star Wars Battlefront, and lots of other games but most of them are for $5-$7 off. The COD offer seems to be unique at $10 off.

Edit 2: The Taken King Legenday Edition also has the $10 pre-order discount bringing the total down to $49.99. It must be an Activision thing. This is the version that comes with Destiny, The Dark Below Expansion, The House of Wolves Expansion, and The new Taken King expansion. This is all the Destiny content available.

It's a pretty good deal considering that even if you bought the base game when it was on sale for $20 it would cost you $95 to buy the base game and all 3 expansions.

Amazon product ASIN B00ZJ20YQO

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