Been waiting for a deal on Star Trek game on the Oculus Quest and saw it was finally being offered at half price. Very disappointed!!!!
The first issue is privacy. "In order to proceed you must agree to allow us access to your personal images and stored on your Quest for research purposes. We will not sell your images" OK so I decided to give a little since I really don't do screen captures on the Quest, nothing to see there. But the next one is a deal breaker. In order to continue to play mode you must join the UBISOFT group and allow UBISOFT access to your play progress. WFT! I enjoy my Quest but this is the first game I have ever downloaded and paid for that has these requirements. Now off to see if I can get my money back. There was no mention of these demands in the description.
What a scam! They now want to bill me $14.99 a month for this UBISOFT membership. I see Assassins Creed is also one of theirs. Never had any interest in that game.
What a gauntlet to get a refund but they did have a procedure. I made the request and gave the reason as requiring added membership to play and no warning ahead of time in the description.
Looked like a fun game but I have my standards and getting scammed is a quick deal breaker.