U537 Software

The H3 that I use in my office just updated again after doing 536 the other day. It did it during a recording OF WHICH it always wants to do the "Nightly" at all hours of the day when I am watching it, never when it's set to and when it's asleep. Always when I am watching. What really gets me is I'll turn it on and it immediately asks if it's OK to update when it's been off all night. This is nutz.

Will be interested in what 537 does . . .

Just went into the "Settings" page and there are a couple things that are not right. 1. It says Dolby Digital is "Off", I have it On. 2. And the TV Resolution is only showing 10810p and 1080i, no 4K, when it's set for all three. Could that be part of why I don't get 4K from Netflix? (New thread or is there and existing one?)
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The H3 that I use in my office just updated again after doing 536 the other day. It did it during a recording OF WHICH it always wants to do the "Nightly" at all hours of the day when I am watching it, never when it's set to and when it's asleep. Always when I am watching. What really gets me is I'll turn it on and it immediately asks if it's OK to update when it's been off all night. This is nutz.

Will be interested in what 537 does . . .

Just went into the "Settings" page and there are a couple things that are not right. 1. It says Dolby Digital is "Off", I have it On. 2. And the TV Resolution is only showing 10810p and 1080i, no 4K, when it's set for all three. Could that be part of why I don't get 4K from Netflix? (New thread or is there and existing one?)
Do you have Joeys as part of your system? If so are those Joeys also in standby? It is important to have all of your receivers in standby when you are not using them. Your Hopper will not update if any receivers are deemed to be in use. So, when that is the case you will get the update nag at all hours.
I forced my receiver to update from 536 to 537 earlier this morning. Haven't watch TV since the update until about 4 hours ago. I have noticed audio drop outs on certain commercials but not on any shows I've watched. Anyone else experience this?

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Do you have Joeys as part of your system? If so are those Joeys also in standby? It is important to have all of your receivers in standby when you are not using them. Your Hopper will not update if any receivers are deemed to be in use. So, when that is the case you will get the update nag at all hours.

Thank you for your reply and sage advice. No Joeys, just two H3's. At over just about a year, I have just realized why the one H3 is always updated and tonight when looking for new things I found in the "Home" or "another" area there was a "Messages" folder and new icon that is not on the other "Owned" H3 that I use all the time. This one is the one that I have to manually update. And this is because the other H3 that the family uses is the (new logo) dish leased unit and I'm on the Beta/Preferred list and logically that unit would be the one that would get the attention and . . . "operate appropriately". While the one I own is the "Red-Headed Stepchild" that does not get that attention and left to misbehave.

I have noticed that after I update "mine" and go check the other, it's updated, sometimes days before it's announced in the forums and tonight it had the new SW and new to me "Messages" folder with an intro to the feature note in it. And the other did not. So now some of these minor thing confusions have been answered.

The nightly update nag is just what I have come to expect from (new logo) dish after 20 years. But the thing that bothers my the most is "Why". Why does it in the OS not conform to "the settings" that the OS has and waits to annoy me. UNLESS, it's because it's a purchased "Red-Headed Stepchild" and there are little annoyances programmed in . . . I'd do it.
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I forced my receiver to update from 536 to 537 earlier this morning. Haven't watch TV since the update until about 4 hours ago. I have noticed audio drop outs on certain commercials but not on any shows I've watched. Anyone else experience this?

I've been getting those dropouts since 536 and it's been mainly on NBC channels on both of my H3's AS most all issues that I have are with NBC channels/Networks. Haven't noticed on any other channels. But I liked it and wish it did it on all channels. That would be a better than "Auto-Hop" and the "Ultimate" feature.
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I was never able to get 536, but just now I asked for and got 537. One thing I noticed was that WETA virtual OTA channel 26.1 now has guide data! For the present hour. :crying Better than nothin'.

Edited to add: What was I supposed to look for in 536? Netflix app? Aha! It's not only still there but unlike the Netflix app in 535, it actually works! Woohoo!

Edited further to add: And now the guide data for WETA channel 26.1 has filled in and it's even going to record Nova in the next hour. This is a spectacular fix since it's been driving me nuts since Dish made satellite locals optional.
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I was never able to get 536, but just now I asked for and got 537. One thing I noticed was that WETA virtual OTA channel 26.1 now has guide data! For the present hour. :crying Better than nothin'.

Edited to add: What was I supposed to look for in 536? Netflix app? Aha! It's not only still there but unlike the Netflix app in 535, it actually works! Woohoo!

Edited further to add: And now the guide data for WETA channel 26.1 has filled in and it's even going to record Nova in the next hour. This is a spectacular fix since it's been driving me nuts since Dish made satellite locals optional.

I’m glad your guide data finally got added! All my data filled in with 536! Hopefully it all stays!
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Well the "Nightly Update" wasn't fixed on mine. It asks at all hours of the day. At 11:43pm it wanted to update.

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