Here is a H3 bug still in H383 that I haven't seen reported yet. It seemed to have started around H380 or a bit before, I'm not exactly sure when it started.
If you have live video paused and buffered, and the pause crosses the time boundary when a new recording is to start, the buffered video gets prepended to the beginning of the new recording. For example, if there is 1/2 hour of video paused and buffered, and the new recording is supposed to be 1 hour long, the new recording will actually be 1 1/2 hours long. Otherwise, the new recording plays just fine; just a concatenation of the buffered and recorded video.
When the new recording start boundary occurs, the pause progress bar come one for a second or two, then turns off. If you then go to paying the pause video (with either the play or unpause/pause button), nothing happens and the video still appears to be paused. No amount of hitting these buttons will start playing the paused video. However, pressing either the skip back/forward buttons will start playing the paused video, and you can now pause/play/skip the paused video as normal.
So far I've only seen this when the paused video and new recording were on the same channel. I haven't yet tested this when they are on different channels.
It use to be that the paused/buffered video and recordings were completely separate, and neither would affect the other.
Could someone else test this to see if it's just me or a real SW bug?
Dish: I've saved an affected recording on my H3 in case you want to examine it. Let me know.