Trust Counts... A Note from SatelliteGuys Founder Scott Greczkowski

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Scott or Jason, Does this also mean that we will be able to get a few people to also test the media share feature?
No not on that one as they are all done there and have enough testers.

Thats about the only thing we wont have access too.
This is defiatly good news, Everyone thanks for the debate. It was fun and exciting as it shows that talking over things can get the job done. In the end we all have the same goals and common ideas. Now that this is all behind us we can move forward and test away!
I think it's great for both sides!! I just wish my account over there wasn't banned so that I could participate there as well....
I think it's great for both sides!! I just wish my account over there wasn't banned so that I could participate there as well....

I've been pressing buttons over there and nothing seems to happen to me. Nothing too outlandish, just honest. I think they're getting an idea on their rep. They do have good CE coverage i'll give em that. Despite their rep, there are some good people there who do good work.
Let's hope that the cooperation can begin. :)
God I hope so... we really are not that different.

Got to admit I lovr hanging out with the DBStalk guys at CES.

We were playfully picking on each other (much like a coke driver would pick on a driver for Pepsi)

Actually Tom helped me at the XstreamHD Press conference and gave me pointers to get some better pictures. It was appreciated.
The chat room is something I will have to talk to Tom about, I would just like to link to their from here.

But in doing so I think we (satelliteguys) should pay for part of their chat costs since we will be sponging off of them.

I would rather not see us hold two seperate chat rooms for the same thing at the same time.

We would also have to note that when you are in the CE chat you are subject to their rules since its not actually our chat.

I think in echange to linking to their chat room, member accounts form SatGuys should be unbanned. If there is going to be cooporation, that is only fair. Sames goes with anyone here, although I doubt there are many.
You dont need to be unbanned to go in their chat room, it is open to all.

I dont see them needing to unban anyone to participate in the CE stuff.
This site can certainly do wrong. So can DBSTalk. Robert, be honest. How long would the DBSTalk mods have let this thread run before deleting it? How many members would have been invited to take a vacation for their comments here? BTW, you need to turn it around and look at it from Scott's viewpoint. If this were DBSTalk, I likely would have been banned for my comments back on page 2. Instead, Scott just ignored me :D Both sites have their strengths and weaknesses. That's the nature of this.

But Robert, you have to admit that you have been acting like a troll in this thread. You are looking for excuses and a lot of complaints are stretches. You feel you were owed that review and feel cheated out of it. In response, you have been deliberately trying to get people here to lose it.

Masterdeals review did have one technical mistake, freely admitted and corrected. The rest is petty details, and it looks like most of it is inside info that he wouldn't have had access to. Does that make it a bad review? No. Is yours going to be more complete? Probably. It's not like DBSTalk hasn't lifted stuff off this site in the past.

This thread would have NEVER been started over at DBSTalk. Sometimes the anything goes mantra can make one look classless.

Was wondering how long it would take to get labled a troll. Guess, disenting opinions arn't really welcome here in the "anything goes" world. :rolleyes:
Glad to see that seemingly been resolved to your satisfaction.

But I'm still a little confused. In post #132 you say:

As far as our review goes, again I would like to apologize for us calling it an exclusive review. That was a mistake and I should have noticed it when it was posted. The folks at DirecTV were not upset at our review, nor did they feel that we violated anything by posting it since the LNB's are now out there. Since the LNB's have been released someone else could have got their hands on one and posted their own review scooping both us and DBSTalk. DirecTV did ask that if we do post reviews (and I am sure we will be doing a few in the future) to send them for them to check over so that all the technical details are correct. They don't want to edit our reviews, just make sure the facts are indeed the facts. I find this very fair.

But back in post #81 you said:

Nothing wrong with giving them an advance look but with them editing and rewriting sections, it no longer is a review it is just company propaganda. That is the issue I have there. And I think thats a fair complaint.

Bob appears to think that getting a review looked over means you have your head up someones backside: Post #106

Finally, how can you accurately report if directv is modifying what your reporting. While some has said that they are looking at grammatical and technical stuff. To me it says that Directv cant trust DBS Talk if they are modifying their stuff. These guys are so far up D*'s butt that they cant even realize it, so their skew is viewed. That's the wonderful thing about us is our skew is not viewed as we try to remain and stay independent. Thats why we have CEO's wanting to talk to our member's because we give it to them like how it is. For those who say that were censoring members about the Charlie chat thing. Our members were fully aware when they signed up and showed up that the request was not to post anything on the Internet. It was what was agreed too and nobody objected. In that response they got to see the full uncensored Charlie. For those who wanted to know what was said, well you should have went. I'm sorry to those who couldn't of gone and wants to know what went on. Its just the nature of the beast.

So what is it? Propaganda or a technical review/edit? :confused:

I truely do wish that both sides can play nice. But to be truthfully honest, I don't see it happening for very long. Too much bad blood.

Good luck with the endevor, should be fun to watch.
You know as well as I that it is par for the course here. Name calling and what not is just how it is done here.. I can not respect a place where its members are in a one sided flame war. It is sad and childish if you ask me.

Actuall surprised they aren't gone already. :p I am dissapointed at the name calling that has gone on. Morons, idiots, trolls, heads up asses, etc.

Nice way to be professional.
I do not post here much, but RobertE everyone but you seems to be willing to let it go, this is a great site and I do not have anything against that other site either. Let it go and both sites can go from here and benefit from co-operation.
Robert - to be fair I wouldn't recomend quoting Scott & Goaliebob in the same post :) They have extremely differet ways of saying things (No offense Bob).

We avoid deleting or modifying posts in 99.9% of situations we address. Generally, unless you are hacking, totally ripping someone else inappropriately, or using the F bomb, we let your opinion stand. Something that many appreciate here.

Name calling certainely not professonal, but again, that is the individual's opinion that typed it.
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