Trust Counts... A Note from SatelliteGuys Founder Scott Greczkowski

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As for the "exclusive" title that people are whining about. I read it to mean that Masterdeals review was exclusive to Satelliteguys. And until it's posted somewhere else, that's still what it is.

Any one else is free to do their own "exclusive" review and put it in one place.

Again complaining about that sort of thing is what makes people appear like children.
I was trying to be reasonable. I didn't call anyone childish names like some punk eighth grader. I posted my opinion but I guess a personal attack vs. an intelligent response was all you could handle.

The line read:
"USExclusive Premiere Review: The DirecTV SWM LNB (attached below)."

I don't know how you can take that to mean anything other than a US Exclusive. I'm pretty sure the SatelliteGuys is not the all encompassing sole DBS forum of the entire US.

I guess I'm just used to a forum that tries to maintain cogent discussion and keep the school yard punk *ss comments to a minimum.

I thought about trying to contribute to the DirecTV forum here in the spirit of cooperation but I'm tired of the crap....and that only took a couple of days.

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Pretty much how it looked to me.
At the surface, it looks like DBSTalk thought they were going to be able to do a first review on new equipment. But then Masterdeals suddenly scooped them, and god forbid put his review on a competing site.

It makes it looks like they didn't think that Directv would give new equipment to anyone but them, and makes them seem like children.

I remember the same thing happening when Scott released his "First Look" of the vip622.

As it is, the product was released, so any review could not have broken any rules.

As for pre-clearing any review, whether for content or grammer, that's BS. A real review should be open and honest, and free of any interference. And any review written after a product is released should not need any of that. If something needs to be corrected, that's what revisions are for. A corporate sanitized review is nothing but advertising and worthless for the use of honest evaluation.

I would hope that all of us are above this childless bickering.

Here is something you and others still fail to understand.

Yes, you are correct, once a product is released anyone can do a review. But if you want to participate with DirecTV in these beta products in an "official" capacity then you need to do it by their rules. So if Jason had posted his review on his personal blog, fantastic, no problem. But when it gets posted here as an "official" review on the site that wants to work with DirecTV on beta testing and so forth and the review didn't go thru the process DirecTV would like to see what happened.

And now of course that it's all straightened out Satguys will be having DirecTV review their reviews just like DBSTalk. As per the rules/request DirecTV has made with both sites. If Satguys keeps doing an end around "in the name of freedom and all that is good" then DirecTV will just stop working with Satguys. It's that simple. You can argue all day that the process stinks but if you want to play with DirecTV you need to do it by their rules or else you won't play. Both these forums are just ants to DirecTV, thinking otherwise is foolish.
I was trying to be reasonable. I didn't call anyone childish names like some punk eighth grader. I posted my opinion but I guess a personal attack vs. an intelligent response was all you could handle.

The line read:
"USExclusive Premiere Review: The DirecTV SWM LNB (attached below)."

I don't know how you can take that to mean anything other than a US Exclusive. I'm pretty sure the SatelliteGuys is not the all encompassing sole DBS forum of the entire US.

I guess I'm just used to a forum that tries to maintain cogent discussion and keep the school yard punk *ss comments to a minimum.

I thought about trying to contribute to the DirecTV forum here in the spirit of cooperation but I'm tired of the crap....and that only took a couple of days.


Slow down for a minute Mike. It is clear why you are at our site right now and you are way beyond over reacting.

The post said "Satelliteguys.US Exclusive..."

.US is part of our site address, simple enough :rolleyes:

I've removed the word Exclusive, I agree that it should not be there. I actually removed it a few days ago.

The document and the frontpage post did not use the word exclusive.

Can we stop putting so much thought into the precison of the words I typed ... Believe me - I didn't put near as much thought into typing them as you have trying to interpet them.
Slow down for a minute Mike. It is clear why you are at our site right now and you are way beyond over reacting.

The post said "Satelliteguys.US Exclusive..."

.US is part of our site address, simple enough :rolleyes:

I've removed the word Exclusive, I agree that it should not be there. I actually removed it a few days ago.

The document and the frontpage post did not use the word exclusive.

Can we stop putting so much thought into the precison of the words I typed ... Believe me - I didn't put near as much thought into typing them as you have trying to interpet them.

I really didn't see a problem with HAVING exclusive.. it was, after all the only place YOU posted your review...
The whole thing (Complaint and all) IMHO was a HUGE to do about nothing.. way overeaction and one of the reasons I don't go to that other site anymore.. they have a history of overeacting and censoring people to death...
Heck you open the page and are afraid to fart for fear they might ban you
Slow down for a minute Mike. It is clear why you are at our site right now and you are way beyond over reacting.

The post said "Satelliteguys.US Exclusive..."

.US is part of our site address, simple enough :rolleyes:

I've removed the word Exclusive, I agree that it should not be there. I actually removed it a few days ago.

The document and the frontpage post did not use the word exclusive.

Can we stop putting so much thought into the precison of the words I typed ... Believe me - I didn't put near as much thought into typing them as you have trying to interpet them.

I'm honestly over the wording. AAMOF, After I brought it up Scott appologized for not realizing how your post was worded and that was good enough for me.

My problem is with the personal attacks. Not just this particular case(not just about me either) but it's on going. This just happened to be the straw.

Although I admit I did over react and I appolgize to Derwin0 for that. It wasn't necessarily his post but the whole thing so some of my comments were uncalled for. However, I really think this thread should be closed as it doesn't have much to contribute and will only foster animosity.

I don't do personal attacks. Go through my posts at DBSTalk and any other forum you can find my ID in any you find <5 (out of about 1600) where I had anything to say about another member. That isn't what informational forums are all about. There is a difference between allow free thought and opinion and letting trash talking run rampant.

Not sure what you mean by "It is clear why you are at our site right now" but if you check my posts you'll see I've limited my discussion on the subject to this thread. My other posts have been informational in the DirecTV forum. I was trying to contribute to those looking for information (within my level of knowledge such as it may be).

Again, it's true I over reacted and for that I appologize.

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But when it gets posted here as an "official" review on the site that wants to work with DirecTV on beta testing and so forth and the review didn't go thru the process DirecTV would like to see what happened.

And now of course that it's all straightened out Satguys will be having DirecTV review their reviews just like DBSTalk.

Both these forums are just ants to DirecTV, thinking otherwise is foolish.

I never called it an "official" review.

The gaps in communication were an issue, that we are all working to resolve.
DirecTV will read and comment on reviews for accuracy. A perfect example is the type I had in my review in one location where I hit a 5 insetad of 8 in regards to the tuners.

DirecTV has told us they will not be re-writing the review, the requested check is to verify accuracy and provide feedback. Our concern was that in the event a product has negative feedback, we want the writer's opinion to stand. From what I have learned this week, I no longer have that concern with their request to pre-check reviews :)

I believe DirecTV does not feel either forum is an "ant". The response we received would indicate far from that.
My biggest beef about this entire thing was how all the mods and others were saying we don't censor people, we don't ban folks for speaking their minds, how open SatGuys is and then find out that it's not complety accurate. And then when it was shown that it did happen all Scott didn't come out and admit it, just a comment about tempers running high that day.
However, I really think this thread should be closed as it doesn't have much to contribute and will only foster animosity.

Not sure what you mean by "It is clear why you are at our site right now"

We don't close threads unless absolutely necessary, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

The events of this week with the review are why you are at our site right now. you were not happy, came to express your opinion, and we absolutley let you do so, and we will in the future.
My biggest beef about this entire thing was how all the mods and others were saying we don't censor people, we don't ban folks for speaking their minds, how open SatGuys is and then find out that it's not complety accurate. And then when it was shown that it did happen all Scott didn't come out and admit it, just a comment about tempers running high that day.

Scott said a mistake was made and corrected. That is for Scott to handle, it is his site, his staff. It was a very emotional week for many of us.

I think it is fair to say that we are a very open site, and have shown that with our history. We do not have a practice of censoring or banning people.
We don't close threads unless absolutely necessary, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

The events of this week with the review are why you are at our site right now. you were not happy, came to express your opinion, and we absolutley let you do so, and we will in the future.

You're right for the reasons that brought me here but not for my motives for doing so.

If it were just to argue, I wouldn't have contributed anything except trash talk in every thead I can find.

You have to admit that I've tried to be constructive.

I have to disagree with your reasons for keeping this thread open. I don't think trash talk and personal attacks should be allowed and that's the majority of this thread. It would be different if there actual discussion but nearly every response to anything anyone from DBSTalk has to say is more trash talk. Admittedly some of our posts haven't made that easy.

That isn't to say there hasn't been some useful discussion but it's far out weighed by the crap.

I know it's difficult to decide where to draw the line. Our DLB threads are a perfect example.

I think this will be my last post. I don't think anyone here will take anyone seriously just because of where they come from. I know some will, but most won't.

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I think this will be my last post. I don't think anyone here will take me seriously just because of where I come from. I know some will, but most won't.


Don't let this be your last post here. I personally think that the majority of the people here will take you seriously as long as you contribute to a discussion. Just because you primarily visit another site does not matter.
I belive there was a lot to be learned from this thread - this week. I know I sure have.

I think it's kind of funny that you are expecting / wanting this thread to be closed. It shows where you spend the majority of your satelite forum time :)

Don't let this be your last post here. I personally think that the majority of the people here will take you seriously as long as you contribute to a discussion. Just because you primarily visit another site does not matter.


oh wait, we can't do that

How about...I totally agree.

Sorry, cheap shot :D
I think it's kind of funny that you are expecting / wanting this thread to be closed. It shows where you spend the majority of your satelite forum time :)

This is just so full of crap... Do you spend any time at all at DBSTalk? I see over and over again posts of "you can't disagree over there or you'll get banned or posts deleted". Again, do you actually read anything over there? I'd guess not if anyone really believes this junk. One only has to look at the DLB threads, the error 13 threads and heck pretty much every CE issues thread to see otherwise. There are *plenty* of negative things said and posted at DBSTalk. Plenty. Lots of disagreements and it's all out there in the open for any of you to see.


And then you try to take the high road by touting your own site and all you guys do is take cheap shot after cheap shot. I think most people see thru it except those that feel wronged by the other site in some way. Whatever.

Besides, I know of a couple people who have had their posts deleted here in the past for disagreeing or calling an issue to the floor and proof of it with screenshots. When brought to the mods all they say is that it doesn't happen here and we'd see it in the logs. Yea, keep telling yourself that. Even with proof it seems to just get washed under the rug.

Oh well...
Here is something you and others still fail to understand.

Yes, you are correct, once a product is released anyone can do a review. But if you want to participate with DirecTV in these beta products in an "official" capacity then you need to do it by their rules. So if Jason had posted his review on his personal blog, fantastic, no problem. But when it gets posted here as an "official" review on the site that wants to work with DirecTV on beta testing and so forth and the review didn't go thru the process DirecTV would like to see what happened.

Shibby I have talked with DirecTV about this at length and they agreed with us for putting up our review

You will be seeing more reviews from us in the future. :) Stay Tuned :)
Folks if you haven't noticed I have closed this thread, it served its purpose and have opened the doors we needed open.

It was great to work with Tom from DBSTalk last night, and we had a bunch of SatelliteGuys members and DBStalk members in the same room working for the same goal (and no one killed anyone) ;)

Now I notice a few folks have come over here and signed and have done nothing but talked trash, to these folks I say if you want to be here and learn and help other users then welcome, but continue posting your crap and you will find your accounts closed. I have authorized SatelliteGuys staff members to ban accounts which are just trying to cause trouble. By folks just signing up here just to cause trouble you are not doing anything for your own cause and are making the other sites look bad. DirecTV is watching and has taken notice of this.

Enough is enough, its time for all of us to work together. Its time to stop looking back and its time to start looking forward. There are lots of great things coming. STAY TUNED. :)
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