Actuall surprised they aren't gone already.I am dissapointed at the name calling that has gone on. Morons, idiots, trolls, heads up asses, etc.
Nice way to be professional.
That's because we don't take ourselves too damn seriously on this site and try to have a little fun every now and then. Yes, it gets a little out of hand on occasion, but sometimes things just need to be said. And those things were NEVER permitted to be said on DBSTalk. Scott lets us go. And that was the main reason he got my money as a subscriber, and not DBSTalk.
And really, it doesn't mean poop to a tree to me anymore, because neither D* or E* gets my money. But if either one wants it again, they're gonna have to get better, and the CE process is the way for D*. But D* needs to LISTEN and do what NEEDS to be done and not what will bring them an extra 50 cents a month, when the basic functions of their flagship product are BROKEN. I was FED UP with blank recordings and glitches and backwards-assed menus, and despite saying they were working on it, it barely improved in the 10 months I had it.
And I, for one, think Satelliteguys can do it better. Because we WILL say what needs to be said, even if sometimes it rubs some folks wrong.