Nothing wrong with that at all.
However, it appears, at least to me, that the review was rushed just to get a scoop.
When you have as many technical and grammatical errors as Jasons review had, it really makes the review look amaturish. What good is being first, if the information is wrong?
Jason had his review ready for awhile now. Perhaps his mistake was sending it to me to check for errors when I neither had a SWM LNB and I am not the best at grammar.

Other then that what was wrong with it? (Besides the 5 ports mentioned instead of 8 ports.)
Nothing wrong with giving them an advance look but with them editing and rewriting sections, it no longer is a review it is just company propaganda. That is the issue I have there. And I think thats a fair complaint.Whats wrong with DirecTv or Dish, or whoever, giving a review a look to make sure that all the information is correct? A poorly written review that is full of mis-information, can be very damaging. Especially if the review gets picked up by other sites like endgaget or tvpredictions. It's impossible to put that genie back in the bottle.
I think that the issue that I am seeing is folks are jealous that we got ours out before DBSTalks, however again we waited until the LNB's were available before releasing it. We had no obligation to anyone to hold it back and it seemed kind of silly to wait for DBStalk to release their review just so we could release ours.
I will also say that we would have happily sent ours for review before posting it, however we had no place to send it to, and that is part of the problem.