Trust Counts... A Note from SatelliteGuys Founder Scott Greczkowski

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The one thing I don't understand is why SatGuys feels that DirecTV is *obligated* to treat this forum the same as DBSTalk or any other forum? DirecTV can frankly do whatever they want. They can totally ignore this forum if they want. They can decide to dump the relationship with DBSTalk and work with Satguys. Or heck ignore you both and go with with AVS Forum or some other place. Or even just do it themselves on their own forums.

As much as you feel they have to share with you, they don't. I'm not saying that it's good or bad either way, but just saying.
The one thing I don't understand is why SatGuys feels that DirecTV is *obligated* to treat this forum the same as DBSTalk or any other forum? DirecTV can frankly do whatever they want. They can totally ignore this forum if they want. They can decide to dump the relationship with DBSTalk and work with Satguys. Or heck ignore you both and go with with AVS Forum or some other place. Or even just do it themselves on their own forums.

As much as you feel they have to share with you, they don't. I'm not saying that it's good or bad either way, but just saying.

I think Scott said it best:
Sure DirecTV can take their ball and go home but that wouldn't help anyone
I enjoy participating in the CE process, which is why I work hard to keep everyone up to date here at Satelliteguys, including things like spending my money and vacation time to make trips like CES. Helping other users, especially new customers, is something I really enjoy.

My understanding in regards to non-disclosure is that when the product is available to the public than the field test is over. I wrote my review, and then waited for public release before posting my review of the SWM LNB, which I think is an excellent technological revolution.

I believe this was resonable, and was an attempt to provide timely information to our members. I meant no harm to DirecTV, and I don't believe there is any given that HSPs are now installing this LNB.

With that said, I hope DirecTV will continue to give us the opportunity to test new products and software, providing feedback, and inform our members of new technology. Scott, myself, and many other staff members have been working hard to grow our relationship with DirecTV, and will continue to do so.

What DBSTALK did is Bull Hockey. Once a product is available for sale anyone can review it. I do not think Direct TV will Cut off Sattellite Guy since you sell their products and to cut you off is dumb.

DirectTV may cut off DBSTALK since those morons tend to think they rule the world> I gave them three changes before comming here. Now if Jame Long was here that would be a different story:eek:
DirectTV may cut off DBSTALK since those morons tend to think they rule the world

I don't think that will happen since a couple weeks ago, D*'s CTO, stopped by on the Friday night CE chat room and was answering questions from the members.
I certainly agree. But that doesn't mean they have to work with Satguys just because Scott wants it to be that way. :confused: DirecTV can literally do whatever they want including just working with DBSTalk. Not sure why people can't understand that. ;)

If DirectTV works only with DBSTALK they are nutso. If I owned a company I would work with folks who sold my product. DirectTV like Echostar need their retailers. Ignore the retail sector you take a change of going under.
If DirectTV works only with DBSTALK they are nutso. If I owned a company I would work with folks who sold my product. DirectTV like Echostar need their retailers. Ignore the retail sector you take a change of going under.

Uh, let's keep this straight. This a user tech and fan site. It is NOT a retailer site, although we do have retailers that are members. If they wanted a retailer site they would need or something similar.
I certainly agree. But that doesn't mean they have to work with Satguys just because Scott wants it to be that way. :confused: DirecTV can literally do whatever they want including just working with DBSTalk. Not sure why people can't understand that. ;)

This is not the case at all. DirecTV is a publicly held company. From what I understand and have been told is that DirecTV can not publicly release ANYTHING to the public without a Press Release. If they do decide to release anything to the public then they must provide the same information and access to anyone who requests it.

I am requesting it.

I am not mad at DirecTV or even DBSTalk, I just want to give our members the same information that is being given to the other site. Thats not a unfair or unreasonable request.
Uh, let's keep this straight. This a user tech and fan site. It is NOT a retailer site, although we do have retailers that are members. If they wanted a retailer site they would need or something similar.

What's funny (or sad depending on how you look at it) is that retailers are normally the last to be informed about anything and normally find their information from a site like SatelliteGuys.

As you might know I run and I see this happening all the time.
What's funny (or sad depending on how you look at it) is that retailers are normally the last to be informed about anything and normally find their information from a site like SatelliteGuys.

As you might know I run and I see this happening all the time.

Yes, I did know, and that's why I spotlighted that particular site.

It seems to me there are several factors at work here.

First, although the box is showing up on some websites, I'm not sure anyone can point to a press release yet.

Second, as a small business owner, I believe there is absolutely no requirement that they do a press release for anything. It is often to their advantage to do so, but they can also choose underground marketing routes, or simply fill the retailer channel for commodity items.

Third, and Scott this is said with all due respect. You run an excellent site here, and don't need to make excuses to anyone for what you have accomplished. However, you seem to still have an attitude and/or are somehow seeking approval from DBSTalk. It's coming up on 5 years now since the big fight and split, and you really need to let it go. What they are doing is irrelevant, unless it is something that hurts your competitiveness. Frankly, complaining about actions and happenings on that site kind of cheapens this one and makes us look petty.

Finally, you have developed an excellent relationship with Echostar/Dish, one that any site would covet. That alone could keep DTV at bay and steer them toward DBSTalk. We need to build up some DTV credibility here. Masterdeals seems to be heading in the right direction.

I was unclear on whether DTV complained about an early review. If so, you ned to address it and get some understanding. If it is just the DBSTalk admins complaining, you need to just ignore it. Anything else just feeds the frenzy and you can't help but looking either the bad guy or just pathetic. Let it go.
It all comes down to this I guess. SatGuys is THE place for E* info. The guys over at DBS talk are getting nervous there might be a relationship building between SatGuys and D*. This threatens their existance. Those guys are snobby arrogant puss holes for the most part and very controlling. At satguys you can be yourself and not be parented by the mods. You get unbiased cutting edge info here. If SatGuys can get good exposure from D it is over for them... and I say good riddence!

I agree 100 %.:up:up:up
WTG Scott. :up Do what you think is right. :up

And I don't care either way because neither one gets my money, my FTA dish farms get my money. :cool:
This is not the case at all. DirecTV is a publicly held company. From what I understand and have been told is that DirecTV can not publicly release ANYTHING to the public without a Press Release.
I've never heard of such a thing. My employer releases "stuff" all the time without press releases. If there's an SEC type rule about this, trust me, we'd be obeying it.

What defines "anything" anyway ? The general public and 99% of the "press" don't care about a multiswitch or LNB or other things like that. What about software updates ? Sure could be covered by "anything".

And when you say you're requesting the information, who's to say D* isn't going to provide it to you (eventually .... i.e. when they feel like it) ?? Your request may simply be on the bottom of the stack. Sorry to be blunt.
Finally, you have developed an excellent relationship with Echostar/Dish, one that any site would covet. That alone could keep DTV at bay and steer them toward DBSTalk. We need to build up some DTV credibility here. Masterdeals seems to be heading in the right direction.
Ding, ding, ding .... we have a winner ! Like it or not, this site is/was heavily biased towards Dish Network. Search Google for "dish network forum" and SatGuys is # 1 on the list (BSTalk is 2nd oddly).
I've never heard of such a thing. My employer releases "stuff" all the time without press releases. If there's an SEC type rule about this, trust me, we'd be obeying it.

What defines "anything" anyway ? The general public and 99% of the "press" don't care about a multiswitch or LNB or other things like that. What about software updates ? Sure could be covered by "anything".

And when you say you're requesting the information, who's to say D* isn't going to provide it to you (eventually .... i.e. when they feel like it) ?? Your request may simply be on the bottom of the stack. Sorry to be blunt.

hall is correct. There is no such requirement for a public company. What you are probably thinking about is the requirement to file an 8-K with the SEC when a company enters into a definitive material agreement (only one of the reasons for an 8-K), for instance a new supply contract that will change their previously released earnings or cash flow projections. The SEC's only concern with press releases (one way or the other) is that if a public company puts something in a press release that would be required to be in an 8-K the company must put this info in an 8-K within 4 days so that it is available on EdgarScan for all of their investors.
Trust? Olive branch? Your jokeing right?

You talk about trust, but yet have decided on your own to publish a review before DirecTv is ready. It's their tests, their rules, their TRUST that you follow them.

Offer an olive branch to move on? Really? What, until the next time someone gets their panties in a knot and threatens to sue? Please.

Even on the front page you had to take a cheap shot at Earls announcment that he was leaving DBSTalk.

You say that you are the better site, your actions prove otherwise.

If you really want to be the better site, man up and be that site. Only you have the power to stop the cheap shots and childish remarks.
This past weekend 20+ SatelliteGuys members were lucky enough to spend two hours with Dish Network CEO Charlie Ergen and Senior Vice President of Programming Eric Sahl. Those folks lucky enough to attend got to hear from these executives totally unscripted, totally honest, 100% uncensored and totally open to our questions.

Why did these guys open up to us? Because they trusted us not to post details of this private meeting on the Internet. TRUST COUNTS.

Will we see any of the details on the pub forums?
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