TNA Impact, PPV's discussion

Kurt Angle just tweeted the following:
"I'm Already Qualified for final Olympic trials In June. But I Will Official Enter Olympic trial Qualifier Tourney in April in Iowa!I'm Ready"
TNA is still on?

Oh yeah I turned it on Thursday because there was nothing on...Kurt Angle was on blabbing something I guess to a (looked pretty wasted) James Storm

Channel changed......
whitewolf8214 said:
Kurt Angle just tweeted the following:
"I'm Already Qualified for final Olympic trials In June. But I Will Official Enter Olympic trial Qualifier Tourney in April in Iowa!I'm Ready"

Why bother, most of us think angle WILL NOT win a metal.
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Knockout Says Her Contract With TNA Wrestling Has Expired
Jackie Moore stated Monday on Twitter that her contract with TNA Wrestling has expired and she expects to be removed from their roster page shortly.Moore wrote, "I guess they will remove me from the roster page soon….contract is up."She forewarned her departure from the organization a day prior to Madusa, writing, "I'm getting no love from a certain company….Lol. I guess I'm a little too rough in the ring."Moore returned to TNA Wrestling last June alongside ODB under the guise of outsiders, with the duo promising to clean up the Knockouts division. In August, Moore and ODB abandoned their villainous antics in order to gain contracts with the promotion. After several weeks of working as babyfaces, they were signed to contracts by the new head of the Knockouts division, Karen Jarrett. Moore, however, was not used again. Via Twitter, she expressed her disappointment with being excluded from the 10-Knockouts Gauntlet Match on November 14.
Hogan High On Garett Bischoff, Masters Campaigning To Join TNA
– Hulk Hogan praised Garett Bischoff's efforts to improve this morning, while also taking a shot at his peers. Hogan tweeted:"Taping again in Orlando, Garrett seems to have found the magic. I only hope it rubs off on some of the other numbskulls."
- Former WWE star Chris Masters has begun a Twitter campaign to encourage TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter to bring him to her organization."I think @tnadixie needs some encouragement. Can I rally the IWC. For all those who support me, let her know!" He wrote, "For anyone who's ever felt like an underdog, who's ever tried to make nothing into something. and worked their ass off. This is my battlecry!"
Matt Morgan Talks WWE Return, His TNA Contract & More
TNA tag champion Matt Morgan answered a few fan questions on Twitter on Thursday and shed some light on his future in TNA and a possible WWE return. Morgan revealed that he is under contract for two more years and replied to a fan who asked whether he'd return to WWE when he becomes a free agent. Regarding TNA, he said:"Happy where I'm at. Biz changes so often though,that's why u keep options open."When asked directly about whether he'd consider another WWE run, he said:"Yes. But I'm ecstatic where I am now,so…I'm good."Morgan was also asked about John Morrison's WWE departure: "JoMo has been 1of my best friends so I'd be happy4him."Whether he watches WWE:"I DVR EVERY SHOW from any co." .He stated that his best friend in TNA was Kevin Nash, but now it's Ken Anderson. He also said that Zack Ryder is "killing it"
Dixie Carter Says TNA Has Made WWE Better, Talks TNA Challenges and More Executive Q&A: Dixie Carter

As Hulk Hogan's boss, Dixie Carter isn't nearly as recognizable on the streets as one of the world's most celebrated professional wrestlers. But she, after all, is the one calling the shots.

Carter is president of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), the second-largest professional wrestling company in the world, based in Nashville.

Connecticut-based World Wresting Entertainment, the largest company, acquired its competitors World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) in 2001, leaving TNA as the bolder and edgier wrestling alternative.

TNA's premier program, Impact Wrestling, is filmed in Orlando, Fla., and fills the 9 p.m. Thursday night slot on the Spike cable channel. It is broadcast in 100 countries and reaches5 million viewers weekly around the globe, according to the company.

Carter, 47, lives in Nashville with her husband and two children, both of whom attend private school.

"Do I look like I'm a professional wrestling executive?" she asked.

Carter was raised in Dallas, and her father is president of Dallas-based Panda Energy International, an independent electricity company that runs power plants across the country.

Instead of taking a career in the energy industry, though, Carter chose to make her mark on professional wrestling — in sports, let's say.

"If I walk away at the end of my career, I hope people will say, 'Well, at least she tried to do things differently,' " Carter said. " 'At least she tried to change the way wrestling is perceived.' "

Carter spoke with Tennessean reporter Bobby Allyn recently about the marketing and business of professional wrestling and the TV market to which it appeals.

What has kept professional wrestling relevant through the years?

Wrestling has been around for centuries. It encompasses action-drama, good guy/bad guy, and good and evil. When you combine all of that with some of the best wrestlers in the world, it's a recipe for success.

And has how TNA changed with the times?

We're not just a wrestling company anymore. We do our own booking. We do our own promotion and public relations. We're a licensing company. We have toys, Halloween costumes, trading cards. We make our own music. All of those things are sold and promoted around the world. But we still do more than 500 hours of television a year.

You didn't originally come to Nashville for a career in professional wrestling, right?

Like a bad country song, I packed up a U-Haul and moved to Nashville to be in the music business and started my own company. I was here in the '90s when things were on fire. Music is still with us. My CEO is a former Sony executive. And we have a lot of other people on board who have music in their background.

Do you see any parallels between country music fans and professional wrestling enthusiasts?

We have wrestlers that girls like to stand in the crowd and scream for like they do for Tim McGraw. Then, we have wrestlers who resonate with more of a family atmosphere. And even though wrestling is predominantly a male sport in the ring and viewed (by) males, you'll always see grandmas in the crowd. Just like country music moves people, wrestling moves people, too. It's in a different way. But when your spirit is moved, you're onto something special.

How has TNA been able to keep up with WWE?

I don't care who you are, competition makes you better. There's a reason there's a Lowe's across the street from every Home Depot and a CVS across the street from every Walgreens. I think we've made WWE better, just as they've improved us.

Isn't this a tough time to be in the broadcast entertainment industry?

It's a challenging time for the television industry as advertising dollars are dwindling. But it's the best time to focus on fans. I try to be out in the crowds shaking hands, hugging people and holding babies and saying, "Thank you for being here." We've grown this company one fan at a time. I've been there as a small-business startup. I know what it's like. But we just happened to beat the odds.

Is there a misconception about professional wrestling that you would like to explode?

Besides that wrestling is fake, which is certainly isn't. Just the way the industry has treated sponsors, the media or just people in general. Wrestling had a bad reputation for a while. People thought it was trashy. But that's changing. I went to a legitimate sports network and the head of the company said, "Are you kidding? We have the Lakers and everything else." I popped in a tape and he said, "OK, let's talk."

How does TNA find its talent?

We have a program called Ohio Valley in the Kentucky-Ohio area where we send some of our talent for training and where people come from all over the world to train. It's like a farm league. We have people work on a skill — and sometimes we'll bring in one of our developing wrestlers from there into a storyline. We've found a couple of our big stars from there.

What's one of TNA's ongoing challenges?

When a company first starts out, you have to do whatever you can to get into the business. Then, once you're established, you spend a lot of time getting out of all the bad contracts that got you into the business. Deals with companies, bad partnerships or licensing deals. We're still working through some of those now that we've found our footing.

How has the company responded to viewership patterns, which are moving increasingly to the Web?

The Internet has helped us more than it has hurt the business. We're able to use additional elements of programming that don't make it on television. We also use it as a promotional function that helps us drive the mother ship, which is TNA's Impact Wrestling program on Spike.

Did the recession hit professional wrestling?

We went from double-digit growth for a couple years to single-digit growth. I call that a major victory. But the biggest challenge we had during the recession was so many of our partners were going out of business. Our TV partner in Africa went out of business. Our DVD partner in the United Kingdom went out of business. Our Australian DVD partner went out of business. Weeks after our video game publisher, Midway Games, put out our video game, they filed for bankruptcy. (The game still sold 1.5 million units.) After the recession, we just worked hard to plug all the holes fast.

Is it notable that you're a woman at the helm of a largely male-driven industry?

Wrestling is such a man's world. Most times, I'm sitting at a conference table with 30 other people and I'm the only female in the room. I don't even think about it anymore. I treat our wrestlers with more respect than a male executive might. Most wrestlers aren't used to being treated well by their bosses.

How do you rate Nashville's entertainment industry?

I don't think it will ever be Los Angeles or New York. But in many ways, it's better. You'll probably like what you do here better than those cities. And you can have a better quality of life here. There's also something to be said about Nashville's close-knit community. We all try to cross-pollinate and promote each other wherever we can.

What do you see as the next trend in professional wrestling?

Maybe pulling back the curtain a little more. People now are so reality driven. The way we view wrestling in the coming years might respond to some of that. Fans will be able to see a little bit more than they're used to. They'll be able to see more of the wrestlers' unscripted emotions and drama.


Dixie Carter, president of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), which is "not just a wrestling company anymore," she says. It does its own booking, promotion and public relations, and is a licensing company.

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Q&A withDixie Carter

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Executive Q&A: Dixie Carter

As Hulk Hogan's boss, Dixie Carter isn't nearly as recognizable on the streets as one of the world's most celebrated professional wrestlers. But she, after all, is the one calling the shots.

Carter is president of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), the second-largest professional wrestling company in the world, based in Nashville.

Connecticut-based World Wresting Entertainment, the largest company, acquired its competitors World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) in 2001, leaving TNA as the bolder and edgier wrestling alternative.

TNA's premier program, Impact Wrestling, is filmed in Orlando, Fla., and fills the 9 p.m. Thursday night slot on the Spike cable channel. It is broadcast in 100 countries and reaches5 million viewers weekly around the globe, according to the company.

Carter, 47, lives in Nashville with her husband and two children, both of whom attend private school.

"Do I look like I'm a professional wrestling executive?" she asked.

Carter was raised in Dallas, and her father is president of Dallas-based Panda Energy International, an independent electricity company that runs power plants across the country.

Instead of taking a career in the energy industry, though, Carter chose to make her mark on professional wrestling — in sports, let's say.

"If I walk away at the end of my career, I hope people will say, 'Well, at least she tried to do things differently,' " Carter said. " 'At least she tried to change the way wrestling is perceived.' "

Carter spoke with Tennessean reporter Bobby Allyn recently about the marketing and business of professional wrestling and the TV market to which it appeals.

What has kept professional wrestling relevant through the years?

Wrestling has been around for centuries. It encompasses action-drama, good guy/bad guy, and good and evil. When you combine all of that with some of the best wrestlers in the world, it's a recipe for success.

And has how TNA changed with the times?

We're not just a wrestling company anymore. We do our own booking. We do our own promotion and public relations. We're a licensing company. We have toys, Halloween costumes, trading cards. We make our own music. All of those things are sold and promoted around the world. But we still do more than 500 hours of television a year.

You didn't originally come to Nashville for a career in professional wrestling, right?

Like a bad country song, I packed up a U-Haul and moved to Nashville to be in the music business and started my own company. I was here in the '90s when things were on fire. Music is still with us. My CEO is a former Sony executive. And we have a lot of other people on board who have music in their background.

Do you see any parallels between country music fans and professional wrestling enthusiasts?

We have wrestlers that girls like to stand in the crowd and scream for like they do for Tim McGraw. Then, we have wrestlers who resonate with more of a family atmosphere. And even though wrestling is predominantly a male sport in the ring and viewed (by) males, you'll always see grandmas in the crowd. Just like country music moves people, wrestling moves people, too. It's in a different way. But when your spirit is moved, you're onto something special.

How has TNA been able to keep up with WWE?

I don't care who you are, competition makes you better. There's a reason there's a Lowe's across the street from every Home Depot and a CVS across the street from every Walgreens. I think we've made WWE better, just as they've improved us.

Isn't this a tough time to be in the broadcast entertainment industry?

It's a challenging time for the television industry as advertising dollars are dwindling. But it's the best time to focus on fans. I try to be out in the crowds shaking hands, hugging people and holding babies and saying, "Thank you for being here." We've grown this company one fan at a time. I've been there as a small-business startup. I know what it's like. But we just happened to beat the odds.

Is there a misconception about professional wrestling that you would like to explode?

Besides that wrestling is fake, which is certainly isn't. Just the way the industry has treated sponsors, the media or just people in general. Wrestling had a bad reputation for a while. People thought it was trashy. But that's changing. I went to a legitimate sports network and the head of the company said, "Are you kidding? We have the Lakers and everything else." I popped in a tape and he said, "OK, let's talk."

How does TNA find its talent?

We have a program called Ohio Valley in the Kentucky-Ohio area where we send some of our talent for training and where people come from all over the world to train. It's like a farm league. We have people work on a skill — and sometimes we'll bring in one of our developing wrestlers from there into a storyline. We've found a couple of our big stars from there.

What's one of TNA's ongoing challenges?

When a company first starts out, you have to do whatever you can to get into the business. Then, once you're established, you spend a lot of time getting out of all the bad contracts that got you into the business. Deals with companies, bad partnerships or licensing deals. We're still working through some of those now that we've found our footing.

How has the company responded to viewership patterns, which are moving increasingly to the Web?

The Internet has helped us more than it has hurt the business. We're able to use additional elements of programming that don't make it on television. We also use it as a promotional function that helps us drive the mother ship, which is TNA's Impact Wrestling program on Spike.

Did the recession hit professional wrestling?

We went from double-digit growth for a couple years to single-digit growth. I call that a major victory. But the biggest challenge we had during the recession was so many of our partners were going out of business. Our TV partner in Africa went out of business. Our DVD partner in the United Kingdom went out of business. Our Australian DVD partner went out of business. Weeks after our video game publisher, Midway Games, put out our video game, they filed for bankruptcy. (The game still sold 1.5 million units.) After the recession, we just worked hard to plug all the holes fast.

Is it notable that you're a woman at the helm of a largely male-driven industry?

Wrestling is such a man's world. Most times, I'm sitting at a conference table with 30 other people and I'm the only female in the room. I don't even think about it anymore. I treat our wrestlers with more respect than a male executive might. Most wrestlers aren't used to being treated well by their bosses.

How do you rate Nashville's entertainment industry?

I don't think it will ever be Los Angeles or New York. But in many ways, it's better. You'll probably like what you do here better than those cities. And you can have a better quality of life here. There's also something to be said about Nashville's close-knit community. We all try to cross-pollinate and promote each other wherever we can.

What do you see as the next trend in professional wrestling?

Maybe pulling back the curtain a little more. People now are so reality driven. The way we view wrestling in the coming years might respond to some of that. Fans will be able to see a little bit more than they're used to. They'll be able to see more of the wrestlers' unscripted emotions and drama
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Jay Lethal Takes Shot At TNA Via Twitter, Jeff Jarrett Responds

Posted on Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 2:18 pm
Tagged with Jay Lethal, Jeff Jeff Jarrett

Former TNA Wrestling star Jay Lethal slighted his former employer's visibility Saturday via Twitter, saying that more people recognize him from his appearances on Family Feud than his lengthy run with the wrestling organization.

The six-time X Division Champion wrote, "Today just Proved that more people recognize me from Family Feud, than my 6+ year run in TNA."

Bob Ryder, TNA Wrestling's Director of Talent Bookings and Travel, shot back, "Maybe so….but it was a TNA themed week on Feud, so…….. :)"

Jeff Jarrett then added his thoughts on the matter.

"Exactly!" he wrote regarding Ryder's tweet. "Moronic would be an understatement.."
Masters Working With TNA's India Project, Preview For Thursday's Impact
– Former WWE star Chris Masters stated Friday during an interview with the Pro Wrestling Torch that he will be among the troupe of wrestlers traveling to India to tape the first footage for TNA Wrestling's planned debut on the television network Colors. The wrestlers have been booked for seven days, including travel days, the week of December 15.

A mixture of recognizable faces and independent wrestlers are scheduled for the project. The project will not utilize the TNA logo or name.

– TNA Wrestling has released the following video previewing Thursday's episode of Impact Wrestling.
Masters Working With TNA's India Project, Preview For Thursday's Impact | WWE News, TNA News, WWE Divas Photos, TNA Knockouts Photos - WNZ
TNA is holding 5 television tapings in Orlando during the month of January. The dates are January 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th and 17th.
I dont get how they are still in business?
I guess when you have endless money pits you can waste it away on crap like this
Dixie Carter Tease for 2012, TNA Champ Gets Married, Flair Update and More

Posted by Marc Middleton on December 8, 2011 at 10:10 AM

- TNA will release the 2011 Bound For Glory DVD on January 17th, 2012.

- Ric Flair will make a rare TNA live event appearance at the show in Plymouth, MA on January 21st, 2012.

- TNA stars Rob Terry and Anarquia competed at the OVW house show in New Albany, Indiana this week.

- TNA TV Champion Robbie E. married his girlfriend Tara (not the Knockout) this past Saturday in New Jersey.

- TNA President Dixie Carter wrote the following on Twitter about 2012:

"Forecasting 2012 will be a great year of growth in TNA. Multiple ongoing projects being developed that are very exciting! Stay tuned!"

Dixie also announced this morning that the company has just signed a two-year deal with Challenge TV in the UK.
gpollock get off fearnet crack please on flair:D coming back full time especially wrestling he needs to retire now!!:)
Hulk Hogan Sues Ex-Wife Linda For Defamation
Hulk Hogan has filed a defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife Linda Bollea based on allegations she made about him in her recent autobiography "Wrestling the Hulk: My Life Against the Ropes."
?Pictures of Linda Bollea & Her 21-Year-Old Boy Toy Charlie Hill

In the book, Hulk Hogan is portrayed as a violent, manipulative, cheating maniac who was physically and mentally abusive to her.

Linda also alleges that Hulk has had a homosexual relationship with Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, a claim he has vehemently denied.

While being interviewed on television and radio earlier this year, Bollea dragged Hogan's name through the mud once again.

"It scared me that he might just snap, not realize what he's doing. He is just so strong. I thought he could kill me. He had his hands around my neck one time on the bed, and he started squeezing my throat. He just went into this trance, and I was looking at him and saying, 'Terry, stop, stop. I can't breathe.'"

Wil Florin, the ex-wrestler's attorney, said, "He's being accused of all sorts of vile conduct that he did not commit. Miss Bollea's made enough of these outrageous allegations that it's time they stop … The only realistic way of making them stop is through the court system."
Hulk Hogan Sues Ex-Wife Linda For Defamation

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