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The Flash 1×19 Promo "Who is Harrison Wells"

Air Date: April 21, 2015

Official Synopsis: Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) head to Starling City to continue their investigation of Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh). While in town, the duo enlists the help of Captain Lance (guest star Paul Blackthorne), and Cisco meets the Black Canary (guest star Katie Cassidy), who asks him for a favor. Meanwhile, back in Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) races to catch a meta-human named Hannibal Bates (guest star Martin Novotny) who can transform himself into every person he touches – which includes Eddie (Rick Cosnett), Iris (Candice Patton), Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and even The Flash. Wendey Stanzler directed the episode written by Ray Utarnachitt & Cortney Norris (#119).
The Flash And Arrow Spinoff May Finally Have A Real Title This Time
A report on Tuesday indicates that Shipp was probably not too far off during his Q&A session. To differentiate from TNT's Legends, it looks like the CW may be rolling with Legends of Tomorrow. In the world of modern TV spinoffs, sometimes the name can be just as important as the subject matter involved. When it comes to the upcoming heroes-and-villains offspring of Arrow and The Flash, one unofficial name has joined another, as the latest rumored title for the star-studded spinoff appears to be Legends. Will that be the one that sticks?The potential reveal comes from the star of both the modern Flash and the 1990s Flash, John Wesley Shipp, who gave an amusing and spirited Q&A at the Cape Comic Con 2015 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. What's more, he doesn't say it as if it's a reveal, but almost too matter-of-factly. When asked about how deep into the Allen family storyline the show might go, Shipp says that producer Andrew Kreisberg & Co. have been planning everything out from every angle, which leads to this:
'The Flash': Is Grodd Part of Reverse-Flash's Master Plan?
Danielle Panabaker says the STAR Labs gang's cat-and-mouse game with their mentor has just begun: "He's from the future, so he can see many, many steps ahead of us."The STAR Labs gang is on the hunt for one of its own.Tuesday's The Flash will see the team grapple with mounting evidence that their mentor, Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh), is the Reverse-Flash, the man who murdered Barry's (Grant Gustin) mother 15 years earlier.Last week, Barry and his adopted father Joe (Jesse L. Martin) revealed their suspicions to Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes). The investigation will take Cisco and Joe to Starling City to investigate what really happened to Harrison Wells. Viewers know that a man from the future, Eobard Thawne, murdered him and assumed his identity."Wells is a genius, and he's from the future so he can see many, many steps ahead of us," Panabaker tells The Hollywood Reporter.This week's episode, No. 19, is all about "Caitlin' s struggle," as she tries to come to terms with her mentor being a supervillain. The team's cat and mouse game with Wells will span multiple episodes, with Panabaker teasing that the much-anticipated showdown with psychic gorilla Grodd, set for episode 21, may be Wells' way of fighting his friends."In 20, we try to set a trap for Wells. Him being several steps ahead of us, he tries to trip us up, maybe with a giant Gorilla."A preview for Tuesday's episode shows Joe and Cisco find the original Wells' corpse — a move that puts them in serious jeopardy of winding up just like it. Viewers know Wells will not hesitate to kill his friends, as he murdered Cisco for finding out his secret in an alternate timeline."Caitlin has this instinct to talk to Dr. Wells and confront him, and Barry pulls her aside and says 'let's think about that,' " says Panabaker. "If Barry is right, she is putting all of them in danger."The Flash airs Tuesdays on the CW at 8 p.m.
The Flash "Who Is Harrison Wells?" Review: 'Cause I Really Want to Know
Last week's episode was mostly about getting Caitlin and Cisco on the same page as Barry and Joe, as well as setting up this week's little visit to Starling City. There was a thematic unity to "All Star Team Up," but it was still just an all-around dull episode since it never really figured out how to turn that thematic unity into something that was dramatically interesting or that granted any energy to the villain-of-the-week plot. Brie Larvin ended up feeling like an afterthought, Iris was written into a ridiculous and horrible corner, and Barry's anxiety about Cisco and Caitlin worked as well as it could have given the circumstances.This week, The Flash managed to put out an episode that more or less mirrored last week's episode but actually delivered a little fun. Each of the plots in "Who Is Harrison Wells?" dealt with lies and the identities we craft around those lies, and we got a villain of the week who, while still lacking much of a personality, created enough problems and hijinks for that recurring complaint of mine to not weigh down the episode. Yes, it was still about getting this quintet—well, a quartet that occasionally features Eddie—all on the same page, except this time around, the characters were catching up to the audience, instead of to each other.
8 Reasons 'Suicide Squad's' Joker is actively offending me
We've been waiting so long for the reveal of Jared Leto as the Joker. The excitement has been building with each new tease to social media. And now it's here."Suicide Squad" director David Ayer released Jared Leto's full Joker look tonight. On a Friday at 8pm EST with no leaks prompting such a decision. It's almost as if they knew this wasn't going to go over well.Brace yourselves.What even am I looking at right now? I don't know where to begin. It's like a Magic Eye poster, only where the longer you look, the more things you find wrong.
Reverse-Flash makes life harder for The Flash in new trailer The Flash - Reckoning....Will The Flash be fast enough to stop Eobard Thawne? The final 4 episodes of the season start Tuesday at 8/7c!.......
Check out the new trailer for The Flash, which features the final four episodes of the first season. We already know that Eobard Thawne is the Reverse-Flash, and here we see the Flash and the team also finding out about the truth.Now that the team finds out Harrison Wells isn't really Doctor Wells, Eobard makes life harder for Flash's team.The final 4 episodes of the season start Tuesday at 8 p.m. PT/ET.
The Flash Photos: Metahumans Gone Wild! Versus Reverse-Flash!
The Flash soon will have his hands very full, and thus calls upon some superfriends for help, as seen in four exclusive photos from the May 12 episode, "Rogue Air."In the CW series' penultimate Season 1 hour, Dr. Wells aka Reverse-Flash gets the upper hand on the S.T.A.R. Labs team, forcing Barry to make a big move and reach out to frenemy Captain Cold (guest star Wentworth Miller) for help. When that questionable call quickly bites Barry in his scarlet hindquarters, he summons reinforcements in the form of Oliver Queen/Al Sah-Him (Arrow's Stephen Amell) and Firestorm (guest star Robbie Amell). (One might say he has ass-kickin' cousins for back-up!)
'The Flash': First Images of Gorilla Grodd Showdown
[This article contains spoilers for new episode of The Flash]....It's still nearly impossible to believe just how faithfully The Flash has adhered to its DC Comics source material – even when the villains and plot twists being adapted are hard to ever imagine in a live-action TV show. And going by the marketing for the final few episodes of the show's first season, the writers are showing no signs of stopping the momentum.Yet even with all their previous success, Gorilla Grodd seemed like far, far too much to hope for. But as strange as it may seem, the recent trailer confirmed that Grodd – an intelligent, telepathic ape – would be showing up to throw a wrench into Barry Allen and Joe West's investigation into Harrison Wells. Now, the first images of his menacing (and potentially life-threatening) arrival are here.
'The Flash' Season 1 Ending Preview: Gorilla Grodd; Justice League vs. Reverse-Flash The Flash Season 1 Final Endgame Trailer.......The 'Endgame' teaser trailer for The Flash season 1's final four episodes, featuring Gorilla Grodd and the TV Justice League. Airing on The CW Tuesdays @8pm......
he Flash has fans buzzing with all-time high hype for the final four episodes of season 1. The show has had a freshman year marked by a reasonably good superhero origin tale, an engrossing larger mythos, resonant character relationships, crossovers both big and small, and a frightening "big bad" hanging over it all. By now, the final showdown between Barry Allen/The Flash and Dr. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash is merely the appropriate temple to build on a well-poured and solid foundation.And as this new season 1 ending trailer teases, the "Endgame" is going to pull out all of the stops to deliver a truly epic experience for comic book TV fans. Watch it above.This trailer is decidedly different than the recent "Reckoning" teaser for The Flash season 1 ending. "Reckoning" pretty much featured footage exclusive to just the upcoming episode, "The Trap"; this "Endgame" teaser features what seems to be several episodes' worth of footage, including:
The immediate aftermath of the S.T.A.R. Labs kids' discovery of Wells' secret.
A "TV Justice League" team-up between Flash, Arrow (or "Assassin Arrow") and Firestorm.
Arrow's seemingly permanent solution to the Reverse Flash problem.

Gorilla Grodd finally making his presence known for episode 21 (airs May 5th), in full CGI glory.The Arrow/Reverse-Flash execution scene is especially interesting in terms of what Thawne dying could mean for the timeline. Especially for his ancestor, Eddie, whose own fate could be tied to a future stint as the second Reverse-Flash. For fans though, the quasi-Justice League team-up is going to blow previous crossovers (Flash/Arrow, their supporting characters, A.T.O.M.) right out of the water.Finally: how does Grodd look to you – and are you excited for The Flash season 1 finale?
What's Next for 'The Flash'? 5 Game-Changing Revelations From 'The Trap'!
Warning: Huge spoilers from Tuesday's episode of The Flash. Do not proceed if you haven't watched! If you have, proceed!The Flash has prided itself on shocking twists and jaw-dropping turns, but The CW's hit comic book drama turned it up another notch with Tuesday's illuminating episode, "The Trap." The episode picked up immediately after last week's installment, with Team Flash discovering Dr. Wells' "time vault."It's a telling article in the Central City newspaper revealing The Flash's alleged fate in 2024 that piques their curiosity, leading them on a dangerous quest to find out just what exactly is going on with Wells. A plan is concocted by the team to bring Wells down, using Cisco to revisit a deadly scenario (think Inception). It was all going according to plan – Barry Allen and Co. had nearly every aspect of their "trap" set – but as they quickly learn, you can't exactly win against a clever speedster like Wells.
'The Flash': Iris finally figures out Barry's secret
Iris (Candice Patton) has figured out that Barry (Grant Gustin) is the Flash, and it's about time. "The Flash" teased fans with Iris finding out that her best friend is the Scarlet Speedster in the erased timeline, but now she's figured it out in the present. After attempting to lay a trap for Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh), Barry realizes that his mentor has actually set the trap for the rest of the team and he's been monitoring them all for months. That means that Iris is also in immediate danger and Barry must rush to save her. The brush of contact between Iris and Barry in Flash mode sends a shock between the two that Iris recognizes feeling when Barry was in a coma. Hallelujah! Iris is no longer the only one that doesn't know about Barry's super powers. They can finally have a real conversation about their relationship and everything Iris has missed by being in the dark. While it's a relief that Iris finally knows the truth, it will also serve to complicate things between her, Barry and Eddie (Rick Cosnett). In the closing minutes of "The Trap," Eobard captured Eddie and revealed that they are distant relatives.
The Flash May Give One Of Its Main Characters A More Important Role Going Forward
The Flash is winding down its first season, and there's a lot in store for fans, from a prison outbreak at S.T.A.R. Labs to Barry and his allies attempting to stop Harrison Wells, a.k.a. the Reverse-Flash. Obviously series lead Barry Allen will be at the forefront of what's coming, but each character will have their own moments to shine. In the case of S.T.A.R. Labs inventor Cisco Ramon, one of the showrunners is teasing that he'll be moving closer to his superhero career as Vibe. Executive producer Greg Berlanti sent out a tweet earlier today of what fans can expect to see this season's final episodes. Included among hashtags like #Grodd and #Rogues was Cisco's superhero identity.
'The Flash's Future Revealed: What Fans May Have Missed
[WARNING: This article contains spoilers for The Flash Season 1, Episode 20]The central cast and supporting characters of The Flash may have enough to worry about in the here and now, but that didn't stop the writers from introducing more than a few time travel mysteries over the course of the show's first season. Yet the knowledge of the future possessed by Dr. Harrison Wells a.k.a. Eobard Thawne was established in the very first episode – but his secret is now out.With the recent episode of The Flash revealing Wells' secret 'Time Vault' to Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow, the time-traveling nature of the show's greatest antagonist was laid bare. The future newspaper was largely to blame, giving details of Central City's 'Scarlet Speedster' and his brighter uniform, and the mysterious crisis that sent he and Reverse-Flash into thin air.
The Flash: Iris confronts Barry with the truth
Barry's secret is out… to the last person who didn't know it.At the end of last week's episode of The Flash, Iris (Candice Patton) finally discover that Barry (Grant Gustin) is the scarlet speedster… again. But this time, the day won't be erased and Iris will get to confront her BFF about his alter ego. However, the duo will have bigger issues to tackle after the Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh) kidnapped Eddie (Rick Cosnett). Will Team Flash be able to save him? EW caught up with Patton to get scoop on the final episodes of the first season:
The Flash's Candice Patton Talks Iris' Epiphany ('I Was So Relieved!'), Grodd, Barry vs. Eddie, Unexpected Finale
Our long national nightmare is over: Iris West knows the truth about The Flash's identity. And dare we say, Candice Patton is even more excited than her Flash-crushing alter ego to join the club of those "in the know."
As the CW hit (Tuesdays, 8/7c) speeds toward its freshman finish line, Patton paused to speak with TVLine about proving haters wrong, Iris' sense of hurt, her feelings for Barry versus Eddie and a finale that is perhaps not what you think it is.
This Deleted Flash Scene Finally Explains How S.T.A.R. Labs Feeds The Prisoners
The Flash has, throughout its Season 1 run, revealed a lot of mysteries to the viewer. One such mystery, however, has remained unsolved, until tonight, when the CW released a clip that reveals how all of the prisoners stuck in S.T.A.R. Labs' high tech facilities are fed each day. As it turns out, the answer is: lots and lots of takeout. Check out the deleted scene, below.<iframe src="" width="610" height="344" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
'The Flash': Jesse L. Martin Talks Facing Grodd, 'Huge' Season Finale
As "The Flash" speeds toward its season one finale on May 19, secrets are finally being revealed; last week's episode ended with the Reverse Flash — aka Eobard Thawne, aka Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) — kidnapping Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), for reasons that have yet to be uncovered. Meanwhile, Eddie's girlfriend Iris West (Candice Patton) finally figured out the secret identity of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) as the Flash, which should lead to a painful confrontation between Barry, Iris and her father, Joe (Jesse L. Martin), once she realizes that the men in her life have been lying to her for months.Ahead of the May 5 episode, "Grodd Lives," Variety spoke to Jesse L. Martin about Joe's relationship with Iris, his confrontation with Grodd and what's ahead in the "huge" season one finale. Light spoilers ahead.
Flash's Rick Cosnett Previews a 'Very Different' Eddie, 'Emotional' Finale
The Flash's Eddie may have been in the dark about his evil, speedy descendant Eobard Thawne until recently, but his portrayer Rick Cosnett has been in the know about his character's shady relations for a very long time."I've been holding that secret for a while, it's been rough," the actor says with a laugh. "We were given a great trajectory of our characters at the beginning [of the series]. … But there's still a whole lot more to unravel."First, Barry needs to make good on his promise to Iris to find her M.I.A. boyfriend, last seen being taken away by the Reverse-Flash."The gang actually finds Eddie," Cosnett reveals. "I can't say what state they find him in, or if they rescue him, but they do find him a very different man than what he was — than what we've seen til now at least. It's a life-changing moment for Eddie."Below, Cosnett previews Eddie's shifting allegiances, feelings about his and Iris' future, and the big surprise in store in the May 19 season ender (The CW, 8/7c).
'The Flash': Will Reverse-Flash Questions Linger After Finale?
Tom Cavanagh weighs in on Eobard's master plan: "He's been using the wealth of his mental ammunition to plot what happens in the next few episodes."The Flash's final two episodes of the season sees Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne attempt to carry out a plan 15 years in the making, one he hopes will take him home to hundreds of years into the future. Cavanagh promises that the season-long mystery surrounding his character will be answered in a definitive way.Part of the plan involves reactivating the particle accelerator (according to CW promos), the same piece of technology that gave Barry (Grant Gustin) his powers in the series premiere. There's a lot at stake. Not only has Eobard kidnapped his ancestor Eddie (Rick Cosnett), he'll also face off against Arrow (Stephen Amell) and Firestorm (Robbie Amell) in Tuesday's episode. In a chat with The Hollywood Reporter, Cavanagh talks Reverse-Flash's master plan and what to expect from the finale.
THE FLASH Recap: "Rogue Air"
Eobard gets show-opening duties tonight for the season's penultimate episode, "Rogue Air." As the camera pays a visit to all of the show's heroic characters, we hear the villain's threatening monologue promising to reclaim everything that was taken from him. Another way of putting it is that Reverse Wells will get everything that's coming to him, at least if Barry, the S.T.A.R. Labs team, and a few special friends have anything to say about it.Admittedly, the title of tonight's episode got me rather excited. The plot of the hour starts with Cisco and the others discovering Wells' plan to power up the particle accelerator, which quickly leads them to the conclusion that any imprisoned meta-humans will die in the resulting explosion. Ever the hero, Barry decides to transport the super-powered prisoners to safety, even if it's just to another temporary prison. This puts in motion the delightful idea of ferrying the city's most dangerous demigods to the remote, isolated island of Lian Yu via A.R.G.U.S. plane. (Apparently The Slab is not currently operational.) So it was with a little disappointment that I didn't get to see The CW's version of "Con-Air with supervillains" because Barry's plan soon goes awry.

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