The Flash News and Links

'Arrow' Star Katie Cassidy Crosses Over to 'The Flash'
Katie Cassidy is heading to The Flash but she won't be appearing as the Black Canary. Instead, the Arrow star will appear on the spin-off as Black Siren. The crossover news was confirmed by Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim during a press screening on Monday."You will see her on an episode of The Flash playing the Earth-2 version of Laurel Lance," Guggenheim said of Cassidy.Black Siren, who was part of the Justice Society and the mother of Dinah Laurel Lance in the world of DC Comics, will be making her Flash debut on the penultimate episode of season 2, airing May 17.Cassidy, who will also lend her voice to the animated Flash-Arrow spin-off Vixen as Earth-1 Laurel Lance in season 2, has already been spotted filming on the Vancouver set of The Flash on Thursday, March 31.The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8pm ET while Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8pm ET on The CW.
The Flash: Katie Cassidy to Appear as Earth-2 Black Siren
Donna Nance, who fought crime as the Black Siren, is a character from the Justice League animated series. She was based on the Golden Age Laurel Lance of DC comics, and existed in a virtual-reality city on a parallel Earth. This makes her the perfect inspiration for The Flash's Earth-2 character, though it's a strong possibility this Black Siren may exhibit a darker side, like many of the doppelgangers we've seen so far.Though Team Flash worked together with Earth-2's Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) to close the rifts between their worlds, it's been clear from recent episodes that Barry won't rest until Zoom has been defeated. Now that he's traveled back in time to find a way to increase his speed, the next step is getting back to that alternate Earth. The two speedsters face off in the next episode, airing April 19. Black Siren won't appear until episode 22 on May 17, so it's not clear yet what state Earth-2 will be in when we meet up with Laurel's alter ego.There's also been some speculation that Cassidy's appearance on The Flash confirms that her Black Canary character will be the victim in that graveyard scene Arrow teased with its very first episode this season. While it's possible Laurel could meet her end on Arrow, guest-starring for one episode of The Flash isn't an obvious indicator, despite Cavanagh and Amell's post-character death appearances on Earth-2. Plenty of characters with doppelgangers are still alive and well on both worlds, so we'll have to wait a little longer to find out the fate of both Laurels.Arrow continues Wednesday with 'Eleven-Fifty-Nine' at 8pm on The CW. The Flash returns with 'Versus Zoom' on Tuesday, April 19 at 9pm.

'The Flash' Season 2 Spoilers: Cisco Vibes The Breach Open, Zoom's Origin Revealed
Cisco will be doing some vibing in "Versus Zoom." Set photos show him reaching the palm of his hand forward using his power. We've been patiently waiting for Cisco to harness his abilities since we know what he's capable of after meeting his evil doppleganger, Reverb. The "Versus Zoom" synopsis below (via ComicBookResources) reveals Harrison Wells will help Cisco (aka Vibe) learn how to open the breach."Equipped with the tachyon device, Barry believes he is fast enough to stop Zoom and wants to open the breaches to catch him. Harry strongly advises against that plan but after Barry convinces him, Harry reveals that Cisco has the power to re-open the breach. Meanwhile, Hunter Zolomon's painful story on Earth-2 is revealed."Caitlin confirms Zoom's real name is Hunter Zolomon. Earth-2 Jay Garrick's doppleganger on Earth-1 calls himself Hunter Zolomon, who was originally thought to just be some normal guy. Turns out, he got his speedster abilities from some kind of shock therapy gone wrong. Harry finds out Zolomon's actually a convicted serial killer and the trailer shows he'll be stopping by STAR Labs once Cisco opens the breach. Now that Barry has Eobard Thawne's speed equation, Barry sounds pretty confident he can finally keep up with Zoom. However, there may be more to Zoom's powers. In the trailer, Zoom's eyes go completely black as he tells Barry, "You can't lock up the darkness."Barry may have some unexpected help from an Arrow character on Earth-2. A video leak shows Katie Cassidy's Black Canary on The Flash . TV Line reports the Earth-2 version of Laurel Lance takes on the name Black Siren later this season. The video suggests she's a villain, but who knows, Barry may be able to convince her to help him by telling her about the future of Star City. Arrow fans will be particularly excited about this crossover if recent death rumors prove to be true.
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News broke earlier this week that "Arrow" star Katie Cassidy will guest star on an upcoming episode of "The Flash." But Cassidy won't be playing the Laurel Lance that "Arrow" viewers have come to know over four seasons; instead, she'll be playing the Earth-2 version of the character, who goes by the name Black Siren as opposed to Black Canary. Footage of Cassidy filming on "Flash's" Vancouver set has made its way online, and it shows off the actress's complete Black Siren look.In the comics, Black Siren was the Golden Age version of the Black Canary. Her name was Dinah Drake, and was the mother of the Black Canary, Dinah Laurel Lance. Not much is known about how Black Siren will end up on "The Flash's" Earth-1 or if she'll be friend or foe -- although it does look like Cassidy has a bit of a super villain's swagger in the footage.
Throughout "The Flash's" second season, Barry Allen has encountered more than his fair share of doppelgangers thanks to the breach between parallel universes he inadvertently created in the season one finale. However, on one of his trips through the multiverse, he encountered someone he'd never seen before: Supergirl. Now that Supergirl and the Flash have teamed up, fans are wondering if we'll see Earth-1's version of Supergirl any time soon. According to executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, there's potential for it."Any Kara that exists on Earth-1 would also have to have been an alien," Kreisberg explained to Entertainment Weekly. "It can't just be Kara Danvers from Poughkeepsie."When asked if that means there's potential for a Supergirl on Flash's Earth, he said, "Sure. Different costume, but sure."
In "Versus Zoom," another character will learn Barry's secret. Several spoilery new photos from the next episode of "The Flash" show Wally West looking an unmasked Barry Allen straight in the eye. The unfortunate Wally, who hangs perilously in Zoom's clutches, appears quite surprised to see Barry and Iris on the other side of Zoom's wrath.BARRY IS READY TO FACE ZOOM; HUNTER ZOLOMAN'S STORY IS REVEALED – Equipped with the tachyon device, Barry (Grant Gustin) believes he is fast enough to stop Zoom (guest star Teddy Sears) and wants to open the breaches to catch him. Harry (Tom Cavanagh) strongly advises against that plan but after Barry convinces him, Harry reveals that Cisco (Carlos Valdes) has the power to re-open the breach. Meanwhile, Hunter Zoloman's (Teddy Sears) painful story on Earth-2 is revealed. Stefan Pleszcynski directed the episode written by Joe Peracchio & David Kob (#218).
Robbie Amell Wants to Play Firestorm Again on The Flash
Over the last few years, Robbie Amell has played a string of different characters ranging from the teleporting protagonist on the short-lived CW television series The Tomorrow People to the jock with a heart of gold in The DUFF to Agent Mulder's conspiracy-loving doppelgänger in The X-Files revival. But perhaps the role he's most associated with is that of Ronnie Raymond, one half of the nuclear-powered hero Firestorm, who was last seen on The Flash.Although Ronnie met his end helping to close the wormhole over Central City in the season 1 finale, Amell was brought back in season 2 as his deceased character's interdimensional counterpart Deathstorm, during the two-part Earth-2 storyline that unfolded earlier this year. The experience gave Amell a chance to step back into a familiar role (with an attitude adjustment, of course) and to once again work side-by-side with Danielle Panabaker, who joined Amell on the dark side in her depiction of Earth-2 Caitlin Snow as the villainous Killer Frost. That Bonnie and Clyde-like duo was just the tip of the iceberg it seems, as the seemingly limitless possibilities of the DC Multiverse being teased throughout The Flash season 2 present a very real possibility of Amell returning to the role in some capacity – a possibility the actor would very much welcome.While speaking at Emerald City Comic Con 2016, along with Panabaker and Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West), Amell turned Ronnie's all-too-common penchant for dying into a running joke, but assured those in attendance that he's ready to play Ronnie again, just as soon as executive producer Greg Berlanti asks him.In answering a question as to whether or not he'll be flinging flames at evildoers in the near future, Amell had this to say:
'The Flash' Season 2 Spoilers: Who Is The Man In The Iron Mask?
Other fan guesses include Henry Allen, or Eddie Thawne. It's hard to believe Barry's father just up and left Central City after he was released from jail simply to let Barry focus on superheroing with the West family, so something fishy could be going on. Eddie's death pretty much saved the world, erasing modern-day Eobard Thawne from ever existing. We didn't get any confirmation about what happened to his remains after he was sucked into the wormhole, so maybe they left his death open-ended for a reason.Showrunner Andrew Kreisberg revealed during an interview with TV Line in February that we'll get more clues before the finale episode, where the iron masked man's identity is revealed. "The mystery of the Man in the Iron Mask will play out over the rest of the season with some clues being layered in along the way," Kreisberg said. "I don't think you can assume anything that Jay has said to the team or the audience is the full truth. It is a version of the truth," the producer added.There has to be some clues coming along with the next episode, "Versus Zoom," where we will learn more about Zoom and Hunter Zolomon's origins. It's been made clear Barry and Cisco will travel back to Earth-2, and Cisco will learn more about his own powers, which could help Barry discover details about Zoom and the man behind the mask.Teddy Sears also gave some insight into how there's more to Zoom's story than just wanting Barry's speed. He reveals Hunter Zolomon's past is similar to Barry's when he was a child."What begins to happen, too, is something that you've alluded to that perhaps, like a truth sociopath would, Hunter would begin to enjoy the game; the game that one can play with another human being. If you're in a sociopathic state, that's one thing that you get a great kick out of; the hunt, the game, the chase. The seeds are planted for that when he gets there. It's a two-hander, but we will get into the specifics of that as the rest of the season unfolds," Sears adds.
"The Flash's" Earth-2 problems will continue into next month, as a new synopsis for an upcoming episode of the CW series reveals. Not only will Zoom (Teddy Sears) find a way back to Earth-1, thus putting Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) in a dangerous predicament, but Cisco (Carlos Valdes) will get a glimpse of his brother Dante's (Nicholas Gonzalez) evil Earth-2 counterpart.In the comics, Rupture is the villainous codename used by Cisco's other brother Armando. This isn't the first time that the Ramon brothers have shared codenames upon making the jump from the page to the screen; in an earlier episode of the series, Cisco's evil Earth-2 counterpart went by the codename Reverb, which is the other codename used by Armando Ramon in the comics.The "Rupture" synopsis also reveals that John Wesley Shipp's Henry Allen will return to give Barry advice on how to handle his supervillain problem. "Rupture" airs on the CW at 8 PM on May 3rd.
The Flash flashback: Who Teddy Sears thought was Zoom
Even though Sears was told about Jay's true intentions ahead of production on season 2, the producers didn't tip their hand in the scripts for so long that even he thought the plans might have changed. "I really thought maybe they changed their minds, maybe they were going to go get someone else to play Zoom," Sears recently told EW. "I was hoping against hope, because I was really enjoying being Jay Garrick. I had grown quite attached to him. But then in the episode where Caitlin and I are in the park and I point out my doppelgänger Hunter Zolomon, as soon as I read that, I thought we're going to follow-through on this plan."Tuesday's episode of The Flash will finally unveil how Hunter Zolomon became the villain known as Zoom. Read more from Sears on that here.
The Flash 'Versus Zoom'...Zoom's past is revealed as he comes for The Flash's speed, proving how both he and Barry are alike yet completely different
Barry promises him that won't happen because he has friends, a full family, that he can rely on, which is something Reverb didn't have. Barry could easily have let all his new powers go to his head, but the support of those around him who helped him grow into a caring person prevented him from taking the path that Zoom or Reverb did.So Cisco agrees to do it again, but before they do, a bit of previously siloed information leaks to the whole group. As Barry comforts Caitlin over seeing Jay/Hunter again, she says there was no Jay on their Earth, and instead there was Hunter. That name piques Harry's interest, who fills the group in on Hunter.On Earth Two, Zolomon was a serial killer (rare for that Earth), an infamous murderer convicted on 23 counts. He was locked up in an asylum (The Earth Two version of that abandoned hospital) where the attendants locked him up in some serious Hannibal Lecter-like gear and forced Hunter to undergo electroshock therapy. He naturally was in the midst of some shocks when the particle accelerator went off on that Earth, giving him the speed powers he used to the horrifying extents the group knows well.NEXT: Zoom demands a trade.

'The Flash' Just Made The Dumbest Mistake In 'Versus Zoom'
Anyways, you have Zoom on one end and Team Flash on the other. Barry has gotten faster and faster thanks to Harrison Wells—fast enough now to keep up with Zoom, though he underestimated the extent of Zoom's power. But if Barry gives up his speed to Zoom, he will have no powers whatsoever. Nobody else on Team Flash will have the ability to stop Zoom at this point. Not Cisco and his vibing, not Wells and his fancy guns.In other words: If Barry gives up his power to Zoom, then Zoom will be the only one with powers left standing.This seems like a very, very bad trade even for Wally. Zoom could simply take the speed and then kill each and every one of them in the span of a few heartbeats. Instead, he nearly kills Barry and then makes off with Caitlyn. Because of course he does.This was really, really stupid on Barry's part. They didn't even come up with a trick or an ambush. They didn't double-cross Hunter Zolomon when they had the chance. I'm honestly a little baffled still that this is actually how things played out.Meanwhile, once Zoom did show up and hand over Wally, why didn't Barry just double-cross him first? His sense of honor? Give me a break! Now Caitlyn has been taken off to Zoom's creepy dungeon for lord knows what kind of awful sadism and Barry can't even get her back.
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The Flash Creator's Response To Fans Angered By Latest Episode
For every episode of comic book-based television there will be some audience members who welcome changes to the established canon with open arms, and some who become pissed as hell that TV producers would dare to mess with an aspect of a comic book classic. Such is the case with the most recent episode of CW's The Flash. Well, show creator Greg Berlanti has heard your cries and he has an answer for you: Notice how Greg Berlanti mentions that his version of Jay Garrick is "no reinvention" and we should "keep watching." This sounds a lot like there are some more Earth-1/Earth-2 shenanigans ahead that may give us an official, real, good guy version of Jay Garrick. Who knows, maybe that's who's in the mask in the cell in Zoom's lair. Hopefully it won't be long before we get the answer to that question. The Flash airs Tuesdays on The CW.

Flash Showrunner Says They'd Never Make Jay Garrick A Villain
Throughout its first two seasons The Flash has dealt with a handful of speedsters, all adapted from the DC Comics on which the entire show is based. Season 1 introduced Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) as The Flash as well as Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher) as the Reverse-Flash. Meanwhile, season 2 saw the addition of Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) and Zoom as major players on the show, which also featured comic book speedster Trajectory (Allison Paige) in a one-off episode.However, in the back half of season 2, The Flash has unveiled the man behind the mask of Zoom to be "Hunter Zolomon a.k.a. Jay Garrick" and the most recent episode, 'Versus Zoom,' seemed to indicate that Jay Garrick was an identity either created or used by Hunter to escape his past as a serial killer. Some fans of the DC Comics, including veteran comic writer Mark Waid, took issue with the handling of Jay Garrick's legacy as the first Flash, prompting The Flash showrunner Greg Berlanti to respond.On Twitter [h/t], Berlanti urged fans to keep watching the series as the mystery of Zoom, Hunter, and Jay unfolds in the second season:
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The Biggest Problem With The Flash's Zoom
As viewers of The Flash, we're asked to suspend our disbelief for plenty of reasons, from Cisco having just the right gadget for any situation to the existence of time wraiths, but it's always easy to do when the show uses these logical leaps to drive the plot forward or add wrinkles to the already troublesome tasks that Team Flash take on. However, I don't think I can go on watching this show believing that Harrison Wells is the super-genius that everyone else champions him as, now that we know he's not smart enough to realize he's been hanging out with one of the most notorious (and podcast-worthy) killers his world had ever seen. And the same goes for the intelligence of anyone on Earth-2. Bunch of non-attentive bozos. The fact that "Versus Zoom" didn't mention the crossover with Supergirl was also a bummer, and we're also wondering why Hunter didn't just kill everyone in S.T.A.R. Labs after he was injected with Barry's speed, or why he didn't initially spend more time figuring out another and much less time-intensive method of extracting Barry's speed. And other things. But I digress, because even after all that mess with time remnants and orphanages, I'm still very damned interested to see how The Flash and Zoom's season-long battle will come to an end, and how it will change both of the worlds we've seen. Plus, it's possible some or all of the previously established problems will get reconciled in some way, which would be pretty fantastic. That said, all this Zoom business has me no longer quite as excited to see how the Man in the Iron Mask mystery is explained. But I'll be watching anyway. And you can, too, when The Flash airs on The CW every Tuesday night.

Girder is back in Central City, and this time there's no Flash to stop him. The CW has released the plot synopsis for "The Runaway Dinosaur," the Kevin Smith-directed episode of "The Flash," which finds Greg Finley reprising his role as Barry's high school bully."It may be my favorite thing I've ever directed," Smith said of the episode in an earlier interview. "I think this is hands-down the best directing job I've ever done. Just directing, like, I feel good and I've gotten some nice praise from upstairs. Sounds like I will be able to go back."

The Flash May Feature These 5 Supporting Characters
While The Flash TV series continues on The CW, the DC Extended Universe is making strides towards seeing up their own version of the Scarlet Speedster. Moviegoers got their first taste of Ezra Miller's Barry Allen in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and he'll team up with his fellow DC heroes in Justice League: Part One next year. Following that, he'll lead his own movie, and now we may know who will make up his supporting cast. With casting reportedly underway on The Flash, Heroic Hollywood has apparently obtained a breakdown of the information that's been sent to talent agencies regarding the five main supporting roles. It remains to be confirmed whether these characters will actually appear in the movie or if this breakdown refers simply to "types," but given Flash's mythology, seeing these folks appear wouldn't be the least bit surprising.
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"The Flash's" roster of speedsters keeps growing, and while Earth-2 refugee Jesse Chambers has yet to display her of fleet-footedness onscreen, fans of the character's comic book incarnation know it's just a matter of time before Jesse Quick is racing through the streets of Central City.In the comics, Jesse's father is yet another speedster, Johnny Quick, a hero who's footsteps she races in after learning his secret equation that allows them both to tap into the Speed Force. And while actress Violett Beane's Jesse is the daughter of Earth-2's Harrison Wells, considering her father is the inventor of Velocity-9, a drug granting its user super speed, it's no wonder fans are asking when Beane will don a superhero suit rather than if she will.Ahead of tonight's episode, Beane spoke with CBR about the reasons for Jesse's return to Central City, whether she knows of the identity of Jesse's mother, and why she's excited at the prospect of getting her own supersuit in the near future..

The Flash's Last Few Episodes of Season 2 Will Blow Your Mind
Honestly, if you're a fan of The Flash you're probably prepared to have your mind blown every week, but rest assured that the last few episodes of season two will not disappoint.Tuesday's episode, "Back to Normal," sees Barry fight his first metahuman since losing his speed (ya know, when Hunter Zolomon made him give up his speed force in exchange for Wally's life, and then kidnapped Caitlin instead).Showrunner Andrew Kreisberg describes the hour as a bit of a breather before things get REALLY crazy. "Barry and the team are dealing with the fact that Barry doesn't have his powers anymore," he explains.Kreisberg adds, "We've been at such a breakneck pace—I know the TV scheduling put a couple of arbitrary stops in there, but if you think about it, going from the Earth-2 saga to King Shark to the 'Trajectory' episode to the flashback episode to last week and all the revelations and Barry losing his speed, we've been pedal to the metal at a breakneck pace. This episode where Barry loses his powers was literally designed to slow everything down and let everybody catch their breath before the next four episodes."Of course, everything that follows is going to be insane. Duh. Just another Tuesday!One reveal is going to be particularly astonishing: the identity of the man in the iron mask trapped in Zoom's lair. Kreisberg won't actually tease anything about said revelation, only that "the answer is going to blow your minds. Honestly, the two things I am probably most proud of this season are Harry and the identity of the man in the mask."Got any theories?
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8 Intriguing Theories About The Man In The Iron Mask's Identity In The Flash
Introduced in the fourteenth episode of The Flash's second season, the identity of the Man in the Iron Mask has had everyone talking ever since. There are almost countless theories out there as to who it can be, but who are the most likely candidates? Well, there are a long list of possibilities, and not even the cast of the sehow knew his identity until they started shooting the finale.Teddy Sears (who plays Zoom in The CW series) recently promised that the reveal will be "very satisfying for the viewers," and expectations are now sky high for his unmasking to be a huge and shocking moment.So, with that in mind, we've sifted through all the clues and theories to come up with the eight most likely candidates for who he could be. When it comes to great twists and turns, The Flash always delivers, so chances are that whoever's beneath that mysterious mask is going to be a big name, and you can bet your life that it will end up being one of this lot…
The Flash: Tom Cavanagh Teases 'Crazy' Season 2 Finale
The Flash season 2 finale is coming up fast, which is more than can be said for Barry (Grant Gustin), who's been forced to fight evil metahumans without his speed. Though the team has been working diligently to keep their former speedster in the hero business, even enlisting some genius biochemistry help from Harry's daughter Jesse (Violett Beane), it's clear that Central City is in serious danger without The Flash.Season 2 episode 19, "Back to Normal", revealed Zoom's plan to return with Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) to Earth-1. In a prime example of "be careful what you wish for," Ms. Snow's desire to go back home has inspired Hunter (Teddy Sears) to conquer other Earths the way he's triumphed over his own. While some creative solutions can help hold off the average metahuman threat, Team Flash is going to have to make some bold choices in order to defeat their most powerful and violently ambitious enemy by the time the season 2 finale is done.In an interview on DC All Access, which you can watch below, actor Tom Cavanagh discusses upcoming season 2 episodes of The Flash, which includes his character Wells building to a second particle accelerator as part of the plan to take out Zoom. It's a seeming necessity to get Barry his speed back, but Cavanagh stresses the one big problem that all viewers will be thinking: that "the first one blowed up." Considering how far-reaching the fallout from the initial particle accelerator explosion has been, there's no understating the incredible risk Barry's taking with both himself and the rest of the world.

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