The Flash News and Links

A candid set photo posted to Imgur seems to have revealed the identity of the villain that may urge Supergirl to team up with the Flash. The CW's Scarlet Speedster will make a guest appearance on CBS' "Supergirl" in March, and when he does, he might go up against Silver Banshee.
The photo shows Grant Gustin in the foreground, casually rocking his Flash pants; part of Melissa Benoist can be seen in her Supergirl suit behind Gustin, as she crouches down to greet a young fan. And even further in the background sits... Silver Banshee. The villain's unmistakable appearance can be seen in the background, relaxing in a chair on set. Silver Banshee's appearance on "Supergirl" has been coming for a while; Italia Ricci was cast as the villain in December and the actress appears -- in human form -- in the promo photos for "Supergirl's" February 22 episode.The official character description from December reads: "Italia Ricci is joining the cast of Supergirl as Siobhan Smythe, Cat Grant's latest hire who at first becomes a work nemesis for Kara. But she later proves a more deadly foe for Supergirl when she takes on the mantle of DC Comics villain, Silver Banshee

Barry Allen may be the fastest man alive, but Zoom is far more deadly and, somehow, seems more than capable of outrunning The Flash whenever he wants.Now, the downright frightening speedster takes center stage in a new poster that asks, "Can the forces of good triumph over an evil so dark?" The image was released by The CW ahead of tonight's episode, the second half of the show's Earth-2 adventure.
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The Flash:— Plus, What Was Iron Mask's Message?
But by the time Zoom arrives to hush up the prisoners (and give Barry a brutal beating), all the mystery man can get out is "JAY" — as in Garrick, Barry confirms.Meanwhile, Cisco debriefed Harry on what all went down with his evil doppelgänger and Deathstorm (both of whom Zoom killed) and Killer Frost (who had been spared). When they are interrupted by some "tough talk" from angry captive Barry-Two, they get the idea to send him to the CCPD to read in Iris on the out-of-this-world situation. With alt-Barry's help, they get a bead on where Killer Frost might be hanging, and head out to find her with the hope that she can lead them to Zoom.Frost, upon being approached, puts up a fight. But as hoped, Cisco's words about how much our Caitlin loved her Ronnie and was similarly devastated by his death eventually melt the ice queen's heart, and she agrees to take them to the Cliffs of Insanity Ascension Cliffs. There, she whips up an icy means to scale the cliff wall — which even alt-Barry in his wingtips is able to do!

The Flash and the never ending battle with self-esteem....Barry Allen is faster than he's ever been, so why does it feel like this show is standing still?
The Flash is running full bore, faster than he's ever gone before. But in the tail end of this season he still feels like he's standing still.At the very least we're clear of the Zoom plotline, at least for a few episodes.I'm intrigued by the unanswered question of the man in the iron mask, and why he's so fixated on Jay. Nevertheless, I'm just looking forward to the return of King Shark next week. Something light and silly is just what the series needs to get out of its narrative funk.

Who Is Terrorizing The Flash and Why? The Best Zoom Theories
Without question, the first half of The Flash's Earth-2 adventure was one of the very best episodes of the series, ever. But the second was pretty frustrating in that it left us with a ton of very pressing questions and pretty much zero answers. The most important being SERIOUSLY, WHO IS ZOOM?! We rounded up the best and worst (and most ridiculous) theories ahead of the holidays, but now that we know a little bit more about the alternate universe in which he resides, let's take a look at the hypotheses from last time around, and add a few more to the mix. First, the new therories: Zoom is Jay Garrick We know he's been lying to Caitlin about why he lost his speed, so he could definitely be lying ...
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The Flash: Zoom's True Identity Finally Revealed?
[WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for The Flash Season 2, Episode 14.]You have to hand it to the makers of The Flash: after spending a few weeks treading water with the audience wondering exactly when the big bad of the season, Zoom, was going to return to provide the show some momentum, his arrival didn't disappoint. It came thanks to a trip to Earth-2, in which Supergirl's place in the DC Comics TV Universe was explained, and even more DC Comics heroes were teased as possible new guest cast members. But in the latest episode, Barry Allen may have stumbled upon the biggest secret of the season: Zoom's true identity.We say "may" since the writers are clearly not going to let the cat completely out of the bag just yet. However, they also didn't waste time in revealing Harrison Wells to be the duplicitous villain of the debut season. And still had plenty of twists and surprises in store once the man in yellow was officially unveiled. So if that's the case here, then Episode 14, "Escape From Earth-2? may have spelled out the answer (literally), provided fans were paying attention… and are willing to use their imagination to connect the dots.To keep all viewers in the loop, we've laid out the plot so far, and break down exactly how the masked prisoner in Zoom's lair may have given fans all they need to solve the equation. And, of course, offer some speculation on the villain's final reveal. If true, it may be a pleasant surprise to comic book fans and viewers alike – and yet another betrayal by someone Barry thought was a trusted friend.

The CW has released a new promo for next week's episode of "The Flash," titled "King Shark" -- teasing the return of the titular cold-blooded metahuman just as Barry makes it back from Earth-2.Watch the promo, and prepare for the King Shark comeback we've been waiting for, below:
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While attempting to save Jesse, Earth-1's Barry Allen was taken captive by Zoom and imprisoned alongside her and a mysterious man in an iron mask. Unable to speak, the masked man could only tap on his glass prison. Barry eventually realized he was spelling something out using a 5x5 tap code: J-A-Y. Barry assumed he was asking about Jay Garrick, but the man appeared upset when he learned Jay was safe on Earth-1. The curious reaction poses a potentially game-changing question: Is it possible the man in the mask is the real Earth-2 Jay Garrick, and that the person helping Team Flash has been an impostor all along?Below, we present several theories based on the assumption that the man in the iron mask is some version of Jay Garrick. For the sake of our argument, we're starting from the stance that the Jay who first arrived on Earth-1 is harboring some kind of dark secret beyond losing access to the Speed Force.
"You'll see quite a bit [of Earth-2]" in upcoming episodes, Helbing told Entertainment Weekly. He also confirmed that fans will soon learn Killer Frost's fate; the report promises viewers will see her again.At the conclusion of "Escape from Earth-2," Killer Frost made a difficult decision. Though she initially sold Team Flash out to Zoom, she quickly switched allegiances after that and helped them escape by burying Zoom under a mountain of ice. This gave Team Flash just enough time to make it back to the breach between worlds.However, Killer Frost wasn't able to keep Zoom down long. Barry and Harrison Wells had a close encounter with the nefarious speedster just before they made it back to Earth-1. The episode doesn't reveal what happened to Killer Frost in the time in between. As Helbing says, though, it won't be a mystery for too much longer.
'The Flash': Figuring Out the Mystery Behind Zoom
For both seasons of The Flash, the identity of our main villain has been the driving force behind the story. In Season 1, we found out that the Reverse Flash was masquerading as Harrison Wells, having worked behind the scenes against our heroes the whole time. Now, we're back in a similar place in The Flash's story: Our heroes are up against a villain they can't defeat, and finding out his true identity is the key to bringing him down.Unlike last season, there isn't one obvious candidate for the man behind the mask. Zoom has proven himself to be equal parts elusive and terrifying, and it until recently, there were little in the way of hints as to who he could be. In "Escape from Earth-2? though, we finally had our first hint, brought to us by a prisoner of Zoom's whose head and face we see locked in a metal mask.
The reveal blows up many fan theories and adds another twist to both the identity of Zoom, the true nature of Team Flash's resident "Jay Garrick" and the reveal that Earth-1's Garrick is called Hunter Zolomon. Considering that one of Zoom's alternate identities in the comics is Hunter Zolomon, "Flash" showrunner Andrew Kreisberg told TV Line that that one clue should have tipped off audiences."What's funny is we showed that Jay's doppelganger was Hunter Zolomon, and we assumed the comic book fans would say, 'A-ha' right away. 'Jay must be Zoom,'" said Kreisberg. "But I think that, like Barry and the team, they didn't want to or just couldn't believe it."Kreisberg also discussed the man posing as Jay Garrick that has become a valued member of Team Flash over the course of season two. "I don't think you can assume anything that Jay has said to the team or the audience is the full truth. It is a version of the truth," said Kreisberg.And then there's the mystery of the man in the iron mask, the one that freaked out over hearing the name "Jay" in last week's "Escape from Earth-2" episode. What's his deal, and will he clarify or confuse matters more? "The mystery of the Man in the Iron Mask will play out over the rest of the season with some clues being layered in along the way," said Kreisberg. "When you do find out who it is, everything will make sense in a very satisfying way."
'The Flash' Poll: Who Is the Man in the Iron Mask?
The Flash dropped a big reveal last night by letting Zoom show his Jay Garrick Face (which you guys guessed), but there's still one seemingly vital character who is wearing a mask. We're talking, of course, about The Man in the Iron Mask — a.k.a. Zoom's prisoner who tapped out Jay's name to Barry and Jessie while they were sharing adjoining cells. The Man in the Iron Mask seems integral to figuring out which version of Jay Garrick Zoom is, and what fate may await Team Flash when they inevitably go back to rescue our mysterious prisoner. Who is he? This speculation is about to get complicated in only the glorious kind of way a time-traveling, multiverse-embracing superhero show could get, but here are our best guesses, which you can vote on below:
A sad-looking Flash gets some perking up with a Photoshop battle
Look, even superheroes need a break.After a hard day's work, sometimes it's nice to sit down, put your feet up and take a load off — especially when you're the world's fasted superhero, The Flash.Redditor Pietru24 shared a photo (above) of actor Grant Gustin, otherwise known as the CW's The Flash, taking a little break in costume while on set. It seems that Redditors are just not used to seeing their favorite, speedy DC Comics hero looking so sluggish.
Last week, "The Flash" unmasked Zoom, only to reveal he was Hunter Zolomon -- Jay Garrick's Earth-1 doppelganger -- all along. However, this isn't the first time Barry Allen's nemesis wore a familiar face, and -- because of that -- he isn't going to take this revelation very well."It's betrayal and disappointment in himself," Grant Gustin told Entertainment Weekly. "Because it's almost like he's been through this before, and he can't believe he let himself go through it again."In an earlier interview, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg also discussed the man posing as Jay Garrick, saying, "I don't think you can assume anything that Jay has said to the team or the audience is the full truth. It is a version of the truth."
The truth is certainly out there, if you have the proper connections. When it comes to speculating about the fates of "The X-Files'" Agent Miller and "The Flash's" Ronnie Raymond, the best person to corner for answers is Robbie Amell. The Canadian actor enjoyed stints on both TV series this season, beginning with "The Flash." As Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm, he appeared to perish while trying to cork a dimensional rift to Earth-2 in this year's Season Two premiere, "The Man Who Saved Central City." Meanwhile, on "The X-Files," Amell's Agent Miller and Scully (Gillian Anderson) were whisked away by an alien spaceship in the trippy finale to Fox's revival series.So what's next? Have both characters vanished for good?On the Toronto set of his upcoming Netflix sci-fi thriller "ARQ," Amell spoke to CBR News about filming that "X-Files" cliffhanger and whether agents Miller and Einstein (Lauren Ambrose) will be replacing Mulder and Scully in their own spinoff. In addition, the 27-year-old star talked about his love of Firestorm and when viewers can expect to see the nuclear man on "The Flash" again.
Watch The Latest Speedy Villain In New Preview
After airing six episodes in a row since mid-January, The Flash is taking a break until later this month, but fear not, The CW didn't leave fans empty-handed.Although this is her first appearance, it's clear Trajectory has had plenty of practice with super speed. We even see a quick shot of Barry trapped in one of the S.T.A.R. Labs Pipeline power-negating prison cells, and it's a good bet Trajectory was the one who put him there. Not helping matters is Cisco, who jokingly (I hope) asked Barry to get her phone number next time he sees her.In the comics, Trajectory was a minor character who was gifted super speed by Lex Luthor's Everyman Project during the 52 weekly series, only to die in battle a few issues later when Luthor took away her powers. It's still unclear whether she'll only be a guest star or recur later on in the series, but following Flash, Reverse-Flash and Zoom, it's good to see a woman with super speed on the series. Another female speedster from the comics currently on The Flash is Jesse Quick, who in this continuity is Harry Wells' daughter. Jesse doesn't have powers yet, but with Velocity-9 out there along with other means to gain powers, the opportunities are out there for her to start running quickly.
When Henry Allen bid farewell at the start of "The Flash's" second season, viewers -- and Barry Allen -- wondered when he would make his return to Central City.Now, star Grant Gustin has shared the first look as John Wesley Shipp's return with an enigmatic photo of Henry, seated in a cabin with an inscrutable look on his face. As Gustin puts it, "what the F is happening" in this photo?
The Flash And Supergirl Crossover Just Confirmed A Key Detail
According to a release from CBS, the "Worlds Finest" episode of Supergirl will see the Flash suddenly appearing from an alternate universe and agreeing to help Kara battle a few bad girls in exchange for help finding him a way to get home. Considering how Kara is usually so willing to assist those in need, her seemingly mercenary attitude toward helping Barry return to his Earth is a pretty big sign that she'll be in dire straits fighting against the combined villainy of Silver Banshee and Livewire. Of course, Barry is generally pretty helpful as well, so the two most upbeat small screen DC heroes should be a formidable and fun pair of crime-fighters.Barry and Kara coming from alternate Earths is almost certainly the best way to handle the logistics of the crossover. As exciting as the team-up of the Flash and Supergirl will undoubtedly be, the precedent of the CBS' Supergirl-verse and The CW's Flarrow-verse existing in the same universe could complicate matters for all shows involved. If Kara has a speedster on her speed dial, that could lower the stakes whenever she needs another ally with powers, and if Kara existed in Barry's universe, that means Kara would exist in the rest of the CW's superhero series as well. As much as Stephen Amell might want an Arrow/Supergirl crossover, the Emerald Archer is already unfortunately overshadowed by the metahumans during crossovers with The Flash. Considering Barry and Oliver need to remain the heroes of their own shows, the Flarrow-verse is definitely better off only occasionally connected with Supergirl.The fact that The Flash and Supergirl exist on alternate Earths isn't a huge surprise, given that the first tease of the crossover came on The Flash when Barry was racing between Earth 1 and Earth 2. Plus, the episode title. And this confirmation that the crossover is really a major special event for both shows just makes the wait for the upcoming episode feel even longer.
Supergirl/The Flash Crossover Teaser: Kara & Barry Have a Race
Although The Flash confirmed that Supergirl exists in a different universe set within the multiverse of The CW and CBS's DC Comics series, the official synopsis for the episode revealed Barry would be helping Kara take on two National City villains/ex-Cat Grant employees: Livewire (Brit Morgan) and Silver Banshee (Italia Ricci). Additionally, details revealed by the cast and crew also hinted at the quick friendship between Barry and Kara, as well as Jimmy Olsen's (Mehcad Brooks) reaction.Although the new teaser released by CBS will certainly pique the interest of casual fans of Supergirl and The Flash, it seems particularly geared at those already wholly invested in these series, and indicative of what viewers can expect from 'Worlds Finest'. Which is to say, the crossover episode may not be the most well-written or emotionally driven of Supergirl's first season, but it will provide plenty of entertainment and special moments to those viewers who are simply looking forward to seeing these two incarnations of the famous DC heroes played by Benoist and Gustin on screen together.
On March 28, worlds will collide when The CW's Flash -- Grant Gustin -- shows up from an alternate universe to team with CBS' Supergirl, Melissa Benoist. This isn't the first time the shows have crossed over, either; on the February 9 episode of "The Flash," Barry Allen glimpsed Supergirl as he ran through a breach between his universe (Earth-1) and the parallel universe of Earth-2.So we know Barry will probably run through another breach, and somehow end up on "Supergirl." But the big question no one seems to be asking is, how will this tie back in to "The Flash?" If, that is, it does at all?Viewers will find out how it all works soon enough, but in the meantime, we can speculate wildly on just how connected the crossover will be. The way I see it, there are three distinct possibilities.
Barry's time traveling comes back to haunt him in next week's episode of "The Flash," when a ghostly time wraith follows him from the present to the past, threatening all reality.Eddie Thawne, the Pied Piper and what appears to be the original Eobard Thawne incarnation of Harrison Wells are all featured in the promo for "Flashback."
'The Flash' Is So Much Better Than 'Arrow' It's Not Even Funny Anymore...Spoilers for 'Arrow' and 'The Flash' follow.
Frankly, I don't know what the future holds for Arrow. It can't keep this up, though. They need fresh ideas in the writer's room, and they need to stop bowing to the whims and desires of a niche group of fans that cares way more about Oliver and Felicity soap opera drama than about making a great comic book TV show adaptation. That's what The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow do so well. They capture what it means to be a comic book—the action, the drama, the suspense, and the humor. Arrow just doesn't feel all that comic book these days, but it should. It should be the somewhat darker, grittier counterpart to its two younger siblings.Oliver should never have dated his band-mates, because now things are just awkward. Now other than Thea, the entire female wing of Team Arrow is Oliver's ex-lovers. That's a barrel of fun if ever there was one.I'm honestly not even sure what to suggest at this point. Arrow needs a lot of work. It doesn't just need to pare back the relationship drama, it needs to figure out what kind of show it wants to be. That includes coming up with villains that want to do more than simply destroy Star City. It means creating dramatic tension that stems from something other than people lying to one another or holding long grudges. What does Arrow want to be?I want it to be a superhero vigilante show. I don't mind if it's also about people and their lives and loves and regrets and all the rest. But it's lost sight of itself in the process. It's time for a major change.
The Flash To Appear in Gotham
It's hard to believe just how much the DC TV empire has grown since Arrow debuted on The CW in 2012. There now two spinoff shows on the network that are set in the same universe – The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. Furthermore, crossover episodes with DC Comics-based shows on other networks have confirmed that Arrow takes place in the same world as NBC's short-lived supernatural series Constantine, and that the Arrowverse is part of a multiverse that includes CBS' Supergirl.That latter bit of canon was confirmed by this week's appearance of the Flash (Grant Gustin) in the Supergirl episode 'World's Finest'. The Fastest Man Alive accidentally jumped through a portal into Supergirl's world, and in doing so established a precedent for bringing TV's further-flung DC shows into the Arrowverse fold. And if the ratings spike that Supergirl enjoyed is anything to go by, this is an experiment worth repeating.

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