'Heroes Reborn' Actor Marco Grazzini joins 'The Flash' as Tar-Pit https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/heroes-reborn-actor-marco-grazzini-222500389.html
The Flash's Carlos Valdes is heading to Legends of Tomorrow http://www.ew.com/article/2015/12/02/legends-tomorrow-flash-carlos-valdes-cisco
The Flash Fall Finale First Look: Why Is Iris in Tears? Plus: Wally West's Debut! https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/flash-fall-finale-first-look-214315741.html
"Heroes Reborn" actor Marco Grazzini will join the spring season of "The Flash" as an asphalt-transforming metahuman named Tar Pit.In the comics, Tar Pit is an astral projecting villain who can turn himself into asphalt and flames. In the show his character name will be Joey Montelone, who will try to gain a tactical advantage over Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin). Tar Pit will be terrorizing The Flash and Central City in the latter half of the season, according to Comicbook.com.
The Flash's Carlos Valdes is heading to Legends of Tomorrow http://www.ew.com/article/2015/12/02/legends-tomorrow-flash-carlos-valdes-cisco
This week's epic Arrow-Flash crossover won't be the only time you'll see these worlds collide this season.EW has learned exclusively that Carlos Valdes is slated to appear on the upcoming midseason spin-off DC's Legends of Tomorrow.Details on what his Flash character, Cisco Ramon, will be doing on Legends are being kept under wraps, but there are a few things we can infer based on what Valdes told EW on the Vancouver set: "I did get to do an interesting take on this character on Legends of Tomorrow," he says. This could mean that we'll be seeing a much younger or much older version of Cisco.
The Flash Fall Finale First Look: Why Is Iris in Tears? Plus: Wally West's Debut! https://www.yahoo.com/tv/s/flash-fall-finale-first-look-214315741.html
Christmas promises to be a difficult time for The Flash, what with Barry's girlfriend Patty getting closer to his secret speedster identity and a trio of troublemaker Rogues causing havoc.But it's Iris who's crying in these new photos from the Dec. 8 fall finale, which also feature Keiynan Lonsdale's debut as Wally West. Has her new secret brother upset her? Or could it be something Barry said during a heart-to-heart? (He does have a knack for eliciting waterworks.)
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