The Flash News and Links

The Flash: 12 Ways Season 2 Can Be Better than the First
The CW network's ever-expanding DC shared universe took off in a big way last year, with the premiere of the Arrow spin-off series, The Flash. Centered around the origin story of future Justice Leaguer Barry Allen, the series averaged over 6 million viewers per episode in its first season, a major improvement over the average viewership of its predecessor (Arrow has averaged just under 3.5 million per episode in its first three seasons). The series was a hit with critics as well, registering a whopping 96% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.The show was buoyed by breakout performances from young star Grant Gustin, emerging talent in Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon), and Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne), veteran of the stage and screen. The inaugural season of The Flash has set the bar incredibly high for season two.But for the fastest man alive (in the DC universe anyway), the sky very well may be the limit. Here are 12 Ways Season 2 Can Be Better than the First.A word of warning: MASSIVE SPOILERS lie ahead for season one.
Things move fast in the world of "The Flash," which may explain why The CW has released nine new images from the second episode of the show's second season four days before the season premiere is scheduled to air. Taking its name from the famous "Flash of Two Worlds" comics story by Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino, the episode looks to feature a lot of Teddy Sears as Jay Garrick, the original Flash in DC Comics history, appropriately echoing that 1961 tale. Plus, there's a look at Kett Turton as Eddie Slick, a character better known as Firestorm villain Sand Demon.
The Flash Is Adding A Firestorm Villain
When The Flash returns for Season 2 next week, we already know that things are going to get pretty insane, what with all the Earth 2 business and the big baddie Zoom aiming to terrorize everyone. And it looks like another villain is making his way to Central City, as you can see in the image below, which features Jay Garrick talking to Eddie Slick, better known to comic fans as Firestorm's foe Sand Demon. While one might think that this character would have been revealed ahead of time, the only reason we know about him is because The CW put out the image, which comes from Episode 2, called "Flash of Two Worlds." It points out that Kingdom Hospital's Kett Turton will be playing Eddie Slick, and the actor's IMDb page says that he's playing both Slick and the metahuman alter ego Sand Demon. There's not a lot to infer from the picture, but it seems like we'll be meeting Slick before he turns into the sand-morphing antagonist. He looks like he's trying to appeal to the good side of Garrick, who is a Flash from Earth 2, but Garrick's stone-faced demeanor doesn't make him out to be the most understanding guy. We can only guess as to how Slick will enter into the lives of Barry and the rest of the S.T.A.R. Labs team.
The Flash Season 2: New Stills Offer Clear Look at Jay Garrick
When The Flash returns to the CW this fall we will see a new team dynamic that is much changed from what we became accustomed to during Season 1. Still reeling from the battle with Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), the death of Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), and defeating the black hole that opened up over the city, Barry Allen will also have to fight new enemies from the multiple alternate universes that the show will be exploring in greater detail.In fact, Season 2 will bring a host of new characters – some from their own universe and some not – with their own mysterious intentions. We can now reveal more information about two of the newcomers who will be mixing things up in Central City.The CW has released new images from the second episode of The Flash Season 2 titled "The Flash Of Two Worlds" that give us a closer look at the speedster from another universe, Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) as well as Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten), a new detective working with Joe (Jesse L. Martin) on the meta-human task force.The images show Garrick clad in a scarlet red jacket with a lightning blot symbol down the middle and his signature winged hat – which was spotted emerging from the black hole at the end of Season 1 – facing off against someone in a mysterious warehouse. We can see Detective Spivot at that same warehouse and in some degree of trouble. Allen is there as The Flash, speaking with her while she is tied to a chair.
'The Flash' Boldly Races Into Second Season, Braving New Threats
"The Flash" certainly lived up to its name in season one, racing through story and major plot points, from divulging the title character's secret identity to key supporting players to killing off others. By the end of the season, with time traveling and vortexes and the preternaturally intelligent Gorilla Grodd (oh my!), the show had embraced its origins in a way that was perhaps more inherently comic book-y than any primetime series preceding it, and managed to become a major hit by CW standards. If the season-two premiere is any guide, for comic geeks, it looks like full speed ahead.Fans might recall that season one ended with a rather chaotic cliffhanger. Wisely, the producers actually leap past the resolution of that to open the show in its Oct. 6 return, partly hitting the reset button. Yes, they do go back and reassure the audience by explaining how the world was spared, not without consequences, but the less time spent on that giant sucking vortex, the better.For the Flash, a.k.a. Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), last season's revelations came at a cost, both personally and in terms of the way he approaches the superhero biz. Having pursued what amounted to an "It takes a village" mentality – with a whole lot of people helping him and in on his secret – he's newly determined to go it alone, hoping to spare those close to him from being put in harm's way.
The Flash season 2 clip of 'The Man Who Saved Central City'
The CW has relesed a new clip from The Flash, and we can see that one of the more popular storylines from the comics is coming to TV. Flash Day, or Central City's day of celebrating The Flash, has always been a reoccurring subject in the comics and animated shows. Now it's going to be on the live-action show.As you can expect, someone is always trying to ruin the celebration for Barry Allen as he has just saved Central City from the singularity, and this time it's the Atom Smasher. Although you can't see him, we know from other trailers for season 2 that he will be in it. With the ending of the clip, you can only expect someone with the power to throw a large cart would be none other than the Atom Smasher.
The Flash | The Man Who Saved Central City Clip | The CW ......
Exclusive clip: A Flash/Firestorm teamup
The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Firestorm (Robbie Amell) team up to take on Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and Heatwave (Dominic Purcell) in an exclusive clip from the season premiere of The CW's "The Flash." The CW <object id="flashObj" width="640" height="390" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,47,0"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><param name="flashVars" value="videoId=4533118837001&playerID=2207682275001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAABvaL8JE~,ufBHq_I6Fnwgpz2JFHz_Jerf-MHxK_Ad&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" /><param name="base" value="" /><param name="seamlesstabbing" value="false" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="swLiveConnect" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=4533118837001&playerID=2207682275001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAABvaL8JE~,ufBHq_I6Fnwgpz2JFHz_Jerf-MHxK_Ad&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" base="" name="flashObj" width="640" height="390" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" swLiveConnect="true" allowScriptAccess="always" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
10 Jay Garrick Facts That Flash Fans Need to Know
After the first season of The Flash ended with a bang (literally… sorry, Eddie), The CW wasted no time in throwing fans headlong into the show's second season. However, they didn't need to wait long to find out that Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) wouldn't be lost to the singularity over Central City for long – and that the phenomenon would welcome yet another DC Comics super speedster to the show's cast.Since then, The Flash season 2 addition Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) has been marketed as the version of the hero that most comic fans already know. For those who aren't up to date and/or haven't done their homework on the first man to call himself "The Flash" – allow us to cover the basics.
'The Flash,' The Most Challenging DC Film, Gets First-Time Director With History Of Writing Flops
It is not Seth Grahame-Smith's fault that he has been hired by Warner Bros. /Time Warner TWX +0.00% to write and direct The Flash even though he has zero theatrical directorial experience. We all know how this song goes, with a relatively inexperienced white male filmmaker being handed a major franchise while female filmmakers and minority filmmakers with quantifiable resumes sit on the sidelines and wait for their bite at the apple. Yet if there is blame, it belongs to those who made the hire not the person who accepted the job. And with the season premiere of The Flash again about to show the world that DC Comics already has a practically perfect live-action incarnation of The Flash, it is ever more interesting that Warner Bros. has entrusted their trickiest property (because there is already a terrific version in existence that supplies everything you'd want in a Flash adaptation) to yet another mostly unproven, white male filmmaker with almost no quantifiable credits to his name. I hope he pulls it off.What's odd this time that the writer/director of The Flash has barely directed anything and has written two major features that were rejected by audiences. In this case, his experience argues against him getting a job writing and directing a big-budget film version of The Flash. It is of course our hope as fans of DC Comics and The Flash that he will do a decent job and produce a solid film alongside whatever David Ayers, James Wan, and Patty Jenkins have up their sleeves. But what stands out about this pick, especially right after Walt Disney DIS +0.00%/Marvel picked Taiki Waititi to helm Thor: Ragnarok, is that Mr. Grahame-Smith hasn't even been terribly successful at the things he is known for in the industry.
'The Flash': Everything We Know About Season 2
The Flash is going even bigger in season two. As the second season premiere on October 6 approaches, the stars and producers of the hit CW series have started dropping new hints about what fans can expect – including more details on the arrival of new bad guys, the introduction of more speedsters, and a new love interest for Barry Allen (played by Grant Gustin). Here's everything we know about The Flash season two so far (warning: some season one spoilers ahead!):
The Flash Season 2 Just Kicked Off With A Huge Shocker
Major spoilers for The Flash Season 2 below. Fans have waited all summer for The Flash to premiere, and while there might be some people out there who disagree, I think it was absolutely worth the wait. A large part of that had to do with answering the episode's question "Who really saved Central City?" if it wasn't The Flash. Turns out it was Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein's Firestorm that actually did what was needed inside of the singularity. But the sacrifice was just a bit too overwhelming, and Ronnie didn't make it out alive. Wait, seriously? Ronnie's dead? Caitlin, who spent part of their relationship thinking he was already dead, was made to grow accustomed to having him around again only to become a widow not long after they got married? That's cold, The Flash. Not that we weren't expecting this to happen at some point during Season 2. After all, actor Robbie Amell wasn't ever announced to be a star player in the upcoming spinoff Legends of Tomorrow, even though Victor Garber's Martin Stein and Firestorm are big parts of that show. Plus, we've already been introduced to the new Firestorm half, Jay Jackson, who will be played by Franz Drameh. So unless there was some way for Ronnie to detach himself from the Firestorm powers, we figured he was probably always going to meet his maker in Season 2.
'The Flash': EP On Premiere Twist
"The Flash" came back strong in its Season 2 premiere on Tuesday night, which featured a number of big twists.(Spoiler Alert: This story contains major plot details from the premiere episode, "The Man Who Saved Central City." Watch the episode before reading this story!)Team Flash hasn't just lost Eddie Thawne. As The Flash (Grant Gustin) ran as fast as possible to contain the singularity that opened up in the skies above Central City (an event that began in the Season 1 finale), Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) and Professor Stein (Victor Garber) combined into Firestorm during the Season 2 premiere. As Firestorm, they flew straight into the eye of the storm, where they separated and closed the fissure. But only the professor returned home."The Flash" Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg spoke with Access Hollywood about Robbie Amell and the season premiere twist involving the actor's character, Ronnie.
A short promo from Canada's CTV offers fans of "The Flash" their best look at Season 2's big bad guy to date.Not only do we see Zoom, blurry, but undeniably more horrific and frightening than last season's super speedster bad guy, we get our first example of how the villain, voiced by Tony Todd, sounds as he tells Eddie Slick (dubbed Sand Demon by Prof. Stein), "You wanna go home? Kill the Flash."Next week's episode also features the Flash of Earth-2, Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), as the alternate universe's hero helps Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) prepare for Zoom's threat by developing new applications for his speed-based powers.The episode, "The Flash of Two Worlds," airs Tuesday night at 8 p.m. on The CW.
THE FLASH - Zoom Speaks in Flash of Two Worlds Promo (2015) DC Comics Superhero HD....

3 Big Reasons The Flash Suit Will Be Upgraded For The Upcoming Movie
Comic book fans are starting to get a clearer picture of what 2018's The Flash is going to look like. For a year now, we've known that The Stanford Prison Experiment's Ezra Miller will be playing Barry Allen on the big screen. Then we learned earlier this year that 21 Jump Street writers Phil Lord and Chris Miller penned the treatment. Finally, it was reported on Monday that Pride and Prejudice and Zombie writer Seth Grahame-Smith is in negotiations to direct the feature. Behind the scenes, things are shaping up. However, there's still a lot we don't know about the DC Extended Universe's interpretation of the Flash -- namely, what his costume will look like -- but we may have just gotten a few hints in the wardrobe department. Den of Geek has posted several tidbits of what The Flash movie is aiming to have the Scarlet Speedster's costume look like. While the site acknowledges that things could change over the next three years, for now here are the suit upgrades they say we can expect to see, and why they are necessary.
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While it's no secret that Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) will have a new ally in Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) when facing the threat of Zoom throughout "The Flash's" Season 2, beyond Jay's desire to stop the bad guy and go home, there's more to the story than has been revealed in the teasers and interviews leading up to next week's episode."Zoom stole my speed," Sears revealed in an interview with KTLA. "Season 1 ends, and there's sort of a rift in the sky, and I get pulled up into it. Just prior to that, my speed is stolen, so the mission is, you know, to get my speed back. And then I need Barry to help me do that."The title of the next episode, "The Flash of Two Worlds," was the story title for "Flash" #123, in which the Silver Age Flash Barry Allen met the Golden Age Flash Garrick for the very first time, opening up the multiverse for DC Comics and birthing a tradition of team-up adventures between the many Earths of the DC Comics Universe."The Flash," airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW. Here's the official description of the episode:INTRODUCING JAY GARRICK - Jay Garrick (guest star Teddy Sears), a mysterious man from Earth-2, appears at S.T.A.R. Labs with a dire warning about an evil speedster named Zoom, who is set on destroying The Flash. Barry (Grant Gustin) and the team must decide if they can trust this stranger even as they face yet another powerful meta-human. Meanwhile, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) must deal with a determined officer named Patty Spivot (guest star Shantal VanSanten) who wants to join his meta-human task force. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing (#202).
New Trailers for The Flash Reveal Zoom's Plan
In the new trailer previewing Season 2 of The Flash, fans get a longer look at Teddy Sears' Jay Garrick and discover more of Zoom's dastardly plan.
The Flash 2015 New York Comic-Con Sizzle Reel
This past weekend at New York Comic-Con, Warner Bros. Television released two new sizzle reels hyping up the recently debuted fourth season of "Arrow" and second season of "The Flash."The reels were meant to entice, excite and get fans pumped for each of The CW show's new seasons, and from what we saw in them, well, mission accomplished. Despite many of the scenes coming from both season premieres, which already aired last week, there were more than enough character reveals, teases and fan-gasm worthy moments to give us the jitters in anticipation.

'The Flash' Cheat Sheet: Teddy Sears Explains Everything You Need to Know About Jay Garrick & the DC Multiverse!
Let's be honest -- being a fan of The Flash is wildly thrilling, but it can be a bit confusing if you're not armed with the entire DC Comics canon.And while tonight's episode, "Flash of Two Worlds," is one of the best hours of the series, (Seriously, it's SO good!) it could be a little overwhelming if you don't know the comic book basics.To help give you the best viewing experience possible, we called up The Flash's newcomer, Teddy Sears -- aka Jay Garrick -- to give you a DC Comics cheat sheet that's jam-packed with everything you need to know before tuning in.So without further ado -- take it away, Teddy!
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In the latest clip for "The Flash," Dr. Martin Stein (Victor Garber) explains multiverse theory to Team Flash, introducing longstanding comic book terms like "Earth-1," "Earth-2" and more (via IGN). Stein also posits some interesting theories for the characters' dopplegangers on alternate earths, suggesting Earth-2 Joe West may be a Nobel Prize-winning physicist or that Barry Allen is an electrician in another life.

Flash EPs on Two Big Returns, Zoom Threat, Firestorm's Future and More
It's a big, big world on The Flash. So big in fact that Tuesday's episode of the CW series introduces another Earth, where Wells still exists as S.T.A.R. Labs' founder, Jay Garrick (AKA the Crimson Comet) races through the streets and the speed demon Zoom is out to get him.Now on Earth 1, Jay warns Barry of the threat from Zoom and the many breaches between worlds that the singularity created. Needless to say, the scarlet speedster's team has a full plate of worry."It's very bad," previews Todd Helbing, who co-wrote the episode with his brother Aaron. "There are 52 breaches and Zoom can come through any of them with whoever he wants, so they have to figure out quickly how to manage the biggest threat to them."Below, the two writers/producers discuss Wells' "resurrection," Jay's flirtatious relationship with Caitlin, Firestorm's fate and the surprise arrival of Iris' mom.
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There's also a synopsis fro the next "Flash" episode, an installment titled "The Darkness and the Light."DR. LIGHT COMES THROUGH THE BREACH — Barry (Grant Gustin) learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her. Jay (guest star Teddy Sears) tells Barry that Dr. Light was not a threat on Earth-2 and that Barry can reason with her. However,during a fight with The Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom. Meanwhile, Barry and Patty (Shantel VanSanten) go out on a date. Steve Shill directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Grainne Godfree.Airs Tuesdays on the CW
'The Flash' Mystery: Who Is Zoom?
One of the biggest mysteries in The Flash season 1 was the identity of the Reverse Flash. Season 2, looks like it might play out in roughly the same fashion with the identity of the Big Bad, Zoom, being similarly shrouded in mystery. So who is this new evil Speedster? Though Zoom has been barely shown in The Flash, I think enough important hints have been dropped inside and out of the show that some guesses can be made.
We Finally Know When Mark Hamill Will Be Back On The Flash
After originally playing The Trickster in two episodes of the original 1990s Flash TV series, Star Wars legend Mark Hamill reprised the character earlier this year for The CW's The Flash. Despite not being a metahuman, James Jesse proved to be a unique threat in "Tricksters," alongside his son Axel Walker. It was confirmed last week that Hamill will return during The Flash Season 2, and now we know precisely when this will happen. During a set visit to The Flash set, learned that fans can expect to see Trickster in the mid-Season 2 finale on December 8. Not only that, but that episode will also feature other Rogues, though they didn't identify exactly who we might see. If this Christmas episode is anything like last year's (which saw Barry finally meet Reverse-Flash), fans can likely expect major repercussions for the rest of the season. The Flash's midseason finale will follow its big crossover with Arrow, which will not only see Barry Allen and Oliver Queen joining forces again, but also include Legends of Tomorrow characters like Hawkgirl, Hawkman and Vandal Savage.

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