The Flash News and Links

'The Flash' Cast Teases Season 2, Crossovers, New Relationships, and More
This week, Warner Bros. sent a gaggle of journalists to Vancouver to visit the sets of some of their CW shows like (my personal favorite) The Flash. Sitting in front of the Central City Police Department mural, we were able to interview Grant Gustin (Barry Allen), Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow), Candice Patton (Iris West), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon), and Teddy Sears (Jay Garrick) about Season 2 so far, what to expect coming up, as well as a few teasers from the upcoming crossover episodes, the midseason finale, and much more:
The Flash Stars Talk Henry Allen's 'Confusing' and Abrupt Departure
If you're still scratching your head over Henry's sudden leave of absence on The Flash, you're not the only one. The cast of the CW series is just as puzzled by Mr. Allen's hasty exit from his son Barry's life mere hours after leaving prison."First of all, I was shocked that happened that quickly, like a lot of the viewers were. It was like, 'I'm out! Gotta go!'" star Grant Gustin says.Jesse L. Martin, who plays Barry's surrogate and last remaining father figure Joe, is just as perplexed. "I didn't realize it was a competition!" he says with a laugh. "I'm still grappling witthe fact that the dude just left. I don't get it. You're finally free to have a relationship with your son, and he felt like he had to leave. I don't know how much me, Jesse, understands that decision."Although Henry is "still a part of [Barry's] life," Gustin speculates that the two are "talking less right now than they probably even did when he was in prison."From Gustin's perspective, "Barry was not really understanding why, but trying to just give it to him and be supportive of him needing space, I guess, even though it's kind of confusing to Barry. He's not sure if he's supposed to reach out or not right now, but he'll be there again when Barry needs him."

The Flash: Gorilla Grodd to Return in Season 2 for King Kong-Like Story
While The Flash had many standout moments over the course of season 1, few feats can match the production team successfully building an episode around a hyper intelligent, telepathic ape. The Gorilla Grodd episode was a memorable one, and despite what appeared to be the creature's demise, the likelihood of the character returning has always remained high.So when it was announced that The Flash season 2 would indeed feature an episode centered on Grodd, the news didn't come as much of a surprise. The way the episode will reportedly play out, however, just might.During a recent Q&A with press members, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said that during Grodd's return, a familiar cinematic relationship will develop between Danielle Panabaker's Caitlin Snow and the fearsome gorilla. Kreisberg's exact words were: "Caitlin plays Fay Wray to Grodd's Kong."Of course, not being one to sit silently, Panabaker, who was also in attendance for the session, added to the statement:

New Firestorm Revealed in 'The Flash' Poster, Robbie Amell Returns
Robbie Amell teases his return to the DC/CW Universe.If you've missed out on The Flash this season, you've missed some big moments and may want to stop reading now. In the second season opener of the series, it was revealed that Ronnie Raymond sacrificed himself to help Barry Allen save the city. Now, Professor Stein is catching on fire and passing out and the future for Firestorm is unknown.In a poster for an upcoming episode of The Flash, there's a new Firestorm revealed.Episode 4: "The Fury of Firestorm" airs on Tuesday, October 27, nad it has newcomer Franz Drameh in the role of Firestorm, but where does he come from and how does he become the new Firestorm? We'll all find out next week.In addition, Robbie Amell sent out this picture on Instagram this week, welcoming Drameh to the new role and also teasing Amell's return to the show.When will Ronnie Raymond come back? Will he be from Earth-Two or did he actually survive? find out more on Tuesday on the CW!
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Grodd Returns to 'The Flash' to Settle Unfinished Business
This article, Grodd Returns to 'The Flash' to Settle Unfinished Business, originally appeared on Comic Vine.One villain who made their presence known in season one of The Flash was Grodd, the super-intelligent gorilla with psychic abilities. However, that wasn't the last we saw of him. According to The Wrap, Danielle Panabaker, who playsDr. Caitlin Snow, revealed that Grodd has some unfinished business and Caitlin will be the Fay Wray to Grodd's Kong, as she puts it.During season one, Grodd was a test subject at STAR Labs at one point and he made a bond with Caitlin. Then, the particle accelerator exploded and gave Grodd the psychic powers everyone is familiar with. Because of that early bond, Caitlin will play a bigger role in his reappearance.According to the descriptions released for upcoming episodes, it doesn't look like Grodd will appear in the upcoming weeks, as Barry and company will be dealing with Firestorm, Dr Light, and Zoom, but we'll keep you updated as more information surfaces.

How The Flash and Arrow Crossover Will Be Different This Time
Last year, Barry Allen and Oliver Queen officially entered each other's respective worlds for their first team-up. While there were some growing pains, each episode of the Flash and Arrow crossover event tailored its content to perfectly suit the tastes of each show's respective fans. Now it seems their next adventure together will be a little more cohesive than the last.Arrow star Stephen Amell recently discussed how upcoming crossover between Arrow and The Flash would be a more fully formed adventure than last year's. Here's how he put it to Speaking with Zap2it. Last year was designed so that if you were a fan of one show or a fan of the other show, you could enjoy 108 of Flash and 308 of Arrow independent of one another. It's not the case this year. If you put them back to back on one night, they would run like one two-hour episode of television. In fact, most of the Flash episode takes place in Star City, and most of the Arrow episode takes place in Central City. We have a common villain, which was not the case last year, and just in general, we've done an excellent job of weaving not just two shows, but three shows together.The CW is beginning to find itself more brazen with its willingness to embrace the shared DC universe. Last year's crossover episodes between The Flash and Arrow were very much standalone stories that centered on the differences between the characters. The focus was placed so much on the development of this dynamic that the episode "Flash Vs. Arrow" did not even show the duo taking down the metahuman they were both chasing. Now, all of the legwork has been done in establishing these heroes as partners, so viewers will likely find themselves more willing to embrace the two coming together. We saw glimpses of this last year – with Oliver coming to Barry's aid against Harrison Wells at S.T.A.R Labs, and Barry rescuing Team Arrow from the League of Assassins in Nanda Parbat – so now the two series seem ready for a fully-formed integration of each other's continuities.
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'The Flash' Producer Reveals Identity of Pivotal New Character
(Spoiler alert: Please do not read on if you have not watched Tuesday's episode of "The Flash")"The Flash" episode "Fury of Firestorm" was all about the remaking of a superhero, but by the end of the hour, two bigger revelations left fans reeling.After several emotional roller-coaster conversations triggered by the return of Francine ( Vanessa Williams ), Iris' (Candice Patton) mother and Joe's ( Jesse L. Martin ) ex-wife, Central City's resident investigative reporter uncovered that her mother wasn't just keeping a terminal illness from her estranged family — she was also pregnant when she left town years ago, and had a son in secret.Is this new member of the West family who fans think it is?
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for the latest episode of "The Flash," "The Fury of Firestorm," which has not yet aired on the west coast as of publication.From the birth of a new Firestorm to the face-to-face meeting of Barry Allen and Earth-2's Harrison Wells, the fourth episode of "The Flash" season two featured a number of big, big surprises -- not the least of which included an appearance by King Shark and the revelation of Iris West's long-lost brother. And while the episode, "The Fury of Firestorm," left the identity of this brother a mystery, Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg was rather candid in a press event at CW headquarters last week about this character, confirming, "Yes, that's Wally [West]" and "It is Joe's son."Taking questions from a group of reporters including CBR News, Kreisberg and Caitlin Snow actress Danielle Panabaker also discussed the thought process behind altering Iris and Wally's comic book relation, the introduction of the "DC's Legends of Tomorrow" Firestorm and, of course, that King Shark appearance.

Wally West's Connection to Iris West Revealed in 'The Flash'
This article, Wally West's Connection to Iris West Revealed in 'The Flash', originally appeared on Comic Vine.Back in August, it was announced that Wally West would be coming to The Flash on The CW. Wally would be played by Keiynan Lonsdale.In the comics, Wally was Iris West's nephew. Even when re-introduced in The New 52, the family relationship remained the same. In this week's "The Fury of Firestorm," we discover that Wally will not be Iris' nephew.We recently discovered that Iris' mom was actually alive. She was on drugs when Iris was very young and Joe tried getting her to go through rehab. She eventually disappeared and Joe thought it would be easier to tell his daughter her mother died rather than the truth that she left her. With Francine back in town, she wanted to get to know her grown daughter. When Iris stated she didn't need her or to see her, Francine revealed she was dying.Iris later did some investigating. She discovered the truth. Francine was dying but there was more. Francine had a son who was born eight months after she left Central City. The big question is who is the father? Does this mean Wally is Iris' brother? We're assuming this is actually Wally. It adds a slight change to Wally but allows for him to enter the show without being too young. If Wally is Joe's kid, why would Francine leave without revealing this fact to Joe? If she was struggling with a drug dependency, would raising a kid on her own be the best thing when her husband was doing a great job with their daughter?What are your thoughts on Wally now being Iris' brother (or half brother)?

Fans already knew that telepathic ape supervillain Gorilla Grodd would return to "The Flash" in its current second season -- and now it's been revealed exactly when. The CW has released details for "Gorilla Warfare," the seventh episode of "The Flash" season two, airing Nov. 17 and featuring the return of Grodd.GORILLA GRODD RETURNS TO CENTRAL CITY — Grodd returns to Central City and kidnaps Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker). Barry (Grant Gustin) and team race to find her before it's too late. Meanwhile, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) plans his first date with the new barista at Jitters, Kendra Saunders (guest star Ciara Renée) and Patty (guest star Shantel VanSanten) begins to suspect Barry is hiding something from her. Dermott Downs directed the episode written by Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing (#207).Both "Flash" executive producer Andrew Kreisberg and main cast member Danielle Panabaker have previously discussed Grodd's imminent return, with Kreisberg saying Panabaker's Caitlin will play "the Fay Wray to Grodd's Kong."
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Ahead of next week's new "Flash" episode, the CW has released a batch of promo stills for "The Darkness and the Light" that show off more of incoming DC Comics heroes Hawkgirl (in her civilian persona, played by Ciara Renee) and Doctor Light.??Barry learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her. Jay tells Barry that Dr. Light was not a threat on Earth-2 and that Barry can reason with her. However, during a fight with The Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom. Meanwhile, Barry and Patty go out on a date."The Flash" airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.
Grodd returns in official synopsis for The Flash season 2 episode 7 – 'Gorilla Warfare'
The CW has released the official synopsis for episode seven of The Flash season two, entitled 'Gorilla Warfare', which sees the DC supervillain Gorilla Grodd making his return to Central City.Grodd returns to Central City and kidnaps Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker). Barry (Grant Gustin) and team race to find her before it's too late.Meanwhile, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) plans his first date with the new barista at Jitters, Kendra Saunders (guest star Ciara Renée) and Patty (guest star Shantel VanSanten) begins to suspect Barry is hiding something from her.
The Flash Just Revealed One Villain's Shocking Identity
Warning: there are major spoilers ahead for next week's episode of The Flash. If you don't want to learn Doctor Light's identity, click on another one of our fine articles. Typically when The Flash has revealed a new character for the show, they announced the actor playing them not long after. However, in Doctor Light's case, despite being seen in previews, who she is remained a mystery, and that visor obscuring her face didn't offer any clues as to who is playing her. Now, thanks to an Australian trailer for next week's episode, we know why they've been keeping the identity of this adversary a secret.
In a new clip for "The Darkness and the Light," this week's episode of "The Flash," Barry explains why he's giving Earth-2's Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) the benefit of the doubt, but Joe still isn't terribly thrilled at the prospect. Though he's giving it the old college try, Barry reveals he struggles with his hatred of Earth-1's Wells nonetheless.
THE FLASH 2x05 Clip - The Darkness and the Light (2015) Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, The CW HD.....

The Flash Stars Talk Barry and Patty's 'Effortless' Relationship, Iris' Feelings
Superheroes need love, too.So while The Flash's Barry Allen has his hands full with Zoom, multiple Earths and now King Shark — can't this kid ever catch a break? — this Tuesday's episode (The CW, 8/7c), finds him somehow making time to take Patty out on their first date."They just get along really well, and it's kind of effortless," star Grant Gustin says, when asked about the couple's dynamic during a set visit last month. "They are interested in a lot of the same stuff. And it's an escape for Barry right now because everything else is heavy in his life, other than his relationship with Patty."With the couple enjoying some "fun" interaction for "consecutive episodes," Gustin is hopeful that viewers "will enjoy seeing Barry be happy with at least one aspect of his life," he adds with a laugh.But what will his best friend (aka the woman to whom he professed his love) make of his new girlfriend? After all, Iris had some opinions about his romance with Linda Park last year.

The Flash Sneak Peek: On Earth-Two, Wells and Jay Garrick Have a Face-Off
'Member how The Flash and Dr. Wells were rather buddy-buddy here on our Earth (before, that is, everything went so sideways)?Yeah, so, the speedster's relationship with the scientist was quite different on Earth-Two, as seen in this exclusive sneak peek.In the flashback, Wells (played by Tom Cavanagh) is unveiling some nifty new tech when the Crimson Comet (Teddy Sears) crashes the press conference to cast aspersions on Central City's resident supergenius. How will this other Wells, who when last we tuned in had come face to face with Earth-One's Flash, respond?"In the same way we had a push me/pull you relationship last year between The Flash and Harrison," Cavanagh shared during our recent set visit, "[Jay and Wells] have… I don't know if the word 'similar' applies, but we certainly do have a relationship. You've taken two of the larger personalities from Earth-One and you've put them together [in Season 1], and this season you've taken two of the larger personalities from Earth-Two and put them together." With the latter match-up, Cavanagh says, "The viewers won't be disappointed."

EXCLUSIVE! 'The Flash' Sneak Peek: Cisco Flirts With Hawkgirl and Gets Royally Shut Down
Cisco + Hawkgirl = sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.? If only that were true!On tonight's all-new episode of The Flash, Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) stop by their favorite coffee shop and Central City hangout, CC Jitters, for a quick cup of joe and we get a lesson in Cisco Ramon Flirting 101.Instantly smitten by the new barista behind the counter, Kendra Saunders (Ciara Renee), Cisco tries his hardest to win her over. After adorably fumbling over his words, Cisco grows a pair and tells the future Hawkgirl exactly what he wants."No, I don't want coffee. You know what I do want though? I want to ask you this," Cisco says, laying it all out on the line. "You want to go out with me?" Woah, Cisco!Unfortunately, the future legend of tomorrowdoesn't waste any time shooting the S.T.A.R. Labs genius down today.
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"The Darkness and the Light," the latest episode of "The Flash," revealed one speedster's surprising family connection: the woman who becomes Jesse Quick (Violett Beane) is the daughter of none other than Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh). In addition to a brief cameo in the opening sequence, the episode's stinger showed her caught in Zoom's clutches, which may be what's motivating Wells to help Barry defeat him.In the comics, Jesse Quick is a speedster of her own. The name is actually an alias for Jesse Chambers, the Flash's fellow speedster and the daughter of DC Comics heroes Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle. Like her father, she achieves her super speed through the speed formula. In addition to speed, she also has her mother's super strength. It seems that, in the show, she'll have her father's science on her side as well. Whether or not she inherited Wells' technical know-how is yet to be seen, as Jesse only made a brief appearance.
The Flash Absolutely Dominated In The Ratings Last Night
Even though not all superhero shows are soaring in the ratings, The Flash continues to prove itself a certified hit for The CW, and that goes for critical success as well. How popular is the show? Tuesday night's episode ranked as the highest of the season so far. There's sadly no way to tell just how many of the viewers were, like me, driven to slow-chant Zoom's name every few minutes. An episode that marked the true return of Tom Cavanagh's Harrison Wells, "The Darkness and the Light" was watched by around 3.87 million people, with a 1.5 rating earned for the key 18-49 demographic, according to Zap2It. As previously stated, that makes it the most-watched of Season 2's five aired episodes. Counting the season premiere, which brought in 3.58 million people, a number that wasn't as high as it could have been. In fact, Episode 5 just about ties the Season 1 finale, which was one of the flat-out coolest episodes of anything I've ever seen. It's also right up there with some of Season 1's highest numbers, and we assume the adjusted numbers throughout the week will show a lot more people tuning it after the fact. The Flash has yet to match its series premiere's live numbers (4.83 million), and this episode was still seen by a million fewer people, but still. That's not too shabby for an episode that didn't feature anything particularly amazing and didn't have any heavily promoted cameos. I would have thought that the return of Firestorm last week would have topped this, but oh well. The episode definitely had its share of surprises. Spoilers, y'all. We learned that Wells was the person who actually created Zoom, and that nobody thinks Barry is good enough to stop him. Except Barry, of course. We also found out that Doctor Light is actually the Earth 2 version of Linda Park. And we discovered that Zoom kidnapped the daughter of Earth 2's Harrison Wells, who just so happens to be Violett Beane, a.k.a. speedster Jesse Quick. That should make for some interesting arcs in the future.
After five episodes of operating from Earth-Two, the "Flash's" newest big bad is making his way to the Central City of Earth-One in next week's episode. "Enter Zoom" will bring the titular villain face-to-face with the Scarlet Speedster, a development that Barry Allen and his S.T.A.R. Labs crew have been dreading since they first heard the bad guy's name uttered. After all, Zoom's an evil speedster that's already sent more than a few super-powered assassins to put Barry six feet under.The CW has released promotional stills from next week's episode, and they give "Flash" fans the clearest look to date at Zoom's suit. So far the villain, voiced by Tony Todd, has hidden in the shadows or appeared as a blur on screen. These photos show the details of the suit, a suit that bears a very strong resemblance to the one Barry Allen wears, albeit totally black. The photos from the episode as well as the synopsis are below.

'The Flash' Season 2 Spoilers: Who Is Zoom? 4 Theories On The Speedster Villain's True Identity
Throughout five episodes of "The Flash" Season 2, all fans have been hearing about is Zoom (Tony Todd). The villain has left a pretty big impression on Barry's (Grant Gustin) new Earth 2 friends, and every metahuman the Flash has faced this year has been sent by Zoom to kill him. Now, thanks to promotional photographs (shown above and below) of episode 6, "Enter Zoom," viewers can actually see what all the fuss is about -- to be fair, the character has made a few cameo appearances this season already, but now fans can really size up the usually-supersonically vibrating speedster before he and Barry get down to business.The photos of the masked foe raise one very important question: Who is Zoom? Tony Todd has been the man behind the digitally altered voice of the bad guy, but who is hiding beneath the mask? Earth 2 and the multiverse allow for a crazy number of wacky possibilities, so the Internet has been getting crowded with theories -- Reddit users even began spreading a theory that Zoom is Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) as a sarcastic response to all the speculation.
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Zoom's Face Finally Revealed In New Images From The Flash Season 2
Finally! As you can see in the above gallery, The CW has released the first official images of Zoom, the main villain of season two of The Flash. There's been a lot of talk about how this villainous Speedster would differ to Reverse-Flash, and it's now easy to see why he was initially described as a "speed demon."His secret identity is clearly going to be a focal point of The Flash this year, and from the stills above, he looks like a very intimidating and frightening new rival for Barry Allen.Here's the synopsis for the episode – titled "Enter Zoom" – which offers up more details about how the villain is going to factor into this instalment of The Flash:
Who is Zoom on The Flash? All the Best and Worst Theories
Come on and zoom! Come on and zoom! Come on and zoom, zoom, zooma zoom!
No? Just us?For some, like Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), the name Zoom brings fear alongside an air of mystery. For us, it just makes us think of the 1999 PBS show Zoom, featuring middle-schoolers doing craft projects and speaking total nonsense.
As of now, The Flash's Zoom is just a speedy dude (or dudette) in a very scary mask who comes from another universe and wants to become even speedier by killing Earth 1's Flash by sending Earth 2 metahumans after him. However, knowing this show and how it likes to totally emotionally destroy us, we can surmise that the person under that mask is probably someone we know and love, or at least someone who has the face of someone we know and love.There are a lot of theories, but there can only be one Zoom (or can there?!), so they can't all be correct (or can they?!). Here are the best and the worst theories we've seen so far:
'The Flash' recap: The fastest man alive, no longer
Spoiler alert! The following contains spoilers for Tuesday night's episode of The Flash.After last week's comedy hour, The Flash gets grim with the most terrifying villain we've had on this show to date. Barry is dealt a (literal) crippling defeat, and Zoom establishes himself as more than just Reverse Flash 2.0 with a gripping action sequence at the end of the episode that caught us all by surprise after the somewhat silly training montage that Linda Park stumbles through.In "Enter Zoom," the sixth episode of the second season, Team Flash sets off on one of the dumbest ideas of their lives, deciding to use Linda Park to bait Zoom into fighting the Flash. While most of the episode involves shenanigans over cheesy scripted dialogue and cardboard cutouts, Barry's inner turmoil over having manipulated by Harrison Wells even after his death endangers everyone else. And for some reason Iris -- who has been doing so well as the emotional center of

Why The Flash's New Villain Will Be The Most Disurbing Yet
Zoom. The name of that mysterious speedster has haunted Grant Gustin's Barry Allen ever since the first episode of The Flash's second season. Zoom has now been firmly established as the big bad of The Flash Season 2, but next to nothing is known about the Earth-2 villain. All that has been established for sure is the fact that Zoom will deeply disturb audiences. Grant Gustin recently explained what exactly makes Zoom such a haunting foe:
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"Enter Zoom," Episode of "The Flash," took another trip to Earth-2 and introduced viewers that world's Green Arrow -- with a twist. As Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) thought back to the last time he saw his daughter Jesse (Violett Beane), a newscaster on the program he was watching announced that Green Arrow had unmasked himself as Robert Queen, who took up vigilantism after his son Oliver was killed when their boat sank and he was stranded on an island for five years.If you think that sounds familiar, you're not wrong. In addition to swapping Oliver out for his father Robert in Green Arrow's origin, the story homages Batman's storyline in Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert's "Flashpoint" event. In that comic, Flash creates an alternate reality where Bruce Wayne died in the alleyway shooting, and his father Thomas Wayne became Batman instead.In addition to this fun little Easter egg, "Enter Zoom" also saw another big development for Barry. During Barry's premature attack on Zoom, Zoom paralyzed Barry. While this will likely be a temporary state for him, it renders him unable to use his speed, at least for the moment. However, Wally West's (Keiynan Lonsdale) arrival on the show opens up the possibility for Barry to assume a mentor role, with Barry teaching Wally how to use his speed so that maybe he can take down Zoom. In "The Darkness and the Light," Wells told Barry he might have more to impart about being a speedster than Jay did; it looks like Barry might have that chance in the upcoming episodes due to this injury.
The Flash: When Barry's Dad Will Return
Throughout Season 1 of The Flash, Barry had two big missions in mind: to save his mother's life in the past and to get his dad out of jail. He realized in the finale that the former goal was a no go, but Season 2 kicked off with Harrison Wells confessing to Nora's murder, which allowed Henry to become a free man, and he reacted by immediately skipping town. Thankfully, we know that he'll be back in Barry's life for next week's episode. John Wesley Shipp is returning, and it's happening not a moment too soon. Last week's huge fight with Zoom left Barry beaten, bruised and seemingly paralyzed. (DC comics characters are always getting their backs broken.) And being in the hospital is always made better when there's a loved one that comes by to visit, although none of the new photos from the episode actually show Henry inside the hospital room. Maybe Barry speed-unparalyzes himself before Henry gets back to town. Now, the episode better have a damned good explanation for why Henry left in the first place. It seemed like such a strange and awkward turn of events for both him and Barry, and possibly had something to do with Shipp behind the scenes. But regardless of real-world reasoning, the show needs to offer up an understandable reason for his spontaneous absence. And if that reason is "had to go and have sex with as many people as possible," I'd understand. Prison is rough. I like to think he's just looking at a list of potential dates in the picture below.

Reverse-Flash is back. Okay, at least the Reverse-Flash suit is back, as revealed both earlier today in a New Zealand promo for "The Flash" as well as a new batch of promotional stills. The Earth-Two version of Harrison Wells that's been hanging around S.T.A.R. Labs for the last few episodes of "Flash's" second season can be spotted in the pics, and he's wearing the Reverse-Flash's duds. We'll have to wait until Tuesday to find out what role Wells plays in the episode and whether or not the return of Gorilla Grodd factors into his new look.The images from the episode, titled "Gorilla Warfare," also feature the return of John Wesley Shipp as Henry Allen, Barry's father. After spending all of the first season trying to exonerate his father and free him from prison, Barry Allen was shocked when his dad packed up and left Central City in the season two premiere. Now, as revealed in these images, Henry is back in town -- but for what reason?
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The Flash Recap: Learning to Walk Before You Can Run
This week on The CW's The Flash, a surprise visitor helped Barry put his best foot forward, as Grodd came swinging by town again.Unlike Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen recovered significantly quicker, if not entirely, from his broken back, as the action picked up again this week. (Meanwhile, poor Patty is told that her beau is nursing a nasty cold, to which she advises him to "stay off his feet," #TooSoon.)With The Flash temporarily sidelined, Wells chooses a lousy time to announce that he's heading back to Earth-Two, to take care of Zoom once and for all. Luckily, Caitlin intervenes and convinces him that to attempt such, by his lonesome, is surely a suicide mission that will do Jesse no good. Whereas if he sticks around, Team Flash can help take down Zoom and thus save Jesse, on our turf.And it's a good thing Wells agrees, because he will be needed now that Grodd is back in town, compelling people to steal serums and such. He even targets Caitlin, for the purpose of bringing her to his bell tower hideout and asking for a refresher on how he became the way he is. She explains the particle accelerator explosion, then suggests that the chemicals he stole maybe could recreate the effect. Though she is taken aback upon realizing that what he wants to do is making more Grodds.

Hawkgirl Revealed in All Her Winged Glory on 'The Flash'
On Tuesday's episode of The Flash, viewers were treated to their first glimpse of Hawkgirl's majestic wings. The character Kendra Saunders, whose alter ego is Hawkgirl, will be featured in the upcoming CW superhero spinoff, Legends of Tomorrow. Since the show premieres in January and most of its characters are derived from The Flash and Arrow universe, Kendra was added to a few episodes this season as a sort of introduction for fans.Kendra's wings were revealed in Cisco's vision. The tech guy recently found out that he has the superpower of seeing through time and dimensions, and while Cisco was on a date with Kendra he touched her hand — and had the vision of Hawkgirl.It wasn't just the fans who were excited to finally see Hawkgirl's wings. Ciara Renée, the actress who plays Hawkgirl, tweeted "I finally got my wings!"

'The Flash' Is About to Bring Back 2 Important Characters
The Flash is bringing back two familiar faces for its next episode. As revealed in a just-released season two promo, the villainous Grodd the gorilla is set to make a big return in the November 17 episode, as is Barry Allen's recently freed father, Henry Allen.The episode, appropriately titled "Gorilla Warfare," picks up after last week's huge face off against the new big bad, Zoom (voiced by Tony Todd). The battle has left Barry (Grant Gustin) badly bruised, beaten, and without his speed. Unfortunately for him, it looks like he won't have much time to recover.Per the CW's official synopsis for the episode, Barry is forced to snap back to action after Grodd (voiced by David Sobolov) returns to Central City and kidnaps Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker). He and the rest of the STAR labs team must then race to find her before it's too late.This will mark Grodd's first time back to Central City since season one, when he caused plenty of trouble kidnapping Joe and aiding the evil Dr. Harrison Wells (whose real identity was that of Eobard Thawne). The character quickly became a fan favorite among comic book fans, simply because he was so awesomely insane. Seriously, a crazed telepathic giant ape who lives in the sewer system? What's not to love?Now, Grodd is back, angry as ever, and with a new mission on the mind — to make "more like him." You know what that means: baby Grodds. What exact role he wants Caitlin to play toward that remains to be seen, but it's safe to say she's probably none too thrilled to be a part of it.Grodd's not the only one set to make a return in "Gorilla Warfare." Barry's dad Henry is also coming back to Central City after he was finally exonerated of his wife's murder and freed from prison.
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After battling Zoom in last week's episode and heading for a showdown with Vandal Savage in the upcoming "Flash"/"Arrow" two-night crossover, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) needs to take care of some local Central City business before he gets a break for the holidays.In "The Flash," winter finale, Weather Wizard (Liam McIntyre) returns to break both Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and the Trickster (Mark Hamill) out of prison. With the Trickster and Captain Cold on the loose, it's sure to be a white -- and potentially deadly -- Christmas in Central City.Iris West (Candice Patton) and her father Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) also come face to face with Joe's long lost son, the famous comic book speedster, Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale)."Running to Stand Still," the winter finale of "The Flash," airs at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8 on The CW. The full synopsis for the episode is below.

10 Gorilla Grodd Facts Flash Fans Should Know
It shouldn't come as a surprise that when DC Comics decided to introduce a super-intelligent gorilla to their universe, they didn't hold back on wacky plotlines or powers. But ever since he first graced the pages of The Flash, the telepathic behemoth known as Gorilla Grodd has been a fan-favorite opponent of the scarlet speedster. And as his ambitions grew, so did the fans' affection.Now The CW's own Flash series has guaranteed that Grodd will have fans from an entirely new generation, who now know the ape as the product of scientific testing and dark-matter-side-effects. But as outlandish or ridiculous as a man with superspeed battling a psychic gorilla might seem, fans of the show have no idea just how absurd or entertaining the villain's past truly is.That's something we intend to remedy, so we hope you enjoy (and forever remember) these 10 Gorilla Grodd Facts Flash Fans Should Know.
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The Flash Rumored To Appear In Season 1 Of Supergirl Next Year
Apparently, the plan is for Supergirl to meet The Flash and the rest of the S.T.A.R. Labs team next year during May's sweeps week. However, it all depends on whether CBS decides to give Supergirl – currently commissioned for thirteen episodes – an extra nine, which takes it up to twenty two. This would obviously give Supergirl a boost in ratings, and The CW would no doubt benefit from The Flash being seen by a new audience and having Kara Zor-El appear in the Scarlet Speedster's series.

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