The Flash News and Links

New Flash: Season 2 Promo Includes Jay Garrick and Atom-Smasher...We're just a month away...A new promo video for The Flash hints at what can be expected from Season 2....
The 30-second clip shows the arrival of Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), and offers a one-liner from Atom-Smasher (Adam Copeland), as well as a glimpse of what appears to be the Flash equivalent of the Bat-signal.In the comics, Garrick is the first superhero to don the Flash mantra, while Atom-Smasher is a villain who boasts enhanced strength and the ability to become a whole lot bigger.
The Flash: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker Season 2 Interview - Comic-Con 2015....Season 2 of The Flash will feature the voice of Tony Todd, and the full body presence of Michael Ironside.
Tom Cavanagh's Role In The Flash Season 2 Revealed
We've known for a while that Tom Cavanagh would be back for the second season of the CW's The Flash, but since his character, Reverse-Flash/Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, was killed/erased from existence (this stuff gets confusing doesn't it?) in the season 1 finale, fans have been wondering who exactly he'd be returning as.The most popular theory has always been that since Thawne was only posing as Doctor Wells, that Cavanagh would be playing the real version of that character, and that would seem to have been confirmed by the show's executive producer Gabrielle Stanton.
The Flash Season 2 Extended Trailer; New Character Details Revealed
CW's The Flash was a breakout hit in its freshman season, and its biggest accomplishment was arguably opening the door of possibilities for the DC TV Multiverse – far wider than the "no powers" and "grounded and gritty" policies of Arrow ever allowed. Flash ended season 1 on a big cliffhanger with our hero trying to stop a singularity event from destroying Central City – a space/time maelstrom that Flash himself caused by jaunting back through time in failed attempt to save his mother.When The Flash season 2 returns, there are a list of things we want to see occur, but the one with the richest possibilities is how the show can now use the established concepts of The Speed Force, time travel and multiverse theory to really play with the arrangement of characters on the show, while offering possibility for new characters (or new spins on familiar characters) to join the party. The latest Flash season 2 trailer above (and interview with executive producer Andrew Kriesberg below) points to one clear fact: the showrunners will be fully utilizing the multiverse of possibilities out there.It doesn't get more on the nose than a trailer titled "Other Worlds" to let you know that season 2 of the Flash will use the time travel experience and singularity event to set loose some good multiverse mayhem to play with. But for those who didn't get it just from reading the trailer title, the actual footage included pretty much hammers the point home, with a new mystery sprinkled in (the machinations of Professor Zoom); new heroes and villains being teased (Atom Smasher, Jesse Quick) and fan-favorite characters like Golden Glider, Captain Cold, Heatwave and a new version of Harrison Wells all coming back, as well.
The Flash | Other Worlds Extended Trailer
The Flash Season 2 First Look: Check Out Barry's New Love Interest
It's not just other speedsters and super villains that are being introduced in The Flash Season 2. Barry Allen will also be getting a new love interest in the form of the Central City Police Department's newest recruit Patty Spivot, who is being played by One Tree Hill star Shantel VanSanten. With less than a month to go until the Scarlet Speedster's sophomore season airs, we finally have our first look at the live-action Patty.The CW has released an extended trailer for The Flash Season 2, and in it we are introduced to Patty, who is Joe West's new partner. Despite not having any powers of her own, Patty makes it clear in the preview that she's not afraid to help stop the metahuman criminals running rampant in Central City. We only see a couple seconds of her in the preview, but it certainly looks like she can handle her own. According to EW, Patty will start out as a standard police officer who is eager to join Joe's anti-metahuman task force and will subsequently prove herself out in the field.
'The Flash' Teases "Unstoppable Demon" Zoom and Reveals Patty Spivot in New Video
A few days ago, we got to meet Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) by way of a teaser trailer for season two of The Flash. Now, The CW has released an extended version of that same teaser that reveals the source of the very specific threat that Garrick was warning Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and the S.T.A.R. Labs team about. Though Al Rothstein, aka Atom-Smasher (Adam Copeland) makes an appearance as an early antagonist to The Flash this season, he soon reveals that he was sent by another.Yes, as fans of The Flash comics have been anticipating, the Scarlet Speedster's archnemesis Zoom will be wreaking havoc across the known and unknown worlds in the upcoming season. The singularity event that closed out season one has apparently opened a portal between worlds, which Zoom is using to funnel metahumans through in order to snuff out The Flash. Luckily, Barry has newcomer Garrick by his side, and as this extended teaser shows, also has another ally in Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten).
Candice Patton Talks 'The Flash' Season 2, Joining S.T.A.R. Labs, and Being a Role Model
After meeting and greeting The Flash fans at a Dragon Con 2015 panel, star Candice Patton took some time out of her busy schedule to visit with our small group of journalists. The hit CW superhero show returns this fall for its sophomore season, and Patton's character Iris West will find herself much closer to the center of all the comic-book craziness.Since Iris is now a de facto member of S.T.A.R. Labs and is privy to the title character's secret identity, viewers can expect her to be much more involved with the show's episodic plots in season two. It seems like Iris will be quite busy this year, since Patton commented on drama within the West family thanks to new characters making waves, plus new relationships with male and female co-workers alike, and a new role for Iris in addition to her reporter duties. On a more personal note, Patton also addressed the good and bad sides to being a strong role model for young Black girls in the Internet age. See what she had to say below.The West Family will see quite the emotional arc in Season 2 of The Flash. Here's what Patton was able to tease about that:
Which Versions Of The Flash Are Going To Be Appearing In Season 2?
If you watched The CW's hit television show The Flash last year, then you were treated to one of the best television adaptations we've seen of the Scarlet Speedster in years. Mind you, we watched the TV show in the 90s with John Wesley Shipp and LOVED it, but this new version is light years ahead of that.One of the things the executive producers of the show like to do is toss out Easter eggs to the fans of the DC universe. In the first season alone, we saw the casting Shipp as Barry Allen's father, as a direct nod in the finale to the very first version of The Flash from the comics.Hardcore fans will know that there have been a few different versions of The Flash over the years, but newcomers or people whose only familiarity with the character is from the television show were probably wondering what was up with that metal helmet with wings.So, we thought we'd give you a primer on all the different versions of The Flash that we've seen over the years, and tell you which ones you can expect to show up on season 2.
The Flash First Look: Atom-Smasher Crashes Barry's Big Day, Wells Returns
It's his Flash Day, and Barry will cry if he wants to_OK, the speedster isn't unleashing any of his impressive waterworks in these first photos from the CW hit's Season 2 premiere (Oct. 6 at 8/7c), but a celebration in his honor does get a rude interruption from Atom-Smasher (Haven star and former WWE Superstar Adam Copeland).Good thing Barry has some friends, including Joe and Cisco, in the crowd to help save the day — but not before the hero gets a brutal beating, it seems.Also featured in the gallery below: Iris at S.T.A.R. Labs, newlyweds Caitlin and Ronnie, Captain Cold and Heat Wave stirring up trouble, and Tom Cavanagh making his return as Harrison Wells (or at least that's what the photo caption says).
The Flash Season 2 Promo & Images Highlight Atom Smasher and More
DC Comics is quickly becoming a television juggernaut, with five different shows that will be airing soon on either The CW (Arrow, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash), CBS (Supergirl), or FOX (Gotham). Fans of the scarlet speedster are anxiously anticipating season two of Barry Allen's adventures – following the dramatic conclusion to the show's season 1 finale – and that includes new villains that will come calling to Central City, such as Atom Smasher.Fans were recently treated to a ten second "Bigger, Badder and Faster" teaser trailer that gave us the first peak at Atom Smasher (WWE Superstar Adam "Edge" Copeland) in all his wicked glory. Now, a second promo for The Flash season 2 has been unveiled – offering a quick glimpse at the Atom Smasher and the effects necessary to bring him to life – has released, along with several photos from the season two premiere episode, "The Man Who Saved Central City". You can watch that "Three Weeks" trailer, above."The Man Who Saved Central City" is exactly what the Flash (Grant Gustin) is being heralded as. In the images we can see a celebration being held in Barry's honor, complete with red and yellow balloons, but the festivities may be cut short by the sudden appearance of the menacing Atom Smasher. The Flash and Atom Smasher have what can be described as a tumultuous history in the annals of DC Comics; it turns out that the Atom Smasher was one of the human casualties affected by Barry Allen's big particle accelerator accident (the one that gave him his speedster powers in the first place).If you haven't watched the first season of The Flash, turn back now, because in order to explain the other photos (see below), we will need to drop some SPOILERS.
Watch The Flash Hint At An Aquaman Appearance
Arrow and The Flash have made it absolutely obvious by this point that there's more to their superhero universes than they have shown. From clear references to Wayne Tech, to more subtle nods to the existence of Green Lantern, these shows regularly treat fans to allusions of a greater universe. Now, according to a deleted scene from The Flash, Aquaman may even exist within the same world as Barry Allen. Check out the clip below and see for yourself.The deleted scene via EW comes from the pilot episode of the series. Barry Allen has just returned from his visit to Starling City – during Season 2 of Arrow – to find his surrogate father Joe West impatiently waiting for him. As the two walk, Joe begins to explain that Barry needs to stop going off on wild goose chases searching for the impossible – such as his recent trip to Amnesty Bay to search for a man who allegedly had the ability to talk to fish. Astute DC fans will immediately know that Amnesty Bay is small town in Maine where Arthur Curry – colloquially known as Aquaman – hails from, and that the ability to talk to fish is one of the hero's often mocked powers.
New "Flash" Trailer Featuring Jay Garrick Will Give You Goosies
We're now just under two weeks out from the return of "The Flash" on the CW -- and the network wants to make sure you know that. To make that happen, the CW has released another trailer that follows in line with the "Three Weeks" one they released, well, last week. The clip features more behind the scenes footage mixed in with shots from the upcoming premiere and, perhaps most importantly, a goosebumps-inducing moment of camaraderie between the Flash (Barry Allen, played by Grant Gustin) and the Flash (Jay Garrick, played by Teddy Sears).
The Flash | Two Weeks Trailer | The CW...Lights, Camera, Action! The Flash season premieres in only 2 weeks!.......
The Flash Posters Tease Upcoming Seasons
The official Twitter for The Flash released the new poster (below) for the show's second season, which premieres on The CW in two weeks, along with the tagline "You're getting warmer." The Flash's new season will introduce two new heroes in the form of Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) and Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale). Plus the villains Zoom (Tony Todd) and Atom Smasher (Adam "Edge" Copeland) will both be headed to Central City.The season 2 poster offers a more detailed look at Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) new Flash suit that was unveiled at Comic Con International in San Diego this summer. Aside from the white emblem, though, the new costume looks largely the same.The most notable aspect of the new image is the fact that Barry's suit is smoking. This could be a nod to Barry's new lightning powers, which have been teased in promos for season 2 as giving the speedster's typical yellow lightning a blue tint. However, whether the smoke is referencing Barry's new powers or simply his speed remains to be seen, and fans will have to wait until season 2 of The Flash premieres to find out.
The Flash Season 2: Cisco's Powers Are Coming Sooner Than We Thought
In Season 2, The Flash will be introducing so many new characters that it's easy to forget that the show's central group of will still be around and going through some major character development. We're particularly interested in Cisco's superpowered future, and even though we thought we'd have to wait a while before seeing it, it looks like it'll be happening almost immediately! We already know that Season 2 is going to be heading to Earth 2 and different timelines, and apparently we'll get the alternate planet in the season premiere. According to TV Guide, the episode will see Central City celebrating Flash Day, an event which will be disrupted by the bulky villain Atom Smasher. And at some point, Earth 1 Cisco will get a peek into the alternate universe, specifically glimpsing Atom Smasher on Earth 2, which came into existence due to the wormhole opening up in the Season 1 finale. In the comics, Cisco becomes the sonic-based hero Vibe, who can not only create massive shock waves, but can also detect interdimensional rifts and grasp what's happening on the other side. It happened in Season 1 after he was killed by Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, a murder that was wiped out of existence when Barry ran so fast that he went back in time. But that didn't stop Cisco from getting memories from that original timeline. And you'd think that this would be a power that he'd want to build upon and show off, but that's not the case. It looks like Cisco will be the opposite of the power-mongering Barry, and he'll initially be in denial that he even has these new attributes. He won't even be looking for advice or guidance from anyone at first, as he hides this information from the rest of his S.T.A.R. Labs team. I can imagine that this will take a mental toll on him, and everyone else is going to start wondering why he's being so weird all the time, and then Caitlin will question their friendship and JUST TELL THEM, CISCO! I wonder when he'll get his first look at the new Harrison Wells, and how that will mess with him.
Jay Garrick to debut in The Flash season 2 episode 2 – 'Flash of Two Worlds', episode description released
The CW has released an official episode description for 'Flash of Two Worlds', the second episode of The Flash season two, which will mark the debut of Teddy Sears' Jay Garrick, a.k.a. the Flash of Earth One…INTRODUCING JAY GARRICK – Jay Garrick (guest star Teddy Sears), a mysterious man fromEarth-2, appears at S.T.A.R. Labs with a dire warning about an evil speedster named Zoom, who is set on destroying The Flash. Barry (Grant Gustin) and the team must decide if they can trust this stranger even as they face yet another powerful meta-human. Meanwhile, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) must deal with a determined officer named Patty Spivot (guest star Shantal VanSanten) who wants to join his meta-human task force.
'The Flash' Trailers Tease a New Firestorm and First Look at Zoom
Two new "Flash" Season 2 promos have given us a better look at the villainous Zoom and a new half of Firestorm.After much speculation over the role Franz Drameh's character, Jay Jackson, would play in The CW's "Flash" and "Arrow" spinoff "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," the new footage reveals that Drameh will appear at some point as the dominant form of Firestorm, a hero who was created by fusing together Dr. Martin Stein (Victor Garber) and Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell). Since Garber has been announced as a series regular for "Legends" and Amell has not, Ronnie's fate remains a mystery that will undoubtedly be solved before the spinoff debuts at midseason.Drameh's character has been described as "a former high school athlete, whose pro-career was derailed by injury. Now making ends meet as an auto mechanic, Jay will come to have a surprising affiliation to the S.T.A.R. Labs crew." (Perhaps not so "surprising" any longer.)
The Flash Season 2 Promo "One Week" (HD) The Flash Season 2 trailer - First look at Zoom
UPDATE 9/29/2015 3:30 PM PT: Since the publication of the original article, The CW has made the behind-the-scenes video containing what appears to be a major Firestorm-related spoiler private, and thus is no longer publicly viewable.SPOILER WARNING: The following article contains potential major spoilers for "The Flash" and "DC's Legends of Tomorrow."Original story: The latest promo for Season 2 of "The Flash" takes viewers behind the scenes of The CW's hit superhero series, while introducing Franz Drameh as Jay Jackson -- the new human half of Firestorm.Originally announced as part of the cast for the upcoming "Arrow"/"Flash" spinoff "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," Drameh's Jackson is described by Warner Bros. as "a former high school athlete, whose pro-career was derailed by injury. Now making ends meets as an auto mechanic, Jay will come to have a surprising affiliation to the S.T.A.R. Labs crew."Where this leaves Robbie Amell's remains unknown. As Ron Raymond, Amell was joined with Professor Martin Stine (Victor Garber) to create Firestorm in the first season of "The Flash." While Garber has been featured prominently on advertisements for "Legends of Tomorrow" and is a member of the show's regular cast, Amell -- who has a role in the upcoming "X-Files" reboot -- has not been seen in any promo art or footage from the spinoff. Amell's days as half of Firestorm don't appear to be totally over, however, as he appears as Firestorm in photos from the season premiere of "The Flash."
The Flash: Meet Iris' Mom and Get Your First Look at Firestorm and Zoom
Mom is coming for a visit on The Flash. The super series has cast Candyman and Melrose Place's Vanessa Williams as Iris' mom, Variety reports.Exactly how she'll make her first appearance on the show is yet to be seen, but the show is already expected to reveal more about the Iris, Joe and the West family in Season 2. Keiynan Lonsdale has already signed on as Wally West, known in the comics as Iris' nephew and Barry's sidekick. We also don't yet know how he'll factor into the show's canon.Williams will be joined by her Candyman co-star Tony Todd, albeit in a very different role. He is voicing the villain Zoom in the new season. You can get your first look at him in a new trailer.
The Flash Has a New Trailer and Casts Iris West's Mom
Mama's home! The Flash has cast Candyman and Melrose Place alum Vanessa Williams as Iris West's (Candice Patton) mother, according to Variety. Exactly when and how Williams (not to be confused with that other Vanessa Williams) will make her first appearance on the super series is not yet known.But Mama West isn't the only new addition to the series. Over the summer it was revealed The Flash would be introducing Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West, known in the comics as Iris' nephew and Barry's (Grant Gustin) sidekick Kid Flash (and eventually The Flash himself). Details on Wally West's appearance are also fairly scarce at this point.

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