The Bear (Hulu)


Gooney Goo Goo
Original poster
Lifetime Supporter
Aug 20, 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Season 3 is up as of yesterday, didn't see a thread for the show, so figured I'd start one. Such a great show, looking forward to getting back into it.

Watched ep1 last night, will watch more today.

Pretty artsy but damn well done first episode. Looking forward to getting back to our crew and the more standard format of the show.

If you've never watched the show, give the first episode a go (trailer below), if you even remotely click with how the story is told or the cast, you will have a hard time not watching more.

Trailers only spoilered because the embeds are ginormous.

Season 1 trailer

Season 3 trailer

Season 3 was melancholy at best. There was no real forward trajectory, nor resolutions from the end of last season. Very disappointing.
It felt like the first half of a season. My least favorite of the 3, no interest in ever re-watching it really.

A lot of smaller moments I really enjoyed, but I missed the format of the first 2 seasons.