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'The Flash' Sneak Peek: 7 Things To Know About What's Ahead
"The Flash" certainly hasn't been afraid to race through plot twists in its freshman season, and the March 17 episode, "Out of Time" promises to be a game-changer in terms of the show's trajectory."With no disrespect to any of the other directors or episodes that we've produced, I think this is the best episode we've ever done," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told reporters at a recent preview screening. "It's everything that 'The Flash' can do as a TV show — I feel like this episode delivers in spades. It's got amazing visual effects that you just don't see on television; it's full of heart; it's full of romance; it's full of genuine scares and it's really the best version of the show."Below, Variety has an exclusive sneak peek at "Out of Time," plus a list of 7 things we've learned about what's coming up on the hit CW series, gleaned from the preview screening and the show's recent PaleyFest panel.
'The Flash' Sneak Peek: 7 Things To Know About What's Ahead
"The Flash" certainly hasn't been afraid to race through plot twists in its freshman season, and the March 17 episode, "Out of Time" promises to be a game-changer in terms of the show's trajectory."With no disrespect to any of the other directors or episodes that we've produced, I think this is the best episode we've ever done," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told reporters at a recent preview screening. "It's everything that 'The Flash' can do as a TV show — I feel like this episode delivers in spades. It's got amazing visual effects that you just don't see on television; it's full of heart; it's full of romance; it's full of genuine scares and it's really the best version of the show."Below, Variety has an exclusive sneak peek at "Out of Time," plus a list of 7 things we've learned about what's coming up on the hit CW series, gleaned from the preview screening and the show's recent PaleyFest panel.
'The Flash' Postmortem: Andrew Kreisberg, Tom Cavanagh & Candice Patton On Shockers
Stunned by the reveals on Tuesday night's "The Flash"? "It's just Episode 15," Tom Cavanagh said, following a screening of "Out of Time" for TV reporters.(Spoiler Alert! If you haven't watched the March 17 episode of The CW series, bookmark this link to come back to later. This article discusses the big reveals in detail.)Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg, Cavanagh, who plays Harrison Wells (scratch that, Eobard Thawne!) and Candice Patton (who plays Iris West) provided some details about where the show now goes from here.
The Flash: Out Of Time Just Gave Us The Most Shocking Moment Yet
Major spoilers for The Flash episode "Out of Time" below, so speed away if you don't want to ruin it for yourself.Up until its slambang final few minutes, "Out of Time" was just your average episode of The Flash, filled with awkward love-rhombus moments between Barry/Linda and Iris/Eddie, and a villain (the Weather Wizard) with larger-than-life threats against Central City. But as the credits were just over the horizon, everything suddenly got ridiculously amazing, as we saw a major character's death, which was then taken back by Barry somewhat accidentally traveling back in time as he tried to stop a massive unnatural disaster. Oh, and Dr. Wells also revealed himself as Eobard "The Reverse Flash" Thawne, but that was somehow the least exciting part in the moment. Wells made his big announcement to Cisco as the young tech genius was trying to secretly figure out how much of a bad guy Wells really is. Surprise! It worked better once Wells was actually there, as he followed his big "speed mirage (if you will)" display by murdering Cisco in cold blood. To make matters worse, he doesn't seem to be particularly happy to do it, as he's grown quite fond of Cisco, telling him as much as he pops his speedy hand through Cisco's chest. R.I.P. Cisco. We hardly knew you.
'The Flash' Season 1 Spoilers: What Will Upcoming Flashbacks Reveal About Dr. Wells' Mysterious Backstory?
"The Flash" is flashing back! Fans and the S.T.A.R. Labs team now know that Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) is not what he appears to be on the CW series. However, even though the secretive scientist's Reverse Flash identity has been revealed, the character's backstory remains a mystery. That might change soon as executive producer Andrew Kreisberg promises some insightful flashbacks are on the way."The Flash" executive producer told TV Line that viewers can expect some peeks into the past after Barry's (Grant Gustin) time traveling in episode 15."In Episode 17 we're going to get a flashback from [Dr. Wells'] point of view, which we're really excited about," says Kreisberg. "And in [another] episode, everyone's going to flash back to when Barry was in the coma. So, you'll see that time from Wells' point of view, Caitlin's point of view, and Joe, and Iris…. You get to fill in a little bit more of the backstory."
The Flash: The truth about Harrison Wells will soon get out
Even though Barry (Grant Gustin) missed learning the truth about Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) before accidentally jumping back in time, it won't be long before The Flash's Scarlet Speedster finally discovers that his mentor also happens to be his mortal enemy."Barry is going to find out in the next couple of episodes," Gustin reveals to EW. "Joe [Jesse L. Martin] and Barry refocus all of their energy on Wells."Barry will actually become suspicious of Wells as early as Tuesday's episode, though Cavanagh cautions that the truth coming out won't make Wells' goal to get home more difficult to obtain. "Harrison Wells is not as dumb as he looks," he says. "By that I mean things that perhaps seem accidental that we've been watching in the first 15 episodes have not been accidental. You don't get to come back in time and travel back and forth unless you have a certain modicum of intelligence and have thought things through. What looks like discovery on the part of our dear friends, I would tease by saying it's not so much discovery at all."
The Flash: Five Big Ways The Timeline Changed In Rogue Time
The clock on the wall says it's time for Flash spoilers for those who haven't seen "Rogue Time." Last week's completely bonkers episode "Out of Time" revealed how time travel works in this universe, and boy did it cause some disruptions in the timeline. Not enough to affect Dr. Wells' future, though, and his main advice to Barry throughout the episode is, "Do everything the exact same way," even though that would inevitably just cause Barry to go back in time again. Thankfully, Barry changed things up almost immediately and this week's installment served as a strange mirror version of last week's episode. Here are the five biggest change-ups that Barry's mucking about caused.
'The Flash' vs. 'Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.': Which Is the Better Superhero Show?
The two superhero shows that air on Tuesday nights provide a sharp contrast in storytelling and tone. The CW's The Flash and ABC's Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. derive from competing comics companies — Flash is a long-time DC Comics character; S.H.I.E.L.D. draws from the vast Marvel Comics mythology for a variety of characters. And in some ways, it's their comic-book sources that help describe the shows' strengths and weaknesses.
The Flash Super Trailer: Grodd's Arrival, Oliver's New Look and More Surprises
Some very famous faces are coming to Central City in the next few weeks — and one of them happens to be a psychic gorilla.Following Tuesday's revealing episode of The Flash, The CW aired a minute-long trailer teasing the final episodes of Season 1 (which ends Tuesday, May 19). And yes, the elusive Grodd does show his glorious mug.But that's not the only bananas surprise from the new trailer. Additional moments to get pumped about include:
* An incredible interaction between Cisco and Arrow's Laurel, which ends with him confessing his love for her. (No shocker there.)
* Detective West and Captain Lance teaming up for an investigation.
* The arrival of Ray Palmer (ahem, the Atom) in his super-suit.
* Oliver dressed as… the new Ra's al Ghul?
The Flash trailer promises plenty of Arrow crossovers, Reverse-Flash showdown
Last night's The Flash included some major twists, setting the stage for an epic end to the show's inaugural season. And The CW is offering a glimpse at just how crazy that ending will be.At the end of last night's episode, a teaser trailer for the rest of the season debuted—and you'd be forgiven for thinking it's an Arrow trailer at first glance. (If you want to know nothing about the rest of the season, turn away now. Spoilers follow.)
The 'Flash'/'Arrow' Spinoff: Everything We Know So Far
The as-yet-unnamed Flash/Arrow spinoff — which Greg Berlanti said "Honors all of the great team-up movies, whether it's Ocean's Eleven or whether it's the superhero books" — has been alternately baffling and delighting fans with the seemingly random casting decisions slowly being released.Most of the main cast has now been announced — save for the young, unnamed African-American hero — and speculation about how this disparate group of heroes and villains (both living and dead) will work together continues to fly. Here's a roundup of all the casting news and what we know about the spinoff so far:
'The Flash' Set Photos Reveal Additional SPOILERS
[WARNING: This article contains Major SPOILERS for The Flash season 1.]As The CW's newest DC Comics series – The Flash – heads into the final episodes of its first season, fans should expect storylines to begin wrapping up as well as another crossover with Arrow. The season-long mystery of the Reverse-Flash's identity and how it relates to Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) has begun to unravel.Additionally, the show may be leading to the comic series Flashpoint, though that remains to be seen. All of these factors add up to a thrilling season finale of The Flash, but there are other story and character threads that will need to be tied up.Previous photos from the set of The Flash revealed aspects of the crossover between the series and Arrow, depicting Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) alongside a fellow hero facing off against a major villain. Now, new photos don't reveal any upcoming fight scenes, but rather a happier finale moment.[SPOILERS BELOW]
'The Flash' Trailer Pulls Forward Reverse-Flash, Grodd, The Atom
This 'Pull Forward' trailer from DC Entertainment features highlights from upcoming episodes of The Flash. A very similar version just played at WonderCon, the fan festival down in Anaheim. Lots here for fans to chew on too, leading with Reverse-Flash, time travel, vengeance, the Atom, Team Flash and of course, as the trailer itself puts it, "Gorilla Freakin' Grodd."We'll have more news out of WonderCon today from our Ross Lincoln but for now, check out the trailer, which hit YouTube a couple of days ago.The show, a spinoff of CW hit Arrow, stars Grant Gustin, Tom Cavanagh, Candace Patton and Danielle Panabaker. It returns to air on the CW on April 14. Until then, the trailer will have to sate fans' fervor.
WonderCon: Flash Writer Reveals Vital Easter Egg Fans Missed.....Along with many other behind-the-scenes tidbits.
The Flash panel kicked off at WonderCon 2015 with Carlos Valdez (Cisco), Candice Patton (Iris), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin), and Andrew Kreisberg (writer and executive producer) taking the stage.Talk began about Caitlin's villainous alter ego from the comics, Killer Frost, and Panabaker said, "You're going to see her sooner than you think."Candice fielded a question about why Iris likes Flash but not Barry. She said that they're both the same person, but Flash behaves in ways that Barry doesn't, so it's that side of him she's attracted to. As for why she's hasn't figured out his secret yet -- when many others have -- she said that she knows Barry as someone who would never lie, so despite obvious evidence, her belief that Barry would never lie to her takes precedence.The rumor of Caitlin and Ronnie getting married got brought up. Caitlin said they did film a wedding scene, but it was filmed on April Fools Day, and left it there.
The Flash: New Trailer Teases Surprise Kiss Between Barry and
The Flash unveiled a fresh trailer at Sunday's WonderCon, and while most of it is footage we already glimpsed in this sneak peek, there is one new and very unexpected liplock between two characters not currently coupled.Also glimpsed in the preview: Reverse-Flash proving a mighty foe for Arrow's Oliver; Emily Kinney's Bug-Eyed Bandit unleashing a swarm of bees; Barry giving Eddie quite a beating; and someone meeting a potentially deadly fall.After you wrap your head around the surprising smooch — dream, weird alt timeline or real? — hit the comments with your thoughts on what's coming up for the rest of Season 1.
Barry Allen Meets Ray Palmer in this The Flash Featurette
Check out the preview for next week's episodeThere's a new Flash featurette on the CW Youtube page and this video has Ray Palmer and Barry Allen teaming up, in a sense.Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg talks about the characters in the episode and we get a quick look at what to expect.Apparently Central City isn't the fun city. Here's the synopsis for the episode:Barry is surprised when Smoak arrives from Starling City along with her boyfriend, Palmer, who flies in as the Atom. They've come to visit S.T.A.R. Labs as Palmer needs help with his suit. Their timing turns out to be fortuitous because it's all hands on deck after a meta human named Brie Larvin unleashes hundreds of robotic bees to attack and kill her former co-workers, including Dr. Tina McGee. A group dinner with Allen, Felicity, Ray, Iris and Eddie turns into a disaster.The group takes on some killer robotic bees on Tuesday, April 18 at 8PM on The CW.
The Flash - Inside: All-Star Team Up......The Atom lands in Central City in 5 days. Preview Tuesday's new episode with The Flash Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg!......
'The Flash' and the Importance of Being Felicity Smoak
Warning: This review contains storyline and character spoilers from this week's episode of The Flash.The enormous fun that is The Flash continued apace on Tuesday night, with a mini-Arrow-crossover episode featuring the only character crucial to both shows: Felicity Smoak, played with horn-rimmed hellaciousness by Emily Bett Rickards. Oh, the hour was about other things, to be sure. Getting Ray Palmer/The Atom over to Central City. Planting more seeds of suspicion about Dr. Wells/Reverse-Flash/Eobard Thawne. Foiling the buzzy mischief of that silly Bee Lady, who talked like an Adam West-era Batman villain ("You think you understand the sting of betrayal?"). Really, the producers just should have given this role to Eddie Izzard.

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