The Flash News and Links

'The Flash': John Wesley Shipp on Reuniting with Mark Hamill and Revisiting the Trickster
Few actors can claim that they've appeared in multiple iterations of a fan-favorite franchise, but John Wesley Shipp and Mark Hamill are two such men. Shipp played Barry Allen in CBS' 1990 version of "The Flash," and now plays Barry's (Grant Gustin) father, Henry Allen, in The CW's successful reboot. This week, Shipp is filming alongside "Star Wars" veteran (and fellow '90s "Flash" alum) Mark Hamill, who is reprising his original role as the Scarlet Speedster's nemesis, James Jesse, aka The Trickster. (Spoilers ahead.)We won't see Hamill on screen until the 17th episode of "Flash's" freshman season, but Variety spoke to Shipp about reuniting with his former costar and what's ahead for Henry now that his son has come face to face with the man responsible for murdering Barry's mother, the Reverse Flash — who, unbeknownst to Barry, is actually his STAR Labs mentor, Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh). Although Henry is still falsely imprisoned for the crime, Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), Barry's guardian, now believes in Henry's innocence, which will lead the duo to join forces in this week's episode, "Crazy for You."
Last Night's Flash May Have Had The Best Epilogue Of The Year
Calling "Crazy For You" a let-down after last week's episode isn't exactly accurate. It was less revelatory, but it gave Barry and the others a chance to rest, explore the mystery of Ronnie the Flammable Hobo, sing drunken karaoke, and had an ending scene so amazing I cackled out loud.Which is a roundabout way of saying that "Crazy For You" might not be an outstanding episode of The Flash, but it's very good. Our Freak-o'-the-Week is Shawna Baez, a.k.a. Peek-a-boo, who can teleport anywhere in her line of sight. She uses her new power to free her boyfriend from jail (she uses a telescope for those hard to reach places — and then rob a few armored cars, so her boyfriend can pay off the gangster he owes before they skip town.It's pretty standard procedure for Flash and the SuperSTARS, so they're mostly left to their own devices. Cisco frees Hartley in order to find out what happened to Ronnie, which goes exactly like you'd expect, but which I'll get into in a minute. Barry and Caitlin, realizing they're both pining over people who want nothing to do with them, decide they need to go out on the town, which they masquerade as recon to one of the bars Shawna and her boyfriend used to visit. Caitlin gets hellaciously drunk, Barry gets the phone number of one Linda Park despite his best efforts to have no comprehension of when a girl is into him, and Caitlin forces Barry to sing karaoke, where she discovers that Grant Gustin used to star on Glee.
The Flash Enlists Walking Dead Alum Emily Kinney as Atom Foe/Anti-Felicity
The Flash is putting a gender twist on DC Comics' Bug-Eyed Bandit.The Walking Dead alumna Emily Kinney has been cast as the typically male nemesis of The Atom, TVLine has confirmed.Kinney will appear in Episode 18, "All-Star Team-Up," as Brie Larvan — fka Bertram in comics lore — when Arrow's Ray Palmer and Felicity visit Central City for help with his A.T.O.M. exosuit.Brie is described as a narcissistic tech wizard wreaking havoc in Central City. Upon arriving in town, Felicity recognizes Brie as her nemesis, and the two women engage in a hacker battle for The Flash's life.As TVLine previously reported, Kinney will also guest-star on an upcoming episode of ABC's Forever.
'Flash's' Robbie Amell Says Firestorm's Explosive Coming-Out Is Also 'Origin Story'
Ronnie Raymond has his explosive coming out party as Firestorm on Tuesday night's episode of "The Flash." But Robbie Amell, the actor who portrays the combustible CW character, is less interested in burning things up than in finally flashing a spark of his alter ego's humanity."The cool thing about [Tuesday episode] 'Nuclear Man' is we finally get to see a different version of Firestorm," Amell told TheWrap. "A more human side has a chance come out."Ronnie and Dr. Martin Stein (Victor Garber) mind-melded into Firestorm during the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator accident which also turned Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) into the Flash. Now, Central City's protector and his fiery counterpart are poised to take part in an epic aerial battle."There is a great fight scene," Amell said. It "takes place while we're flying through the city. I've never seen a scene like that on TV."In addition to his heated battles and human side, Amell teased Ronnie's reunion with estranged fiancee Dr. Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), revealed when Firestorm might return to the series, and divulged which showrunner helped him get a green card.
Robbie Amell talks the future of Caitlin Snow in The Flash – bad news for SnowBarry shippers!
Warning – spoilers for upcoming episodes of The Flash…So Arrow has its legion of Olicity shippers, but it seems The Flash is about to get their own version after episode "Crazy For You", which saw Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow grow a littler closer than we've previously seen.Well, we've got some bad news for all you SnowBarry shippers.As many fans of the comic will already know, Caitlin Snow is destined to become the villain Killer Frost and will also be reuniting with her fiancée Ronnie Raymond aka Firestorm, played by Robbie Amell. So, there is little chance of her hooking up with Barry in the long term."In an upcoming episode, you get a very small taste of the future of Killer Frost," teases Amell to Entertainment Weekly. "But like you said, it's definitely a ways down the road. I know that Danielle [Panabaker] is super excited about it. I know they've been talking to her about it. I think it's a matter of time. I'm sure they'll start to manifest it shortly, but you have to see the development there, otherwise you'll feel like you've missed a step."
Gorilla Grodd is coming to The Flash
Gorilla Grodd has been hinted at in the episodes of The Flash. We've seen Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) talk to Grodd and we even saw signs of Grodd escaping from a cage. In the episode, "Crazy For You," we see writings of "Grodd" on a wall in the sewers. Now it looks like we'll finally have the smart ape soon. Check out the new teaser below.Gorilla Grodd is a very intelligent ape in the comics. Thanks to aliens, he has telepathic powers, including mind control. So far it looks like the show is giving him some intelligence, like being able to write his name on walls. Perhaps we'll see him grow smarter as the show goes on. The origin will most likely be different, so instead of aliens or a radioactive meteor giving him powers, he'll likely get his intelligence via the particle accelerator's explosion.After a particle accelerator causes a freak storm, CSI Investigator Barry Allen is struck by lightning and falls into a coma. Months later he awakens with the power of super speed, granting him the ability to move through Central City like an unseen guardian angel. Though initially excited by his newfound powers, Barry is shocked to discover he is not the only "meta-human" who was created in the wake of the accelerator explosion – and not everyone is using their new powers for good. Barry partners with S.T.A.R. Labs and dedicates his life to protect the innocent. For now, only a few close friends and associates know that Barry is literally the fastest man alive, but it won't be long before the world learns what Barry Allen has become…The Flash.
The Flash - Grodd Teaser.....You've seen the signs. You know his name. GRODD IS COMING! ....
'Flash' Star Victor Garber Says Sharing Firestorm With Robbie Amell Saves Him From Grueling Stunts
Victor Garber is having more fun than he ever expected playing a Dr. Martin Stein, a.k.a. one half of the entity Firestorm on The CW's "The Flash."
But the 65-year-old film and television veteran is also grateful to share his character's duties with Robbie Amell, as it allows him to avoid an abundance of grueling stunt work."The good news is when we become Firestorm, it's Robbie. I'll be in my hotel room and he'll be running around in the forest at night," he told TheWrap in an interview about Tuesday's episode. "I don't think I'll be called on to do those kinds of things."Garber's character was melded with Ronnie Raymond (Amell) in a particle accelerator accident, turning them into a fire-controlling meta-human. The two lived out the first half of Season 1 in the same body, Amell's, but on last week's episode Firestorm went nuclear and Dr. Stein and Ronnie were finally separated.Garber is excited to step into his own on Tuesday's episode "Fallout," but isn't necessarily looking forward to doing his own stunts, if it comes down to it."Robbie is more equipped to handle the [action-filled stunts]. I did my stunt days on 'Alias,'" he joked, referring to the 2001-2006 ABC series with Jennifer Garner.The accomplished actor went on to talk about his character's chemistry with hero Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), how he hopes to one day visit "Arrow," and the importance of starring on a series where's it's cool to be smart.
The Flash Recap: Friendly Merger
This week on The CW's The Flash, as Ronnie and Professor Stein looked forward to a future apart, Barry dwelled on the past — and how he might be able to change it.Having survived and been separated by last week's blast, Ronnie and Stein are at first a bit perturbed with each other — seems Ronnie wasnt a big fan of having Stein at the wheel with the flying and all. But soon enough they are happily consumed by loving reunions, with Caitlin and Clarissa, respectively.Meanwhile, Joe brings Barry to his old house — that flirty divorcee who now owns it sure is great about letting a cop have the run of the place! — to treat him to Cisco's 3D slideshow. Joe then drops the bomb that the blood spatter they recovered is a match for Barry. An adult Barry. Later, Joe apologizes for adding this burden to Barry's life, while Barry deflects the notion that Wells played a role in his mother's murder.
The Flash: Out of Time trailer and details
The secrets of Harrison Wells and the man in the yellow suit may be revealed in the next episode of The Flash.The Flash is taking a bit of a break, and we won't get another new episode until March 17th. But when we do, it looks like "Out of Time" is going to be a big one. It has to be. "Fallout" was so good, and the end of the season is approaching, so it's time for The Flash to start wrapping up some big mysteries.The biggest mystery is what's going on with Harrison Wells. We know he's the Reverse-Flash, right? But do we know why he's the Reverse-Flash? Do we even know his real name? Nope. And watching his team learn the truth about him looks like at least half the fun...
'The Flash': A Superhero Show Reveling in Its Own Insanity
Comic books have always basked in their inherently ridiculous nature, and honestly why wouldn't they? Super-powered mutants, aliens, and humans don't typically run around in costumes fighting crime. It's a core concept that's always walking that line between telling a serious story while still refreshingly not taking itself seriously. But translate that over to a movie or TV medium, and things always seem to land on the side of gravitas. Shows like Arrow and movies like The Dark Knight and Man of Steel always seem to have the DC universe lacking the fun-loving spirit of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With CW's The Flash, though, it looks like they finally have the combo-breaker DC has so sorely needed.The comic mythos of the Flash is one of the crazier ones this side of Deadpool. Throughout its history, four different characters have worn the iconic red suit. From there, things only get crazier. In one plotline, the Flash runs so fast that he literally comes across God. His abilities also allow for things like time travel, running at the speed of light, and vibrating so fast that he can move through walls (the comics call it "quantum tunneling"). Within that world, multiple Flashes exist in multiple parallel universes, with one storyline even breaking into 52 identical realities. Basically, you'd be hard-pressed to find a comic world more patently insane than this one.
'The Flash' is brilliant, but why does Barry need to be?.....Commentary: Counting the seconds as we wait for more episodes of "The Flash," Crave's Kelsey Adams ponders whether Barry's brains are a clue.
Tonight is the first Tuesday without "The Flash" in the long, slow period until the next new episode airs on March 17. How to cope? I mean, I have my screencap collection of the identical black crewnecks of Dr. Wells to comfort me, but it's not enough. Of course, that gives us more time to discuss Reverse Flash -- which has already been done plenty, but I just wanted to put out an extra argument in favor of one of the popular theories. I call this one Chekhov's Brain.
'The Flash' Episode 15 Update: Dr Wells Character Unravels, Cisco And Reverse Flash In Big Moments (Spoilers)
"The Flash" Season 1, Episode 15 does not air until mid-March, leaving fans craving a new episode this week. Based on the network promo video, The Flash 1x15 has some big moments coming up. Dr Wells' character is at least partially revealed, and Cisco faces a disturbing reality. Meanwhile, Reverse Flash is showing up, and showing off.Spoiler alert: This update contains "The Flash" Season 1 spoilers. Read on at your own risk.
What's up with that crazy inhumane prison on 'The Flash'? ......Commentary: On another Flash-less Tuesday, Crave's Kelsey Adams wants to talk about the elephant in the padded room
One thing that's made CW's "The Flash" stand out among shows like "Arrow" and "Gotham" is its lighter, more optimistic tone. It's a show full of friendship and caring. Barry Allen lost his mom...and ended up with three dad figures who shower him with affection and pride. His costume's a bright color, he enjoys his work, he's unexpectedly good at karaoke, and he and his friends are sincerely trying to make the world a better place.
'The Flash' Reveals First Look at Mark Hamill as the Trickster
A video or other embedded content has been hidden. Click here to view it.Luke Skywalker has finally arrived in Central City.The CW released a new trailer for "The Flash" Monday and gave viewers a first look at a few of the series' highly anticipated villains. Among them is The Trickster, played by "Star Wars" veteran Mark Hamill.The trailer shows Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), aka The Flash, visiting a prison to quiz Hamill's incarcerated baddie in hopes of gaining insight on a copycat villain terrorizing the town.Though it's the first look at Hamill on the CW series, it's not the first time he's embodied the Trickster, who is a member of DC Comics' villainous super-group the Rogues. Hamill also played The Trickster in 1990 on CBS's short-lived "Flash" series.Other Rogues shown in the trailer include Weather Wizard (played by "Spartacus's" Liam McIntyre), who will appear on the March 24 episode, Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and his little sister Lisa Snart, aka Golden Glider (played by Peyton List).
'The Flash': Meet the 3 New Villains He'll Battle Next
The Flash has plenty more battles coming his way. The CW has just released an extended glimpse of a few of the villainous characters still set to make an appearance this season and from the looks of it, it'll be quite a busy month in the heroic life of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). The show is over halfway through its 23-episode freshman season. So far, viewers have seen the superhero face off against plenty of bad guys, including former childhood bully-turned-metahuman Tony Woodward (aka Girder), Danton Black (known as Multiplex), former S.T.A.R Labs employee Hartley Rathaway (the Pied Piper), and Leonard Snart (a.k.a. Captain Cold). But his work is still far from far over. As seen in the newly released teaser, Allen will combat against three new villains and two returning ones over the next few episodes.
The Flash - Villains Look Ahead Trailer.....Prepare to be amazed. It all starts with the return of The Flash Tuesday, March 17! ......
'The Flash' could add Kid Flash in Season 2, says producer
The Flash executive producer Greg Berlanti told the panel at Paleyfest on Saturday that they hope to bring either Wally West or Bart Allen into the show for Season 2.In the comics, Wally West and Bart Allen both donned the costume of Kid Flash, The Flash's sidekick. Wally is the nephew of Iris West and Bart is the grandson of Barry Allen from the future."That's our hope. We've already been picked up for a second year. If we were going to do something like that [add more speedsters], we'd do it next year," said Berlanti.OMG. I am so excited.But this is going to weird with the Teen Titans TV series being developed at TNT. Kid Flash is part of that team in the comics, so if he appears in The Flash on The CW, he may not be included in Teen Titans.
'The Flash' Teases 'Flashpoint', 'Arrow' Hints At Major Changes At PaleyFest
Fans hoping for big spoilers about upcoming The Flash and Arrow episodes during this afternoon's PaleyFest panels might have been disappointed, as cast and producers on both shows were adamant – often excruciatingly so – about keeping mum on future developments. But hints and innuendos during both panels suggested huge twists and more crossovers between the two shows, and in the case of The Flash, the adaptation of one of DC Entertainment's biggest comic events for the small screen.First up, the Arrow panel, where moderator Aisha Tyler kept the conversation focused on character and generally hilarious during the Arrow panel. That was thanks in part to Malcolm Merlyn actor John Barrowman, who alternated between trenchant observation and zings. He confirmed, for instance, that his character would have preferred to have Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) as a son rather than Tommy Merlyn, (who died during the season 1 finale but returns in periodic flashbacks). Shortly after, he joked that he'd love to see his character paired off with the cocktail waitress mother of Arrow ally Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards).
The Flash Will Add Two Beloved Characters In The Future
It may still be in its first season, but The Flash has done an impressive job of introducing players from all corners of the Scarlet Speedster's mythos, from allies like Iris West to villains like Captain Cold. The series still has plenty of characters to introduce, including Wally West and Bart Allen, two of the Flash Family's most important members. Fortunately for fans of these speedsters, the series may be introducing them as soon as Season 2.At The Flash's panel at Paley Fest this past weekend, a fan asked whether fans be seeing Wally or Bart Allen anytime in the future, executive producer Greg Berlanti hinted that least one of them could show up as soon as next year. Said Berlanti:That's our hope, and we've already been picked up for a second year so I think if we were going to do something like that, we would do it next year.
'Flash' & 'Arrow' Trailers Tease Plot Twists, Villains & More VIDEO OF The Flash Here:>>
[WARNING: Minor SPOILERS for both The Flash and Arrow lie ahead!]It would be an understatement to say that The CW launched its shared DC Comics universe with a bang, as Arrow continues to move along with its third season arcs – and The Flash seems to be playing its cards and star characters as if a single season is all the showrunners are going to get. Apparently, that's a trend that will remain in place when the shows return from their Spring hiatus.Fans of either series may want to hold off watching the new sizzle reels released by The CW, since teasing the upcoming twists, crossovers, and new villains is impossible without dropping a few SPOILERS. But if this is what the showrunners are willing to reveal ahead of time, then the tricks up their sleeve are impossible to predict.The trailers come courtesy of the 2015 PaleyFest, with the producers and cast of both shows on hand to drop a wealth of insights and tidbits into the remaining episodes of their respective seasons (as well as the heroes joining them next year). For The Flash, the marketing sizzle reel (embedded above) provides the first look at a number of characters and plot twists unseen before now.

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