The Dish April 1st New HD Saga (Merged Threads)

not really a big deal for me. I am happy with the HD content. not that I wouldn't be happier with more, but so far the one HD channel add that would send me to HD only isn't even being discussed(G4hd). I am patient, some say i am abnormally so. I am patiently waiting for G$hd to appear in the uplink report. then i will immediately switch to HD only.
Technical problems happen. hopefully it will be resolved quickly, and they can begin working on getting even more channels uplinked. for the quality of picture alone I can wait.
not really a big deal for me. I am happy with the HD content. not that I wouldn't be happier with more, but so far the one HD channel add that would send me to HD only isn't even being discussed(G4hd). I am patient, some say i am abnormally so. I am patiently waiting for G$hd to appear in the uplink report. then i will immediately switch to HD only.

Fair enough. But if Charlie said that channel was going to go live on April 1st and it didnt then my guess is that you would be a little less patient and want some kind of statement from Dish. Or maybe a better example that would be closer to home... if you promised the kiddies (an assumption on my part) a channel they wanted would be on yesterday, and wasnt, they would want daddy to explain why. I guess that means we are all whinny kiddies. :D
In the computer industry, Apple is the exception, not the rule. If you read engadget or gizmodo, you know that other company's are constantly previewing upcoming models and setting launch dates (which sometimes they meet, sometimes they don't). Same goes for cell phone companies, software companies, video game companies; see where I am going here...
My sister pre-ordered Gran Torismo 5 for me in December of '07 and it still hasn't been released. Thanks Sony :mad:

I think we all need to be calling or getting online on the live chats. If we don't they will never know that anyone is upset about this and just think no one cares. Sure they don't know and we know that but at least then they know that customers are upset and do care about this other than them thinking customers just don't care and them doing it again in the future.
People at *E read this forum. They know we're pissed.:mad:

I wonder if problems are related to negotiation with Viacom over the launch of LOGO on Dish?

Is it still part of the 'package' Viacom is contracting with DISH?
Amen brother.

People are getting blown up in wars, starving to death, have no homes, etc., etc., etc. around the world and folks here are bent out of shape 'cause they didn't get a few lousy channels added in HD that they were PROMISED on time.:rolleyes: Give me a break.


Bent out of shape no. A little venting yes. But then again I suppose your argument could be used against people who complain about paying $1000 more in taxes this year. Maybe you will be included. After all, $1000 compared to all the death, starvation and homelessness etc. etc. etc. in the world is nothing. I hope you will gladly pay it. Now thats absolutely totally unfair me of also. It just means nothing compares to all the death in the world so using it as a comparison is unfair to both the people venting as well as the dead.

OK sorry no more soapbox. :p
Dish Network put up another message on Twitter that said when they hear something about National HD they will post it.

After they they put up another tweet asking to name the storms coming this weekend to the Denver area. My suggestion was "HD Festivus" :D
They will on the next Charlie Chat. By then, we will have forgotten about this problem and several more problems will have came and went.
Doubtful. I'm certain that Charlie will sidestep the issue at best, and they certainly will not (on purpose) take any calls on the subject. But the issue forgotten? Again, doubtful.
Hey rey, do I have to sign a 2 year commitment for my 922? If not sign me up.

Well, sign me up anyway. I am only 7 months into a 2 year commitment now.

Thanks for the sweet deal.:):)
I will also take one of them 922's Rey...I hope that there is new HD tomorrow, but I guess the plus side is the 922 is awsome. Bill
Dear Dish Customers,
No matter how many HD channels we give you it's never enough. You pat us on the back and thank us one day for adding 5 new HD channels and a month later you threaten to cancel you subscription if you don't get 3 or 4 more. You will never be satisfied so we don't listen to your request and we will add new HD channels at our convenience and say whatever we want. You want to quit Dish and go elsewhere just because a couple HD channels didn't get added in time for whatever, go ahead. Funny how you were all satisfied with SD channels before HD was available.

:up :up :up

Dish 500, dual LNB and South Asian channels

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