The Dish April 1st New HD Saga (Merged Threads)

(Sung to the tune of "Candy Man")

Who can break a promise? (Who can break a promise)
Break it with a smile? (Break it with a smile)
Who can promise April but deliver in July?
The Charlie Man can! (The Charlie Man can)
Yes, the Charlie Man can. (The Charlie Man can)
The Charlie Man can 'cause he has a heart that's blacker than my plasma TV. (My plasma TV)
I just twittered Dish and told them to work on HD channels instead of wasting time with this stupid snowstorm naming crap. How much you wanna bet I don't get a response?


No kidding. The owner of the freakin company promised new programming that never showed up. Is it too much to ask for an explanation? Oh well, T.I.D.
Satelliteguy: Mr. Ergen?

Charlie: I am extraordinarily busy, sir.

Satelliteguy: I just wanted to ask about the new national HD - Uh, the viacom channels...when do I get them?

Charlie: You don't.

Satelliteguys: Why not?

Charlie: Because I want to move up the Forbes list this year.

Satelliteguy: Forbes list? I don't care if you move up the Forbes list. You can't do this...

Charlie: Wrong, sir! Wrong! Under section 37B of the contract signed by you, it states quite clearly that all announced hd channels shall become null and void if - and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy "I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all new hd channels, receivers and firmware updates herein and herein contained," et cetera, et cetera..."Memo bis punitor delicatum!" It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! I raised prices in February, I want to move up the Forbes list this year and I'm not going to add any new national HD, so you get *NOTHING*! You lose! Good day sir!

Satelliteguy: You're a crook. You're a cheat and a swindler! That's what you are! How could you do a thing like this, build up a satelliteguy's hopes and then smash all his dreams to pieces? You're an inhuman monster!

Charlie: I said "Good day!"

Satelliteguy: I'll get even with him if its the last thing I'll ever do. If DirecTV wants a new subscriber, they'll get one.
Here is the reply I received for the disgruntled email I sent to ceo at this morning:

"Dear Mr. Indianafanatic,

Thank you for your email expressing concern about the additional Viacom HD channels that were referred to in the Charlie Chat. Currently, DISH Network and Viacom, the owner of these channels, are working to finalize the launch of these HD channels.

We realize that in today's competitive world you have a choice in services. We thank you for your continued business and support.

Thank you

Angeline R.
Executive Communication
DISH Network Corporation"

Given the lack of specific details, it appears that the problem is financial in nature; not technical.

Funny... I received this email today:

Dear Mr. Jones,

Thank you for your email expressing concern about the additional Viacom HD channels that were referred to in the Charlie Chat. Currently, DISH Network and Viacom, the owner of these channels, are working to finalize the launch of these HD channels.

We realize that in today's competitive world you have a choice in services. We thank you for your continued business and support.


Thank you

[FONT=&quot]Angeline Romero[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Executive Communication[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]DISH Network Corporation[/FONT]

lose or should i say [marq]loose[/marq] the confused emoticon! you knew what you were doing and now i have to sell everything i own to cover this!!!!!! :eek:

haha playing the victim? We know about the promotion:up'

I told you I would help you set up the shipping with my Bro in law at fed ex. DId you get the PM? He said he can set it up:up
haha playing the victim? We know about the promotion:up'

I told you I would help you set up the shipping with my Bro in law at fed ex. DId you get the PM? He said he can set it up:up

they don't call your bro Joey Nickles for nothing ;)
this was actually a good deal. smith the deal you made is for free shipping!!!!! now i'm paying for shipping too on these freakin 922's!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

No, you misunderstood. That is what I worked out. Free shipping for you. He ows me a favor. (of course we are limited on how much free shipping, but the number is not too high yet, lets hope it does not go much higher)
I just twittered Dish and told them to work on HD channels instead of wasting time with this stupid snowstorm naming crap. How much you wanna bet I don't get a response?

Earlier, I had twittered them and said no one was thinking of who was tweeting, but we were wondering where the April 1st HDs were.

All we got at that time was "watch for updates". :rolleyes:
actually, if you send him a PM it's forwarded to me. my inbox is having problems so PM smith ;)

Really rey, I think it is just your settings. It is easy to overlook. Check it. I know mine is open to anyone, but the option is there. I do not know why I did not think of that before

Dish 500, dual LNB and South Asian channels

POTS vs VOIP Caller ID Recognized by 722?
