BET-HD is NOT on DirecTV, or anywhere else that I am aware of. The AVS chart still lists it as "Coming 1Q '09". I've never seen a press release about its launch (there was one for Comedy Central).
It's quite possible that it was Viacom that dropped the ball here...they were supposed to launch "by April 1st" and didn't make it.
For whatever reason, DISH's contract may read "We will launch them all when they are all ready."
As for BET-J...It would have a separate contract since it's in the Platinum package. And it's quite clearly a placeholder channel...they are likely just uprezzing the SD feed until the HD feed launches. It seems to me WFN worked the same way.
I'm really starting to think Viacom are the bad guys here.
Put me in that group! :up
Edit: With that being said ... I have been "burned" by TurboHD before. I will not switch back to TurboHD until I know that the channels are there.
Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
You have been connected to (03) Jeremy K..
(03) Jeremy K.: Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer. How may I assist you?
I was wanting to ask about the new hd that was supposed to launch yesterday
have you guys heard anything about why it didn't launch?
(03) Jeremy K.: I'd be happy to assist you with that.
(03) Jeremy K.: For account security purposes, can I please verify the full name and address with zip code that is on the account?
(03) Jeremy K.: Thank you for verifying. I appreciate your time.
(03) Jeremy K.: May I know which channel in High Definition you are referring to?
was annoucned on april 1st that comedy central hd, bet hd, vh1 hd, mtv hd, nick hd, and spike tv hd
would be available
(03) Jeremy K.: The Channels that you have mentioned will be available in Spring 2009.
so why was it told to the customers april 1st???
(03) Jeremy K.: I am sorry if some body gave any kind of wrong information on these channels.
(03) Jeremy K.: Please refer the following web link for new channel line up at DISH Network - 2009 Updates - 1.888.825.2557
well it was the boss of dish that gave the information
charlie ergen
(03) Jeremy K.: Please give me a minute while I check if we have any information on this.
(03) Jeremy K.: Thank you for your time and patience.
thank you
(03) Jeremy K.: I have checked the information on the above channels in HD.
(03) Jeremy K.: We tried to give our Customers all the above channels in High Definition from April 1st 2009.
ok ...
(03) Jeremy K.: However, the negotiation on the price did not match.
(03) Jeremy K.: We are still under negotiation to provide the lowest possible price on these channels to all our Customers so that it won't be an extra burden.
(03) Jeremy K.: We hope to reach and agreement for a fair price very soon.
Ash Hutto: hmmmmmmmmmmm....i see
(03) Jeremy K.: Please keep browsing our web site for all the channels that will be added in spring 2009.
(03) Jeremy K.: The web link for the new channel is: DISH Network - 2009 Updates - 1.888.825.2557
My take is this...How is this good for business...??? Shouldn't someone from up above at dish release a statement or a press release. I've never had any problems with dish in the past...just not sure as to some of the business decsions they make from time to time.
Scott...I appreciate everything you do for this site and everything you do for us. With out you or this site, I wouldn't know anything about what is going on and for that I am grateful to have this site.
Do you have any idea what could have happened or if this csr knows anything???
Thanks for everything
I still don't think they are having an issue with TP5 on the satellite itself.
I haven't heard anything from the one I sent to them this morning, or the one I left online for them. I imagine that the E* braintrust is hammering out some canned vanilla response and we'll hear the [strike]excuse[/strike] reason by the end of the week.Anyone sent an email to the CEO addy? Wonder if you would even get a reply.
If those (7) channels were in fact the ones Dish planned to launch and they're all owned by the same parent company (I believe they're *all* Viacom, but don't know for sure) and they didn't launch, it's clear that Dish jumped the gun on announcing them, i.e. contracts weren't finalized - and still aren't - when Dish announced them, or there are in fact technical issues.I thought that maybe I was seeing things and maybe they forgot a number, but this might get a couple of laughs around these depressing times. Or maybe this is still being too optimistic.![]()
Because of contract language dish is not at liberty to speak on any problems it may have with Viacom in regard to delay in launching the viacom pack.'
I am just pointing out that other tech industries do this commonly and meet their own deadlines and if not, provide a reason for it.
I agree, plus why announce that a certain channel is coming on certain date, if you dont have a signed contract? If you announce that ,(without a contract), the channel has the leverage in the deal making. If this really is about price/contract(which i dont believe) then Dish, from the very top on down, is totally clueless on how to run a business/public relations..
You may have hit on one reason for the delay of these channels. E* is suddenly realizing the same thing, it seems.Uh maybe because people would like to save some bucks by moving to Turbo packages that also have these channels in them instead of spending $25 more per month for the Classic version.
You will never be satisfied so we don't listen to your request and we will add new HD channels at our convenience and say whatever we want.
ie, the 222 software update to allow external hard drives...Then again... remember the term 'vaporware'.